House bill: “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act" passes in GOP controlled House

That triggered you, didn’t it?
Are you for real? You're telling me that it's okay for a man to compete
in a woman's sport? You're as nuts as they are Zinc.

And I'm not going to waste my time going through all the sports and all
the trannies for your sorry ass. I gave examples, and you gave me bullshit
for your facts....".I know a girl who....." sheesh dude
Nope i am saying it doesn't matter as an issue. Based on your info, its less likely than being hit by a meteor.
The word you are looking for is "fewer" people, not "less".
You're afraid of them. You don't post about Pedos, just Trans. trans aren't going after the kids. Males in the family are. Teachers, priests, camo counselors, but mist likely the dad or uncle, not some rando Trans. But you can't handle that.
Republican governors have vetoed this nonsense as well. Both governors cited the fact that there was one 1 transgender competing. In Michigan, it was 10. There are very few transgender athletes so this is a problem that does not exist.
Other than the fact that men are now owning the records in men's sports along with women's sports?

You people who went woke gave up your sanity along with it. Bless your hearts
Nope i am saying it doesn't matter as an issue. Based on your info, its less likely than being hit by a meteor.
It doesn't matter to you and your ilk, Zinc.

The women who participate in sports have different views on the subject. But, unlike
you and your ilk, they have skin in the game.
Well, I notice it when you immature ignorant twats manipulate people's words because you can't compete in the arena of ideas. It's what informed intelligent people do. You're pitiful.
You’re just a triggered crybaby. Drop the temper tantrum and make your claim without the hissy fit so I can answer whatever you’re trying to say.
You're afraid of them. You don't post about Pedos, just Trans. trans aren't going after the kids. Males in the family are. Teachers, priests, camo counselors, but mist likely the dad or uncle, not some rando Trans. But you can't handle that.
So, show the kind people here where I have indulged in the same dishonest tactics as you employ to defend priests and the like.

Show us a thread on pederasty in the Catholic church where I indulged in tu quoque fallacies such you employ to defend it by bringing up people who do likewise

Show us all a single thread where I call people names because they oppose the abuse like you always do.

You can't. You are just a very stupid, simple-minded little man who sees the world in complete binary.
It is nether stupid nor dishonest. You're terrified of gays and trannies. You want gay people completely hidden from sight and never spoken of in the presence of children.
Even gay people are going what the hell. There is no need for naked people doing shows or having parades around kids, gay or straight. It is not homophobic to say this. It is also not homophobic to say trans athletes shouldn't be beating up on women. It is a pathetic dodge, and proves you are taking sides against females.
Even gay people are going what the hell. There is no need for naked people doing shows or having parades around kids, gay or straight. It is not homophobic to say this. It is also not homophobic to say trans athletes shouldn't be beating up on women. It is a pathetic dodge, and proves you are taking sides against females.
only some gays think that way,, the majority want to expose themselves to children,,
There you go. You would kill gays for just existing.
Learn to read you fucking retarded troll. Showing how stupid you are yet again. You should go read that crap you want in school libraries at a public playground asshole. See what happens. Now GFY moron.
that may be true,, but then again it may not be,,

but they do want to expose children to their adult sex acts for grooming purposes,,
I was groomed as a child. I didn't even know I was being groomed as I only thought it was an adult paying me the sort of attention my parents didn't, and giving me the sort of positive feedback I lacked.

That was until the day he wanted to show me some pictures and fondled me when I came closer to look. Luckily for me, it never went any farther than that, but watching some little shit like zinc who WANTS that to happen to kids and calls me names for reacting to it, well, gotta know it is difficult to control my anger.
Other than the fact that men are now owning the records in men's sports along with women's sports?

You people who went woke gave up your sanity along with it. Bless your hearts

The fact is that few transgenders compete in women's sports. For example, in Michigan, only 10 people applied to participate in a sport different from their birth sex. Utah's Republican governor pointed out that there is 1 transgender person participating in women's sports.

"Utah Gov. Spencer Cox made an emotional plea for compassion toward transgender youth Tuesday in explaining his decision to veto a bill banning transgender students from playing girls' sports.

In a letter to the state's Senate president and House speaker, Cox told his fellow Republicans that he was moved by data showing that among 75,000 kids playing high school sports in Utah, only four were transgender, with just one involved in girls sports.

"Four kids and only one of them playing girls sports. That’s what all of this is about. Four kids who aren’t dominating or winning trophies or taking scholarships. Four kids who are just trying to find some friends and feel like they are a part of something. Four kids trying to get through each day," he wrote. "Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few."

Cox also cited research on how a sense of belonging could reduce suicide rates among transgender youth, adding that while he struggled to understand "conflicting" science, he sought to employ kindness.

"I don't understand what they are going through or why they feel the way they do. But I want them to live. And all the research shows that even a little acceptance and connection can reduce suicidality significantly," Cox wrote."


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