Zone1 Hospital Fires Christian Woman Who Refused to Use Preferred Pronouns and Disagreed With Transgender Reassignment Surgery

It isn’t about a “fad” it’s about being considerate to yhe patient. Is that really such an insurmountable hurdle? How does doing so distract from the job? How is it any different than asking a patient if the would prefer to be called by their first name or Mr/Mrs/etc?
The way that hospitals are organised she had no need to work on a ward that dealt with gender surgery..

She could have chosen another speciality if she found that distasteful.It just sounds like she was looking for a row.

Patients in that ward are under enough stress without some religious wierdo sticking their beak in.
Cruelty. Does anyone actually believe using general pronouns is on the same plane as as torture, rape, and deliberately causing physical pain? This is not an example of cruelty but of refusing to give importance to egocentric and self-centered behavior.

All of us should have enough to do without re-learning pronouns. Besides, it has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with science. Note how the nurse is being described as a Christian, not as someone who went through a lot of training in the biological sciences. How about this headline instead: Nurse Well-Trained in Biological Sciences Refuses to Follow Current Pronoun Fad...Says following current fads an unwanted distraction when treating physical ills.
Every time I have been in hospital the nurse always asks me how I like to be addressed. Then they write it up on theboard above the bed.
Its just good manners and good service.
This nonsense has gone in to sports too.

A lunatic man gets his pecker cut off then sets records as a so called Woman.

This is insanity. And we do not need to bow to these insane actions. We should speak out against it. And if they dont like it... Well welcome to Freedom of Speach.

It isn’t about a “fad” it’s about being considerate to yhe [sic] patient. Is that really such an insurmountable hurdle? How does doing so distract from the job? How is it any different than asking a patient if the would prefer to be called by their first name or Mr/Mrs/etc?

The principle of compelling a sane person to play along with insane lies is irreconcilable with any rational concept of what it means to be “considerate”.
I get that being a sociopathological liar, you hold truth to have no value at all; and that is why you see no harm in forcing normal people to lie, or to play along with lies.

But actual human beings value truth, and we see it as very harmful to force us to treat falsehood as if they are in any way comparable to truth.

That is one of the very important differences between human beings, and your kind.
Because good manners and kindness is a step too far.
of course -


they miss their idol so - the modern day christian daddy to burn down the hospital where they left off after doing the capital.
Every time I have been in hospital the nurse always asks me how I like to be addressed. Then they write it up on theboard above the bed.
Its just good manners and good service.
Complete babbling British BS from the Brown Baboon of Whales. And a good chance it’s a LIE. They have your info at incoming. No one gets to a room without a chart and they know your name, drop off person, family etc.

what if they wheel up and you cant tell? Hello…..uh? You?
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Forcing a sane person to treat an insane falsehood as if it were truth is not reconcilable with any rational concept of good manners or kindness.
Thats just your insane opinion.. People in these wards are entitled to a professional service. Not some crazy insane mumbo jumbo.

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