Homosexuality is in the bible.

I'm gay by nature, it's not a "lifestyle choice".

No. You are a homosapien and homosapiens are heterosexual by nature. You're confused.

MOST homosapiens are hetero, but some a gay, like me. Get over it.

I tend to think most humans are bisexual, since in all societies where the stigma against it did not exist, bisexuality flourished.

Heck; even the Taliban warlords get a "dancing boy" as reward for their leadership role. Bisexuality is in fact common, when it's accepted as a societal norm.

So in truth, I suspect what we're really seeing in most societies, today, are bisexual humans choosing a hetero lifestyle, due to societal norms.
Nah; that foolishness has been done already: Scopes Trial, aka Monkey Trial (speaks to it having been monkey business, and is not a lesson on how we evolved from apes.)

I didn't evolve from an ape. Did you?

Yes. Moreover, I hope you did too, albeit, at times I do wonder.

Well, that may explain your lower life form behavior. I don't have any ape ancestors. I am a homosapien, created by the One Living God.
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You're a homosexual. Anyone can be gay.

Nope. Straights can try it; I did. But you cannot change your nature; only behavior.

I agree with that. Homosexuality is behavior and behavior is learned.

NO! (you abject fucking moron) Sexual orientation is what it is; as programmed in us by fucking NATURE.

But does that mean I cannot get a blow job while in prison? No. Does it mean chicks cannot experiment whilst in college, if it's the cause celebre? No. We're rational beings (maybe even you too, albeit, I do wonder), and can do all manner of shit contrary to our nature.

BUT BEHAVIOR DOES NOT ALTER OUR NATURE!!!!! (which, btw, dipshit, we know exists, due to many studies, which show patterns in nature that utterly debunk the myth that being gay could possibly be the product of random choice. Check birth order studies. Then grow a fucking brain cell, and stop being a little fucking maggot homophobe, which btw, is no skin of my nose. The fuck I give = exactly 0. But you'll be a better and happier person. No shit. Try it, you'll like it.)
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I didn't evolve from an ape. Did you?

Yes. Moreover, I hope you did too, albeit, at times I do wonder.

Well, that may explain your lower life form behavior. I don't have any ape ancestors. I am a homosapien, created by the One Living God.

And your god is an asshole, if it's a god you hide behind to justify being a hater. Others imagine him as being more loving. Try it sometime. You might actually benefit yourself.
MOST homosapiens are hetero, but some a gay, like me. Get over it.

You're a homosexual. Anyone can be gay.

Anyone can pretend to be gay, or be gay for a day, as we call it. But let me ask you: are you gay?

I'm gay at times. I was gay the other night when I had a few friends over and we sipped some real fine Anejo Tequila. We turned on some music and chatted and had a gay old time.
Nope. Straights can try it; I did. But you cannot change your nature; only behavior.

I agree with that. Homosexuality is behavior and behavior is learned.

NO! (you abject fucking moron) Sexual orientation is what it is; as programmed in us by fucking NATURE.

But does that mean I cannot get a blow job while in prison? No. Does it mean chicks cannot experiment whilst in college, if it's the cause celebre? No. We're rational beings (maybe even you too, albeit, I do wonder), and can do all manner of shit contrary to our nature.

BUT BEHAVIOR DOES NOT ALTER OUR NATURE!!!!! (which, btw, dipshit, we know exists, due to many studies, which show patterns in nature that utterly debunk the myth that being gay could possibly be the product of random choice. Check birth order studies. Then grow a fucking brain cell, and stop being a little fucking maggot homophobe, which btw, is no skin of my nose. The fuck I give = exactly 0. But you'll be a better and happier person. No shit. Try it, you'll like it.)

You appear to be very angry. That seems to be a common trait among homosexuals.
Yes. Moreover, I hope you did too, albeit, at times I do wonder.

Well, that may explain your lower life form behavior. I don't have any ape ancestors. I am a homosapien, created by the One Living God.

And your god is an asshole, if it's a god you hide behind to justify being a hater. Others imagine him as being more loving. Try it sometime. You might actually benefit yourself.

I don't hate anyone. I'm kind to everyone and all lower life forms and support my Humane Society. Whatever gave you the idea that I hate anyone?

Why do you hate God?
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Well, that may explain your lower life form behavior. I don't have any ape ancestors. I am a homosapien, created by the One Living God.

And your god is an asshole, if it's a god you hide behind to justify being a hater. Others imagine him as being more loving. Try it sometime. You might actually benefit yourself.

I don't hate anyone. I'm kind to everyone and all lower life forms and support my Humane Society. Whatever gave you the idea that I hate anyone?

Why do you hate God?

Hard to hate what does not exist. Noodle on that; you might have an epiphany. (but I doubt it.)
I agree with that. Homosexuality is behavior and behavior is learned.

NO! (you abject fucking moron) Sexual orientation is what it is; as programmed in us by fucking NATURE.

But does that mean I cannot get a blow job while in prison? No. Does it mean chicks cannot experiment whilst in college, if it's the cause celebre? No. We're rational beings (maybe even you too, albeit, I do wonder), and can do all manner of shit contrary to our nature.

BUT BEHAVIOR DOES NOT ALTER OUR NATURE!!!!! (which, btw, dipshit, we know exists, due to many studies, which show patterns in nature that utterly debunk the myth that being gay could possibly be the product of random choice. Check birth order studies. Then grow a fucking brain cell, and stop being a little fucking maggot homophobe, which btw, is no skin of my nose. The fuck I give = exactly 0. But you'll be a better and happier person. No shit. Try it, you'll like it.)

You appear to be very angry. That seems to be a common trait among homosexuals.

Perfect example of YOUR HATE. What a moron. Jesus fucking christ, how do you people feed yourselves.

And your god is an asshole, if it's a god you hide behind to justify being a hater. Others imagine him as being more loving. Try it sometime. You might actually benefit yourself.

I don't hate anyone. I'm kind to everyone and all lower life forms and support my Humane Society. Whatever gave you the idea that I hate anyone?

Why do you hate God?

Hard to hate what does not exist. Noodle on that; you might have an epiphany. (but I doubt it.)

You said my God is an "asshole". How can my God be an asshole if he doesn't exist? Is all your hate for God making your confused?
Do you know what he said to me? He said, I have no comment about it. I told him he is a coward. Just like the atheists who all rail against the christians, the bible and Jesus Christ day in and day out but never a word about the Koran or Islam or Mohammad. They wouldn't dare. Why? Because they are cowards and hypocrites.

I rail against all religions, because all religions have extremists. All religions have people who are no better than terrorists. The only difference is that Christians have learned how to keep a lid on their extremists.

Sorry, but this will only lead to multiple wives, human and animal marriage, adults and children marriage. And the problem is that children in school will be encouraged to experiment because they will be taught that everything is OK. I'm ok, you're ok, everything is ok ----------------- unless you disagree with this and then the bigot label will be played...

1. It's already led to multiple wives - see Mormonism.
2. Animals aren't sentient enough to make a choice like that, so human/animal marriage will never happen.
3. Children are not mature enough and too easily psychologically damaged to be allowed to marry. See any case of the victim of a pedophile; they end up... "damaged" is the best word I can think of.

There's nothing wrong with 2 consenting adults.

Sorry bout that,

1. Jesus restored the sight of a man who had been born blind, try and do that today with science.
2. Then if you could do it with science, try to take that science back to the day of Jesus, a reality of sheep and olive oils.
3. With man,..... healing grown people of blindness a blindness from birth may still be impossible, but it wasn't impossible for JESUS over two thousand years ago.


Visual prosthesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Done and done.

God is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. The same group of men were involved in framing in Constitution for the most part. They fully understood that without a basic Christian mindset the country, it laws, its traditions, its values, would become a dung heap. They fully supported Bible reading and one of the first act was to print Bibles.

You misunderstand; they simply wanted children to grow up with some sort of "higher" guidance. Benjamin Rush - the man who wanted a Bible in every school back then - said that he would rather see the opinions of Confucius or Mohammad "inculcated upon our youth" than see them grow deprived "of a system of religious principles."

\There is no one who is free from religion. Everyone believes in something. The worse people are those who believe that there is no God, because then they make up theri own set of rules for everyone else to observe. And such rules benefit the ones who make them up.

I've never met an atheist who's morals were worse than a Christian's.

The hate and vulgarity I see seems to be coming from those who say they are liberal... Perhaps they just imagine they are better then everyone else in their own minds. The facts seem rather to indicate that they are a religion unto themselves.

I see it a lot from both sides about the same.

I didn't evolve from an ape. Did you?

Humans evolved from homo erectus, then Neanderthals, then Cro-Magnon man, and so on, to become modern day humans.

All of them.
NO! (you abject fucking moron) Sexual orientation is what it is; as programmed in us by fucking NATURE.

But does that mean I cannot get a blow job while in prison? No. Does it mean chicks cannot experiment whilst in college, if it's the cause celebre? No. We're rational beings (maybe even you too, albeit, I do wonder), and can do all manner of shit contrary to our nature.

BUT BEHAVIOR DOES NOT ALTER OUR NATURE!!!!! (which, btw, dipshit, we know exists, due to many studies, which show patterns in nature that utterly debunk the myth that being gay could possibly be the product of random choice. Check birth order studies. Then grow a fucking brain cell, and stop being a little fucking maggot homophobe, which btw, is no skin of my nose. The fuck I give = exactly 0. But you'll be a better and happier person. No shit. Try it, you'll like it.)

You appear to be very angry. That seems to be a common trait among homosexuals.

Perfect example of YOUR HATE. What a moron. Jesus fucking christ, how do you people feed yourselves.


You're the one calling God an asshole. Looks like you're the angry one here.
You appear to be very angry. That seems to be a common trait among homosexuals.

Perfect example of YOUR HATE. What a moron. Jesus fucking christ, how do you people feed yourselves.


You're the one calling God an asshole. Looks like you're the angry one here.

Not really. I'm calling the god you imagine, an asshole. So in fact, that makes you, and not a some mythical entity, the real asshole. You might wanna work on that. Just sayin'

And to put it into perspective, I do not hate unicorns. But I might easily get frustrated with a child (even one I love) if they kept insisting, well into adulthood, "Daddy; unicorns really do exist, and thus, it's okie doke to be a homophobe."

That help?
Do you know what he said to me? He said, I have no comment about it. I told him he is a coward. Just like the atheists who all rail against the christians, the bible and Jesus Christ day in and day out but never a word about the Koran or Islam or Mohammad. They wouldn't dare. Why? Because they are cowards and hypocrites.

I rail against all religions, because all religions have extremists. All religions have people who are no better than terrorists. The only difference is that Christians have learned how to keep a lid on their extremists.

Sorry, but this will only lead to multiple wives, human and animal marriage, adults and children marriage. And the problem is that children in school will be encouraged to experiment because they will be taught that everything is OK. I'm ok, you're ok, everything is ok ----------------- unless you disagree with this and then the bigot label will be played...

1. It's already led to multiple wives - see Mormonism.
2. Animals aren't sentient enough to make a choice like that, so human/animal marriage will never happen.
3. Children are not mature enough and too easily psychologically damaged to be allowed to marry. See any case of the victim of a pedophile; they end up... "damaged" is the best word I can think of.

There's nothing wrong with 2 consenting adults.

Visual prosthesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Done and done.

You misunderstand; they simply wanted children to grow up with some sort of "higher" guidance. Benjamin Rush - the man who wanted a Bible in every school back then - said that he would rather see the opinions of Confucius or Mohammad "inculcated upon our youth" than see them grow deprived "of a system of religious principles."

I've never met an atheist who's morals were worse than a Christian's.

The hate and vulgarity I see seems to be coming from those who say they are liberal... Perhaps they just imagine they are better then everyone else in their own minds. The facts seem rather to indicate that they are a religion unto themselves.

I see it a lot from both sides about the same.

I didn't evolve from an ape. Did you?

Humans evolved from homo erectus, then Neanderthals, then Cro-Magnon man, and so on, to become modern day humans.

All of them.

We evolved from African Apes or Chimps, circa 5 to 8 million years ago, at which point the species branched apart. So indeed, we evolved from that, but not modern apes ( as they are today) having branched out, as we did, millions of years ago. Fact, as best we know, based on all manner of fossil and DNA evidence.
Perfect example of YOUR HATE. What a moron. Jesus fucking christ, how do you people feed yourselves.


You're the one calling God an asshole. Looks like you're the angry one here.

Not really. I'm calling the god you imagine, an asshole. So in fact, that makes you, and not a some mythical entity, the real asshole. You might wanna work on that. Just sayin'

And to put it into perspective, I do not hate unicorns. But I might easily get frustrated with a child (even one I love) if they kept insisting, well into adulthood, "Daddy; unicorns really do exist, and thus, it's okie doke to be a homophobe."

That help?

Why is it okay to be a Christophobe and not okay to be a homophobe? You appear to be a hypocritical bigot to me.
You're the one calling God an asshole. Looks like you're the angry one here.

Not really. I'm calling the god you imagine, an asshole. So in fact, that makes you, and not a some mythical entity, the real asshole. You might wanna work on that. Just sayin'

And to put it into perspective, I do not hate unicorns. But I might easily get frustrated with a child (even one I love) if they kept insisting, well into adulthood, "Daddy; unicorns really do exist, and thus, it's okie doke to be a homophobe."

That help?

Why is it okay to be a Christophobe [?] and not okay to be a homophobe? You appear to be a hypocritical bigot to me.

It's not. In fact, I'm the rare exception in my family of very devout Christians, who I love to pieces.

Hate the stupidity, and not the group the stupid are members of. Are you seeing? Judge what and not who.

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