Hope they pass Trumpcare.....

Prediction, The House passes it, it dies in the Senate.
And some GOP House members will die with it.

Won't happen, let's see Obama shut down the Govt and it was said Pubs would die a horrible death in the mid-terms. They took the House. Two year later, they took the Senate and now Hillary is knitting little sickies for Bill and Chelsea. No changes will take place until the powers that be decide they will take place. 2016 was a staged election so I'm not certain there will be any mid-terms.
I didn't think a Pres could shut down the gov. Congress?
Educate me

Then what happened during Obama's first term?
My daughter started a $150mm business. 23 yr olds starting at $90k with engineering degrees.
You?? Do tell

Deflection at it's finest, you are dismissed.
Prediction, The House passes it, it dies in the Senate.
And some GOP House members will die with it.

Won't happen, let's see Obama shut down the Govt and it was said Pubs would die a horrible death in the mid-terms. They took the House. Two year later, they took the Senate and now Hillary is knitting little sickies for Bill and Chelsea. No changes will take place until the powers that be decide they will take place. 2016 was a staged election so I'm not certain there will be any mid-terms.
I didn't think a Pres could shut down the gov. Congress?
Educate me

Then what happened during Obama's first term?

I told you and you're too stupid to get past magic negro

Join in the conversation that is actually taking place or go sit in the corner and watch the big kids play.
Insurers not interested in selling ObamaCare across state lines[/URL]

For the last 10 months, states have been legally allowed to let insurers sell plans outside their borders.

Despite the idea’s enduring popularity, no states have signaled interest in the policy, insurance experts and regulators say. And the federal government never even finished writing the rules for how it would work.

“Insurers aren’t interested at this point,” Linda Blumberg, a senior fellow on health policy at the Urban Institute, said in an interview. “It’s kind of a lot of effort for no necessary return.”
For the last 10 months, states have been legally allowed to let insurers sell plans outside their borders.

Despite the idea’s enduring popularity, no states have signaled interest in the policy, insurance experts and regulators say. And the federal government never even finished writing the rules for how it would work.

“Insurers aren’t interested at this point,” Linda Blumberg, a senior fellow on health policy at the Urban Institute, said in an interview. “It’s kind of a lot of effort for no necessary return.”

ObamaCare’s little-known provision that allows insurers to sell plans across state lines was tucked inside the 1,000-page law at the time of its passage, though it didn’t go into effect until January 2016.

Under the law, two or more states can band together into what’s called a “healthcare choice compact.” That means people can buy health coverage from another state that wouldn’t be subjected to the rules of their home state, as long as those states agree.

States would have to explicitly pass legislation to empower insurers to enter into these agreements.

Thirteen states have tried to pass these laws since ObamaCare was signed in 2010, in part because of a push by the powerful conservative group American Legislative Exchange Council.

Only three states have approved those laws — Kentucky, Georgia and Maine — although none have actually made deals with other states to sell their plans, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Conservatives say the provision that’s already in the law is far from what Republicans have in mind when they’re touting the idea on the campaign trail.

“It’s like a fake-out, and it’s not even a very convincing fake-out,” said Tom Miller, a health policy expert at the conservative American Enterprise Institute.

Insurance companies in these special agreements under ObamaCare would still have to follow the law’s minimum standards, which requires all health plans to cover certain types of providers and services in each network. The biggest change is that companies could skirt rules that are stricter than ObamaCare’s.

“All that’s saying is, you get to do something different as long as you do the same thing you’re doing before,” Miller added.

In the GOP’s ideal world, companies would be selling insurance across state lines without the mandatory coverage requirements of ObamaCare.

Candidates like Trump have vowed to entirely repeal the healthcare law. States would again set their own regulations, leaving GOP-controlled statehouses to set low regulatory bars with hopes of driving down the costs of health plans.

Insurers not interested in selling ObamaCare across state lines
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And some GOP House members will die with it.

Won't happen, let's see Obama shut down the Govt and it was said Pubs would die a horrible death in the mid-terms. They took the House. Two year later, they took the Senate and now Hillary is knitting little sickies for Bill and Chelsea. No changes will take place until the powers that be decide they will take place. 2016 was a staged election so I'm not certain there will be any mid-terms.
I didn't think a Pres could shut down the gov. Congress?
Educate me

Then what happened during Obama's first term?

I told you and you're too stupid to get past magic negro

Join in the conversation that is actually taking place or go sit in the corner and watch the big kids play.

post # 68 this thread ... corner time Dip, and stfu
The portability issue is a canard. It won't solve anything.
yes and no.

Debbie is correct that insurance companies don't really want to compete for Obamacare policies. It's a double edged sword. Obamacare was predicated on insurers competing for all the new policies, and competition would control cost. And, insurers aren't making enough off the Obamacare policies to make it worth the effort. The gop's proposal does not change any of that ... besides making it easier for insurers to deny coverage for some.
Where is Trump's healthcare plan? The one he said would be better and cheaper?

It was all written out and ready to go, but Trump lost it somewhere between the 16th and 17th hole in his golf course.....Damn!!!
For the last 10 months, states have been legally allowed to let insurers sell plans outside their borders.

Despite the idea’s enduring popularity, no states have signaled interest in the policy, insurance experts and regulators say. And the federal government never even finished writing the rules for how it would work.

“Insurers aren’t interested at this point,” Linda Blumberg, a senior fellow on health policy at the Urban Institute, said in an interview. “It’s kind of a lot of effort for no necessary return.”

ObamaCare’s little-known provision that allows insurers to sell plans across state lines was tucked inside the 1,000-page law at the time of its passage, though it didn’t go into effect until January 2016.

Under the law, two or more states can band together into what’s called a “healthcare choice compact.” That means people can buy health coverage from another state that wouldn’t be subjected to the rules of their home state, as long as those states agree.

States would have to explicitly pass legislation to empower insurers to enter into these agreements.

Thirteen states have tried to pass these laws since ObamaCare was signed in 2010, in part because of a push by the powerful conservative group American Legislative Exchange Council.

Only three states have approved those laws — Kentucky, Georgia and Maine — although none have actually made deals with other states to sell their plans, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Conservatives say the provision that’s already in the law is far from what Republicans have in mind when they’re touting the idea on the campaign trail.

“It’s like a fake-out, and it’s not even a very convincing fake-out,” said Tom Miller, a health policy expert at the conservative American Enterprise Institute.

Insurance companies in these special agreements under ObamaCare would still have to follow the law’s minimum standards, which requires all health plans to cover certain types of providers and services in each network. The biggest change is that companies could skirt rules that are stricter than ObamaCare’s.

“All that’s saying is, you get to do something different as long as you do the same thing you’re doing before,” Miller added.

In the GOP’s ideal world, companies would be selling insurance across state lines without the mandatory coverage requirements of ObamaCare.

Candidates like Trump have vowed to entirely repeal the healthcare law. States would again set their own regulations, leaving GOP-controlled statehouses to set low regulatory bars with hopes of driving down the costs of health plans.

Insurers not interested in selling ObamaCare across state lines
Until the McCarran-Ferguson Act is repealed, and insurance companies can sell nationwide, they will not be interested in half-assed schemes.
So you're claiming that the fruits of my labor are yours and vice versa? Ok, when are you going to pony up and start paying some of my personal expenses? Sorry about your wife's condition, it's unfortunate but I have my own list of charitable causes that I want to service with the fruits of MY labor and your personal wants/needs/problems isn't on it as I'm sure mine are not on yours.

Ummm.. there's a difference, I don't want anything that I didn't earn, in other words I never have nor would I ever expect anybody else to pay for my personal expenses under ANY circumstances because doing so is both indecent and immoral.
What you didn't earn? For fuck's sake, you couldn't pay for an HC policy on your own without MY tax dollars subsidizing your employer's cost
Hate to burst your bubble but your tax dollars don't subsidize anything for me, I am now and always have been a net payer as in I pay more in than I get in return. The fact of the matter is you're the one that is explicitly asking for a 14K a year subsidy from your fellow citizens, not me, I don't accept subsidies for my personal expenses since I believe it's immoral to confiscate the fruits of other peoples labor in order to benefit myself and that includes doing it at the point of a government gun.

You want 14K a year to pay for your expenses? get it in the only way that isn't morally deficient and try asking others to voluntarily give it to you.

ANYONE getting HC is being subsidized by the rest of us. YOU are being subsidized.
It's easy to make such claims, yet you have provided absolutely ZERO in the way of evidence.

I apologize for calling you a name. however, under any set of facts YOU ARE being subsidized for over 14K per year ... if you have any private or public insurance.

Your assertion is flawed since you have no idea what my insurance costs versus what my actuarial risk is but just for the sake of discussion, while I've paid health insurance premiums for 3 decades my insurance company has never had to pay a penny for my costs (it's all been out of pocket) and thanks to ever increasing government involvement my premiums have continued to rise at an accelerating pace and with less comprehensive coverage.

So if you're subsidizing me as you claim you're doing a piss poor job of it and I would like you to cease and desist as your "subsidies" are driving up MY costs.

I was subsiding YOU before and after Obamacare. It's the nature of the beast, Fox. We ALL get subsidies.

So you claim, again you've failed to provide any evidence to show exactly the method and the extent to which you're (or anybody else) is doing that nor have you addressed the fact that I pay far more in taxes than I get in return nor the fact that my health insurance premiums keep rising while my coverage keeps shrinking and I have filed no claims in all the time I've carried my insurance.

Lastly, I would like to know why you think that I (or anybody else) owes you a subsidy for your $14K a year in risk premium, what do the rest of us get for our money?
As everyone well remembers, one of the biggest criticism against passing of the ACA was attributed that it passed without ANY republican approval.....So, guess what will happen when Trumpcare (at least in the House) passes without a single (well maybe one or two) Dem votes?

Further, the 30 second adds are soon to be prepared by the DNC against vulnerable GOP seats in 2018 for their vote on ultimately kicking folks out of the ACA's provision that insurance companies MUST accept to insure people with pre existing conditions.

The moronic and unfounded Trump promise that ALL would be covered at a cheaper and better premium is just that....a moronic, unfulfilled and broken promise....and all who are forced to vote for Trumpcare will ultimately have to carry that "albatross" on their back......

Want to guess which states have the MOST people who will lose coverage?....Mississippi, WV ,Al, KY, TN, SC, etc......all states that foolishly trusted the Trumpster.,

Well, that's what you get when you blow the election and allow your opponents to rule. How's it feel being on the sidelines ?

The GOP is poised to increase it's hold on both chambers.

The federal government has enacted a series of legislative boondoggles which are preventing you the consumer from being able to buy health insurance the same way you buy auto, home, and life insurance.

I mentioned the McCarran-Ferguson Act above. That's one means by which you are being prevented.

Another is the massive labor union boondoggle in the form of the employer-sponsored health insurance tax exemption.

God knows how many times I have tried to explain to this forum how tax expenditures distort and warp the free market, and rob the middle and lower income classes blind, and this exemption is a prime example.

Because of this exemption, you are completely hostage to the take-it-or-leave-it single option health insurance you are offered by your employer. Completely hostage.

In turn, your employer is completely hostage to the insurance company, and then the insurance company is hostage to the medical provider.

Every economist will tell you this tax exemption scam is bending the cost of health care upward. And yet ObamaCare more deeply entrenched it! They are FORCING even more employers to trap you in this disastrous scheme.

Under this disaster, if you work for a small employer and one of your co-workers gets a serious illness, the cost of everyone's insurance in that company skyrockets. The risk is concentrated into a very tiny pool.

If you were able to buy your health insurance the right way, you would pick up the phone and call whatever health insurance company in the country you wished, just like you do when you buy auto insurance. And if that company does not satisfy you, you can hang up and call a whole constellation of competitors. That is what gives you maximum leverage and maximum choice and lower costs.

That is where we should be headed.

Instead, the Republican Party sold us all down the single-payer river to the Democrats a long, long time ago. All this sound and fury over ObamaCare has been theater for the rubes.

This piece of shit legislation they are screwing us all with today is the inevitable outcome of their decades-long, pernicious mendacity.

The Republicans had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a comprehensive solution, but they just sat there with their thumbs up their asses, putting on a big show of tears and renting of their clothes for the rubes. And the dumb rubes ate it up, and STILL have not caught on.
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Vote just passed.

Wonderful, step one in replacing Democrat Party spawned liberty and prosperity destroying bullshit with Republican Party spawned liberty and prosperity destroying bullshit. :rolleyes:

"Same shit, different day"

There's always that chance it good get through senate, but that is a long shot in present form. I believe they are getting ready for another recess next week and wanted to get something done, just anything.
I have noticed that the rabid anti-ACA posters come in two categories. The first group are those that are uninsurable under pre-ACA underwriting rules, who are, frankly, totally ignorant about health insurance, and somehow think that they got a raw deal under ACA. The second group are those that are insured, probably under their employer's group insurance plan, and don't give a rat's ass about uninsured people, because they have their's, and resent contributing to the cost of the uninsured. It seems to me that I am seeing fewer and fewer posts from the first group, who are slowly beginning to realize that ACA is a WHOLE lot better than what the GOP wants to give them, instead.

In spite of my passionate support of universal health insurance, I find myself more and more often thinking, in times of discouragement, that it would serve that first group right, if Trumpcare becomes law.
Vote just passed.

Wonderful, step one in replacing Democrat Party spawned liberty and prosperity destroying bullshit with Republican Party spawned liberty and prosperity destroying bullshit. :rolleyes:

"Same shit, different day"

There's always that chance it good get through senate, but that is a long shot in present form. I believe they are getting ready for another recess next week and wanted to get something done, just anything.
Uh-huh, the good ole Senate, where shitty House Bills go to become shittier bills, can't wait until they pass it so that they can take it to conference committee where it can become a "Oh my god, I can't believe it's this shitty" bill, after all going through this exercise with Obamacare just wasn't satisfying enough, gotta taste that shit again just to make sure it is as shitty tasting the second time around.

"I'm just a bill
Yes, I'm only a bill
And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill"
-- Schoolhouse Rock

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