homosexual marriage

There's no such thing as "Gay Marriage". And homosexuals have the same rights as anyone else... none of which provide that they're empowered to force someone else to accept their perversion of human sexuality.

If you knew what right were, from where they come and what sustains them... you'd know that.

Mind your ignorance, it'll spare ya this sort of humiliation in the future.

Wether you believe in gay marriage or not is irrelevant to the law. In a small way I agree with you though, there isn't gay marriage or straight marriage just marriage. You're under no obligation to accept anything. Gays are getting married and it doesn't seem to me you are being forced to accept anything.

You are of the belief that rights are bestowed upon us by God. You are free to believe that as well. I disagree with that notion. I believe our rights originate from the people themselves, not God. It is us, the people that sustain our rights. Not the government, not God, but the people.

The only folks that are being humiliated concerning this issue is you and your allies. You're not only losing on this issue in the court of public opinion, your losing in the courthouse as well. I am sure you'll get over it, for time heals all wounds.

Homosexuals are not getting married. They're being joined into a legal institution which provides them with the legal provisions and privilege common to such, which is in no way dissimilar to incorporation.

That they need to refer to it as 'Marriage' merely demonstrates the depravity common to the fraudulence of their would-be movement. They crave the legitimacy intrinsic to marriage, while being simultaneously ignorant that the legitimacy rests in the standards of marriage which axiomatically exclude them and the other entities which are otherwise incapable of marriage.

BZZZT Wrong!

You don't get to redefine marriage to suit yourself.

Marriage between 2 consenting adults is now legal in 31 states. Those marriages are equal in all respects under the law and in the eyes of the individuals involved and their loved ones.

Marriage, as with the mammal and the human within that group, and the biological imperative common to each, are defined by nature. If you lack the means to understand that, THAT is your problem. That you lack the objectivity to recognize that, forcing you to demand that others lean down to accept your limited perspective, is also your problem... both are likely beyond your means to overcome, thus limiting your viability.

I only WISH i had the means to help you, but I fear, I do not.

Best of luck tho'... .

Marriage is a legal contract between two people sanctioned by the government.

The only reason why you want to deny homosexual people the marriage contract is because one of them is of the wrong sex.

There are only 3 criteria for a legal contract. They are:

1. The people must be 18 years of age or older.
2. The people must be of sound mind.
2. The people can't sign that contract under duress.

That's it. There's no requirement to be a certain sex. In fact, we have very specific laws that make it illegal to deny someone a legal contract based on their sex. We also have a constitution amendment that requires that our government treat everyone equally under the law.

So either you hate our constitution and laws or you just are uninformed of our laws. I find it very hard to believe that you don't know our laws so I'm going to go with the fact that you hate our constitution and laws.

Why not move to a country that doesn't respect personal freedom and equality that outlaws homosexuals being married. Iran is one of them. Russia is another. I'm sure you would be much happier in one of those nations. There are flights to those nations daily. If you hate our laws and constitution so much take one of those flights and don't return.
The contract with the government should be called a civil union, not a marriage, and should be open to any combination of consenting adults that want in.

I don't care if ten people sign a clusterfuck agreement with themselves and the government, but, it isn't marriage.

Now, after the contract(this should apply to ALL people) they can get "married" in any church that will have them.

Problem solved.
Wether you believe in gay marriage or not is irrelevant to the law. In a small way I agree with you though, there isn't gay marriage or straight marriage just marriage. You're under no obligation to accept anything. Gays are getting married and it doesn't seem to me you are being forced to accept anything.

You are of the belief that rights are bestowed upon us by God. You are free to believe that as well. I disagree with that notion. I believe our rights originate from the people themselves, not God. It is us, the people that sustain our rights. Not the government, not God, but the people.

The only folks that are being humiliated concerning this issue is you and your allies. You're not only losing on this issue in the court of public opinion, your losing in the courthouse as well. I am sure you'll get over it, for time heals all wounds.

Homosexuals are not getting married. They're being joined into a legal institution which provides them with the legal provisions and privilege common to such, which is in no way dissimilar to incorporation.

That they need to refer to it as 'Marriage' merely demonstrates the depravity common to the fraudulence of their would-be movement. They crave the legitimacy intrinsic to marriage, while being simultaneously ignorant that the legitimacy rests in the standards of marriage which axiomatically exclude them and the other entities which are otherwise incapable of marriage.

BZZZT Wrong!

You don't get to redefine marriage to suit yourself.

Marriage between 2 consenting adults is now legal in 31 states. Those marriages are equal in all respects under the law and in the eyes of the individuals involved and their loved ones.

Marriage, as with the mammal and the human within that group, and the biological imperative common to each, are defined by nature. If you lack the means to understand that, THAT is your problem. That you lack the objectivity to recognize that, forcing you to demand that others lean down to accept your limited perspective, is also your problem... both are likely beyond your means to overcome, thus limiting your viability.

I only WISH i had the means to help you, but I fear, I do not.

Best of luck tho'... .

Marriage is a legal contract between two people sanctioned by the government.

The only reason why you want to deny homosexual people the marriage contract is because one of them is of the wrong sex.

There are only 3 criteria for a legal contract. They are:

1. The people must be 18 years of age or older.
2. The people must be of sound mind.
2. The people can't sign that contract under duress.

That's it. There's no requirement to be a certain sex. In fact, we have very specific laws that make it illegal to deny someone a legal contract based on their sex. We also have a constitution amendment that requires that our government treat everyone equally under the law.

So either you hate our constitution and laws or you just are uninformed of our laws. I find it very hard to believe that you don't know our laws so I'm going to go with the fact that you hate our constitution and laws.

Why not move to a country that doesn't respect personal freedom and equality that outlaws homosexuals being married. Iran is one of them. Russia is another. I'm sure you would be much happier in one of those nations. There are flights to those nations daily. If you hate our laws and constitution so much take one of those flights and don't return.
The contract with the government should be called a civil union, not a marriage, and should be open to any combination of consenting adults that want in.

I don't care if ten people sign a clusterfuck agreement with themselves and the government, but, it isn't marriage.

Now, after the contract(this should apply to ALL people) they can get "married" in any church that will have them.

Problem solved.

Incorporation has no regulating authority on gender or the volume of participants. Therefore Incorporation is the only viable solution.

The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality, however, does not seek legal equality... they seek LEGITIMACY!

Which nature has already established is NOT available to them.
Why do you think murder is illegal and immoral?

Because the statutes common to my nation and local entities deem the taking of a human life without a sound moral (legal) justification is prohibited... and the only sound moral justification for taking a human life is in the defense of one's own life or the life of another in their immediate proximity, which is the basis for the legal threshold.

This is based upon the fact that life is granted by God, thus no man can rightfully take that which was given by God, except in defense of God's observable will... (The observance being recognized by the existence of the life.) This is the basis of all that is known as: Western jurisprudence (That means "The Law" among the civilized (Judea- Christian) nations.)
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After SCOTUS declared sodomy laws unconstitutional [Lawrence v Texas], any legal argument for banning same-sex marriage was obliterated. The only remaining arguments were non-legal recitations of bible babble bigotry offered to justify state bans on interracial marriage which SCOTUS invalidated in 1967 [Loving v Virginia]. Fortunately, the US Constitution trumps the bible in American jurisprudence.
No it's not. Murder is illegal because it deprives another of their right to life. Morality has nothing to do with it. It is about protecting me from you. No moral justification needed.

The Life, is the moral foundation... The Life was endowed by God. The Supreme Authority of the Universe... who also endowed THE RIGHT TO THE LIFE... which is the reason YOU as a person of the SAME RIGHTS are not in a position to reasonably take the life, which sets equal BEFORE GOD, as your own, except of course, where YOU are defending God's will, through the defense of your own equal right to your life or the life of another innocent; whose life is ALSO equal to your own and the Socialist who presently threatens to strip you of the means to EXERCISE your life... (or the other innocent's means to exercise their life...) .

Again ... this is all VERY basic stuff, yet you are clearly ignorant of these rudimentary facts. How is it that you feel qualified to enter a discussion on issue of which you are clearly ignorant?
After SCOTUS declared sodomy laws unconstitutional [Lawrence v Texas], any legal argument for banning same-sex marriage was obliterated. The only remaining arguments were non-legal recitations of bible babble bigotry offered to justify state bans on interracial marriage which SCOTUS invalidated in 1967 [Loving v Virginia]. Fortunately, the US Constitution trumps the bible in American jurisprudence.

Yes, bad decisions produce unenviable consequences... '... it has always been thus...'

Of course the Bible has been among the most sought after tomes for thousands upon thousands of years... and the United States, by comparison and which was founded upon the principles intrinsic to that tome, is in stark decline in well short of two minuscule centuries... BECAUSE the citizenry has lost kinship with the principles which define America and a viable sustainable life... .

Pretty cool how consistent nature is, are it not?
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Where_r_my_Keys said:

'But the example while absurd, is quite literally what happens every time the Ideological Left finds uncontested power... . Specific recent examples are in the early 20th century Russia, 1930s Germany, 1950s Soviet Union and China... .

Words common to such cultures are 'denier', 'consensus', 'hate', 'majority', 'democratic' and my personal fave, the ever present phrase: "THE PEOPLE".'

This fails as a straw man fallacy and is comprehensively ignorant.

Germany in the 30s was a manifestation of the political right, not 'left.'

Nor are 'the left' in Western democracies in any way associated with the Soviet Union or China today, which were/are one party dictatorships whose very existence is anathema to the principles expressed by the left seeking to safeguard individual liberty and the rule of law.
So... when the inevitable newbie comes along and asks the question: "Does anyone ever win any of these arguments?"

Be sure to link them to this EVISCERATION of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality... and the deceitful practices fraudulently employed by the cult of evil, OKA: The Ideological Left, as a means to influence the ignorant.
No it's not. Murder is illegal because it deprives another of their right to life. Morality has nothing to do with it. It is about protecting me from you. No moral justification needed.

The Life, is the moral foundation... The Life was endowed by God. The Supreme Authority of the Universe... who also endowed THE RIGHT TO THE LIFE... which is the reason YOU as a person of the SAME RIGHTS are not in a position to reasonably take the life, which sets equal BEFORE GOD, as your own, except of course, where YOU are defending God's will, through the defense of your own equal right to your life or the life of another innocent; whose life is ALSO equal to your own and the Socialist who presently threatens to strip you of the means to EXERCISE your life... (or the other innocent's means to exercise their life...) .

Again ... this is all VERY basic stuff, yet you are clearly ignorant of these rudimentary facts. How is it that you feel qualified to enter a discussion on issue of which you are clearly ignorant?
Again, it's all very irrelevant stuff, having no bearing whatsoever on the right of same-sex couples to access marriage law pursuant to 14th Amendment jurisprudence.
This fails as a straw man fallacy and is comprehensively ignorant.

Germany in the 30s was a manifestation of the political right, not 'left.'

Nor are 'the left' in Western democracies in any way associated with the Soviet Union or China today, which were/are one party dictatorships whose very existence is anathema to the principles expressed by the left seeking to safeguard individual liberty and the rule of law.

ROFLMNAO! Isn't that precious? Yet another addled observer coming to report that The National Socialist German Workers Party... was a function of the Ideological Right.

The problem comes when the National Socialists are set upon the inherently flawed linear scale of ideas and found just to the would-be 'right' of Stalinist Communism.

Sadly, for the irrational point of view, being 'to the right of Stalin', does not "THE RIGHT" make...

What's more... how adorable is it where you find an advocate of "democracy" in the same herd as those who are here reveling in the edict of the tyrannical judiciary, who's own subjective opinions OVER-RULE the democratic WILL OF THE PEOPLE!

LOL! Socialism: Children and fools... .
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No it's not. Murder is illegal because it deprives another of their right to life. Morality has nothing to do with it. It is about protecting me from you. No moral justification needed.

The Life, is the moral foundation... The Life was endowed by God. The Supreme Authority of the Universe... who also endowed THE RIGHT TO THE LIFE... which is the reason YOU as a person of the SAME RIGHTS are not in a position to reasonably take the life, which sets equal BEFORE GOD, as your own, except of course, where YOU are defending God's will, through the defense of your own equal right to your life or the life of another innocent; whose life is ALSO equal to your own and the Socialist who presently threatens to strip you of the means to EXERCISE your life... (or the other innocent's means to exercise their life...) .

Again ... this is all VERY basic stuff, yet you are clearly ignorant of these rudimentary facts. How is it that you feel qualified to enter a discussion on issue of which you are clearly ignorant?
Again, it's all very irrelevant stuff, having no bearing whatsoever on the right of same-sex couples to access marriage law pursuant to 14th Amendment jurisprudence.

Homosexuals are not being denied access to marriage ANYWHERE in the US... Not NOW or EVER has so much as a SINGLE homosexual ever been denied a license to marry, where they have applied for such within the soundly reasoned standards which provide that they merely make application FOR SUCH with a person of the opposite gender... just like EVERYONE ELSE. The law is equal to ALL APPLICANTS and this without exception.

What the advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality is seeking is LEGITIMACY which cannot exist by the simple but otherwise immutable laws of nature which determine that their circumstances deviate from the biological norm, and their chosen lifestyle are a perversion of same.

If you kids have a grievance, it's not with the soundly reasoned standards of marriage... it's with the Creator of nature that established such. Please take it up with him... and please... let us know how that works out for ya.

The last I heard, all signs point to disapproval, given the deadly viruses that have been sent as subtle clues. BUT... hey... ya never know, god may not know the objective laws of reason and you knuckleheads may slip one by him. So whatever ya do DO NOT learn how to be truthful with yourself and change your behavior to comport with natural law... you keep demanding that nature bend to your will.
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After SCOTUS declared sodomy laws unconstitutional [Lawrence v Texas], any legal argument for banning same-sex marriage was obliterated. The only remaining arguments were non-legal recitations of bible babble bigotry offered to justify state bans on interracial marriage which SCOTUS invalidated in 1967 [Loving v Virginia]. Fortunately, the US Constitution trumps the bible in American jurisprudence.

Yes, bad decisions produce unenviable consequences... '... it has always been thus...'

Of course the Bible has been among the most sought after tomes for thousands upon thousands of years... and the United States, founded upon the principles intrinsic to that tome, is in stark decline in well short of two minuscule centuries... BECAUSE the citizenry has lost kinship with those principles... .

Pretty cool how consistent nature is, are it not?

I have no idea what the hell you just wrote. The framers of the Constitution were not bible-bangers and did not believe god intervened in worldly affairs. They wanted separation of church and state, as reflected in the First Amendment.
Where-r-my-synapses has some serious problems with reality.

Nowhere has he produced a single bible verse enumerating the rights that his God allegedly bestowed on anyone.

He is under the delusion that marriage is a religious ceremony as opposed to a legal contract. Holy Matrimony is the name of the religious ceremony. Marriage is defined by the State. When a minister of religion conducts a Holy Matrimony ceremony he is still required by law to have the couple sign a marriage contract.

When it comes to the constitution he is in LaLaLand. As far as history goes he doesn't have a clue how the national socialists transformed themselves into Fascists.

Perhaps most egregious of all is the fact that why-am-i-clueless is utterly incapable of engaging in any kind of coherent rational debate.
Where-r-my-synapses has some serious problems with reality.

Nowhere has he produced a single bible verse enumerating the rights that his God allegedly bestowed on anyone.

He is under the delusion that marriage is a religious ceremony as opposed to a legal contract. Holy Matrimony is the name of the religious ceremony. Marriage is defined by the State. When a minister of religion conducts a Holy Matrimony ceremony he is still required by law to have the couple sign a marriage contract.

When it comes to the constitution he is in LaLaLand. As far as history goes he doesn't have a clue how the national socialists transformed themselves into Fascists.

Perhaps most egregious of all is the fact that why-am-i-clueless is utterly incapable of engaging in any kind of coherent rational debate.

Your concession (expressed, in this instance, in the form of a straw argument) is duly noted and summarily accepted.

With regard to your final points:

The biological design of humanity, set within the imperative of same, establishes the marriage standard.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one wo-man... for the purpose of procreation, which provides for the female to be sustained during gestation... and a stable environment to raise children, wherein the complimenting natures of the male and female have the highest opportunity to produce a balanced individual well suited to do the same for the next generation; which may or may not be further indicated by a legal instrument attesting to that union and providing certain legal protections and privileges.

National socialism is socialism with a nationalist bent. Set distinct from international socialism by its practical recognition that revolutionary, international socialism would never be possible on any significant scale... other than that, there is absolutely NO DISTINCTION between the two equally irrational 'feelings' on the issue. Thus we can rest assured that national socialism has NO KINSHIP with the principles of nature which rest in the reasoned certainty regarding the only means to sustain the collective, is for the individuals which sum to such, to be mindful of and jealous guardians of their rights and the responsibilities that sustain the means to exercise those rights, OKA: Americans, AKA: The Ideological Right.
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Where-r-my-synapses has some serious problems with reality.

Nowhere has he produced a single bible verse enumerating the rights that his God allegedly bestowed on anyone.

He is under the delusion that marriage is a religious ceremony as opposed to a legal contract. Holy Matrimony is the name of the religious ceremony. Marriage is defined by the State. When a minister of religion conducts a Holy Matrimony ceremony he is still required by law to have the couple sign a marriage contract.

When it comes to the constitution he is in LaLaLand. As far as history goes he doesn't have a clue how the national socialists transformed themselves into Fascists.

Perhaps most egregious of all is the fact that why-am-i-clueless is utterly incapable of engaging in any kind of coherent rational debate.

Your concession (expressed in this instance in the form of a straw argument) is duly noted and summarily accepted.

With regard to your final points:

The biological design of humanity, set with the imperative of same establishes the marriage standard.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one wo-man... for the purpose of procreation, which provides for the female to be sustained during gestation... and a stable environment to raise children, wherein the complimenting natures of the male and female have the highest opportunity to produce a balanced individual well suited to do the same for the next generation; which may or may not be further indicated by a legal instrument attesting to that union and providing certain legal protections and privileges.

National socialism is socialism with a nationalist bent. Set distinct from international socialism by its practical recognition that revolutionary, international socialism would never be possible on any significant scale... other than that, there is absolutely NO DISTINCTION between to two equally irrational 'feelings', thus we can rest assured that national socialism has NO KINSHIP with the principles of nature which found the ideas regarding the only means to sustain the collective is for the individuals of which is summed, to be mindful and jealous guardians of their rights and the responsibilities that the means to exercise those rights, OKA: Americans, AKA: The Ideological Right.

Your pseudo intellectual drivel is amusing however don't deceive yourself into believing that you are the single authority on the subject. Just as you made a fool of yourself over the definition of homophobic you doing the same thing when it comes to what defines marriage.
Where-r-my-synapses has some serious problems with reality.

Nowhere has he produced a single bible verse enumerating the rights that his God allegedly bestowed on anyone.

He is under the delusion that marriage is a religious ceremony as opposed to a legal contract. Holy Matrimony is the name of the religious ceremony. Marriage is defined by the State. When a minister of religion conducts a Holy Matrimony ceremony he is still required by law to have the couple sign a marriage contract.

When it comes to the constitution he is in LaLaLand. As far as history goes he doesn't have a clue how the national socialists transformed themselves into Fascists.

Perhaps most egregious of all is the fact that why-am-i-clueless is utterly incapable of engaging in any kind of coherent rational debate.

Your concession (expressed in this instance in the form of a straw argument) is duly noted and summarily accepted.

With regard to your final points:

The biological design of humanity, set with the imperative of same establishes the marriage standard.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one wo-man... for the purpose of procreation, which provides for the female to be sustained during gestation... and a stable environment to raise children, wherein the complimenting natures of the male and female have the highest opportunity to produce a balanced individual well suited to do the same for the next generation; which may or may not be further indicated by a legal instrument attesting to that union and providing certain legal protections and privileges.

National socialism is socialism with a nationalist bent. Set distinct from international socialism by its practical recognition that revolutionary, international socialism would never be possible on any significant scale... other than that, there is absolutely NO DISTINCTION between to two equally irrational 'feelings', thus we can rest assured that national socialism has NO KINSHIP with the principles of nature which found the ideas regarding the only means to sustain the collective is for the individuals of which is summed, to be mindful and jealous guardians of their rights and the responsibilities that the means to exercise those rights, OKA: Americans, AKA: The Ideological Right.

Your pseudo intellectual drivel is amusing however don't deceive yourself into believing that you are the single authority on the subject. Just as you made a fool of yourself over the definition of homophobic you doing the same thing when it comes to what defines marriage.


Now isn't that precious. It reminds me of pup I owned once who would walk on his hind legs when I walked him. He saw me do it and feeling that he was my equal he emulated what he saw, not realizing the limitations set upon him by his biological construct. Adorable... Oh how I love him so!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. (You're doin' the very BEST you can Scamp. Ghia bless your little black heart.)
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Well it looks like the ladies are played out, once more.

So... once again, when the inevitable newbie comes along and asks the question: "Does anyone ever win any of these arguments?"

Be sure to link them directly back to this FORMAL EVISCERATION of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality... and the deceitful practices fraudulently employed by evil, (OKA: The Ideological Left) as a means to influence the ignorant.

It's been real kids... rest up and get ready for the next round.
Well it looks like the ladies are played out, once more.

So... once again, when the inevitable newbie comes along and asks the question: "Does anyone ever win any of these arguments?"

Be sure to link them directly back to this FORMAL EVISCERATION of the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality... and the deceitful practices fraudulently employed by evil, (OKA: The Ideological Left) as a means to influence the ignorant.

It's been real kids... rest up and get ready for the next round.

Don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back.

You have been exposed as a fraud and your credibility has taken a beating when you tried to pretend that you were a "higher authority" than dictionaries.

In essence you have made yourself into a laughing stock around here. Have a nice day.

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