Holder Delivers Epic Smackdown To Issa

That's what liberals consider a smackdown?

Too funny. I keep forgetting that a liberal's favorite sport is televised international ping pong.:lol:

Now this is a smackdown in action.

:eusa_angel: Conservative chicks know a smackdown when they witness one. And Holder didn't deliver one.

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add to the list of tapped areas

the cloak room in the house of representatives

is there no end to this in sight

HH: The idea that this might be a Geithner-Axelrod plan, and by that, the sort of intimation, Henry II style, will no one rid me of this turbulent priest, will no one rid me of these turbulent Tea Parties, that might have just been a hint, a shift of an eyebrow, a change in the tone of voice. That’s going to take a long time to get to. I don’t trust the Department of Justice on this. Do you, Congressman Nunes?

DN: No, I absolutely do not, especially after this wiretapping incident, essentially, of the House of Representative. I don’t think people are focusing on the right thing when they talk about going after the AP reporters. The big problem that I see is that they actually tapped right where I’m sitting right now, the Cloak Room.

HH: Wait a minute, this is news to me.

DN: The Cloak Room in the House of Representatives.

HH: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

DN: So when they went after the AP reporters, right? Went after all of their phone records, they went after the phone records, including right up here in the House Gallery, right up from where I’m sitting right now. So you have a real separation of powers issue that did this really rise to the level that you would have to get phone records that would, that would most likely include members of Congress, because as you know…

Congressman Devin Nunes Previews Ways And Means Hearing Friday, Plus A Bombshell On The AP Scandal « The Hugh Hewitt Show
Ah, guys?

That was Eric Holder being just as clueless about the Parliamentary rules that the House operates under as he is about most of the things that are happening in the Department of Justice.

He's made a habit of stonewalling every investigation into improper conduct by Justice...from Fast & Furious to Benghazi. Issa's busting his chops over cooperating on this latest scandal (which it's quite obvious that Holder is once again not going to be forthcoming) is well deserved.

Eric Holder doesn't uphold the law...he hides from it.
What's really amusing to me is watching the same Eric Holder who did the Marc Rich deal shake his finger at members of Congress and tell them that they are acting in a "shameful" way.

How did THAT guy ever become the leader of our nation's law enforcement? Seriously...how does Marc Rich's "bag man" even get NEAR Washington after what he pulled in the waning moments of the Clinton Administration?
So? the Democrats can act like jerks in a hearing, but don't someone say, YOU LIE, while the Dear Leader is giving a speech. All hell will break loose and the Democrat cult followers will SCREAM, RUDE rude rude rude rude

Double standards, the rule for a Democrat-Liberal-Progressive-commie
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Issa's a real prick

He's not only a prick. He's a fucking criminal.

Shows the integrity of Conservatives these days.

Crook Issa and Crook and Adulterer Sandford!



Since when do crooks and Adulterers bother you people?
You have plenty of crooks Democrats that Represent you and you all ELECTED a Adulterer to PRESIDENT

I'm mean, REALLY?
Yeah Issa had that stupid grin wiped cleaned off of his face by Eric Holder. :clap2:

About fooking time...

Eric Holder Slams Darrell Issa During House Judiciary Committee Hearing (VIDEO)

That was pretty good. Issa isn't good at snark but he tried, Holder made him look like the jerk he is.

Holder is simply showing who he is.

Holder feels he can investigate himself. I don't think he will be allowed to do that.

Oh, btw, along with wire-tapping the AP the DoJ was also caught bugging the House Cloak Room. It appears that Holder has been illegally spying on a lot more than just journalists. Oh My? Breaking: Holder Justice Department Also Tapped House of Representatives Cloak Room | The Gateway Pundit
That's what liberals consider a smackdown?

Too funny. I keep forgetting that a liberal's favorite sport is televised international ping pong.:lol:

Now this is a smackdown in action.

:eusa_angel: Conservative chicks know a smackdown when they witness one. And Holder didn't deliver one.

Seems not.

Anyone ever tell you wrestling is fake?

Issa's a real prick

He's not only a prick. He's a fucking criminal.

Shows the integrity of Conservatives these days.

Crook Issa and Crook and Adulterer Sandford!



Since when do crooks and Adulterers bother you people?
You have plenty of crooks Democrats that Represent you and you all ELECTED a Adulterer to PRESIDENT

I'm mean, REALLY?

But you folks impeached him for the adultery.

He's not only a prick. He's a fucking criminal.

Shows the integrity of Conservatives these days.

Crook Issa and Crook and Adulterer Sandford!



Since when do crooks and Adulterers bother you people?
You have plenty of crooks Democrats that Represent you and you all ELECTED a Adulterer to PRESIDENT

I'm mean, REALLY?

But you folks impeached him for the adultery.


You know sallow, that is really beneath you to lie about that too
He's not only a prick. He's a fucking criminal.

Shows the integrity of Conservatives these days.

Crook Issa and Crook and Adulterer Sandford!



Since when do crooks and Adulterers bother you people?
You have plenty of crooks Democrats that Represent you and you all ELECTED a Adulterer to PRESIDENT

I'm mean, REALLY?

But you folks impeached him for the adultery.


Perjury and obstruction of justice, not adultery.

Swallow, you make yourself look more a fool every day.

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