House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

A. Maybe $15/hr is too high
What would make it too high? What criteria?

More crickets. If you're saying that maybe $15/hr is too high, how would we make that determination? What would it mean for it to be "too high".

It's weird, you seem to implicitly acknowledge that raising the minimum wage causes unemployment and inflation. But hint that it's worth it due to the 'net benefits'. So, it seems reasonable to ask how we'd go about making that call. How would you decide if a given minimum wage is too high? Have you considered this at all?
Q) How many people do you think work at minimum wage?
A) In 2014, about 1.3 million U.S. workers age 16 and over earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Another 1.7 million had wages below the federal minimum.
Together these workers make up 4 percent of all hourly paid workers. What are the characteristics of minimum wage workers? - UC Davis Center for Poverty Research
So let's raise ALL these 3 million people to $15.00/hour.

Supposedly, 42% of US workers make less than $15/hr - so if the law were passed, it would have a far bigger impact.

This raises an interesting question. What would be the ideal percentage of the work force on minimum wage?

But why have a one size fits all when Mississippi has a cost of living lower than New York?
5 facts about the minimum wage

A. Maybe $15/hr is too high

B. Maybe it's not in certain regions

C. Why not have a regional minimum wage tied to COLA and inflation?

These are all worthwhile discussions worthy of reasonable debate.

I have seen none of that thread

By all means let the mocking begin. First where did you even come up with this nice even $15 an hour number? Second how does a one size fits all $15 an hour minimum wage work when the cost of living is drastically different across the country? But but but

Jesus least TRY to keep up huh?

You people are proposing a one size all federal $15 an hour minimum wage, FACT. Call us when your idiot Dem's in congress propose something different.
Sure, why not. Congress fixes Standards for the Union, not just the South.
Q) How many people do you think work at minimum wage?
A) In 2014, about 1.3 million U.S. workers age 16 and over earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Another 1.7 million had wages below the federal minimum.
Together these workers make up 4 percent of all hourly paid workers. What are the characteristics of minimum wage workers? - UC Davis Center for Poverty Research
So let's raise ALL these 3 million people to $15.00/hour.
The right wing doesn't like it, Because the Poor may benefit.
Q) How many people do you think work at minimum wage?
A) In 2014, about 1.3 million U.S. workers age 16 and over earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Another 1.7 million had wages below the federal minimum.
Together these workers make up 4 percent of all hourly paid workers. What are the characteristics of minimum wage workers? - UC Davis Center for Poverty Research
So let's raise ALL these 3 million people to $15.00/hour.

Supposedly, 42% of US workers make less than $15/hr - so if the law were passed, it would have a far bigger impact.

This raises an interesting question. What would be the ideal percentage of the work force on minimum wage?
the option that covers the cost of social services.

we should not be subsidizing employers with Cheap labor in any First World. you mean that increasing minimum wage puts upward pressure on all wages?

Lord...we can't have the middle class making better wages...can we...

Who in the middle class is earning minimum wage?

How does increasing the minimum wage NOT increase all other wages?
An institutional upward pressure on wages is the Objective.
So why not get REALLY into one size fits all mentality and have the industries minimum wage be determined on net profitability.
Remember the government is so efficient in rules and regulations that nearly $1.2 trillion a year is spent simply in compliance!
Under Obama government rules and regulations grew at the highest rate in history.
Regulation acts as a stealth tax on the American people and the U.S. economy. The weight of this tax is crushing, with independent estimates of total regulatory costs
exceeding $2 trillion annually—more than is collected in income taxes each year.
Red Tape Rising 2016: Obama Regs Top $100 Billion Annually

House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family.

If you're unskilled and can't make more than minimum wage, you need roommates not a family.
It's called math.

The thing is making more than minimum wage doesn’t guarantee a living wage. I didn’t even make $15 an hour sticking needles into peoples’ arms day in and day out, including infants. I made shit.

Not that I’m supportive of the $15/hr minimum wage but some jobs, when you consider what they entail, don’t get paid near enough.

So would be making minimum wage a living wage??

(Remember you make more then minimum wage now)


Not necessarily, and that’s a good point.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!
Higher paid labor pays more in payroll taxes, more in income taxes and create more in demand.
Payroll taxes are the worst economy-killing abomination ever conceived. No employer should be taxed for giving another person a fucking job.

If that cuts into the budget, well....TOUGH SHIT!!! Cut all (and I mean ALL) spending in half. Problem solved.

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