Hopefully our Next President

I am a registered Independent. Believe it or not, I did not go crazy anti left until they went ape shit anti Israel and pro trans. I have young daughters to think about. But I am still an Independent.
You can register however you want. You're still not an independent though.
Open Borders
Trans women in women’s locker rooms
Defund the Police
Playing nonstop race card…CRT

Why NJ was so close and there are 1mil more registered Democrats there than Republicans
Open Borders: I don't think either side has been serious about the immigration issue.

Trans women: Not a huge deal in my opinion. I know it is to you. Not to me.

Defund the Police: Stupid messaging in my opinion. I think they need reform but not defunding. If it was up to me, they would get MORE funding, not less.

CRT: I think this is just the latest buzz term that right-wing media is throwing out to keep their listeners angry and engaged. I can't recall this term being used regularly until very recently.

Democrats typically don't do well in off-year elections. I think things got a bit boring now that Trump is out so not as much engagement from the left.

My $0.02.
Open Borders: I don't think either side has been serious about the immigration issue.

Trans women: Not a huge deal in my opinion. I know it is to you. Not to me.

Defund the Police: Stupid messaging in my opinion. I think they need reform but not defunding. If it was up to me, they would get MORE funding, not less.

CRT: I think this is just the latest buzz term that right-wing media is throwing out to keep their listeners angry and engaged. I can't recall this term being used regularly until very recently.

Democrats typically don't do well in off-year elections. I think things got a bit boring now that Trump is out so not as much engagement from the left.

My $0.02.
As Crenshaw eloquently pointed out. It has been worse under Biden in terms of borders. CRT and trans in locker rooms matter to suburban moms. My wife didn’t vote until 2020 because of this.
As Crenshaw eloquently pointed out. It has been worse under Biden in terms of borders. CRT and trans in locker rooms matter to suburban moms. My wife didn’t vote until 2020 because of this.
Trump's plan was a big, stupid wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for. He talked about it like it was magically going to fix illegal immigration. Did it work? Obviously not, just like we all explained to you.

I think if we really want to fix the issue, we just mandate e-verify and we give severe punishments for the employers who willingly hire illegal immigrants. It's pretty simple - they're not going to come if they can't find work here.

Biden is at least bringing up going after the employers. But we'll see if anything actually happens with this. I'll believe it when I see it.
Trump's plan was a big, stupid wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for. He talked about it like it was magically going to fix illegal immigration. Did it work? Obviously not, just like we all explained to you.

I think if we really want to fix the issue, we just mandate e-verify and we give severe punishments for the employers who willingly hire illegal immigrants. It's pretty simple - they're not going to come if they can't find work here.

Biden is at least bringing up going after the employers. But we'll see if anything actually happens with this. I'll believe it when I see it.
Did you see what Crenshaw said? 100% agree with him.
That's it? You're in favor of background checks for guns and you think that makes you an independent?
She is pro Israel. She is pro choice. She is for affordable tuition. She is for a balanced budget. How many do you want. I watcher Her debate McSally and she sold me. Not that I have a vote.
She is pro Israel. She is pro choice. She is for affordable tuition. She is for a balanced budget. How many do you want. I watcher Her debate McSally and she sold me. Not that I have a vote.
You're still not an independent.

You constantly get into it with "leftists" because of their liberal views around here. You've never done the same with right-leaning posters.
You might be right about Crenshaw. Maybe not our next President, but I can definitely see him running someday.
You're still not an independent.

You constantly get into it with "leftists" because of their liberal views around here. You've never done the same with right-leaning posters.
I am fine with liberal views. Not fine with CRT,
Trans in girls locker rooms, open border policies, inflation, anti Israel rhetoric, anti police rhetoric. So yeah the Democratic Party gave me a giant middle finger and told me to fuck of. They don’t want my vote. It’s fine.
So yeah the Democratic Party gave me a giant middle finger and told me to fuck of. They don’t want my vote. It’s fine.
Right. And you're not going to be voting blue any time soon, so why pretend to yourself that you're an independent?

You're not an independent.

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