Hooray For The Gop! It's Over! Now All We Need Is The Vote...

I love how everyone is harking on Pelosi and her descion to impeach the lying corrupt bastard....

Pelosi promised overwhelming evidence and bipartisanship but, like you, could not deliver any crime, any evidence, and any witnesses. Like you, all she could do is stand screeching, wailing, flinging false, unproven accusations, and, again - like YOU, is left looking like a deranged, easily manipulated, Trump-hating lunatic



Where's your link that they voted last night? No link fake news. Well it is fake news because the vote will not be taken until tonight, anything can change. I'd would roll with laughter if it was a tie and Roberts stood with the witnesses.

You dont seem to know what words mean.

You don't seem to understand what a politician says today might not be the same tomorrow.
Its a gotdamn shame these ball less immoral GOP senators are going to rubber stamp a sitting criminal in the white house.They don't know it, but they've pretty much handed over our nation to the devil himself, Donald Trump. May they all roast in fuckin hell!!

Get a life, start with a brain and some balls.
I love how everyone is harking on Pelosi and her descion to impeach the lying corrupt bastard....news flash morons, were it not for the cowardly GOP senate, Trump would and rightly so be impeached by now....one more time, ITS THE GOP TRUMP WHORES THAT SAVED TRUMPS ASS, NOT THE OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE THAT WAS PRESENTED!!
considering that the fake news media is 100% in the tank for impeachment, voting against it is quite brave. However, the voters are going to punish Democrats for this sleazy Soviet style show trial.
I'm thinking Pelosi is done now. She blew her wad, now it's time for her to go home. Sleeping with a smile on my face tonight!

Nobody thought Trump was going to be removed by the Senate, least of all Pelosi. This has gone exactly according to script.

Are you pee wee Herman? You lose and now you say “we meant to do that”.
I heard the Dems couldn't get their way in the Senate..........Wasn't enough RINO's around to get paid..........oops....to vote their way.


Go back to sleep. You're fucking annoying.
Most of the Trolls are suddenly gone today and you are one of the few idiots that just don't get it. Shouldn't you join your brother Trolls for your Safe Space Crying Group?

Show me on The Doll where the Constitution Touched You!

What is it I'm not getting, you huge moron? Everyone with at least two functioning brain cells could easily surmise the outcome weeks ago, because it's political theatrics. You're just like a child coming into a theater halfway through the movie and demanding to know what happened during the first half. Just eat shit, you fucking stupid tool bag.
I'm thinking Pelosi is done now. She blew her wad, now it's time for her to go home. Sleeping with a smile on my face tonight!

Nobody thought Trump was going to be removed by the Senate, least of all Pelosi. This has gone exactly according to script.

Are you pee wee Herman? You lose and now you say “we meant to do that”.

How did I lose when I have been against the impeachment from day one?
I'm thinking Pelosi is done now. She blew her wad, now it's time for her to go home. Sleeping with a smile on my face tonight!

Nobody thought Trump was going to be removed by the Senate, least of all Pelosi. This has gone exactly according to script.

Are you pee wee Herman? You lose and now you say “we meant to do that”.

How did I lose when I have been against the impeachment from day one?
You forget - if you're not an obedient Trumpster, you must be a radical pinko socialist Hitler Nazi Stalinist Fascist commie.
I'm thinking Pelosi is done now. She blew her wad, now it's time for her to go home. Sleeping with a smile on my face tonight!

Nobody thought Trump was going to be removed by the Senate, least of all Pelosi. This has gone exactly according to script.

Are you pee wee Herman? You lose and now you say “we meant to do that”.

How did I lose when I have been against the impeachment from day one?
You forget - if you're not an obedient Trumpster, you must be a radical pinko socialist Hitler Nazi Stalinist commie.

that is the only thing that exist in their world. They lack the intellect to see anything else
He never was a fav of mine...but since he won and took office, I have to admire him. How he gets up every day facing the crap tossed at him 24/7/365 for the past 4 years, I have no clue how he does it. But, he does it. And gets shit done. So yeah....he is kicking butt and I'm glad he is POTUS and will be again.
What has he got done?

If you choose to find a job and work then you would know what he has done. Sitting home on your fat, lazy ass living off the good will of others doesn't give you insight into what Trump has done.
Pay attention, Debbie.

I think you and Jackson must be diddling each other, you pay attention and show me where the vote was last night?
Pay attention, Debbie. I didn't even read all that bullshit. From either side.

It just sounded fun to say so I joined in.

Pay attention, Debbie.

Pay attention along with all the other fruit loops NO FUCKING VOTE HAS BEEN TAKEN YET. That is the point.
Its a gotdamn shame these ball less immoral GOP senators are going to rubber stamp a sitting criminal in the white house.They don't know it, but they've pretty much handed over our nation to the devil himself, Donald Trump. May they all roast in fuckin hell!!

No, you're thinking of the previous buffoon.
Lol, no.

Wake the fuck up man.

No, perfectly clear. Libs MO from day one has been to impeach.
I know that's the tRumpling mantra.

That doesn't make it true.

Quite the opposite in fact.
Showing you're stupidity again.

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