Holder Delivers Epic Smackdown To Issa

PEOPLE should be calling for jerk Holder to RESIGN...

but instead this thread is what we get

how friggen sad is that
Since when do crooks and Adulterers bother you people?
You have plenty of crooks Democrats that Represent you and you all ELECTED a Adulterer to PRESIDENT

I'm mean, REALLY?

But you folks impeached him for the adultery.


Perjury and obstruction of justice, not adultery.

Swallow, you make yourself look more a fool every day.
I think Sallow does not currently understand the meaning of "impeach".
That's what liberals consider a smackdown?

Too funny. I keep forgetting that a liberal's favorite sport is televised international ping pong.:lol:

Now this is a smackdown in action.

:eusa_angel: Conservative chicks know a smackdown when they witness one. And Holder didn't deliver one.

Seems not.

Anyone ever tell you wrestling is fake?


Go tell that to the wrestlers tough guy.

[ame=http://youtu.be/zrX9Ca7LSyQ]WRESTLING IS FAKE (watch before commenting) - YouTube[/ame]
It's the same eric holder that didn't know anything, wasn't told anything, wasn't there and anyine who calls him the attorney general should be ashamed of themselves.

he certainly didnt know when he took himself off the case


Yup......there is no record of Holder officially taking himself off of the case. So basically we're supposed to take his word for it.

I guess that's the way to get out of trouble. When the hammer comes down you just say "I recuse myself.......I don't know shit anymore!!"

Well hell. The POTUS invoked the EP clause to bail him out of Fast & Furious.

I sure wouldn't be surprised to see the same happen in this instance as well.
Since when do crooks and Adulterers bother you people?
You have plenty of crooks Democrats that Represent you and you all ELECTED a Adulterer to PRESIDENT

I'm mean, REALLY?

But you folks impeached him for the adultery.


You know sallow, that is really beneath you to lie about that too

It's no lie.

Republicans went around sniffing underwear for several years.

It's a pathetic bookmark in American history.
That's what liberals consider a smackdown?

Too funny. I keep forgetting that a liberal's favorite sport is televised international ping pong.:lol:

Now this is a smackdown in action.

:eusa_angel: Conservative chicks know a smackdown when they witness one. And Holder didn't deliver one.

Seems not.

Anyone ever tell you wrestling is fake?


Go tell that to the wrestlers tough guy.

[ame=http://youtu.be/zrX9Ca7LSyQ]WRESTLING IS FAKE (watch before commenting) - YouTube[/ame]

I have no problem with it. I've told off plenty of roidheads during my moving days. Even "almost" came to blows..but they punked out.

Wrestlers beating up reporters? Classic.
Seems not.

Anyone ever tell you wrestling is fake?


Go tell that to the wrestlers tough guy.

[ame=http://youtu.be/zrX9Ca7LSyQ]WRESTLING IS FAKE (watch before commenting) - YouTube[/ame]

I have no problem with it. I've told off plenty of roidheads during my moving days. Even "almost" came to blows..but they punked out.

Wrestlers beating up reporters? Classic.

Almost only counts with horseshoes and handgrenades

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