Holy crap - this has to stop!

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The Klan were not so much "conservatives" as "übeconservatives"
The KKK was founded by the Dumbocrats, you dimwit. There wasn't a conservative in sight. :lmao:
That's commonly stated. But parties aren't ideologies. They change over the years. The southern democrats of that era were very conservative. After civil rights they shifted to the Republican Party giving the Republicans a huge stronghold in the formerly Democrat controlled south. It also meant a shift in the ideology of the Republicans that coincided with the pro civil rights shift in the Dems. It's all history though and neither party today is the party of fifty years ago.
The Dems WERE Southern conservatives until at least LBJ, then switched to the GOP, duhhhh.
Remember when it was Obama lying on the floor with all those knife wounds in him? Good times. Good times.


"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"

Really? Never heard of it. Did it run in Central Park for weeks sponsored by a Major Media company and the financial backing of several Fortune 500 companies? Did the Leftist Press HAIL it as a cerebral adaptation of a theme?
Nonetheless, US Presidents, and the US government in general, has been ridiculed and subjected to the ire of American citizens since the beginning. Please don't act like it just started happening last January.

The "obama version" was a Minneapolis theater with NO national significance and the actor was just a "lanky black man" --- got ZERO national exposure.

The CURRENT perversion is in the HOME FUCKING TOWN of the President in the most well known park and city in the world and was PRODUCED by a Major Media corporation... It's that ACCELERATION that is going on that gonna get bodies in the streets. You need to be aware of the AMPLIFICATIONS of all this political tribal conflict.

And using one obscure occurrence to ABSOLVE a more egregious occurrence is what's gonna inevitably turn this into a hot war....
Change the channel and get some fresh air from the nonstop bs and hate. IT IS A PLAY. There was a similar one about Obama. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ignorant RW boobs...The difference is the New BS GOP propaganda machine winding up the chumps.

You think this is just drama for your entertainment? What do you call what you do here day after day.. Are you "Lord of the Chumps" or something?
No, it's hate/bs infotainment of RW dupes, dupe. I'm writing a book about the brainwashing of RW America, and you ignoramuses are perfect illustrations. I want to get the RW idiocy of the dupes down on paper. Thanks again.
No, that's not what the judiciary is for. When the judiciary stops laws and decides they won't let the executive branch enforce those laws, that's called Judicial Legislation, and our Constitution strictly prohibits that. It's why we have separate branches of government.

Who says they are detrimental to the US? The President does, and that's all that counts. The law states that's all that counts. It's the President of the United States that makes that decision, not some commie anti-American judge sitting on the bench.

A judge is not privy to information the President has. The judge does not sit in on national security meetings, the judge does not discuss possible terrorist plots planned against the US, the judge has no access to classified information. The judge doesn't know anything--the President does, and that's why he gets to make those decisions.

So The Orange Buffoons's EO's haven't been kicked to the curb? And if they have, it is illegal?? Have the judges in question been removed for their impertinence? Didn't think so.

And I don't believe for a NY second that Trump has any information. His EO is based on prejudice, BS and kowtowing to his deplorable base. If he really did give a fuck he'd ban citizens from Saudi Arabia instead of curtsying to their king...The amount of Saudi money backing radical madrasses is appalling...
No, that's not what the judiciary is for. When the judiciary stops laws and decides they won't let the executive branch enforce those laws, that's called Judicial Legislation, and our Constitution strictly prohibits that. It's why we have separate branches of government.

Who says they are detrimental to the US? The President does, and that's all that counts. The law states that's all that counts. It's the President of the United States that makes that decision, not some commie anti-American judge sitting on the bench.

A judge is not privy to information the President has. The judge does not sit in on national security meetings, the judge does not discuss possible terrorist plots planned against the US, the judge has no access to classified information. The judge doesn't know anything--the President does, and that's why he gets to make those decisions.

So The Orange Buffoons's EO's haven't been kicked to the curb? And if they have, it is illegal?? Have the judges in question been removed for their impertinence? Didn't think so.

And I don't believe for a NY second that Trump has any information. His EO is based on prejudice, BS and kowtowing to his deplorable base. If he really did give a fuck he'd ban citizens from Saudi Arabia instead of curtsying to their king...The amount of Saudi money backing radical madrasses is appalling...

What we have going on is judicial tyranny, and yes, they should do something about it. To abuse their power by falsely using the Constitution to promote their personal political agenda should have them kicked off of the bench.

You don't know what Trump knows.....I don't know what Trump knows, but the most important thing is judges do not know what Trump knows. That's the problem.

There is not one thing in Trump's executive order that displays prejudice. The lying judges stated it was an act against Muslims, yet could not explain why it is most people from Muslim countries were still allowed to come here. It was a bold faced lie, again....to forward their personal political agenda.

Democrats better pray that no terrorist attack (especially a major one) is executed by a foreigner from one of those countries; people that had the blessing of a liberal judge to come here and commit such an act. Their name would be "mud" for at least a decade or more.
Remember when it was Obama lying on the floor with all those knife wounds in him? Good times. Good times.


"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"

Really? Never heard of it. Did it run in Central Park for weeks sponsored by a Major Media company and the financial backing of several Fortune 500 companies? Did the Leftist Press HAIL it as a cerebral adaptation of a theme?
Nonetheless, US Presidents, and the US government in general, has been ridiculed and subjected to the ire of American citizens since the beginning. Please don't act like it just started happening last January.

The "obama version" was a Minneapolis theater with NO national significance and the actor was just a "lanky black man" --- got ZERO national exposure.

The CURRENT perversion is in the HOME FUCKING TOWN of the President in the most well known park and city in the world and was PRODUCED by a Major Media corporation... It's that ACCELERATION that is going on that gonna get bodies in the streets. You need to be aware of the AMPLIFICATIONS of all this political tribal conflict.

And using one obscure occurrence to ABSOLVE a more egregious occurrence is what's gonna inevitably turn this into a hot war....
Do you really want to make it against the law to criticize the President or our government?


This ain't about ANY legislation. It's about regaining LEADERSHIP, humility in serving in govt, DECENCY, and accountability in govt.

It's also about SURVIVAL in an age when the major media is part of the "insurgency".. What I WANT is for folks to use their judgement muscles before they atrophy away. And that means realizing the seriousness of an inherently UNSTABLE 2 party domination of everything politics. They've LOCKED UP the power. There is no ability for even our elected Congress people to speak their minds freely. Or act as independent identities.

To paraphrase Dr McCoy of Star Fleet -- "Dammit Jim -- I'm a libertarian -- not a fascist".. :biggrin: The 2 Brand Name parties have become the greatest threat to the Republic.
Except for the Dem Party. Your view of them is based on the GOP propaganda machine's character assassination, fake news, and bs spin. How are all the promised special prosecutors coming, dupe?

Other major media ARE trying for the truth, but are led by cowardly corporate interests obsessed with keeping controversy going for ratings for their unending gabfests...
What we have going on is judicial tyranny, and yes, they should do something about it. To abuse their power by falsely using the Constitution to promote their personal political agenda should have them kicked off of the bench.

You don't know what Trump knows.....I don't know what Trump knows, but the most important thing is judges do not know what Trump knows. That's the problem.

There is not one thing in Trump's executive order that displays prejudice. The lying judges stated it was an act against Muslims, yet could not explain why it is most people from Muslim countries were still allowed to come here. It was a bold faced lie, again....to forward their personal political agenda.

Democrats better pray that no terrorist attack (especially a major one) is executed by a foreigner from one of those countries; people that had the blessing of a liberal judge to come here and commit such an act. Their name would be "mud" for at least a decade or more.

Yes, I agree Trump is a tyrant. And thus why your political system sucks.
If they have abused their power why are the not being punished (it is a rhetorical question - they haven't abused their power. This happens all the time under all presidents).

Of course it is prejudice. He is banning people from particular countries just because they are muslims. No other reason.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

section 212(f) couldn't be more clear. It's up to the president. But then, when Trump won the election, it was clear that he was to be the president, not hillary. The sore losers couldn't accept that either. Looks like some of them are willing to bring down the country over this, too.

Just like the right wing whackos when Obama was president. Thus the title of this thread.

So, two wrongs make a right? You want America flooded with penniless third worlders, and some who can cause great harm to us, as evidenced by the problems muslim refugees are causing them? Think smart, not vengeful.
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What we have going on is judicial tyranny, and yes, they should do something about it. To abuse their power by falsely using the Constitution to promote their personal political agenda should have them kicked off of the bench.

You don't know what Trump knows.....I don't know what Trump knows, but the most important thing is judges do not know what Trump knows. That's the problem.

There is not one thing in Trump's executive order that displays prejudice. The lying judges stated it was an act against Muslims, yet could not explain why it is most people from Muslim countries were still allowed to come here. It was a bold faced lie, again....to forward their personal political agenda.

Democrats better pray that no terrorist attack (especially a major one) is executed by a foreigner from one of those countries; people that had the blessing of a liberal judge to come here and commit such an act. Their name would be "mud" for at least a decade or more.

Yes, I agree Trump is a tyrant. And thus why your political system sucks.
If they have abused their power why are the not being punished (it is a rhetorical question - they haven't abused their power. This happens all the time under all presidents).

Of course it is prejudice. He is banning people from particular countries just because they are muslims. No other reason.

That's not tyranny. That's thinking of the security of our country, which is one of the major responsibilities of the president. One of the major reasons I told hillary to take a hike and voted for Trump.
No, that's not what the judiciary is for. When the judiciary stops laws and decides they won't let the executive branch enforce those laws, that's called Judicial Legislation, and our Constitution strictly prohibits that. It's why we have separate branches of government.

Who says they are detrimental to the US? The President does, and that's all that counts. The law states that's all that counts. It's the President of the United States that makes that decision, not some commie anti-American judge sitting on the bench.

A judge is not privy to information the President has. The judge does not sit in on national security meetings, the judge does not discuss possible terrorist plots planned against the US, the judge has no access to classified information. The judge doesn't know anything--the President does, and that's why he gets to make those decisions.

So The Orange Buffoons's EO's haven't been kicked to the curb? And if they have, it is illegal?? Have the judges in question been removed for their impertinence? Didn't think so.

And I don't believe for a NY second that Trump has any information. His EO is based on prejudice, BS and kowtowing to his deplorable base. If he really did give a fuck he'd ban citizens from Saudi Arabia instead of curtsying to their king...The amount of Saudi money backing radical madrasses is appalling...

What we have going on is judicial tyranny, and yes, they should do something about it. To abuse their power by falsely using the Constitution to promote their personal political agenda should have them kicked off of the bench.

You don't know what Trump knows.....I don't know what Trump knows, but the most important thing is judges do not know what Trump knows. That's the problem.

There is not one thing in Trump's executive order that displays prejudice. The lying judges stated it was an act against Muslims, yet could not explain why it is most people from Muslim countries were still allowed to come here. It was a bold faced lie, again....to forward their personal political agenda.

Democrats better pray that no terrorist attack (especially a major one) is executed by a foreigner from one of those countries; people that had the blessing of a liberal judge to come here and commit such an act. Their name would be "mud" for at least a decade or more.

We could have a major muslim terrorist attack tomorrow and the demonrats would work harder to bring muslims here because the poor misunderstood muzzies might get the idea that America is not welcoming and gung ho for diversity and all that stuff.
That's not tyranny. That's thinking of the security of our country, which is one of the major responsibilities of the president. One of the major reasons I told hillary to take a hike and voted for Trump.

Nothing wrong with thinking about the security of the country. But that is not the reason he put in the ban. It was kowtowing to his deplorable base. Nothing more. As I stated in another post, if he really was trying to protect the US his starting point for bans would be Saudi Arabia...
We won't have a civil war for one major reason: too many Americans are spineless shits more concerned about their iPhones and Beemers to pick up a weapon.

A few riots and a few mass shootings do not a Civil War make.

So you think picking up a weapon and shooting at someone is a better way to go than iPhones and cars? Maybe the rest of us have learned from history, then there's always goons like yourself who have not.
It depends. Is there nothing you value that is worth dying for?

Another Keyboard Kowboy. I've had a rifle pointed just inches away from my face, many years ago. I think you need to grow up first before we could have a serious discussion.
I had a pistol pointed in my face before being beaten up in 1974. So what? WTF does that have to do with this discussion.....other than you becoming all pissy and self-righteous?

The fact remains I asked you a question about risking your life for something of value and you launched into personal attacks.

If you were telling the truth then you wouldn't be so glib about people taking up weapons.
And don't use an avatar that says "Rebel Scum" if you're going to feign sensitivity.
You don't like Star Wars? Are you one of those anti-American foreigners that visit here?
The left has no moral high ground to stand on here.....


Perhaps one day the liberal protesters can get through one protest without smashing everything in sight...............

uh-huh. i feel SO much better under these circumstances.

BLM rifles sighted - Google Search
Mass shootings at protests in large cities!

Liberals running around with guns shooting Republicans!

It's going to be fucking awesome, seriously.


you can't have it both ways. liberals are taking away your guns. blah blah blahhhhhhh. uh-huh.

& the dude was well knownon FB for his rants against hillary which makes him not a 'liberal' per say --- but a FUCKING NUTJOB. truuuuuuuump signed away thestop button so mentally ill assholes cannot have possession of a firearm... that whackadoodle was arrested for domestic abuse against his wife.& also for his daughter. & include her boyfriend too. the day that fucking nutjob went on his assassination hunt, he was still allowedby law to have a weapon & CONgress was supposta vote on a bill to allow silencers to be used by citizens. those people in that evil bastard's sites would not even have known where they were being shot from.

Did you just start following politics or what? DumBama knew his ban would be overturned. How many mentally disabled people on SS are there that caused a problem with firearms. Most don't even have any.

This is just like when DumBama wanted to have a gun ban on people who are on the No-fly list. How many people from the no-fly list ever caused a problem? None. It was all a political dog and pony show.

no jr. i have been following politics for a couple decades. oh btw--- obaa isn't prez anymore & i still have every firearm & every bulet since b4 he left office.
But you do recognize he tried to ban certain firearms and ammunition, don't you? The fact he tried is enough, not the fact he failed.
LOL. Yes, the Libertarian party has a long ways to go before they catch up the "professionalism" of the DNC and RNC. That said, I are one. ;) I was a Republican for well over 30 years, but it's been changing for the worse since the Christian Coalition got their foot in the door. The Democrats are worse so what options do we really have?
Well, no disrespect meant to you or anyone else, but when you vote it's kind of like choosing a banker. You don't want the one in sneakers, spitting tobacco out the window, to be holding your money. Usually, anyway.
Meant as constructive feedback, sans the kid gloves.
When the choice is between the epitome of political corruption and a rich idiot, what do you suggest? Stay home? Hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils? Sorry, I've tried both and neither work.
There was no choice that would make me happy in 2016. I have talked to so many people who felt the same as we did. If all the people who really didn't like either choice had stayed home, it would have sent a message these scum suckers might have heard. They're all about votes. But we were too scared of Trump winning.
Agreed about the 2016 choices, disagreed on the fear-mongering of Trump. Like Obama, becoming President doesn't make a person King. We have a Republican Senate, a Republican House and a Republican Supreme Court if he tries to do anything supremely stupid.
In my mind, he's already tried some supremely stupid stuff and the Republicans are too intent on getting their agenda through to stop giving him support, at least lip service.
We may have him for a full term; I'm not at all convinced he was colluding with the Russians to fix the campaign. I don't think what he has said to Comey or anyone else rises to the level of "obstruction of justice" and I believe this IS partly a partisan witch hunt, payback for Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. But not entirely. There is some valid concern, some question, and it might as well be addressed, clear the air. Maybe some money stuff was going on from before the campaign-- most of his folks are big money types, after all; Russia may have tried to take a little advantage of that.
I'm not fear mongering. I'm seeing what I predicted with his personality and his questionable morals coming true.
He's done stupid stuff but nothing with adverse long-term effects on the nation. He's his own worst enemy and both his and the Republican's agenda has been paralyzed by scandal.
If you were telling the truth then you wouldn't be so glib about people taking up weapons...
I've been around guns all my life. Most people have not and most people are all talk. I'm glib because I know most people won't do a damn thing. They'll just talk like they always do.
Remember when it was Obama lying on the floor with all those knife wounds in him? Good times. Good times.


"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"

Really? Never heard of it. Did it run in Central Park for weeks sponsored by a Major Media company and the financial backing of several Fortune 500 companies? Did the Leftist Press HAIL it as a cerebral adaptation of a theme?
Nonetheless, US Presidents, and the US government in general, has been ridiculed and subjected to the ire of American citizens since the beginning. Please don't act like it just started happening last January.

The "obama version" was a Minneapolis theater with NO national significance and the actor was just a "lanky black man" --- got ZERO national exposure.

The CURRENT perversion is in the HOME FUCKING TOWN of the President in the most well known park and city in the world and was PRODUCED by a Major Media corporation... It's that ACCELERATION that is going on that gonna get bodies in the streets. You need to be aware of the AMPLIFICATIONS of all this political tribal conflict.

And using one obscure occurrence to ABSOLVE a more egregious occurrence is what's gonna inevitably turn this into a hot war....
Do you really want to make it against the law to criticize the President or our government?


This ain't about ANY legislation. It's about regaining LEADERSHIP, humility in serving in govt, DECENCY, and accountability in govt.

It's also about SURVIVAL in an age when the major media is part of the "insurgency".. What I WANT is for folks to use their judgement muscles before they atrophy away. And that means realizing the seriousness of an inherently UNSTABLE 2 party domination of everything politics. They've LOCKED UP the power. There is no ability for even our elected Congress people to speak their minds freely. Or act as independent identities.

To paraphrase Dr McCoy of Star Fleet -- "Dammit Jim -- I'm a libertarian -- not a fascist".. :biggrin: The 2 Brand Name parties have become the greatest threat to the Republic.
I have confidence "We, the People" will keep the fascists, socialists and other authoritarians at bay for decades. Still, it never hurts to follow the mottos of the Scottish Police; Semper Vigilo and the US Coast Guard; Semper Paratus.
Did you hear that Congressman scream "You lie!" in the middle of his speech? Oh wait, that was the last President. Now we're just seeing both sides flip-flop on their previous positions of "You're a messiah" and "You'll destroy the Country".

It's all just escalating. If you watch the UK parliament, they're booing and shouting all the time. The point is -- that moment at the baseball park was NOT the time to do it. And this 2 way finger pointing is what is leading us straight to the bottom of our existence.. We may LOSE the country if it continues. Because if ALL that happens is a power shift the OTHER WAY -- you guys have now set the bar SOO LOW -- the opposition will ALWAYS be just a mindless, useless resistance of fools.

I'm fine with this. Because Dems have spent all their good will and capital doing NOTHING but scheming and attacking.. And both sides are gonna face mighty wrath at the next elections. Don't think we're gonna need term limits as legislation anymore. The "big middle" is now fully nauseated and fucking scared of tanking the whole Republic with the bad and absent leadership on display. I know the LParty is gonna run Indies instead of party candidates in a lot of key races and draft them from superstar achievers and doers with track records of problem solving in govt.

All that has to happen is to MOCK AND RIDICULE this horrendous death match that's gonna drag on for 3 years. Just keep hitting on the NEW LOWS that the 2 brand name parties have brought us to...

Press and polls won't even see it coming. They'll still be in the pig sty trying to kill each other...
Next time, don't let a fat guy strip tease on the convention floor.

Sure.. We can have a 100 Image consultants and focus groups handle that. More balloons, more vetting, more control... Pretty soon, it'll be just as phony as the "niormal" conventions. There was TONS of more debate, more choices, and more solutions offered at THAT convention -- than any other that year.

We COULD I suppose go negative on the Brand Name tribes and make BIG HUGE headlines. But we decided (unfortunately) not to DO that. NEXT TIME --- all you're gonna hear from us is about the blood in the streets, the chaos, the phony news, the derilection of DUTY -- that is gonna be the "track record" for BOTH your corrupt and debased dynasty parties that need to die... Won't NEED money or a podium at the debates to make that case...

You guys are making it WAAAAAY too easy...
Thanks to you and TN, I started looking into this Libertarian Party prior to their convention. I looked at articles and write ups on the candidates, and I read your posts and I STILL got more and more confused about what it would look like. Then I watched the televised portion of the convention and it was obvious that the Party has not yet found its professional footing. I've seen town meetings a lot more together than that was. You folks don't have to be slick and shiny and bullshit driven but you do need to have your act together. I'd welcome it; at least knowing what a Libertarian government would look like would be a help. Be ready to answer those questions next time, is my advice. And if an attention whore gets on stage, don't let him strip for five minutes before anyone gets their finger out of their butt and does something about it.

There are a few problems with a third party.

One is that many of us vote to keep the opposing party out less than to get our person in. Trump was not my choice, but it was either vote for him or Hillary may get in. So yes, voting a third party (not that there is one I like) would have helped usher Bill and Hillary back into the White House, and there was just too much at stake given the Supreme Court vacancy.

But even if by some miracle a third party candidate would get in, he or she would not be able to accomplish anything. They would be a political outsider and the other two parties would never let them get their agendas passed. Trump is an outsider, but he at least belongs to the Republican party, and look how hard of a time his own party members are giving him!
Which is what happened with GHW Bush in 1992 and Gore in 2000. After this debacle (for Hillary!) maybe Congress will finally take a serious look at election reform. Specifically to all people to rank their choices versus only picking one and letting winner take all.

Still, I'm tired of voting for the lesser evil and will always vote my conscience from now on.
Next time, don't let a fat guy strip tease on the convention floor.

Sure.. We can have a 100 Image consultants and focus groups handle that. More balloons, more vetting, more control... Pretty soon, it'll be just as phony as the "niormal" conventions. There was TONS of more debate, more choices, and more solutions offered at THAT convention -- than any other that year.

We COULD I suppose go negative on the Brand Name tribes and make BIG HUGE headlines. But we decided (unfortunately) not to DO that. NEXT TIME --- all you're gonna hear from us is about the blood in the streets, the chaos, the phony news, the derilection of DUTY -- that is gonna be the "track record" for BOTH your corrupt and debased dynasty parties that need to die... Won't NEED money or a podium at the debates to make that case...

You guys are making it WAAAAAY too easy...
Thanks to you and TN, I started looking into this Libertarian Party prior to their convention. I looked at articles and write ups on the candidates, and I read your posts and I STILL got more and more confused about what it would look like. Then I watched the televised portion of the convention and it was obvious that the Party has not yet found its professional footing. I've seen town meetings a lot more together than that was. You folks don't have to be slick and shiny and bullshit driven but you do need to have your act together. I'd welcome it; at least knowing what a Libertarian government would look like would be a help. Be ready to answer those questions next time, is my advice. And if an attention whore gets on stage, don't let him strip for five minutes before anyone gets their finger out of their butt and does something about it.
LOL. Yes, the Libertarian party has a long ways to go before they catch up the "professionalism" of the DNC and RNC. That said, I are one. ;) I was a Republican for well over 30 years, but it's been changing for the worse since the Christian Coalition got their foot in the door. The Democrats are worse so what options do we really have?
Well, no disrespect meant to you or anyone else, but when you vote it's kind of like choosing a banker. You don't want the one in sneakers, spitting tobacco out the window, to be holding your money. Usually, anyway.
Meant as constructive feedback, sans the kid gloves.
When the choice is between the epitome of political corruption and a rich idiot, what do you suggest? Stay home? Hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils? Sorry, I've tried both and neither work.
The epitome of corruption only in Dupeworld, duhhhh. All investigated and nothing...
You can always count on the Rev. Moon Times and other New BS GOP propaganda rags and garbage internet media to come up with the worst hate bs character assassination and fake news about Dems. Dems have nothing like it, dupes. In dupe world, their fact checking operations are commie fronts, all financed by the Nazi Soros. And Commies and Nazis are all leftists! Poor America. But truth will out...
surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

There has been a surge of violence, all perpetrated by you Nazi scum on behalf of your Fuhrer. Your Fuhrer Soros is an evil fucker ruling over the most evil party since the Khmer Rouge.
He's a rich old man who gives his $$$ to charity. Unlike your rich old man who uses his to hoodwink people and get as many dollars from them as he can.

No. Soro's makes his money shorting currencies and bringing down Nations. I urge you to look up Fabian Socialism. That's what he is.
A VERY successful hedge fund manager and a huge believer in truth and democracy, dupe. Which makes him very unpopular with your lying, cheating billionaire GOP heroes...

Nope dupe, he makes his money bringing Nations down. Had you been a Jew in the 30's he'd have turned you in. If you want some of my money come get it. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

George Soros was born in 1930. He was 15 years old when WWII ended. I've seen posters on this board claim that he was was behind Hitler's rise to power even though Hitler took power in 1933 when Soros was a toddler. If Soros turned in Jews in the 30's, who would have believed a small boy?

It's also been said that he's a major shareholder in Monsanto. Their shareholder records are public and neither Sotos nor his investment fund are listed as shareholders.

Soros is like some sort of bogey man to the right. He donated to a lot of left wing causes so he gets blamed for everything. Every demonstration against Trump was purportedly financed by Soros. It's laughable.
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