How am I am threat to Democracy?

So forgive us if we scoff at your claims that Trump, Azog and myself are a danger to Democracy because we call out the scumaggery of the Democrats when it comes to running elections
I never said “calling out” was a threat. I said spreading lies to undermine our elections was a threat. Why do y’all have such a hard time having a straight conversation. If you need to twist my words to debate then you’re not doing a very good job
I never said “calling out” was a threat. I said spreading lies to undermine our elections was a threat. Why do y’all have such a hard time having a straight conversation. If you need to twist my words to debate then you’re not doing a very good job
So Hakeem Jeffries should be arrested. OK
What points do you and he differ on? Give me one or two?
Got now clue what his views are. I don’t pay attention to him. I do know one issue he apparently supports that I disagree with… the 2016 election was not rigged and stolen.
Got now clue what his views are. I don’t pay attention to him. I do know one issue he apparently supports that I disagree with… the 2016 election was not rigged and stolen.
Well. You shared identical views based on your posts on this board. It wasn’t rigged?

What would you call it?

Well. You shared identical views based on your posts on this board. It wasn’t rigged?

What would you call it?

I’d call it a free and fair election.
Well now you're being dishonest. If I asked to quote these "lies" the FBI lie to Twitter and the 51 intel official lies, you wouldn't be able to do it by showing their exact words. Your propaganda media has paraphrased and manipulated what was actually said to push the "lie" agenda.

Prove me wrong and quote the actual words that you think were lies.
Let me guess, you get your news from MSNBC, CNN, NYTime, WaPo ...

During these weekly meetings, the federal law enforcement agencies communicated that they expected "hack-and-leak operations" by state actors might occur in the period shortly before the 2020 presidential election, likely in October. I was told in these meetings that the intelligence community expected that individuals associated with political campaigns would be subject to hacking attacks and that material obtained through those hacking attacks would likely be disseminated over social media platforms, including Twitter. These expectations ofhack-and-leak operations were discussed throughout 2020. I also learned in these meetings that there were rumors that a hack-and-leak operation would involve Hunter Biden.

The person feeding Twitter these lies was Agent Chan of the the FBI.

Agent Chan lied under oath, claiming he only learned of Hunter's laptop through the media.

Q. And you believe that this occurred after
9 there had been, you know, a New York Post article
10 about the contents of the laptop that you referred
11 to -- I think you referred to earlier you finding
12 out about it that way, right?
13 A. Yeah, I only found out through news media.
14 I have no internal knowledge of that investigation,
15 and yeah, I believe that it was brought up after
16 the news story had broke.

Zuckerberg admitted he suppressed the Biden laptop story because of the FBI lies.

The 51 Scum bags that signed the "Russian disinformation" letter lied. They claimed that the laptop "“has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” It didn't. That was a lie. THe FBI has already publicly confirmed that laptop was genuine, Hunter's and not Russian disinformation.

The FBI had verified the laptop as real, as Hunter's.
Not exactly.
THey lied to Twitter et al telling them to expect a dump of Russian disinformation regarding Hunter.
That’s not a lie, it’s a warning of something that could potentially happen based on the way Russians have operated in the past.
THey lied by omission when they didn't call out the "51 intelligence" officials and Biden for spewing lies and partisan propaganda that the Hunter laptop as Russian disinformation.
That’s not what the former officials said and it’s not the FBI’s job to call people out.
They lied under oath to Congress about their knowledge of the lap top.
They didn’t.
And we disagree there since freedom of speech was suppressed
Speech is always suppressed one way or another. Dishonest messages get pushed out, human errors get made, computer errors get made, cases of fraud pop up. All happens every election. That’s part of the process. We accept the results, learn and do better. What we shouldn’t do is sit around and whine like bitches for years spouting hyperbolic lies about rigged and stolen elections. Only point of that is to scare people and raise money. Don’t be so gullible
Speech is always suppressed one way or another. Dishonest messages get pushed out, human errors get made, computer errors get made, cases of fraud pop up. All happens every election. That’s part of the process. We accept the results, learn and do better. What we shouldn’t do is sit around and whine like bitches for years spouting hyperbolic lies about rigged and stolen elections. Only point of that is to scare people and raise money. Don’t be so gullible
Why is it only suppressed one way? Hmmm

Talk about gullible. 🤷‍♂️
Let me guess, you get your news from MSNBC, CNN, NYTime, WaPo ...

The person feeding Twitter these lies was Agent Chan of the the FBI.

Agent Chan lied under oath, claiming he only learned of Hunter's laptop through the media.
Here you go posting links to partisan hate articles and not simply posting the quotes of the actual lies told to social media and written by the 51 agents. That’s because if you posted their actual words you’d be showing that they aren’t what you paint them to be.
Why is it only suppressed one way? Hmmm

Talk about gullible. 🤷‍♂️
It’s not… there’s plenty of speech and expression on the LGBTQ side that the right tries to suppress. Elements of slavery and black history that groups are trying to get included in school curriculums that the Right is trying to suppress. It happens on both sides
Not exactly.
Yes. Exactly
That’s not a lie, it’s a warning of something that could potentially happen based on the way Russians have operated in the past.

It was a bareface lie that the Hunter laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign before the election. Bareface lie
That’s not what the former officials said

I quoted them. Their words.

and it’s not the FBI’s job to call people out.

When asked about it, they certainly are., They lied.

They didn’t.
Sure did. I posted the lie. His words
It’s not… there’s plenty of speech and expression on the LGBTQ side that the right tries to suppress. Elements of slavery and black history that groups are trying to get included in school curriculums that the Right is trying to suppress. It happens on both sides
On Twitter, FB and YouTube? First I am hearing about it. You are gay and feel oppressed. Not sure why when gay people have the most freedoms anywhere in the world here in the US.

You just like to complain
Here you go posting links to partisan hate articles and not simply posting the quotes of the actual lies told to social media and written by the 51 agents. That’s because if you posted their actual words you’d be showing that they aren’t what you paint them to be.
JFC, I posted their actual words and links to the transcripts and source material.

GFY, don't you ever ask me for anything ever again. I thought you might be an honest poster. I was wrong, you're nothing more than a dishonest partisan propogandist.

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