How am I am threat to Democracy?

Dont try that stupid shit on me, we are a constitutional republic.

Of course, the democrats wish otherwise, hell, if democrats had their way black folks would not vote.

Democrats are against our republic and only say they want democracy, democrats do not want either
man what a load of garbage. Change the channel someday
How is he a threat? He has been out of office for two years and crime is off the charts and over two million illegals have crossed the southern border. Biden is the bigger threat if you want to be honest. But you don’t. You’re a Lib
most of this crime is mental illness and homelessness and our prisons are full of homeless crazy people. Great job! It is time to tax the rich again and invest in America again, like a mental health system that actually works. And cheap college and training like every other modern country for God's sake this is a GOP mess. Thanks for keeping the pandemic going and cheering all the economic failures... You're a disgrace lol
Well, let’s see…

Voting for Trump itself was a threat to democracy.

Propagating election lies – lies about ‘fraud,’ ‘cheating,’ and elections being ‘stolen.’

Defending the 1/6 rightwing terrorists; downplaying, minimizing, and attempting to mitigate the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack.

Supporting and voting for Republican officeholders and candidates who engage in gerrymandering, who oppose voting by mail and early voting; Republican candidates and officeholders who shutdown voting venues in minority communities making it more difficult for voters of color to vote.

Supporting and voting for Republican election officials who will reject or invalidate ballots in bad faith because they don’t like the outcome of an election, falsely claiming ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating.’

Supporting voter intimidation, perceiving Democrats as ‘the enemy.’

Opposition to consensus and compromise.

Indeed, Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right are engaged in an ongoing campaign to spread misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies intended to hobble the political process and undermine our democratic institutions.
Coyote this deranged person is one of yours. LOL

Wants one party rule
If you don’t want people to think you’re a threat to democracy, then vote for people who didn’t try to harm democracy.

You wouldn’t hire a nanny that tried to beat children and tell people, oh well it was 2 years ago.
False conflation. Try again. So you support alleged child abusers. Since you voted for Biden.
most of this crime is mental illness and homelessness and our prisons are full of homeless crazy people. Great job! It is time to tax the rich again and invest in America again, like a mental health system that actually works. And cheap college and training like every other modern country for God's sake this is a GOP mess. Thanks for keeping the pandemic going and cheering all the economic failures... You're a disgrace lol
Am I a threat to democracy. Yes or no? Give me a one word answer.
Now you are just being obtuse. If you believe the election was stolen you may very well be a threat to democracy.
When did I say it was “stolen”? I said The majority of Americans don’t trust the election process. That’s a fact. You’re still a moron, Franco.
False conflation. Try again. So you support alleged child abusers. Since you voted for Biden.
You’re clearly the brainwashed one.

Being brainwashed is bad. Historically, bad people used brainwashed people to attack democracy. That’s a fact.
Yes, I voted for DJT. What else? I have a job and pay taxes. I have a lawful license to carry. I have a wife and two kids and no criminal record. I support low taxes, a strong police force, secure border, energy independence and a powerful military to act as a deterrent to our enemies. I support women’s sports as I have two daughters. I believe that gender dysphoria is a disease and not something we should accept as the norm. Meaning biological boys should not be allowed to compete in physical sports against biological girls no matter what gender they identify as.

I believe in fair elections where one should have to present ID to vote and REQUEST a mail in ballot if one cannot vote in person due to being out of state or medically unable to only.

How the HELL does that make me the enemy of America and Democracy? Joe Biden needs to explain this.
ANY opposition to Democrat Authoritarian rule, faed policies, and agendas is a direct threat to them...

Parents opposed to porn in the classroom, CRT, Transgender indoctrination, and creating 'Nazi youth' - telling them to leep secrets from their parents, etc...are 'do.estic terrorists'...

Again,why is the Pedo Party constantly targeting children?

Democrats are either screwing rhem trafficking them, sniffing them, indoctrinating them, or isolating them, preventing them from getting a real, proper education....
Biden says if reps are elected it will end Democracy....the truth would be, IF no Reps were elected then none in Concress Biden would have his wish come true...only one political party...his. Now that would sure end democracy...
It’s the Democratic Party that is pushing Marxist socialism. Now that IS a threat to democracy.

of course you believe a mountain of garbage propaganda so you are totally confused as to what socialism is. It is not what Nazis say it was or what communists said it was, the two biggest liars in history. Every Socialist Party ever in a democracy ever has always been for democracy and fair capitalism. Socialist parties won. every other English speaking country got socialism after World War Two but called it Labour or something. All we got was the GI bill after World War Two. So now we're the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. everywhere except English speaking countries which are overwhelmed with British super savage capitalist propaganda know socialists are for fair capitalism and democracy always.
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Who is highlighting and boosting conspiracy theories and how do you want to stop them?
Elected leaders in the GOP are highlighting conspiracy theories about a stolen election. Pushing proven and obvious lies. That’s a problem. I’d like to see it stopped through the course of elections but the tides don’t seem to be swinging that way. Media and elected leaders on both sides are out of hand with a hyperbole and dishonest smear campaigns. So at this point I’d like to see penalties set up an accountability set up for people in elective office and in the media that push lies.
That was it. Provide the quote if I am incorrect. LOL. You’re still a total dick I see. Good to know.
You didn’t even try to give an example or a quote. I’m not being a dick by asking for specifics and asking you to back up your words. You asked me for a quote. Here’s a quote from Biden. What say you?

"You keep trying to make that case. I don't consider any Trump supporters a threat to the country," Biden said. "I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, refuses to acknowledge an election…changing the way you count votes, that is a threat to democracy."


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