House tea partiers snub GOP in 2014


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
House tea partiers snub GOP in 2014 - Alex Isenstadt -

Hard-line conservatives aren’t just sticking it to the national GOP by shutting down the government and bringing the nation to the brink of default – they’re also refusing to pony up to help their party defend the House in 2014.
With a little more than a year until the midterm election, many leaders of the shutdown strategy have yet to donate to the National Republican Congressional Committee, records show. At least eight of the debate’s 20 or so most outspoken figures have not given any money to the NRCC, and others have forked over token amounts.

Their refusal to contribute to the House GOP’s political arm, coming as Republicans are getting thumped by Democrats in the money race, is causing heartburn and frustration among Republican strategists charged with laying the groundwork for next year’s races. They say it is reinforcing a perception of the conservative gang that they’re only out for themselves and don’t much care about advancing the party’s larger cause.

This all promises to be very fascinating.

Just because a member hasn’t contributed at this point doesn’t mean he or she won’t later on. Graves, for example, provided a $120,000 donation just weeks before the last election. But with tensions between the conservatives and leadership especially raw, many Republicans view the lack of giving as a proverbial middle finger to the establishment — and an indication that the money will very possibly never come.

Member fundraising isn’t the be-all, end-all of a political committee’s financial fortunes. Many members are expected to pay in the low six figures. If those dues go unpaid, however, it can be offset in other areas. The NRCC, for example, relies heavily on K Street dollars, on Boehner’s considerable fundraising muscle, and on a nationwide network of online donors.

Still, the lack of help from these members is heightening the already palpable anxiety about the party’s finances among Republicans leading its 2014 efforts.
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The GOP is dead.
Not a penny for GOP candidates from tea party coiffers.

2014 is yours libs.
You will have the house, the senate and the whitehouse.

The tea party will sit back and watch your insanity screw America.

The American people will vote tea party once they suffer the consequences of voting Liberal.

Your insane radicalism will put reason back in politics come 2020.

The American people will never vote the Tea Party.

A revived GOP minus the TeaPs will come into focus and compete in 2020.
The GOP is dead.
Not a penny for GOP candidates from tea party coiffers.

2014 is yours libs.
You will have the house, the senate and the whitehouse.

The tea party will sit back and watch your insanity screw America.

The American people will vote tea party once they suffer the consequences of voting Liberal.

Your insane radicalism will put reason back in politics come 2020.

The American people will never vote the Tea Party.

A revived GOP minus the TeaPs will come into focus and compete in 2020.

Mmmm where will the funding come from?

Sonny, the tail does not wag the dog.

Another TeaP casualty Tim Griffin, a 2010 guy in Congress from Arkansas, is not going to re-run. He is not the last, only the first of quite a number who will not run or who will be primaried out.
I am, too, because I think the problem is that the GOP I joined 30 years ago sought to make government better and more efficient.

It didn't seek to treat government like it was the enemy.

How are they going to run that which they intend to destroy?

Blah blah blah.

Inaccurate Obamacult distortions and talking points.

What distortion.

You peeps having been saying government is a problem since Reagan. Norquist said he wanted to drown it.

But it's not Liberals shutting actually shutting down government's conservatives.

You did this with Carter, Clinton and Obama.

If you don't like the government we have...form one somewhere else.
The American people will never vote the Tea Party.

A revived GOP minus the TeaPs will come into focus and compete in 2020.

Mmmm where will the funding come from?

Sonny, the tail does not wag the dog.

Another TeaP casualty Tim Griffin, a 2010 guy in Congress from Arkansas, is not going to re-run. He is not the last, only the first of quite a number who will not run or who will be primaried out.

"Wall Street" conservatives are already talking about doing that.

And thanks to Citizen's United and their wealth..the Tea Party will be toast.
The GOP is dead.
Not a penny for GOP candidates from tea party coiffers.

2014 is yours libs.
You will have the house, the senate and the whitehouse.

The tea party will sit back and watch your insanity screw America.

The American people will vote tea party once they suffer the consequences of voting Liberal.

Your insane radicalism will put reason back in politics come 2020.

You are missing a big point; younger people are not nearly as much about themselves as the baby boomers. They are more concerned with the overall welfare of society. An awful lot of people are tired of seeing greed rule the day. That doesn't mean everyone is becoming a socialist or communist like so many of you nutters insist. It's just a change in the way the average American views our responsibility toward each other and society as a whole.
The GOP is dead.
Not a penny for GOP candidates from tea party coiffers.

2014 is yours libs.
You will have the house, the senate and the whitehouse.

The tea party will sit back and watch your insanity screw America.

The American people will vote tea party once they suffer the consequences of voting Liberal.

Your insane radicalism will put reason back in politics come 2020.

You are missing a big point; younger people are not nearly as much about themselves as the baby boomers. They are more concerned with the overall welfare of society. An awful lot of people are tired of seeing greed rule the day. That doesn't mean everyone is becoming a socialist or communist like so many of you nutters insist. It's just a change in the way the average American views our responsibility toward each other and society as a whole.

There is no such thing as responsibility toward one another. Younger people who see what little they have worked for taken from them are getting that message.
Here in Utah we are going after the TeaPs and the Eagle Forum.

Mike Lee is down to 43% among GOP with a solidly 55% opposing him. Thank heavens.

One, the solid GOP is working for the Count the Vote initiative that will break the back of the far right control of the caucuses and primaries. Chaffetz and Stewart and Bishop are bug-eyed right now.

Two, the instate monies will go to more moderate candidates to challenge them if they don't shape up.

Three, there is no mercy for Mike Lee. We are determined that he will be a one-term senator to be returned to Utah in disgrace.
It is the time of choosing sides. Fence sitting is not an option.

100% correct. The far right is going down again like it did in the later 1960s.

We can't have those freaks running the GOP.

If the patriots lose they must change tactics. More sabotage, Snowden type espionage, undermining, obstruction, asymetrical attacks. Edward Snowden alone, did more good than Mike Lee and Ted Cruz put together. Turn the world against the democrats. Democrat is already synonomous with the word stasi. Make it as despised as Nazi. Create doubt, distrust. We're halfway there already without even trying.

Encourage more companies to leave taking the industry away. Encourage investments away.

Democrats can't just lose. This is the time of choosing sides, they are the enemy and must be obliterated.
They say it is reinforcing a perception of the conservative gang that they’re only out for themselves and don’t much care about advancing the party’s larger cause.

And what exactly is the Party’s ‘larger cause’ besides obstructionism.

Dealing with the idiotic extremism of the far right is just half the problem; the GOP needs to also demonstrate that they’re interested in responsible governance, not simply opposing ‘everything Obama.’

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