Hong Kong Bill

The bills appear to have broad bipartisan support, so my guess is if it does hit the Resolute desk it will be signed by President Trump. If not, I wouldn't be surprised to see a successful override vote.
The bills appear to have broad bipartisan support, so my guess is if it does hit the Resolute desk it will be signed by President Trump. If not, I wouldn't be surprised to see a successful override vote.

It has been on his desk since Wednesday. The Chinese say if he signs it the trade deal will be in jeopardy.
The world needs to sign something like it.
The world needs to do something about their religiocide too
The bills appear to have broad bipartisan support, so my guess is if it does hit the Resolute desk it will be signed by President Trump. If not, I wouldn't be surprised to see a successful override vote.

It has been on his desk since Wednesday. The Chinese say if he signs it the trade deal will be in jeopardy.

Thanks for the correction. Pocket Veto in the works?
The bills appear to have broad bipartisan support, so my guess is if it does hit the Resolute desk it will be signed by President Trump. If not, I wouldn't be surprised to see a successful override vote.

It has been on his desk since Wednesday. The Chinese say if he signs it the trade deal will be in jeopardy.

Thanks for the correction. Pocket Veto in the works?

I think Congress would still be in session so it would become law and he can say “well, I did not sign it”
After the pro-Democracy party swept the local elections in Hong Kong, it should make it easier for Trump to sign it. It puts Beijing under enormous pressure to recognize the electoral result or face backlash from the rest of the world. He has leverage now.

He can sign it. He will sign it.

If he doesn't, he can't say he supports democracy or human rights.

You have vilified Trump nonstop here and if he does sign you’ll criticize him for it and if he doesn’t sign you ll do the same. According to you he has not done one thing right as POTUS. Not falling for your troll thread.

I see what you are doing, you will wait till he acts on the bill and then say that what he did was the greatest decision in the history of the planet....like you do for everything your god does.
Interesting that not a single Trump follower will take a stand.

Though not surprising, Trump has not told you what to think yet.
Interesting that not a single Trump follower will take a stand.

Though not surprising, Trump has not told you what to think yet.

Not sure it matters.

China is going to do what China wants to do.

Would they murder every last man, woman, and child in Hong Kong? Sure, but what about the Hong Kong economy?

That is what keeps them from the troops rolling in and letting them do their thing.

I read the Bill. What does it do to help Hong Kong..in your words please.

It is mostly symbolic as it relies on the interpretation of the State Dept as to what is sufficient autonomy and what are “human rights” violations

I just enjoy watching idiots like Lebron make fools of themselves over it. That is about the only pleasure I get from the whole affair.

Thanks for admitting its just symbolic and of no importance though.

Maybe start another bash Trump thread now.

I read the Bill. What does it do to help Hong Kong..in your words please.

It is mostly symbolic as it relies on the interpretation of the State Dept as to what is sufficient autonomy and what are “human rights” violations

I just enjoy watching idiots like Lebron make fools of themselves over it. That is about the only pleasure I get from the whole affair.

Thanks for admitting its just symbolic and of no importance though.

Maybe start another bash Trump thread now.

It is wrong to assume symbolism holds no importance, that is not true at all.

I also did not bash Trump at all. Just wanted to see if his followers had an opinion on the bill.

But as I suspected, they are waiting for him to tell them what to think.
Trumpy should realize that you can't have fair trade with communists. He should raise tariffs immediately and sign that bill. China is exactly the kind of totalitarians that need to be kicked when they're down. Time to decouple.

You have vilified Trump nonstop here and if he does sign you’ll criticize him for it and if he doesn’t sign you ll do the same. According to you he has not done one thing right as POTUS. Not falling for your troll thread.

I see what you are doing, you will wait till he acts on the bill and then say that what he did was the greatest decision in the history of the planet....like you do for everything your god does.

I will happily answer you if you link one post where you agree with one decision that Trump has made in his 3+ years. Fair?

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