How am I am threat to Democracy?

Per definition there was an insurrection. Per the legal system and what people have been charged with there has not been insurrection. There has been seditious conspiracy. Which if you look at the definitions of insurrection and sedition… it’s pretty much the same thing
Trump wasn’t indicted for either.
I post where the authority came from.

When are you going to highlight the law that trump broke by asking the VP to do something?
You posted a section of the constitution that had no verbiage granting the VP authority to sent the electoral votes back to the states. If you think it’s there then show the line that says that.

So Trump wanted Pence to do something that was unconstitutional
Yes, I voted for DJT. What else? I have a job and pay taxes. I have a lawful license to carry. I have a wife and two kids and no criminal record. I support low taxes, a strong police force, secure border, energy independence and a powerful military to act as a deterrent to our enemies. I support women’s sports as I have two daughters. I believe that gender dysphoria is a disease and not something we should accept as the norm. Meaning biological boys should not be allowed to compete in physical sports against biological girls no matter what gender they identify as.

I believe in fair elections where one should have to present ID to vote and REQUEST a mail in ballot if one cannot vote in person due to being out of state or medically unable to only.

How the HELL does that make me the enemy of America and Democracy? Joe Biden needs to explain this.

You're not an enemy of America and Democracy. You're an enemy of the people who are engaged in a controlled demolition of our society and a giant global looting scheme. If you question or do not support what they are doing, they think you deserve to be destroyed.

It seems you're a poor judge of what you're dealing with, and I like that! :D

Keep on underestimating your opponents, just like Hillary and Democrats in 2016, brah.
You’re still saying absolutely nothing. Do you have a counter argument or just childish insults?
You're not an enemy of America and Democracy. You're an enemy of the people who are engaged in a controlled demolition of our society and a giant global looting scheme. If you question or do not support what they are doing, they think you deserve to be destroyed.
He’s a garden variety asshole
I think I made it pretty well

Well, you if intended to prove that you are kneejerk leftwing boobie, you succeeded. But most of us here have grokked this fact for quite some time.

If your point is that assholes are a threat to "Democracy" and deserve to be punished by the full weight of the Feds, then congrats! You get some extra starch for your brown shirt in the laundry next week.
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You posted a section of the constitution that had no verbiage granting the VP authority to sent the electoral votes back to the states. If you think it’s there then show the line that says that.

So Trump wanted Pence to do something that was unconstitutional
I posted the section that outlined how the president is elected

Your inability to grasps it isn’t my fault

I don’t know if what trump wanted pence to do was unconstitutional or not…but even if it were. Asking someone to do something that might violate the Constitution isn’t a crime. heck people doing things unconstitutional isn’t a crime.
You’re still saying absolutely nothing. Do you have a counter argument or just childish insults?
What was the premise of your assertion/argument again?

It's been hours and I've been on 2 Home Depot runs and doing a good bit of stuff around the house today, so refresh my memory, pls.
I posted the section that outlined how the president is elected
Yes you did. And nowhere in there did it give the VP the power to send the delegates back to the states. The section you pointed out actually proves my point… that what trump wanted Pence to do was unconstitutional
I don’t know if what trump wanted pence to do was unconstitutional or not
Finally you’re being honest. If you read the constitution then you’d see that the VP doesn’t have to power to do what Trump wants him to do
Asking someone to do something that might violate the Constitution isn’t a crime. heck people doing things unconstitutional isn’t a crime.
It depend on who does the asking, what the ask is, and the the circumstances are around the request. That’s why we have courts.
What was the premise of your assertion/argument again?

It's been hours and I've been on 2 Home Depot runs and doing a good bit of stuff around the house today, so refresh my memory, pls.
Maybe if you learned to have a straight conversation and not reply with trolling memes you’d be able to follow the discussion better
Maybe if you learned to have a straight conversation and not reply with trolling memes you’d be able to follow the discussion better
^That was your chance to bring something to debate and that's what you roll with? Strike 3, you're out!

I've done more work today in FL heat than you did all of last week. GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A CACTUS, CHUMP.


Heat makes ya mad, boy. So do online sniveling shitbags.
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^That was your chance to bring something to debate and that's what you roll with? Strike 3, you're out!
Screw you, I’m not going to explain for you what our discussion is about afyer you spent several posts trolling me and avoiding the topic. Grow up. Take 2 minutes and go back to the source of our discussion if you are lost. I’m not your mommy
I've done more work today in FL heat than you did all of last week. GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A CACTUS, CHUMP.
I love how your presumptive ass thinks you know anything about what work I’ve done in the past week.

I’m not surprise but it’s a perfect example of how you can’t see past your ego
Screw you, I’m not going to explain for you what our discussion is about afyer you spent several posts trolling me and avoiding the topic. Grow up. Take 2 minutes and go back to the source of our discussion if you are lost. I’m not your mommy

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