Homosexuality is in the bible.

Of course. We can pass laws (or vote as we did in my state) creating equal marriage rights, but that doesn't mean that hating little f--- head homophobes need be giddy about it. It's a free country, where even d-------s are allowed to possess and even spew their r------- a-- hatred.

God bless the USA.

The hate and vulgarity I see seems to be coming from those who say they are liberal... Perhaps they just imagine they are better then everyone else in their own minds. The facts seem rather to indicate that they are a religion unto themselves.

No. It's still scientific in nature. Gene and birth order studies have proven conclusively that we are not born fuck head homophobes, and that indeed the fuck head homophobe lifestyle and agenda are a choice.

Are homosapiens heterosexual or homosexual by nature?
The hate and vulgarity I see seems to be coming from those who say they are liberal... Perhaps they just imagine they are better then everyone else in their own minds. The facts seem rather to indicate that they are a religion unto themselves.

No. It's still scientific in nature. Gene and birth order studies have proven conclusively that we are not born fuck head homophobes, and that indeed the fuck head homophobe lifestyle and agenda are a choice.

Are homosapiens heterosexual or homosexual by nature?

Both; albeit I suspect the vast majority are bisexual, since bisexuality is common in all societies where the stigma against it was/is non-existent. And indeed our nearest primate relatives, are bisexual as all get out.

Thus, I believe, it's a bell curve, where on the extreme and opposite ends are the exceptions to human norm of bisexuality: profoundly hetrosexual; profoundly homosexual. And I suspect both are about equal in frequency.

And that raises a remarkable irony: the vast majority of us are bisexuals choosing heterosexual lifestyles, if and only if, it's a societal norm.

It also raises a problem, in many, I suspect: by ignoring our human norm, bisexuality, folks living a heterosexual lifestyle may have urges that frighten them into thinking they're gay, when in fact they're merely the norm: bisexual. And it could brew gay (self) hate, which might explain why GLBT persons are the last to gain equal rights.

I merely speculate, but much supports it.
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No. It's still scientific in nature. Gene and birth order studies have proven conclusively that we are not born fuck head homophobes, and that indeed the fuck head homophobe lifestyle and agenda are a choice.

Are homosapiens heterosexual or homosexual by nature?

Both; albeit I suspect the vast majority are bisexual, since bisexuality is common in all societies where the stigma against it was/is non-existent. And indeed our nearest primate relatives, are bisexual as all get out.

Thus, I believe, it's a bell curve, where on the extreme and opposite ends are the exceptions to human norm of bisexuality: profoundly hetrosexual; profoundly homosexual. And I suspect both are about equal in frequency.

And that raises a remarkable irony: the vast majority of us are bisexuals choosing heterosexual lifestyles, if and only if, it's a societal norm.

It also raises a problem, in many, I suspect: by ignoring our human norm, bisexuality, folks living a heterosexual lifestyle may have urges that frighten them into thinking they're gay, when in fact they're merely the norm: bisexual. And it could brew gay (self) hate, which might explain why GLBT persons are the last to gain equal rights.

I merely speculate, but much supports it.

How can it be both when people are naturally born male and female? If both were natural, then people would be born with a vagina and a penis. Since our natural bodies are heterosexual, perhaps the problem is some people are simply confused in their heads.
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The left is full of hate and bigotry. More and more the people are seeing who they really are. It's not about "rights". It's about changing the culture and destroying traditional America. That's what they hate.
Says the guy who doesn't want gays to marry. :lol:

It's not about what I want. Marriage is a man and a woman. If two guys want to stand there and say a few words and have some idiot pronounce them married, great. Call it whatever you want and make it legal, but you can't force people to accept what they don't believe.
You've already had to accept gay marriage in several states, more to come. :D
Are homosapiens heterosexual or homosexual by nature?

Both; albeit I suspect the vast majority are bisexual, since bisexuality is common in all societies where the stigma against it was/is non-existent. And indeed our nearest primate relatives, are bisexual as all get out.

Thus, I believe, it's a bell curve, where on the extreme and opposite ends are the exceptions to human norm of bisexuality: profoundly hetrosexual; profoundly homosexual. And I suspect both are about equal in frequency.

And that raises a remarkable irony: the vast majority of us are bisexuals choosing heterosexual lifestyles, if and only if, it's a societal norm.

It also raises a problem, in many, I suspect: by ignoring our human norm, bisexuality, folks living a heterosexual lifestyle may have urges that frighten them into thinking they're gay, when in fact they're merely the norm: bisexual. And it could brew gay (self) hate, which might explain why GLBT persons are the last to gain equal rights.

I merely speculate, but much supports it.

How can it be both when people are naturally born male and female? If both were natural, then people would be born with a vagina and a penis.

Quite easily, and unabiguously (mygod; look out your window; it exists to a great degree.)

And what are the mechanisms? Moms. Gender in early fetus development is highly ambiguous, until certain events in the womb. That's a known fact. And it has measurable results, based on birth order studies that show patterns that completely debunk the possibility that random choice is a factor.

BTW: while rare, indeed many are born with both genetalia. Google "hermaphrodite."
Both; albeit I suspect the vast majority are bisexual, since bisexuality is common in all societies where the stigma against it was/is non-existent. And indeed our nearest primate relatives, are bisexual as all get out.

Thus, I believe, it's a bell curve, where on the extreme and opposite ends are the exceptions to human norm of bisexuality: profoundly hetrosexual; profoundly homosexual. And I suspect both are about equal in frequency.

And that raises a remarkable irony: the vast majority of us are bisexuals choosing heterosexual lifestyles, if and only if, it's a societal norm.

It also raises a problem, in many, I suspect: by ignoring our human norm, bisexuality, folks living a heterosexual lifestyle may have urges that frighten them into thinking they're gay, when in fact they're merely the norm: bisexual. And it could brew gay (self) hate, which might explain why GLBT persons are the last to gain equal rights.

I merely speculate, but much supports it.

How can it be both when people are naturally born male and female? If both were natural, then people would be born with a vagina and a penis.

Quite easily, and unabiguously (mygod; look out your window; it exists to a great degree.)

And what are the mechanisms? Moms. Gender in early fetus development is highly ambiguous, until certain events in the womb. That's a known fact. And it has measurable results, based on birth order studies that show patterns that completely debunk the possibility that random choice is a factor.

BTW: while rare, indeed many are born with both genetalia. Google "hermaphrodite."

Yes, physically we are naturally male and female and to have both genitalia is a freak of nature. Being a freak of nature is not "natural". That's my point.
How can it be both when people are naturally born male and female? If both were natural, then people would be born with a vagina and a penis.

Quite easily, and unabiguously (mygod; look out your window; it exists to a great degree.)

And what are the mechanisms? Moms. Gender in early fetus development is highly ambiguous, until certain events in the womb. That's a known fact. And it has measurable results, based on birth order studies that show patterns that completely debunk the possibility that random choice is a factor.

BTW: while rare, indeed many are born with both genetalia. Google "hermaphrodite."

Yes, physically we are naturally male and female and to have both genitalia is a freak of nature. Being a freak of nature is not "natural". That's my point.

Yeah; but you're ignoring other facts, such as ...

You're an idiot who chooses speculation (blinded by dogma) over learning what in the fuck really is true.

Also, you're an idiot. Or to put it another way: if you look up "idiot" in the dictionary, you'll see it's spot fucking on with what you are.

And lastly, YOU ARE AN IDIOT.

That help?
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How can it be both when people are naturally born male and female? If both were natural, then people would be born with a vagina and a penis.

Quite easily, and unabiguously (mygod; look out your window; it exists to a great degree.)

And what are the mechanisms? Moms. Gender in early fetus development is highly ambiguous, until certain events in the womb. That's a known fact. And it has measurable results, based on birth order studies that show patterns that completely debunk the possibility that random choice is a factor.

BTW: while rare, indeed many are born with both genetalia. Google "hermaphrodite."

Yes, physically we are naturally male and female and to have both genitalia is a freak of nature. Being a freak of nature is not "natural". That's my point.

You didn't google it, did you? It's a fact of nature, and FAR from a freak occurence. No shit. Read up on it. Maybe then it'll be less apparent that you're an idiot. So there's that.
How can it be both when people are naturally born male and female? If both were natural, then people would be born with a vagina and a penis.

Quite easily, and unabiguously (mygod; look out your window; it exists to a great degree.)

And what are the mechanisms? Moms. Gender in early fetus development is highly ambiguous, until certain events in the womb. That's a known fact. And it has measurable results, based on birth order studies that show patterns that completely debunk the possibility that random choice is a factor.

BTW: while rare, indeed many are born with both genetalia. Google "hermaphrodite."

Yes, physically we are naturally male and female and to have both genitalia is a freak of nature. Being a freak of nature is not "natural". That's my point.

So these people aren't part of god's plan? So who fucked up? god? You? :dunno:
Quite easily, and unabiguously (mygod; look out your window; it exists to a great degree.)

And what are the mechanisms? Moms. Gender in early fetus development is highly ambiguous, until certain events in the womb. That's a known fact. And it has measurable results, based on birth order studies that show patterns that completely debunk the possibility that random choice is a factor.

BTW: while rare, indeed many are born with both genetalia. Google "hermaphrodite."

Yes, physically we are naturally male and female and to have both genitalia is a freak of nature. Being a freak of nature is not "natural". That's my point.

So these people aren't part of god's plan? So who fucked up? god? You? :dunno:

Why are you bringing God into it? I'm speaking of nature. Homosapiens are heterosexual by nature. Are you going to deny that?
Then you're denying the reality of nature that is there for everyone to see. That's what we call an indoctrinated mind.

No. Contradicting your false statement.

Repeat my false statement and quote me exactly.

Yes, mistress.

"Homosapiens are heterosexual by nature." (Patrently false and ignores the broad range of variations in sexual orientations, in humans, who are born naturally, thus far.)
No. Contradicting your false statement.

Repeat my false statement and quote me exactly.

Yes, mistress.

"Homosapiens are heterosexual by nature." (Patrently false and ignores the broad range of variations in sexual orientations, in humans, who are born naturally, thus far.)

No, it's not false. It's a scientific fact. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. Sexual orientation is a choice. I'm speaking of anatomy and our nature as homosapiens. I'm speaking purely in a scientific basis. You can't do that because science does not recognize "sexual orientation". Do you understand?
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Repeat my false statement and quote me exactly.

Yes, mistress.

"Homosapiens are heterosexual by nature." (Patrently false and ignores the broad range of variations in sexual orientations, in humans, who are born naturally, thus far.)

No, it's not false. It's a scientific fact. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. Sexual orientation is a choice. I'm speaking of anatomy and our nature as homosapiens. I'm speaking purely in a scientific basis. You can't do that because science does not recognize your agenda. Do you understand?

Show me, bitch.
Yes, mistress.

"Homosapiens are heterosexual by nature." (Patrently false and ignores the broad range of variations in sexual orientations, in humans, who are born naturally, thus far.)

No, it's not false. It's a scientific fact. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. Sexual orientation is a choice. I'm speaking of anatomy and our nature as homosapiens. I'm speaking purely in a scientific basis. You can't do that because science does not recognize your agenda. Do you understand?

Show me, bitch.

Pull your pants down. Do you have a penis, a vagina, or a penis AND a vagina? If you only have one, then you are heterosexual by nature. If you were a worm and had both male and female genitalia, then you would by nature be bisexual. Homosapiens are heterosexual by nature. Scientific fact. Dumb ass.
Didn't you take biology in high school? This is simple stuff.

Show me the fucking scientific proof that we are NATURALLY heterosexual, which by the way, you abject fucking retard, IS A SEXUAL ORIENTATION!!!!

How do you numbskulls dress yourselves? Astonishing.

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