How American gun deaths and gun laws compare to Canada's

Umm...illegals don't have second amendment rights,

Again, you guys ignore your own rhetoric. If you accept gun ownership is a human right, then it applies to illegals as much as the right to Freedom of Religion or Due Process... If you accept that the reason why you have a gun is to protect yourself against the government, then t hey have EVERY right to fight the government with their guns as the Bundy Brothers have.

and Christian theology had nothing to do with Hitler you moron, other than to be used as propaganda for idiots like yourself.

Quite the contrary. The country that produced a religious text entitled "On The Jews and their Lies" (written by Martin Luther, the founder of German Protestantism) isn't stepping all that far when it produces a Hitler.

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, in our politically correct, Kumbaya singing modern world, this all sounds crazy, but back then, when preachers and priests repeatedly said from the pulpit the Jews murdered their imaginary God-man, a guy like Hitler coming along shouldn't be shocking.

Isn't this, after all, the whole argument of the Zionist? That you need your own country because you can't trust everyone else to not murder you? (Of course, it would have been nice if you hadn't stolen someone else's land to do that. Because now they want to totally murder you for some reason. Oh, yeah, because you stole their land! That was it.)

Umm...Gun ownership is not a human right. it is a right guaranteed to American citizens, under the Constitution. Also if you actually think that Hitler murdered Jews for religious reasons you're dumber than I thought :eusa_doh:

guns in this country aren't intended to be used against the government. that's why their are laws against treason and why the second was intended to apply to a "well-regulated militia".

hitler did not murder jews for religious reasons, if it was just religious he wouldn't have killed 5 million gays, gypsies and catholics as well.

However, if the government becomes tyrannical...This is one of the few countries in the world where the citizens are armed. Also, with islam as probably the fastest growing religion in America, and obama trying to accelerate that growth tremendously by bringing tens of thousands of unvetted young male muslims here, best be armed.
No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.
The Supreme Court settled that bullshit argument. The 2A is clearly for individual rights, numbskull.

And the stats show EXACTLY WHY guns are needed for self defense.
Let's talk something modern. How about Yemen? They are third in the world in guns per capita. Seems their gun wielding militia types put them into chaos and war.

And from my link about our revolution:
The idea that militias are the bulwark against tyranny typically begins in a faulty reading of American History. The Revolutionary War was not won by Militias, but rather the Continental Army with considerable help from the French. While it is probably an exaggeration to suggest that the Militia was completely worthless during the War, that is far closer to reality than the myth promulgated by some pro-gun advocates. And the Militias that did significantly contribute to the cause were organized by the states and represented a well-disciplined, cohesive fighting force that mirrored the Continental Army, not the minutemen of lore.

I didn't say militias twit. I said an armed population….

Mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing……all happen to people who are unarmed……let's try something different….

A militia and armed population are the same things. At least you claim that when translating the constitution.

Yemen has lots of guns. Working real well for them.

No...that is what you guys claim when you want to disarm individual citizens......

We have lots of guns too........and if you don't live in a democrat city you are very safe.

357 million guns in private hands...... 505 accidental deaths and 8,124 gun murders mostly committed by criminals murdering other criminals....

The 357,000,000 is the larger number.......

No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.

Except when they are.....and according to bill clinton they are used 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack.

Clinton? That is a real long time ago. Crime is way down so Obviously any defenses would also be down. But of course that is just extrapolation based on a survey that is much debunked. And of course most of those defenders are themselves criminals. I still don't know anyone who has ever used a gun for defense. It should be obvious to any intelligent percent your ridiculous claims are false.
Clinton? That is a real long time ago. Crime is way down so Obviously any defenses would also be down. But of course that is just extrapolation based on a survey that is much debunked. And of course most of those defenders are themselves criminals. I still don't know anyone who has ever used a gun for defense. It should be obvious to any intelligent percent your ridiculous claims are false.

Well, I have used a gun for self defense three times in my life, and never had to fire it. I have two friends who also had similar experiences and did not h ave to fire to ward away their assailants.
No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.
The Supreme Court settled that bullshit argument. The 2A is clearly for individual rights, numbskull.

And the stats show EXACTLY WHY guns are needed for self defense.

Really? What stats? In a country of 320 million there are only 1.2 million violent crimes each year. Many of those are gang on gang, criminal on criminal. If you aren't involved in criminal activity the chances of needing a gun for defense are really slim. And if you did choose to carry it is hardly making you safer. The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them. And 17,000 are shot accidently each year, no criminal necessary.
Clinton? That is a real long time ago. Crime is way down so Obviously any defenses would also be down. But of course that is just extrapolation based on a survey that is much debunked. And of course most of those defenders are themselves criminals. I still don't know anyone who has ever used a gun for defense. It should be obvious to any intelligent percent your ridiculous claims are false.

Well, I have used a gun for self defense three times in my life, and never had to fire it. I have two friends who also had similar experiences and did not h ave to fire to ward away their assailants.

You must be involved in criminal activity, as are your friends. I don't doubt criminals will tell you they defend themselves all the time.
And they don't have a gun lobby like the NRA pimping for the gun industry

“When looking at firearm-related homicide rates in comparable countries, Canada’s rate is about seven times lower than that of the United States (3.5 per 100,000 population)"

According to a StatsCan report from 2012 – the most recent year available – the U.S. suffered a total of 8,813 murders involving the use of firearms that year. Canada, in the same year, recorded just 172 firearms-related homicides.

How American gun deaths and gun laws compare to Canada's

"Stupid is, as stupid does."

-Forrest Gump

No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.
The Supreme Court settled that bullshit argument. The 2A is clearly for individual rights, numbskull.

And the stats show EXACTLY WHY guns are needed for self defense.

Really? What stats? In a country of 320 million there are only 1.2 million violent crimes each year. Many of those are gang on gang, criminal on criminal. If you aren't involved in criminal activity the chances of needing a gun for defense are really slim. And if you did choose to carry it is hardly making you safer. The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them. And 17,000 are shot accidently each year, no criminal necessary.

Reported crimes...the crimes stopped by Americans with guns.....1.5 million of them according to bill clinton, do not get reported as rapes, robberies, and murders...because they were stopped before they were completed....
No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.
The Supreme Court settled that bullshit argument. The 2A is clearly for individual rights, numbskull.

And the stats show EXACTLY WHY guns are needed for self defense.

Really? What stats? In a country of 320 million there are only 1.2 million violent crimes each year. Many of those are gang on gang, criminal on criminal. If you aren't involved in criminal activity the chances of needing a gun for defense are really slim. And if you did choose to carry it is hardly making you safer. The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them. And 17,000 are shot accidently each year, no criminal necessary.

The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them.

Wrong, the criminal is more likely to run away than to let you shoot them.
No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.
The Supreme Court settled that bullshit argument. The 2A is clearly for individual rights, numbskull.

And the stats show EXACTLY WHY guns are needed for self defense.

Really? What stats? In a country of 320 million there are only 1.2 million violent crimes each year. Many of those are gang on gang, criminal on criminal. If you aren't involved in criminal activity the chances of needing a gun for defense are really slim. And if you did choose to carry it is hardly making you safer. The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them. And 17,000 are shot accidently each year, no criminal necessary.

In 2013...there were over 320 million guns in private hands...and only 505 accidental gun deaths.......

And over 1.5 million defensive gun uses by armed Americans.
No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.
The Supreme Court settled that bullshit argument. The 2A is clearly for individual rights, numbskull.

And the stats show EXACTLY WHY guns are needed for self defense.

Really? What stats? In a country of 320 million there are only 1.2 million violent crimes each year. Many of those are gang on gang, criminal on criminal. If you aren't involved in criminal activity the chances of needing a gun for defense are really slim. And if you did choose to carry it is hardly making you safer. The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them. And 17,000 are shot accidently each year, no criminal necessary.

Reported crimes...the crimes stopped by Americans with guns.....1.5 million of them according to bill clinton, do not get reported as rapes, robberies, and murders...because they were stopped before they were completed....

Why would people not report crimes? They just give criminals a free ride? I doubt that. But that is the hocus pocus foolishness your numbers rely on. You have posted yourself how crime is down and most crime is criminal on criminal. Can't have defenses without crimes, sorry.
No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.
The Supreme Court settled that bullshit argument. The 2A is clearly for individual rights, numbskull.

And the stats show EXACTLY WHY guns are needed for self defense.

Really? What stats? In a country of 320 million there are only 1.2 million violent crimes each year. Many of those are gang on gang, criminal on criminal. If you aren't involved in criminal activity the chances of needing a gun for defense are really slim. And if you did choose to carry it is hardly making you safer. The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them. And 17,000 are shot accidently each year, no criminal necessary.

In 2013...there were over 320 million guns in private hands...and only 505 accidental gun deaths.......

And over 1.5 million defensive gun uses by armed Americans.

That is 500 more than any other civilized country.

1.5 defenses? There are only about 1.2 million violent crimes. Sorry, a minority of the population can't do that. It is obviously mathematically impossible.
No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.
The Supreme Court settled that bullshit argument. The 2A is clearly for individual rights, numbskull.

And the stats show EXACTLY WHY guns are needed for self defense.

Really? What stats? In a country of 320 million there are only 1.2 million violent crimes each year. Many of those are gang on gang, criminal on criminal. If you aren't involved in criminal activity the chances of needing a gun for defense are really slim. And if you did choose to carry it is hardly making you safer. The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them. And 17,000 are shot accidently each year, no criminal necessary.

Reported crimes...the crimes stopped by Americans with guns.....1.5 million of them according to bill clinton, do not get reported as rapes, robberies, and murders...because they were stopped before they were completed....

Why would people not report crimes? They just give criminals a free ride? I doubt that. But that is the hocus pocus foolishness your numbers rely on. You have posted yourself how crime is down and most crime is criminal on criminal. Can't have defenses without crimes, sorry.

Crimes that are stopped do not get reported...a woman who stops a rape before she is raped is not reported as rape....a robbery stopped is not a are just a few examples...

Concealed Nation Fan Fends Off Three Home Invaders With M&P Shield

A father and son successfully fought off three home invaders in an early morning all-out fight for survival. Columbus police confirm that there was a home invasion in vicinity of 2:30 am where three suspected attackers kicked in the front door and immediately set to assaulting the son who was first to respond. Thankfully, his father was in the other room and able to flush out the attackers — using nothing less than his future everyday carry pistol, the M&P Shield.

“I come out and this one little one come tried to attack me and I took him out right away, one in the white shirt tried attacking me from the side, tried choking me and that kind of stuff,” says Shawn Howell, “Next thing you know he loses power and I jump up to get up and ready to start cleaning clocks but I just darted into my room… I come out and they were flying out the door so fast, I never seen anybody run so fast in my life… they knew what was coming,they knew I was going for a gun.”

According to both the victims’ testimony and police statements released through Channel 48 – Nebraska, the attackers fled before the future-concealed carrier could put bullets on target but he allegedly pursued them to their vehicle to “mark the truck”.

Both victims were transported to a nearby hospital where they were treated for superficial wounds sustained during the assault. Both the father and son were attending a concealed carry course to get their concealed carry permits and neither were expecting an attack of this magnitude to occur in their home.

Burglars call 911 on themselves as homeowner holds them at gunpoint

A pair of men who were breaking into a Woodland, Washington, home Monday night got quite a scare when the owner of the house caught them redhanded.

Bill Lahti was surprised to find his home had been burglarized last week, partly because the home, which belonged to Lahti’s great-grandparents years ago and was handed down to him, isn’t exactly in an easy to get to location. The rural property has been dubbed by the Lahti family as “the hill,” and given the home’s history, Lahti was especially appalled at the break-in.

“I kept coming back periodically to check in,” Lahti told KATU. “So, Monday night, I roll up and there’s their truck backed up to the front door in the yard. (The) door was about – probably – four inches open. I could see the light through there. So, I came out there, jumped out of my truck, kicked the door open and there they were.”

Lahti told the two men to get down on their knees as he held them at gunpoint. He was going to call the police on them, but Lahti couldn’t get his phone to work. With his gun still trained on them, he instructed the crooks to make the call themselves. With few options, the suspects complied.


Concealed Carrier Holds Burglar At Gunpoint With Her FNX .45

CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE — A woman successfully subdued a would-be burglar outside her home using her FNX .45. The suspect, James Jeffrey Dunn, was allegedly trying to break in through her front door late at night. She got her handgun and confronted the burglar, according to WRCB. Once at the doorway, she yelled through the door for him to stay put and not move. Moments later, she confronted him head-on — handgun drawn and ready to go.

via WRCB

“I tried to order him to stay right where he was at and I pointed the gun at him and I came running off the porch and I came within 10 feet of him and he laid the bicycle down and he crumpled on top of the bicycle,” she says.

She held him at gunpoint until Cleveland Police arrived and arrested Dunn, 35, on charges of aggravated burglary, theft, and burglary of a motor vehicle. Police note that Dunn had an arrest sheet tallying over 40 charges — the most recent being only 6 hours prior to his attempted burglary of this concealed carrier.

“We went over this when we got my concealed carry permit, these types of scenarios. But I had already put that gun up and ever taken it out since, you know?” she says. “Maybe to go the range once.”

When we talk about the new generation of concealed carriers, let’s take a good long look at the realities these people are facing: hardened, career criminals unafraid to bust through the door or do damage to private property and persons. It’s a good thing this woman had the proper training she needed and the right equipment.

Lancaster Woman Scares Off Bat-Wielding Attackers By Pulling Gun On Them

LANCASTER, Ohio - It happened along a walking path in Lancaster.

Dinah Burns is licensed to carry a concealed gun, but she'd only recently started taking her weapon while walking her dog.

Based on what happened, it looks like she'll make a point of carrying from now on.

"I think if they'd gotten any closer, I probably would have fired,” said Burns.

It was Monday when Burns was on a footpath near Sanderson Elementary School.

"Two gentlemen came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said 'You're coming with us'."

The men weren't deterred by Dinah's dog Gracie.

"I said, 'Well, what do you want?,' and as I was saying that I reached in to my pocket and slipped my gun out, slipped the safety off as I pulled it out. As I was doing that the other gentleman came toward me and raised the baseball bat. And, I pointed the gun at them and said, 'I have this and I'm not afraid to use it.'"

The men took off and so far have eluded police. Dinah posted about the incident on Facebook to alert friends and neighbors, to criticism by some.

"Most of the males' opinion was, 'Why didn't you shoot them?'"

Easy to second-guess a decision made under pressure, based on her concealed carry training, and police agree.

"To get out of a situation, back out, get out of it as much as you can without having to discharge your firearm."

"I will say it's a good thing to go from a place of danger to a place of safety, however you get that done,” said Sgt. Matt Chambers, Lancaster Police.

"Very thankful that it turned out the way it did, and hope it doesn't happen again, but I will be prepared."

I am sure the two men simply wanted her to help them with directions...right?

NRA-ILA | Armed homeowner scares off attacker, KTVA, Anchorage, Alaska 11/13/15

A homeowner was in their house in Anchorage, Alaska when they heard a knock at the door. The homeowner retrieved a gun and went to answer the door. Upon opening the door, an intruder pepper-sprayed the homeowner, prompting the homeowner to fire at the criminal. The attacker fled the scene. (KTVA, Anchorage, Alaska 11/13/15)


NRA-ILA | Elderly couple fights off real monsters on Halloween,, Helena, Ark. 11/01/15

An elderly couple were at home Halloween night, when the doorbell rang. Prepared to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters, the wife opened the door to find four armed robbers, at least two of whom were armed with guns.

The robbers forced their way inside the home, where the husband was sitting in a recliner. Upon learning of the home invasion, the husband retrieved a gun and fired at the criminals, prompting the home invaders to flee. (, Helena, Ark. 11/01/15)
No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.
The Supreme Court settled that bullshit argument. The 2A is clearly for individual rights, numbskull.

And the stats show EXACTLY WHY guns are needed for self defense.

Really? What stats? In a country of 320 million there are only 1.2 million violent crimes each year. Many of those are gang on gang, criminal on criminal. If you aren't involved in criminal activity the chances of needing a gun for defense are really slim. And if you did choose to carry it is hardly making you safer. The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them. And 17,000 are shot accidently each year, no criminal necessary.

In 2013...there were over 320 million guns in private hands...and only 505 accidental gun deaths.......

And over 1.5 million defensive gun uses by armed Americans.

That is 500 more than any other civilized country.

1.5 defenses? There are only about 1.2 million violent crimes. Sorry, a minority of the population can't do that. It is obviously mathematically impossible.

It is a post like that that makes people question your intelligence and sanity.......

reported crimes are not all crimes.....most crimes go unreported....we had a girl working at a 7-11 in town who was raped by the robber robbing the store....she did not report the rape.
No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.
The Supreme Court settled that bullshit argument. The 2A is clearly for individual rights, numbskull.

And the stats show EXACTLY WHY guns are needed for self defense.

Really? What stats? In a country of 320 million there are only 1.2 million violent crimes each year. Many of those are gang on gang, criminal on criminal. If you aren't involved in criminal activity the chances of needing a gun for defense are really slim. And if you did choose to carry it is hardly making you safer. The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them. And 17,000 are shot accidently each year, no criminal necessary.

Reported crimes...the crimes stopped by Americans with guns.....1.5 million of them according to bill clinton, do not get reported as rapes, robberies, and murders...because they were stopped before they were completed....

Why would people not report crimes? They just give criminals a free ride? I doubt that. But that is the hocus pocus foolishness your numbers rely on. You have posted yourself how crime is down and most crime is criminal on criminal. Can't have defenses without crimes, sorry.

Crimes that are stopped do not get reported...a woman who stops a rape before she is raped is not reported as rape....a robbery stopped is not a are just a few examples...

Concealed Nation Fan Fends Off Three Home Invaders With M&P Shield

A father and son successfully fought off three home invaders in an early morning all-out fight for survival. Columbus police confirm that there was a home invasion in vicinity of 2:30 am where three suspected attackers kicked in the front door and immediately set to assaulting the son who was first to respond. Thankfully, his father was in the other room and able to flush out the attackers — using nothing less than his future everyday carry pistol, the M&P Shield.

“I come out and this one little one come tried to attack me and I took him out right away, one in the white shirt tried attacking me from the side, tried choking me and that kind of stuff,” says Shawn Howell, “Next thing you know he loses power and I jump up to get up and ready to start cleaning clocks but I just darted into my room… I come out and they were flying out the door so fast, I never seen anybody run so fast in my life… they knew what was coming,they knew I was going for a gun.”

According to both the victims’ testimony and police statements released through Channel 48 – Nebraska, the attackers fled before the future-concealed carrier could put bullets on target but he allegedly pursued them to their vehicle to “mark the truck”.

Both victims were transported to a nearby hospital where they were treated for superficial wounds sustained during the assault. Both the father and son were attending a concealed carry course to get their concealed carry permits and neither were expecting an attack of this magnitude to occur in their home.

Burglars call 911 on themselves as homeowner holds them at gunpoint

A pair of men who were breaking into a Woodland, Washington, home Monday night got quite a scare when the owner of the house caught them redhanded.

Bill Lahti was surprised to find his home had been burglarized last week, partly because the home, which belonged to Lahti’s great-grandparents years ago and was handed down to him, isn’t exactly in an easy to get to location. The rural property has been dubbed by the Lahti family as “the hill,” and given the home’s history, Lahti was especially appalled at the break-in.

“I kept coming back periodically to check in,” Lahti told KATU. “So, Monday night, I roll up and there’s their truck backed up to the front door in the yard. (The) door was about – probably – four inches open. I could see the light through there. So, I came out there, jumped out of my truck, kicked the door open and there they were.”

Lahti told the two men to get down on their knees as he held them at gunpoint. He was going to call the police on them, but Lahti couldn’t get his phone to work. With his gun still trained on them, he instructed the crooks to make the call themselves. With few options, the suspects complied.


Concealed Carrier Holds Burglar At Gunpoint With Her FNX .45

CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE — A woman successfully subdued a would-be burglar outside her home using her FNX .45. The suspect, James Jeffrey Dunn, was allegedly trying to break in through her front door late at night. She got her handgun and confronted the burglar, according to WRCB. Once at the doorway, she yelled through the door for him to stay put and not move. Moments later, she confronted him head-on — handgun drawn and ready to go.

via WRCB

“I tried to order him to stay right where he was at and I pointed the gun at him and I came running off the porch and I came within 10 feet of him and he laid the bicycle down and he crumpled on top of the bicycle,” she says.

She held him at gunpoint until Cleveland Police arrived and arrested Dunn, 35, on charges of aggravated burglary, theft, and burglary of a motor vehicle. Police note that Dunn had an arrest sheet tallying over 40 charges — the most recent being only 6 hours prior to his attempted burglary of this concealed carrier.

“We went over this when we got my concealed carry permit, these types of scenarios. But I had already put that gun up and ever taken it out since, you know?” she says. “Maybe to go the range once.”

When we talk about the new generation of concealed carriers, let’s take a good long look at the realities these people are facing: hardened, career criminals unafraid to bust through the door or do damage to private property and persons. It’s a good thing this woman had the proper training she needed and the right equipment.

Lancaster Woman Scares Off Bat-Wielding Attackers By Pulling Gun On Them

LANCASTER, Ohio - It happened along a walking path in Lancaster.

Dinah Burns is licensed to carry a concealed gun, but she'd only recently started taking her weapon while walking her dog.

Based on what happened, it looks like she'll make a point of carrying from now on.

"I think if they'd gotten any closer, I probably would have fired,” said Burns.

It was Monday when Burns was on a footpath near Sanderson Elementary School.

"Two gentlemen came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said 'You're coming with us'."

The men weren't deterred by Dinah's dog Gracie.

"I said, 'Well, what do you want?,' and as I was saying that I reached in to my pocket and slipped my gun out, slipped the safety off as I pulled it out. As I was doing that the other gentleman came toward me and raised the baseball bat. And, I pointed the gun at them and said, 'I have this and I'm not afraid to use it.'"

The men took off and so far have eluded police. Dinah posted about the incident on Facebook to alert friends and neighbors, to criticism by some.

"Most of the males' opinion was, 'Why didn't you shoot them?'"

Easy to second-guess a decision made under pressure, based on her concealed carry training, and police agree.

"To get out of a situation, back out, get out of it as much as you can without having to discharge your firearm."

"I will say it's a good thing to go from a place of danger to a place of safety, however you get that done,” said Sgt. Matt Chambers, Lancaster Police.

"Very thankful that it turned out the way it did, and hope it doesn't happen again, but I will be prepared."

I am sure the two men simply wanted her to help them with directions...right?

NRA-ILA | Armed homeowner scares off attacker, KTVA, Anchorage, Alaska 11/13/15

A homeowner was in their house in Anchorage, Alaska when they heard a knock at the door. The homeowner retrieved a gun and went to answer the door. Upon opening the door, an intruder pepper-sprayed the homeowner, prompting the homeowner to fire at the criminal. The attacker fled the scene. (KTVA, Anchorage, Alaska 11/13/15)


NRA-ILA | Elderly couple fights off real monsters on Halloween,, Helena, Ark. 11/01/15

An elderly couple were at home Halloween night, when the doorbell rang. Prepared to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters, the wife opened the door to find four armed robbers, at least two of whom were armed with guns.

The robbers forced their way inside the home, where the husband was sitting in a recliner. Upon learning of the home invasion, the husband retrieved a gun and fired at the criminals, prompting the home invaders to flee. (, Helena, Ark. 11/01/15)

Yes actually attempted crimes are counted. Don't be so silly.

You are aware we are a country of over 320 million right? Statistically your few examples me nothing.
No the anti gun people claim the constitution is only for militias. Individuals clearly aren't militias.

Your stats really show how guns aren't needed for defense.
The Supreme Court settled that bullshit argument. The 2A is clearly for individual rights, numbskull.

And the stats show EXACTLY WHY guns are needed for self defense.

Really? What stats? In a country of 320 million there are only 1.2 million violent crimes each year. Many of those are gang on gang, criminal on criminal. If you aren't involved in criminal activity the chances of needing a gun for defense are really slim. And if you did choose to carry it is hardly making you safer. The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them. And 17,000 are shot accidently each year, no criminal necessary.

In 2013...there were over 320 million guns in private hands...and only 505 accidental gun deaths.......

And over 1.5 million defensive gun uses by armed Americans.

That is 500 more than any other civilized country.

1.5 defenses? There are only about 1.2 million violent crimes. Sorry, a minority of the population can't do that. It is obviously mathematically impossible.

It is a post like that that makes people question your intelligence and sanity.......

reported crimes are not all crimes.....most crimes go unreported....we had a girl working at a 7-11 in town who was raped by the robber robbing the store....she did not report the rape.

Most crimes attempted on the law abiding are reported. Maybe crimes attempted on those who are involved in criminal activity are not reported.
Your understanding of commie history is absurd, but not unexpected.

Government kills and unlimited government, that you so desire, kills the most.

NOt really, but i'm sure that's what the Koch Brothers told you to think when they live in their mansions.
You must learn to study history Joey. It is just that simple.

Total government like those of the 20th know the ones you so admire, murdered so many people that an accurate number can only be guessed at.

Ever heard this simple truth? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely...who said it lil Joe? Hint...It wasn't the Koch bros...dipshit.
Really? What stats? In a country of 320 million there are only 1.2 million violent crimes each year. Many of those are gang on gang, criminal on criminal. If you aren't involved in criminal activity the chances of needing a gun for defense are really slim. And if you did choose to carry it is hardly making you safer. The armed criminal is far more likely to shoot you if you pull a gun on them. And 17,000 are shot accidently each year, no criminal necessary.
Lol, statistical lies abound here.

First you move the goal posts and make it about violent crimes; why? Are you any less violated if a man robs you with threat of physical violence but never harms you? How many nonviolent crimes could have become violent easily had the criminal misread the victims intentions? Every crime where the assailant and the victim meet face to face is a potentially violent crime but the government does not record things that way.

Secondly no one without a death wish loses control of their gun and lets the criminal have the gun. That is a libtard myth.

Thirdly no one waits for the criminal to show up with their gun, then draws down on them, idiot. You go to the disturbance with your gun at the ready, there is no fast draw, lol.

And where do you get the stats that 17k gun owners accidentally shot themselves every year? lol I never see more than 1000 annually estimated.
Most crimes attempted on the law abiding are reported. Maybe crimes attempted on those who are involved in criminal activity are not reported.

It is impossible for the government to track reports of unreported crimes, fool.
You must be involved in criminal activity, as are your friends. I don't doubt criminals will tell you they defend themselves all the time.
Again, you demonstrate your stupidity via confirmation bias.
I have had two attempted entries into an apartment, one attempted pull over robbery, and one where a woman came into my unlocked apartment and begged me to help her and that her BF was trying to kill her. I stepped outside to see him leave when he saw me with my gun.

So that is three defenses of myself and one of a third party.

My two friends were trying to take money out of an ATM when morons walked up behind them and told them to give them the money. Instead they both pulled their guns out and the would be robbers ran.

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