House Dems Strip QAnon Congresswoman Of Committee Assignments

Green is 100% correct:
Marjorie Taylor Greene hits back at Mitch McConnell as QAnon rep says ‘real cancer inside GOP is weak republicans’

Who that is sane believes a terrible thing like sandy hook is a hoax? Politics aside how does this warped idea come from?
It comes from not trusting a corrupt media. but why are you outraged by that but not "RussiaRussiaRussia" and the Steele fakery???? I've heard a lot of 9/11 deniers...mostly DemoKKrats well.

that's the fax, Jax!!!

A bipartisan Senate report, headed by a Republican, found that RussiaRussiaRussia interfered with our election. You`re the last to know about this apparently.
Bipartisan Senate panel: Russia interfered to help Trump win - Los Angeles Times (
She is an elected Congresswoman and her Constituents sent her to Washington to represent them

Let her vote but don’t give her any committee assignments
But you have no problem with jerry Nadler who craps in his pants on national tv
Who that is sane believes a terrible thing like sandy hook is a hoax? Politics aside how does this warped idea come from?
It comes from not trusting a corrupt media. but why are you outraged by that but not "RussiaRussiaRussia" and the Steele fakery???? I've heard a lot of 9/11 deniers...mostly DemoKKrats well.

that's the fax, Jax!!!

Did Russia Russia Russia not interfere in the 2016 election?

"House Democrats are moving expeditiously to remove GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments, a decisive step that comes as they pressure Republicans to rebuke the Georgia congresswoman over recently unearthed incendiary past statements. The House Rules Committee is slated to meet Wednesday to approve a rule for a resolution to kick Greene off the House Education and Labor Committee and the Budget Committee."

Well, I am sure when the GOP has control of the House again -- they can target Democrats who engage in conspiracy theories, dog whistle to white supremacists and openly call for assassinations of elected members of Congress and strip their assignments too...and besides, why would a woman who thinks the Sandy Hook and Parkland school shootings were fake -- why would that woman want to be on the education committee anyway??
And appropriately so.

She clearly has nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance and public policy.
Green is 100% correct:
Marjorie Taylor Greene hits back at Mitch McConnell as QAnon rep says ‘real cancer inside GOP is weak republicans’

“The real cancer for the Republican Party is weak Republicans who only know how to lose gracefully.”

Even Greene admits that Trump lost. She just objects to graciously admitting it

"House Democrats are moving expeditiously to remove GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments, a decisive step that comes as they pressure Republicans to rebuke the Georgia congresswoman over recently unearthed incendiary past statements. The House Rules Committee is slated to meet Wednesday to approve a rule for a resolution to kick Greene off the House Education and Labor Committee and the Budget Committee."

Well, I am sure when the GOP has control of the House again -- they can target Democrats who engage in conspiracy theories, dog whistle to white supremacists and openly call for assassinations of elected members of Congress and strip their assignments too...and besides, why would a woman who thinks the Sandy Hook and Parkland school shootings were fake -- why would that woman want to be on the education committee anyway??
Dude she’s a nutcase consoiracy loon. And they Haven’t done it yet. I’m pretty sure if Alexandra occasio Cortez was threatening death to GOP members and assisted in staging an attempted coup, the GOP would strip her of committee assignments if the Dems were too stupid and vile to do it themselves.

now stop whining, trumpkin snowflake.

Biff is a liberal racist.

You are a dumb bitch.
Democrats need an enemy to comfort them and unite them. The biggest danger to Democrats is when they run out of people to label as "the enemy".

Democrats need an enemy to comfort them and unite them. The biggest danger to Democrats is when they run out of people to label as "the enemy".
Looks like they found new enemy, talk about batshit crazy

Jalina Porter, who has been named deputy spokesperson for the U.S. State Department under President Biden, once wrote that the largest threat to U.S. national security may be a domestic one.
Democrats need an enemy to comfort them and unite them. The biggest danger to Democrats is when they run out of people to label as "the enemy".


We are going to miss Trump

But he may be back in 2024

"House Democrats are moving expeditiously to remove GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments, a decisive step that comes as they pressure Republicans to rebuke the Georgia congresswoman over recently unearthed incendiary past statements. The House Rules Committee is slated to meet Wednesday to approve a rule for a resolution to kick Greene off the House Education and Labor Committee and the Budget Committee."

Well, I am sure when the GOP has control of the House again -- they can target Democrats who engage in conspiracy theories, dog whistle to white supremacists and openly call for assassinations of elected members of Congress and strip their assignments too...and besides, why would a woman who thinks the Sandy Hook and Parkland school shootings were fake -- why would that woman want to be on the education committee anyway??

So much I guess for the Democrats' promise to serve ALL Americans. Those who live in districts that don't toe the liberal line get no representation.

The Founding Fathers considered Taxation without Representation to be literally Tyranny.
Democrats need an enemy to comfort them and unite them. The biggest danger to Democrats is when they run out of people to label as "the enemy".


We are going to miss Trump

But he may be back in 2024

Assuming that Republicans don't retake the House, 2023 should be fun. I can't wait to see the in-fighting among Democrats for the next Speaker of the House.

Democrats need an enemy to comfort them and unite them. The biggest danger to Democrats is when they run out of people to label as "the enemy".


We are going to miss Trump

But he may be back in 2024

The Republicans don't have anyone else with a record of accomplishment.

The failures of the Bushes, Romneys and Kasiches just won't be tolerated by today's voters.

And considering the Fact that the Republicans are out of power, there is no time for any other Republican to get a record of accomplishment between now and then.
The entire marxist Dim cult is nothing but filthy fucking animals. Pretending to be on committees and 'discussing' shit with them just humanizes the satanic fucks and ignores the theft of the election. That's the last thing we need at this point.

Ms Marjorie has the right idea, God Bless her.

"House Democrats are moving expeditiously to remove GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments, a decisive step that comes as they pressure Republicans to rebuke the Georgia congresswoman over recently unearthed incendiary past statements. The House Rules Committee is slated to meet Wednesday to approve a rule for a resolution to kick Greene off the House Education and Labor Committee and the Budget Committee."

Well, I am sure when the GOP has control of the House again -- they can target Democrats who engage in conspiracy theories, dog whistle to white supremacists and openly call for assassinations of elected members of Congress and strip their assignments too...and besides, why would a woman who thinks the Sandy Hook and Parkland school shootings were fake -- why would that woman want to be on the education committee anyway??
No way! Lefties are trying to ban, cancel, or censor?

"House Democrats are moving expeditiously to remove GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments, a decisive step that comes as they pressure Republicans to rebuke the Georgia congresswoman over recently unearthed incendiary past statements. The House Rules Committee is slated to meet Wednesday to approve a rule for a resolution to kick Greene off the House Education and Labor Committee and the Budget Committee."

Well, I am sure when the GOP has control of the House again -- they can target Democrats who engage in conspiracy theories, dog whistle to white supremacists and openly call for assassinations of elected members of Congress and strip their assignments too...and besides, why would a woman who thinks the Sandy Hook and Parkland school shootings were fake -- why would that woman want to be on the education committee anyway??
No way! Lefties are trying to ban, cancel, or censor?
Yeah, the right do it also but you refuse to see it happening.

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