House Republicans Pissing Away Middle-Class Tax Cut?

Left, Right, Middle. It is over! Pop the corn, grab a beer and watch the country implode. We can not stop it now. The television political school has indoctrinated the left to hate the right and the right to hate the left.
Americans are idiots. They will watch the country that use to belong to them squeeze the last sense of hope from the very soul of the people. The people of this nation will never unite even at the ultimate demise of the principles this country was founded on. My friend enjoy your back and forth petty arguments and when the last person gets their pink slip and they are kicked out into the street to savage their fellow man for enough food to stay alive, even then more than likely they will look for someone to blame when the entire time the problem was staring at them in the mirror.
Saving to get the hell off of this nightmare of a continent, however I have a large family. I hope I can survive legally till then. Good Luck. By the way, here is an example of why this country is screwed.
Prime example is the vote and redistricting is set up so you can not even fire those who are destroying this country with the vote, and the politicians want authority over the judicial system. Crazy stuff. Enjoy the show. It will be historical, right up there with the fall of the Roman Empire.

Yeah, I dont think they should be able to gerrymander there districts, they should be held accountable with whomever is in there district the entire time they hold office, no moving district lines and what not. That is how assholes like Byrd held office for 60+ years.

Byrd was a SENATOR for most of those years.


C'mon, you're talking about Grunt. Please don't bring up facts.
In a surprise turnabout, Republicans in the House of Representatives are now pushing for a one-year extension of the payroll tax cut and have rejected a short-term compromise struck by Republicans and Democrats in the Senate during the weekend.

House Republicans initially opposed renewing the tax break, which expires on December 31, after expressing skepticism that it would boost the economy as the White House claimed.

House Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican in Congress, said his chamber would vote on Monday and likely reject the Senate bill passed on Saturday, despite it having the blessing of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, speaking to Reuters Insider, bluntly warned: "I do think recession odds will rise quite significantly early next year if it is not extended."

Payroll tax cut extension stuck in partisan fight | Reuters

I wonder if the Republicans haven't really changed their minds about it - if they're still against it - but don't feel like they can just come right out and say so. This would give them cover - they can say, "Hey, we TRIED to pass it - we just wanted it to be for a whole year, not just two months (or whatever)."
The Reuters story is 10% fact, 90% editorial.
Here's the deal. The GOP wants at least a one year deal. The Democrats want something one which to run their campaigns.
A short term deal solves nothing. We're right back at it in February. How is that productive?

Right back at it in February? Obama wants the tax cut. The Democrats want the tax cut. 90% of the Senate wants the tax cut - including Senate Republicans. If it was really about how long it is, it wouldn't be an issue.

“The House Republicans’ plan to scuttle the deal to help middle-class families is irresponsible and wrong,’’ [Republican Senator] Brown said. “I appreciate their effort to extend these measures for a full year, but a two-month extension is a good deal when it means we avoid jeopardizing the livelihoods of millions of American families.’’

If the House Republicans were genuinely upset it wasn't enough, they'd take what theyve got and then look for more, not scrap what they've already got.
I know I'm not alone with this feeling But FUCK EVERYONE IN CONGRESS!!!

Both sides Dems and Repus at this point I feel most if not all of y'all on this Message board could do a better job
WTF is the point of a "short term" compromise? So they can get home for spiked egg nog? Democrats are like a bunch of kids. What's so great about two months of anemic tax cuts? Time for Obama to get his idiot act together and find a reason to oppose the pipe line and get his base organized?

The question is do you support the tax cut or not?

If not, why not just come right out and say so?

Why not give it an up or down vote?
ahh off goes the oversimplification alarm.
Thanks for parroting Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama.
The dems and some RINO's in the Senate passed this thing for political purposes.
The House GOP wants a one year tax cut. Not a 2 month band aid.
BTW, this is a tax cut that comes right out of FICA....You know, Social Security.
The very same program that democrats use as a political bludgeon when it suits them.
Personally. I oppose this bullshit "tax cut". I want it, and all other political gimmicks, to go away. We have a fiscal crisis in this country. We spend more than we take in. We need to leave tax rates alone and we need to cut spending. Not just the "growth" in spending, but actual spending cuts (or at the very least a freeze in spending). We don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Bankrupting Social Security is not the way to deal with it.
Personally. I oppose this bullshit "tax cut". I want it, and all other political gimmicks, to go away. We have a fiscal crisis in this country. We spend more than we take in. We need to leave tax rates alone and we need to cut spending. Not just the "growth" in spending, but actual spending cuts (or at the very least a freeze in spending). We don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Bankrupting Social Security is not the way to deal with it.

You do realize that we're not allowed to say that, don't you?
Personally. I oppose this bullshit "tax cut". I want it, and all other political gimmicks, to go away. We have a fiscal crisis in this country. We spend more than we take in. We need to leave tax rates alone and we need to cut spending. Not just the "growth" in spending, but actual spending cuts (or at the very least a freeze in spending). We don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Bankrupting Social Security is not the way to deal with it.

You're with Obama on ending the Bus tax cuts, then?
Personally. I oppose this bullshit "tax cut". I want it, and all other political gimmicks, to go away. We have a fiscal crisis in this country. We spend more than we take in. We need to leave tax rates alone and we need to cut spending. Not just the "growth" in spending, but actual spending cuts (or at the very least a freeze in spending). We don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Bankrupting Social Security is not the way to deal with it.

You're with Obama on ending the Bus tax cuts, then?

I oppose gimmicks that bankrupt Social Security.
Personally. I oppose this bullshit "tax cut". I want it, and all other political gimmicks, to go away. We have a fiscal crisis in this country. We spend more than we take in. We need to leave tax rates alone and we need to cut spending. Not just the "growth" in spending, but actual spending cuts (or at the very least a freeze in spending). We don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Bankrupting Social Security is not the way to deal with it.

You're with Obama on ending the Bus tax cuts, then?

I oppose gimmicks that bankrupt Social Security.

they are so stupid they don't even know what the tax cuts affect. all they know is the Obama proposed it. so by golly, it MUST BE GREAT.
The GOP and their retarded cousins, the Baggers, want to see anything BUT an economic rebound before November 2012. They are willing to take the economy down in order to bring down Obama.

Seriously! Do you realize that the big generous democrats and their tax cuts are also cutting desperately needed funds to social security and medicare? How will you explain those loses to the generation following this one when they come up lacking? Give as much detail as you can. Social security lost 111 billion dollars last year because of this tax cut. How many years can that go on? doyathink?
Bankrupting Social Security is not the way to deal with it.
I oppose gimmicks that bankrupt Social Security.
There is nothing funnier than CON$ pretending to suddenly care about Social Security!!! The GOP have been trying to kill SS since the time it began, if this tax cut hurt SS the GOP would be for it 200%.

As all CON$ know, the payroll tax is part of the General Fund, CON$ have been blaming the Dems for that since LBJ, and as part of the General Fund cutting the payroll tax is no different than cutting any other tax in the General Fund.
What do you want?

I want an Congress that actually works a Congress that cares about the people and not Fuck around with them.

And don't reply with Oh but the Dems are the good guys and they want to push great bills through and its the evil Republicans Fault Bullshit I'm tired of hearing that sad old story.

The Dems had the House and the senate from 2006 to 2010 and the POTUS since 2009 till now there is no excuse
The GOP and their retarded cousins, the Baggers, want to see anything BUT an economic rebound before November 2012. They are willing to take the economy down in order to bring down Obama.


loL. the Democrats are proposing something FOR TWO MONTHS..yet you sheep don't see anything WRONG with who is it.....WILLING TO TAKE DOWN THE economy

You liberals are.........astounding stupid and JUST USELFUL SHEEP
Personally. I oppose this bullshit "tax cut". I want it, and all other political gimmicks, to go away. We have a fiscal crisis in this country. We spend more than we take in. We need to leave tax rates alone and we need to cut spending. Not just the "growth" in spending, but actual spending cuts (or at the very least a freeze in spending). We don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Bankrupting Social Security is not the way to deal with it.

You're with Obama on ending the Bus tax cuts, then?

I oppose gimmicks that bankrupt Social Security.

And that is exactly what it is. A two month gimmick. Congress is becoming nothing but a gimmick.
A 2 month extension is unworkable. It needs to be for the full year, or not at all.

Personally, I think it should expire, it was nothing but a gimmick.....

More than a gimmick. It was Obama's way of justifying taxing the rich and sticking to those who actually work, pay taxes and are successful. How dare they! Cut taxes for those who pay the least already so you can increase the deficit to dramatic levels, unsustainable levels, and then scream that we need to raise revenue. Well, who will we raise it from?

It's the fundamental change he promised. Spend and tax liberal. I saw this a year ago. Obama really sucked in the GOP last year. Stupid dumb dumb dumb GOP who bought this tax cut and now they are going to get hoist on their own petard.
Seriously! Do you realize that the big generous democrats and their tax cuts are also cutting desperately needed funds to social security and medicare? How will you explain those loses to the generation following this one when they come up lacking? Give as much detail as you can. Social security lost 111 billion dollars last year because of this tax cut. How many years can that go on? doyathink?
Bankrupting Social Security is not the way to deal with it.
I oppose gimmicks that bankrupt Social Security.
There is nothing funnier than CON$ pretending to suddenly care about Social Security!!! The GOP have been trying to kill SS since the time it began, if this tax cut hurt SS the GOP would be for it 200%.

As all CON$ know, the payroll tax is part of the General Fund, CON$ have been blaming the Dems for that since LBJ, and as part of the General Fund cutting the payroll tax is no different than cutting any other tax in the General Fund.

you just spout bullshit over and over. if the CONS were trying to kill SS it would of been DONE BY NOW...get a new line bud...this one IS BORING...
Personally. I oppose this bullshit "tax cut". I want it, and all other political gimmicks, to go away. We have a fiscal crisis in this country. We spend more than we take in. We need to leave tax rates alone and we need to cut spending. Not just the "growth" in spending, but actual spending cuts (or at the very least a freeze in spending). We don't have an income problem, we have a spending problem. Bankrupting Social Security is not the way to deal with it.

You're with Obama on ending the Bus tax cuts, then?

I oppose gimmicks that bankrupt Social Security.

Is that a yes or a no?

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