How am I am threat to Democracy?

It was a bareface lie that the Hunter laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign before the election. Bareface lie
The FBI never said it was. It sure as hell looked suspicious to anyone with common sense and background knowledge of Russian interference in elections.
I quoted them. Their words.
Did you quote these words:
We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal aSorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.
When asked about it, they certainly are., They lied.
Who the hell told you that? No, the FBI is not obligated to answer questions they are asked especially when those questions are about confidential investigations.
Sure did. I posted the lie His words
He said she said.
On Twitter, FB and YouTube? First I am hearing about it. You are gay and feel oppressed. Not sure why when gay people have the most freedoms anywhere in the world here in the US.

You just like to complain
No I like to counter you horrible arguments. I’m not complaining. Those companies can do whatever they want. It’s their call. You can’t deny that what I said so true. Moving the goalposts is a weak move
The FBI never said it was. It sure as hell looked suspicious to anyone with common sense and background knowledge of Russian interference in elections.

Did you quote these words:
We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal aSorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.

Who the hell told you that? No, the FBI is not obligated to answer questions they are asked especially when those questions are about confidential investigations.

He said she said.
Gads, Doesn't it make you sick to your stomach repeating such bullshit for partisan scumbags working for our government? Don't you expect any better?

We're done. I showed the lies. They are lies. And they disgust everyone but the most dishonest partisans.
JFC, I posted their actual words and links to the transcripts and source material.

GFY, don't you ever ask me for anything ever again. I thought you might be an honest poster. I was wrong, you're nothing more than a dishonest partisan propogandist.
I was looking for you to post the simple quotes so we could have a real and direct discussion. Not digging through your propaganda. If you found an FBI agent that lied about how he learned about the laptop then great arrest him, don’t see what that has to do with my question and this discussion. You just muddy the water by dumping all the crap out there so to avoid a direct talk about specifics. It’s weak.

For example… the letter from the 51 intel agents never said that Hunters laptop was Russian propaganda did it?
No I like to counter you horrible arguments. I’m not complaining. Those companies can do whatever they want. It’s their call. You can’t deny that what I said so true. Moving the goalposts is a weak move
They can? Until Musk buys Twitter and then suddenly they can’t? Is that how it works?
Not moving anything.
Yes, I voted for DJT. What else?

How the HELL does that make me the enemy of America and Democracy? Joe Biden needs to explain this.

ZOGGY!!!!!!!!! oh buddy oh pal!!!! i knew you couldn't de-sert this here little MB for good. good to see ya.

anyhoo, i'll cut to the chase, w/ one Q. if you don't mind?

if DJT is the nominee, would you vote for him yet again?

if so, then you are a threat to democracy.

speaking of de-sert, what kinda pie do you think they serve in prison?

donny might want to know. :heehee:
ZOGGY!!!!!!!!! oh buddy oh pal!!!! i knew you couldn't de-sert this here little MB for good. good to see ya.

anyhoo, i'll cut to the chase, w/ one Q. if you don't mind?

if DJT is the nominee, would you vote for him yet again?

if so, then you are a threat to democracy.

speaking of de-sert, what kinda pie do you think they serve in prison?

donny might want to know. :heehee:
Yeah I would.

Except I wont be voting since my vote is meaningless in MA.

Trump won’t be in prison. His cases will go to the SCOTUS and be dismissed.

If Trump supporters are a threat to Democracy then we have no Democracy or Republic if we want to be literal.
Gads, Doesn't it make you sick to your stomach repeating such bullshit for partisan scumbags working for our government? Don't you expect any better?

We're done. I showed the lies. They are lies. And they disgust everyone but the most dishonest partisans.
You showed propaganda and spin. Marener showed actual quotes that contradicted your narrative. He did what I was challenging you to do but you hid in the water you muddied with all the crap you dumped in it.
I was looking for you to post the simple quotes so we could have a real and direct discussion. Not digging through your propaganda. If you found an FBI agent that lied about how he learned about the laptop then great arrest him, don’t see what that has to do with my question and this discussion. You just muddy the water by dumping all the crap out there so to avoid a direct talk about specifics. It’s weak.
Again, JFC, I gave you the direct quote and the source - Chan deposition transcript, Declaration of Yoel Roth, Letter from 51 scumbags

Not my fault if you can't distinguish original source material from propaganda from hate sites

Again, GFY, we're done.
Don’t know what you’re talking about but I’m a musk fan and have no issues with what he does with Twitter
Of course you do. Are you saying you don’t know about the vitriol he has received?

If it’s between Desantis and Gavin. Who are you voting for?
Yeah I would.

well that's a damn shame.

Except I wont be voting since my vote is meaningless in MA.

move to somewhere that it is.

Trump won’t be in prison.

ya he will.

His cases will go to the SCOTUS and be dismissed.

no they won't.

If Trump supporters are a threat to Democracy then we have no Democracy or Republic if we want to be literal.

trump supporters aren't the threat - - - it's who they want as prez. i don't think you are in his cult - but i see how you are cult adjacent.

what'cha think about joe rogan - didn't he say something about the bud lite tranny & how ' it's no big deal- get over it '? just curious.
well that's a damn shame.

move to somewhere that it is.

ya he will.

no they won't.

trump supporters aren't the threat - - - it's who they want as prez. i don't think you are in his cult - but i see how you are cult adjacent.

what'cha think about joe rogan - didn't he say something about the bud lite tranny & how ' it's no big deal- get over it '? just curious.
We won’t agree on Trump so I ll jump to Joe.

I no longer buy Bud Light. My friends don’t either. Company has lost $30bn in value? Now I do not protest or tell others what to drink but personally I choose other options now. Some restaurants have stopped carrying it altogether and one of my clients has completely discontinued it.

Joe can have his opinions and drink what he likes? 🤷‍♂️
We won’t agree on Trump so I ll jump to Joe.

I no longer buy Bud Light. My friends don’t either. Company has lost $30bn in value? Now I do not protest or tell others what to drink but personally I choose other options now. Some restaurants have stopped carrying it altogether and one of my clients has completely discontinued it.

Joe can have his opinions and drink what he likes? 🤷‍♂️

i know you were a big fan - just thought that mighta diminished him a bit in yer eyes.

personally i think most domestic beers taste like piss water. i bet you drink sam adams, amiright? ever try fat tire?

Gads, Doesn't it make you sick to your stomach repeating such bullshit for partisan scumbags working for our government? Don't you expect any better?

We're done. I showed the lies. They are lies. And they disgust everyone but the most dishonest partisans.
Can we get over this story? Everyone knew about the laptop. We all knew. It was all over the media.

What made it an even bigger story was the fact that Twitter blocked it for two days.

Trump lost because the election was about Trump and people don’t like him.
Again, JFC, I gave you the direct quote and the source - Chan deposition transcript, Declaration of Yoel Roth, Letter from 51 scumbags
To which I countered by saying that an FBI agent lying about how he found out about the laptop is irrelevant to our discussion. Another poster posted the actual statement made to Twitter and the explicitly said they didn’t know if the laptop was Russian disinformation.

And as for the agents letter. It’s the same thing… nowhere do they state that the laptop was disinformation.

Yet here you are lying about the actual words they said. Shame on you

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