Home School

I'm all for home schooling. My daughter will be home schooled. But if you are going to home school, then I highly recommend logic and reason for doing so and in doing so. If you cannot teach your children logic and reason then find someone else who can
It's all about CONTROL- BRAIN WASHING OUR KIDS with the progressive agenda.. They can't do it with Homeschooled children and it pisses them off. :) Piss off a liberal and home school your kid! LOL
I'll teach my children whatever the fuck I want, and if it doesn't meet your bureaucrats standards, your bureaucrat can go fuck himself.

Bureaucrats standards? How about the standards of anyone with half a fucking brain?

Teach your children about talking snakes and burning bushes. Fuck if I care.

It's actually none of your business what I teach my child or anyone else for that matter.. it's called freedom of religion. Worry about your own kids , not mine. I'll raise my daughter the way I see fit and if I ever decide to home school her, I'll choose her curriculum..

actually it is. See home schooling is fine in so long as you meet state standards in certain subjects. Math, science and English.
· The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.)

Research Facts on Homeschooling | Research

This study shows Atheists, Christians, etc.. home-school their kids.. so it's not just Christian families.
Home schooling is for losers, kids are isolated from other kids. Ya, they want to spend all day with their mom.:cuckoo:
· The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.)

Research Facts on Homeschooling | Research

This study shows Atheists, Christians, etc.. home-school their kids.. so it's not just Christian families.

I never said that only Christians home schooled their children. Only that teaching Biblical stories as science is a disservice to a child.

In fact, I was home skooled and eye tyrned awt fyne.
It's all about CONTROL- BRAIN WASHING OUR KIDS with the progressive agenda.. They can't do it with Homeschooled children and it pisses them off. :) Piss off a liberal and home school your kid! LOL

lucky for you there is nothing to brain wash with your brain.
Home schooling is for losers, kids are isolated from other kids. Ya, they want to spend all day with their mom.:cuckoo:

My mother was awesome. When I was home schooled she would sometimes give us Stephen King books as reading projects. :D
Why should I not home school my children ?

So that they can spend their entire childhood AND teenage years in school because of bad teachers that don't know what they're doing, and don't care.. meanwhile 10 years in school causes the kid to drop out, because he doesn't see any light at the end of the constant school tunnel ?

So that they can go to a building ran by a bureaucracy that doesn't teach them anything ?

I am the boss, and I said no.

My kids are not going to public school, and if the Jeweast dumbocraps don't like it, you can go fuck yourself.

And if you think that the USA is the only country the world that has a choice in Education that YOU don't like.. guess what ?

Most countries that defeat the USA's educational system have the freedom of choice.


P.S. Jeweast = Northeast

Im the boss.

I don't need a reason.
I don't need TO reason.
I don't need logic.
I don't need an explanation.

I don't need a meeting, and I will not attend one.
I don't need the government's permission and I will gladly tell the government to go fuck itself, and I have, and I won.

This is a free country, and I am the boss.

And that is ALL I need, as far as I am concerned with the Democrats.

"P.S. Jeweast = Northeast"?!

What the?

Do homeschooling advocates like me a favor: don't utter another word about it . . . ever!
Home schooling is for losers, kids are isolated from other kids. Ya, they want to spend all day with their mom.:cuckoo:

My mother was awesome. When I was home schooled she would sometimes give us Stephen King books as reading projects. :D

...while she snuck off to polish off a bottle of wine.:wine:

Hey! Don't talk about my mother like that if you didn't know her. She drank boxed wine. :mad:
Why should I not home school my children ?

So that they can spend their entire childhood AND teenage years in school because of bad teachers that don't know what they're doing, and don't care.. meanwhile 10 years in school causes the kid to drop out, because he doesn't see any light at the end of the constant school tunnel ?

So that they can go to a building ran by a bureaucracy that doesn't teach them anything ?

I am the boss, and I said no.

My kids are not going to public school, and if the Jeweast dumbocraps don't like it, you can go fuck yourself.

And if you think that the USA is the only country the world that has a choice in Education that YOU don't like.. guess what ?

Most countries that defeat the USA's educational system have the freedom of choice.


P.S. Jeweast = Northeast

Im the boss.

I don't need a reason.
I don't need TO reason.
I don't need logic.
I don't need an explanation.

I don't need a meeting, and I will not attend one.
I don't need the government's permission and I will gladly tell the government to go fuck itself, and I have, and I won.

This is a free country, and I am the boss.

And that is ALL I need, as far as I am concerned with the Democrats.

Your entire post is a testament against home schooling.

Yes, that's "home schooling", not "Home School", as in your thread title.

Please tell us you're not trying to teach grammar, sentence structure, and spelling to your children.
Why should I not home school my children ?

So that they can spend their entire childhood AND teenage years in school because of bad teachers that don't know what they're doing, and don't care.. meanwhile 10 years in school causes the kid to drop out, because he doesn't see any light at the end of the constant school tunnel ?

So that they can go to a building ran by a bureaucracy that doesn't teach them anything ?

I am the boss, and I said no.

My kids are not going to public school, and if the Jeweast dumbocraps don't like it, you can go fuck yourself.

And if you think that the USA is the only country the world that has a choice in Education that YOU don't like.. guess what ?

Most countries that defeat the USA's educational system have the freedom of choice.


P.S. Jeweast = Northeast

Im the boss.

I don't need a reason.
I don't need TO reason.
I don't need logic.
I don't need an explanation.

I don't need a meeting, and I will not attend one.
I don't need the government's permission and I will gladly tell the government to go fuck itself, and I have, and I won.

This is a free country, and I am the boss.

And that is ALL I need, as far as I am concerned with the Democrats.

Your entire post is a testament against home schooling.

Yes, that's "home schooling", not "Home School", as in your thread title.

Please tell us you're not trying to teach grammar, sentence structure, and spelling to your children.

Uh . . . what? The fallacy of faulty generalization due to the fallacy of an incomplete comparison, anyone? :badgrin:
I'm all for home schooling children if the parents aren't nutters. If you are teaching your children that the world is 6000 years old, and that dinosaur bones were placed in the ground to test our faith... :cuckoo:

I'll teach my children whatever the fuck I want, and if it doesn't meet your bureaucrats standards, your bureaucrat can go fuck himself.

No matter what state you're in, there are standards that have to be met, whether you like it or not.

It's absolutely crystal clear from your posts that you're either lying and don't have kids, or that you don't give a flying fuck about their chances for success in the world.

I call trollsock.
Why should I not home school my children ?

So that they can spend their entire childhood AND teenage years in school because of bad teachers that don't know what they're doing, and don't care.. meanwhile 10 years in school causes the kid to drop out, because he doesn't see any light at the end of the constant school tunnel ?

So that they can go to a building ran by a bureaucracy that doesn't teach them anything ?

I am the boss, and I said no.

My kids are not going to public school, and if the Jeweast dumbocraps don't like it, you can go fuck yourself.

And if you think that the USA is the only country the world that has a choice in Education that YOU don't like.. guess what ?

Most countries that defeat the USA's educational system have the freedom of choice.


P.S. Jeweast = Northeast

Im the boss.

I don't need a reason.
I don't need TO reason.
I don't need logic.
I don't need an explanation.

I don't need a meeting, and I will not attend one.
I don't need the government's permission and I will gladly tell the government to go fuck itself, and I have, and I won.

This is a free country, and I am the boss.

And that is ALL I need, as far as I am concerned with the Democrats.

I can think of a dozen grammatical and even more psychological ones.
Home schooling is for slow children who get beat up a lot at school. They can't make it in the real world.

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