How About An Alliance With Russia?

Of course you don't the GOP never cares when they aren't personally affected. But it is an international crime, putin is a war criminal, murder, dictator. If you like him so much- move to moscow because his puppet will be out of the white house soon.
Russia's history is replete with examples of political conflict and internal treachery the dynamics of which have shaped the requirements for successful leadership of that nation. Considering the actions and maneuvers of such examples as Richard Nixon and George W. Bush we are in no position to cast aspersions -- nor is there any intelligent reason for us to do so. What is important is can we get along with Mr. Putin in a mutually beneficial relationship and I think we can.

Mainly because it's becoming clear that we need each other.
For some people the
Dem's threw our relationship with Russia under the bus making excuses for their loss to Trump. I think that well has been poisoned.

Dem's threw our relationship with Russia under the bus making excuses for their loss to Trump. I think that well has been poisoned.

Putin threw away a good relationship with the US by purposefully failing to respect international law.

Oh please, what happened to diplomacy and not airing this crap in public? Dem's are all over the damn media poisoning the well with Russia FACT!
Of course you don't the GOP never cares when they aren't personally affected. But it is an international crime, putin is a war criminal, murder, dictator. If you like him so much- move to moscow because his puppet will be out of the white house soon.
Russia's history is replete with examples of political conflict and internal treachery the dynamics of which have shaped the requirements for successful leadership of that nation. Considering the actions and maneuvers of such examples as Richard Nixon and George W. Bush we are in no position to cast aspersions -- nor is there any intelligent reason for us to do so. What is important is can we get along with Mr. Putin in a mutually beneficial relationship and I think we can.

Mainly because it's becoming clear that we need each other.
For some people the
Dem's threw our relationship with Russia under the bus making excuses for their loss to Trump. I think that well has been poisoned.

Dem's threw our relationship with Russia under the bus making excuses for their loss to Trump. I think that well has been poisoned.

Putin threw away a good relationship with the US by purposefully failing to respect international law.

Oh please, what happened to diplomacy and not airing this crap in public? Dem's are all over the damn media poisoning the well with Russia FACT!
Elect a clown, expect a circus
Of course you don't the GOP never cares when they aren't personally affected. But it is an international crime, putin is a war criminal, murder, dictator. If you like him so much- move to moscow because his puppet will be out of the white house soon.
Russia's history is replete with examples of political conflict and internal treachery the dynamics of which have shaped the requirements for successful leadership of that nation. Considering the actions and maneuvers of such examples as Richard Nixon and George W. Bush we are in no position to cast aspersions -- nor is there any intelligent reason for us to do so. What is important is can we get along with Mr. Putin in a mutually beneficial relationship and I think we can.

Mainly because it's becoming clear that we need each other.
For some people the
Dem's threw our relationship with Russia under the bus making excuses for their loss to Trump. I think that well has been poisoned.

Dem's threw our relationship with Russia under the bus making excuses for their loss to Trump. I think that well has been poisoned.

Putin threw away a good relationship with the US by purposefully failing to respect international law.

Oh please, what happened to diplomacy and not airing this crap in public? Dem's are all over the damn media poisoning the well with Russia FACT!
Elect a clown, expect a circus

Ah you are a butthurt liberal Trump hater, figures.
There are scads of reliable and sage sources of information besides the mainstream media (MM) and whatever politician happens to appear in MM outlets. Here are some resources that, should you read them thoroughly, help you gain your own understanding.
If one took the time to read through your resources one would come away with the same narrative as espoused by the MSM. It's all corporate or state funded BS, just like the MSM.
The second language in Israel is Russian, and they are have either been Ukrainians or Russian PM's, till Bibi is a European and US PM, and the Russian oligarchs are mainly Jewish. Putin and Bibi are close, very close.

Of course you don't the GOP never cares when they aren't personally affected. But it is an international crime, putin is a war criminal, murder, dictator. If you like him so much- move to moscow because his puppet will be out of the white house soon.
Russia's history is replete with examples of political conflict and internal treachery the dynamics of which have shaped the requirements for successful leadership of that nation. Considering the actions and maneuvers of such examples as Richard Nixon and George W. Bush we are in no position to cast aspersions -- nor is there any intelligent reason for us to do so. What is important is can we get along with Mr. Putin in a mutually beneficial relationship and I think we can.

Mainly because it's becoming clear that we need each other.
For some people the
Dem's threw our relationship with Russia under the bus making excuses for their loss to Trump. I think that well has been poisoned.

Dem's threw our relationship with Russia under the bus making excuses for their loss to Trump. I think that well has been poisoned.

Putin threw away a good relationship with the US by purposefully failing to respect international law.

We had an obligation to protect Ukraine from the coup that Russia tried.
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No reason for an "alliance" with your major opponent.

But before DJ Trump attacks N.Korea he will need Putin's concurrence and he should inform Xi in China too.

Then bomb the sh!t out of N.Korea and teach them a valuable lesson.
I'm not sure what you mean by an alliance, but I think both countries would benefit from constructive engagement on certain issues of common concern and neither country benefits from pointless political gestures such as Obama's sanctions or his buildup of forces on Russia's border.

The Russians for good reason don't trust the US. We have twice reneged on important agreements we made with Russia. The first was at the end of WWII. FDR had agreed to allow Russia to keep certain Japanese Islands if Russia entered the war against Japan. Russia promised to enter that war within 90 days of the end of the war in Europe, and in exactly 90 days, Russia attacked the Japanese in Manchuria, taking some heavy losses, but when Stalin began to take possession of these islands, Truman objected and sent US forces to take possession of them first. The Russians were, of course, furious and this was the actual beginning of the Cold War.

We reneged on a very important agreement with Russia the second time during Bill Clinton's second term. Bush41 had formed a close working relationship with Gorbachev and Gorbachev agreed to liberate the Soviet satellite states because Bush had promised the US would not allow them to join NATO, but Bill Clinton broke that promise and allowed several of them to join NATO. After WWII, Russia had good reason to fear another invasion from western Europe. Churchill had ordered the British military to draw up plans for a joint US British invasion and American generals like Patton and MacArthur talked openly about invading Russia rather than bringing our troops home.

The Russians regarded these satellite states as buffer states in the event of another western invasion, so when Clinton allowed NATO troops into them, it revived memories of the terrible devastation Russia suffered in the last war. Clinton, Bush43 and Obama have ignored Russia's security concerns and responded actions that increased Russians fears, such as installing missiles and long range radars in these former satellite states or buildups of NATO forces and military exercises along the Russian border. This is an issue of critical importance to the Russians and the refusal of the last three US presidents to consider Russia's anxieties about NATO is the reason Russia is now acting unilaterally to take what it thinks it needs to restore a buffer zone between it and NATO.

It is not clear how this issue can be resolved.
I am neither well read nor well educated on the topic of international politics, mainly because one simply cannot believe anything any politician says and only a little of what the mainstream media has to say. But I would be interested in reading the opinions of others on the topic of a close alliance with Russia.

I harbor no personal antipathy for Russia or the Russian people and I quite frankly could never understand why we seem to be at odds with them for so long. What did the Russians ever do to us? I've found there is a lot to admire about the Russian people. They are passionately artistic, especially in the fields of music and dance. They are physically strong and healthy and their history shows them to have survived generations of tragic hardship. So it seems to me that American culture could benefit from absorbing that of the Russian culture.

We are presently witnessing the literal rape of European culture by the passive invasion of extraordinarily aggressive Islamic migrants who represent themselves as asylum-seekers but who have imposed themselves on Europe in an offensively militant manner. Surprisingly the Europeans seem to be passively tolerating the barbaric behavior of these bottom-feeders -- who undoubtedly will be "migrating" from Europe to these United States when their number rises sufficiently. And the longer we wait to take decisive deterrent action the more difficult it will be.

Based on what I've been reading and seeing on tv news it seems that Russia is beginning to be similarly affected by the expansion of migrating Islamic "refugees," which consists mainly of military-age males unaccompanied by and unburdened with wives and children. It is increasingly clear that we have this rather menacing circumstance in common with Russia, so what is the reason for the current re-emergence of Cold-War era hostility toward that nation, its people and its leader? It seem unquestionably obvious that the opposite situation would be to our mutual advantage.

Again, I am interested in knowing how others feel about this situation.

Trump already has one, you're a little late
There are scads of reliable and sage sources of information besides the mainstream media (MM) and whatever politician happens to appear in MM outlets. Here are some resources that, should you read them thoroughly, help you gain your own understanding.
If one took the time to read through your resources one would come away with the same narrative as espoused by the MSM. It's all corporate or state funded BS, just like the MSM.
If one hasn't taken the time to read those documents, how can one know what point of view another might develop by reading them? Has it occurred to you that the MM may be accurately reporting the nature and extent of thought on the matter of U.S.-Russian relations and the prospect for amending them? Of course, the MM could as well be inaccurately reporting that relationship. One would need to read the documents to find out.
Has it occurred to you that the MM may be accurately reporting the nature and extent of thought on the matter of U.S.-Russian relations and the prospect for amending them?
I considered it. And concluded otherwise. The corporate media is completely unreliable.
Putin threw away a good relationship with the US by purposefully failing to respect international law.
There is no nation in the world with a worse record of violating International Law than Israel -- which is and always has retained the status of a beloved blood relation with the U.S. So why would Russia's contradiction be a problem?
I am neither well read nor well educated on the topic of international politics, mainly because one simply cannot believe anything any politician says and only a little of what the mainstream media has to say. But I would be interested in reading the opinions of others on the topic of a close alliance with Russia.

I harbor no personal antipathy for Russia or the Russian people and I quite frankly could never understand why we seem to be at odds with them for so long. What did the Russians ever do to us? I've found there is a lot to admire about the Russian people. They are passionately artistic, especially in the fields of music and dance. They are physically strong and healthy and their history shows them to have survived generations of tragic hardship. So it seems to me that American culture could benefit from absorbing that of the Russian culture.

We are presently witnessing the literal rape of European culture by the passive invasion of extraordinarily aggressive Islamic migrants who represent themselves as asylum-seekers but who have imposed themselves on Europe in an offensively militant manner. Surprisingly the Europeans seem to be passively tolerating the barbaric behavior of these bottom-feeders -- who undoubtedly will be "migrating" from Europe to these United States when their number rises sufficiently. And the longer we wait to take decisive deterrent action the more difficult it will be.

Based on what I've been reading and seeing on tv news it seems that Russia is beginning to be similarly affected by the expansion of migrating Islamic "refugees," which consists mainly of military-age males unaccompanied by and unburdened with wives and children. It is increasingly clear that we have this rather menacing circumstance in common with Russia, so what is the reason for the current re-emergence of Cold-War era hostility toward that nation, its people and its leader? It seem unquestionably obvious that the opposite situation would be to our mutual advantage.

Again, I am interested in knowing how others feel about this situation.

The Russians are hated because they refuse to surrender their people to the globalists.
Again, I am interested in knowing how others feel about this situation.

The last time we made an alliance with Russia, they ended up with half of Europe.

Perhaps the threat of fascism was enough to make that sacrifice.

A few angry Jihadists blowing things up... meh, not so much. Jihadism isn't an existential threat to the west.

That wasn't Russia nimrod. That was the USSR.
I'm not sure what you mean by an alliance, but I think both countries would benefit from constructive engagement on certain issues of common concern and neither country benefits from pointless political gestures such as Obama's sanctions or his buildup of forces on Russia's border.

The Russians for good reason don't trust the US. We have twice reneged on important agreements we made with Russia. The first was at the end of WWII. FDR had agreed to allow Russia to keep certain Japanese Islands if Russia entered the war against Japan. Russia promised to enter that war within 90 days of the end of the war in Europe, and in exactly 90 days, Russia attacked the Japanese in Manchuria, taking some heavy losses, but when Stalin began to take possession of these islands, Truman objected and sent US forces to take possession of them first. The Russians were, of course, furious and this was the actual beginning of the Cold War.

We reneged on a very important agreement with Russia the second time during Bill Clinton's second term. Bush41 had formed a close working relationship with Gorbachev and Gorbachev agreed to liberate the Soviet satellite states because Bush had promised the US would not allow them to join NATO, but Bill Clinton broke that promise and allowed several of them to join NATO. After WWII, Russia had good reason to fear another invasion from western Europe. Churchill had ordered the British military to draw up plans for a joint US British invasion and American generals like Patton and MacArthur talked openly about invading Russia rather than bringing our troops home.

The Russians regarded these satellite states as buffer states in the event of another western invasion, so when Clinton allowed NATO troops into them, it revived memories of the terrible devastation Russia suffered in the last war. Clinton, Bush43 and Obama have ignored Russia's security concerns and responded actions that increased Russians fears, such as installing missiles and long range radars in these former satellite states or buildups of NATO forces and military exercises along the Russian border. This is an issue of critical importance to the Russians and the refusal of the last three US presidents to consider Russia's anxieties about NATO is the reason Russia is now acting unilaterally to take what it thinks it needs to restore a buffer zone between it and NATO.

It is not clear how this issue can be resolved.
What I meant by casual use of the word alliance is a conditional agreement with specific regard to what I see as the rising menace of hostile Islamic "migrants." I understand Russia is having its own problem with these insurgents and it occurs to me that our mutual concern might lead to more constructive relations with Russia.

With that in mind I thank you for the intelligent and highly informative reply which has substantially increased my understanding of our relationship with Russia.

Becoming well read on the matter will obviate your need to rely on what the MM says or doesn't say.
Thank you for the reading list.

I'm sure that having pored through it would enable me to more competently discuss the subject with you. In the interim, and with the intention of making this thread as educational as possible, I believe it would be productive for you to respond to TooMuchTime's very substantive commentary in Message #47 (Page 4). I've already learned quite a bit from it and I'm sure its value could be expanded on.
I am neither well read nor well educated on the topic of international politics, mainly because one simply cannot believe anything any politician says and only a little of what the mainstream media has to say. But I would be interested in reading the opinions of others on the topic of a close alliance with Russia.

I harbor no personal antipathy for Russia or the Russian people and I quite frankly could never understand why we seem to be at odds with them for so long. What did the Russians ever do to us? I've found there is a lot to admire about the Russian people. They are passionately artistic, especially in the fields of music and dance. They are physically strong and healthy and their history shows them to have survived generations of tragic hardship. So it seems to me that American culture could benefit from absorbing that of the Russian culture.

We are presently witnessing the literal rape of European culture by the passive invasion of extraordinarily aggressive Islamic migrants who represent themselves as asylum-seekers but who have imposed themselves on Europe in an offensively militant manner. Surprisingly the Europeans seem to be passively tolerating the barbaric behavior of these bottom-feeders -- who undoubtedly will be "migrating" from Europe to these United States when their number rises sufficiently. And the longer we wait to take decisive deterrent action the more difficult it will be.

Based on what I've been reading and seeing on tv news it seems that Russia is beginning to be similarly affected by the expansion of migrating Islamic "refugees," which consists mainly of military-age males unaccompanied by and unburdened with wives and children. It is increasingly clear that we have this rather menacing circumstance in common with Russia, so what is the reason for the current re-emergence of Cold-War era hostility toward that nation, its people and its leader? It seem unquestionably obvious that the opposite situation would be to our mutual advantage.

Again, I am interested in knowing how others feel about this situation.
An alliance with the dark side? No thanks. Let's get the Republicans out of control and go back to a liberal democracy
The Cold War was real and based on soviet actions and intentions.

The Cold War is over, and the Soviet Union is gone.

Putin is NOT a threat to anyone not on his borders.

There is not reason to NOT have good relations with Russia, even an alliance.
then why is putin still snatching land that doesn't belong to him?

I assume that that is a reference to the Crimea?

Answer: I don't care.
Of course you don't the GOP never cares when they aren't personally affected. But it is an international crime, putin is a war criminal, murder, dictator. If you like him so much- move to moscow because his puppet will be out of the white house soon.

Why don't you delete your account until that happens? Shouldn't be long right?
Crimea was in sort of the same position as everyone else. Ukraine had elected a president the (((globalist bankers))) opposed. Outside countries, including the Barry Hussein administration, cavalierly fomented a rebellion Ukraine to overthrow the elected government when it refused to bow to the EU. Over 10000 people have died since.
A telephone call was leaked with (((Victoria Nuland))) discussing US support for overthrowing the elected government. "Hacking" it you could say?
(((George Soros))) also funded the rebels as he
In the chaos that followed Russia occupied Crimea to protect Russian nationals. A vote held afterwards resulted in 81% of Crimeans voting to join Russia.
Sort of like Kosovo but in reverse. In the case of Kosovo the Clinton administration and EU bombed Serbian Christians into submission to break Kosovo away for Muslims.
Russia objected at the time but now seem to agree with the US that regions can unilaterally secede.

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