Zone1 Hospital Fires Christian Woman Who Refused to Use Preferred Pronouns and Disagreed With Transgender Reassignment Surgery

(1) Why oh why do some people take themselves so seriously?

(2) If you are a Christian, that's fine!

(3) But just go ahead at your job to use preferred pronouns and keep your mouth shut about reassignment surgery.

(4) Just do your job and collect your salary.

(5) Reminds me of some Muslim taxi drivers who had refused to pick up people who had been drinking liquor.

So many human beings are just jerks!
(1) Why oh why do some people take themselves so seriously?
Think about it. Should a person who needs hospitalization be concerned about pronouns? If that is not taking oneself too seriously, I would be hard pressed to find a better example.

My theory is that too many First World people were only children who weren't assigned enough chores and homework to keep their minds off themselves.
If some one requests certain pronouns it does no harm to any of us to use them. It is a sign of respect and if you can’t manage that, then simple kindness.

A doctor, P.A. or nurses job goes beyond simple physical care and involves all facets of a patients hospital stay. A hospital stay can be stressful, frightening, unpleasant, and part of a their job is to ease that.

If this nurse’s ideology is so important that she consciously chooses cruelty then she has no business being in that field.

People like her cherry pick their religion to support their bias.
If this nurse’s ideology is so important that she consciously chooses cruelty then she has no business being in that field.

People like her cherry pick their religion to support their bias.
Cruelty. Does anyone actually believe using general pronouns is on the same plane as as torture, rape, and deliberately causing physical pain? This is not an example of cruelty but of refusing to give importance to egocentric and self-centered behavior.

All of us should have enough to do without re-learning pronouns. Besides, it has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with science. Note how the nurse is being described as a Christian, not as someone who went through a lot of training in the biological sciences. How about this headline instead: Nurse Well-Trained in Biological Sciences Refuses to Follow Current Pronoun Fad...Says following current fads an unwanted distraction when treating physical ills.
Cruelty. Does anyone actually believe using general pronouns is on the same plane as as torture, rape, and deliberately causing physical pain? This is not an example of cruelty but of refusing to give importance to egocentric and self-centered behavior.

All of us should have enough to do without re-learning pronouns. Besides, it has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with science. Note how the nurse is being described as a Christian, not as someone who went through a lot of training in the biological sciences. How about this headline instead: Nurse Well-Trained in Biological Sciences Refuses to Follow Current Pronoun Fad...Says following current fads an unwanted distraction when treating physical ills.
The nurse herself says it has everything to do with her religion. Just like it was with that woman years ago who refused to issue marriage licenses to gays.
She explains herself in the video posted .
I follow discussions with people posting here. I do not view any of the videos as I cannot hold a discussion with the person on the video. For me...videos a complete waste of time and I ignore them. However, I do appreciate you filling me in.
How about some lib empathy for girls that are forced to shower with men?
Girls generally don't shower in bathrooms. If you're talking about locker rooms, that is another matter and there too I'll let the locals make that call. If Austin says it is OK, fine, if Houston says it is not OK, that is fine too. I don't see a need for a Federal law making that decision for them.
Girls generally don't shower in bathrooms. If you're talking about locker rooms, that is another matter and there too I'll let the locals make that call. If Austin says it is OK, fine, if Houston says it is not OK, that is fine too. I don't see a need for a Federal law making that decision for them.
Nevermind your ticky-tac parsing of the words

We are talking about male access to female facilities

As you very well know

I have not argued for or against a federal law

But since women play sports across jurisdictions and under national rules it is a national issue

Plus men are invading female dressing rooms outside of sports
Cruelty. Does anyone actually believe using general pronouns is on the same plane as as torture, rape, and deliberately causing physical pain? This is not an example of cruelty but of refusing to give importance to egocentric and self-centered behavior.

All of us should have enough to do without re-learning pronouns. Besides, it has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with science. Note how the nurse is being described as a Christian, not as someone who went through a lot of training in the biological sciences. How about this headline instead: Nurse Well-Trained in Biological Sciences Refuses to Follow Current Pronoun Fad...Says following current fads an unwanted distraction when treating physical ills.
It isn’t about a “fad” it’s about being considerate to yhe patient. Is that really such an insurmountable hurdle? How does doing so distract from the job? How is it any different than asking a patient if the would prefer to be called by their first name or Mr/Mrs/etc?
It isn’t about a “fad” it’s about being considerate to yhe patient. Is that really such an insurmountable hurdle? How does doing so distract from the job? How is it any different than asking a patient if the would prefer to be called by their first name or Mr/Mrs/etc?
How about the patient being considerate of hardworking health care workers. As far as I'm concerned, the doctor or nurse--or anyone--can call me anything they are comfortable calling me. What a big to-do over nothing.
Nevermind your ticky-tac parsing of the words

We are talking about male access to female facilities
Is there a law I don't know about that says they must admit transgender people? If not, why not just leave to those facilities to make the decision?

I have not argued for or against a federal law

But since women play sports across jurisdictions and under national rules it is a national issue
No it is not, the women's soccer league can set a policy for their member, the women's volleyball league and set the same or different policies. Not a national issue.

Plus men are invading female dressing rooms outside of sports
OK, where is this happening?

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