How American gun deaths and gun laws compare to Canada's

Umm...illegals don't have second amendment rights,

Again, you guys ignore your own rhetoric. If you accept gun ownership is a human right, then it applies to illegals as much as the right to Freedom of Religion or Due Process... If you accept that the reason why you have a gun is to protect yourself against the government, then t hey have EVERY right to fight the government with their guns as the Bundy Brothers have.

and Christian theology had nothing to do with Hitler you moron, other than to be used as propaganda for idiots like yourself.

Quite the contrary. The country that produced a religious text entitled "On The Jews and their Lies" (written by Martin Luther, the founder of German Protestantism) isn't stepping all that far when it produces a Hitler.

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, in our politically correct, Kumbaya singing modern world, this all sounds crazy, but back then, when preachers and priests repeatedly said from the pulpit the Jews murdered their imaginary God-man, a guy like Hitler coming along shouldn't be shocking.

Isn't this, after all, the whole argument of the Zionist? That you need your own country because you can't trust everyone else to not murder you? (Of course, it would have been nice if you hadn't stolen someone else's land to do that. Because now they want to totally murder you for some reason. Oh, yeah, because you stole their land! That was it.)
Throughout history tyrannical governments disarmed the people, so they could do as they wished. The consequences were horrific in most cases. One would think all Americans would know this and oppose any infringement of the 2A. Thanks to decades of liberalism brainwashing millions, some Americans gladly accept losing their rights to an ever increasingly powerful tyrannical central government.

Actually, the most horrific cases were people who had plenty of guns murdering their neighbors because civil decency had broken down. But you guys like to ignore that, you pretend some kind of monsters were killing their neighbors.

It wasn't. It was guys who just got pushed too far, and when it was over, all tried to pretend nothing bad had happened. That's why we are always shocked when we find some ex-Nazi living a life as a retired autoworker.
In America gun ownership is a Constitutional right. The government does not have the authority to violate that right. All government employees (including the military and police) are sworn " protect and defend the Constitution (not the government) against all enemies foreign and domestic..." Maybe someday Canada will get over being so backward.

YOu mean enjoying a lower crime rate, lower murder rate, longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality rates, lower poverty rates.... all of these things make Canada "Backwards".

How's the weather on Bizarro World?

Yes, read Gun Control in the 3rd Reich…it goes through the gun control measures meant to keep Germans safe after World War 1. And did you ever read history…….you don't believe the Germans ran over all the other militaries in Europe….and would have done the same to Russia if we hadn't jumped in…….

Uh, no, probably not. 11 Time Zones of Stalin, Baby. The German Advance had already been halted before Pearl Harbor even happened, and the Germans failed to take Moscow and Leningrad.

Armed civilians stop thugs from beating people and vandalizing and looting stores…..we saw this in the Black Lies Matter riots where civilians with guns kept their stores safe….and unarmed stores were burnt to the ground.

Another fantasy. fact is, almost all the businesses were burned, because they couldn't watch them 24-7.

Kristalnacht would not have happened if there was wide spread gun ownership among the Jews and other Germans.

Guy, you are delusional. Here's the hint. MOST GERMANS REALLY HATED THE JEWS!!! That's why "Kill the Jews" was a winning campaign platform for Hitler. And the germans who had private guns, didn't take those guns and defend the Jews. More often than not, they were participating in looting the Jewish stores.

Here's the thing. No one felt bad about the Jews before the war, during the war or even immediately after the war. Here's what General Patton had to say about the Jews that survived the camps.

One answer came in a copy of Gen. George S. Patton’s handwritten journal. In one entry from 1945, Patton, who oversaw the D.P. operations for the United States, seethed after reading Harrison’s findings, which he saw — quite accurately — as an attack on his own command.

“Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews who are lower than animals,” Patton wrote. He complained of how the Jews in one camp, with “no sense of human relationships,” would defecate on the floors and live in filth like lazy “locusts,” and he told of taking his commander, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, to tour a makeshift synagogue set up to commemorate the holy day of Yom Kippur.

“We entered the synagogue, which was packed with the greatest stinking mass of humanity I have ever seen,” Patton wrote. “Of course, I have seen them since the beginning and marveled that beings alleged to be made in the form of God can look the way they do or act the way they act.”
Ummmmm, it's ILLEGAL for illegal aliens to have guns. So clearly it is imposible for them to get them....well, at least according to you.

But that isn't the position of you gun nuts. Gun ownership is a right up there along side freedom of religion, speech, due process, protection from Cruel and Unusual punishment. If you accept the gun nut position that you need guns to protect you from the government, you should be all for those illegals shooting federal agents. As opposed to just white people shooting federal agents at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

Nooooo, it's the Right of American CITIZENS to keep and bear arms. Silly boy, get your facts straight!
Yes, read Gun Control in the 3rd Reich…it goes through the gun control measures meant to keep Germans safe after World War 1. And did you ever read history…….you don't believe the Germans ran over all the other militaries in Europe….and would have done the same to Russia if we hadn't jumped in…….

Uh, no, probably not. 11 Time Zones of Stalin, Baby. The German Advance had already been halted before Pearl Harbor even happened, and the Germans failed to take Moscow and Leningrad.

Armed civilians stop thugs from beating people and vandalizing and looting stores…..we saw this in the Black Lies Matter riots where civilians with guns kept their stores safe….and unarmed stores were burnt to the ground.

Another fantasy. fact is, almost all the businesses were burned, because they couldn't watch them 24-7.

Kristalnacht would not have happened if there was wide spread gun ownership among the Jews and other Germans.

Guy, you are delusional. Here's the hint. MOST GERMANS REALLY HATED THE JEWS!!! That's why "Kill the Jews" was a winning campaign platform for Hitler. And the germans who had private guns, didn't take those guns and defend the Jews. More often than not, they were participating in looting the Jewish stores.

Here's the thing. No one felt bad about the Jews before the war, during the war or even immediately after the war. Here's what General Patton had to say about the Jews that survived the camps.

One answer came in a copy of Gen. George S. Patton’s handwritten journal. In one entry from 1945, Patton, who oversaw the D.P. operations for the United States, seethed after reading Harrison’s findings, which he saw — quite accurately — as an attack on his own command.

“Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews who are lower than animals,” Patton wrote. He complained of how the Jews in one camp, with “no sense of human relationships,” would defecate on the floors and live in filth like lazy “locusts,” and he told of taking his commander, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, to tour a makeshift synagogue set up to commemorate the holy day of Yom Kippur.

“We entered the synagogue, which was packed with the greatest stinking mass of humanity I have ever seen,” Patton wrote. “Of course, I have seen them since the beginning and marveled that beings alleged to be made in the form of God can look the way they do or act the way they act.”

Ummmm, Stalingrad didn't begin until the end of August 1942, dumbass. Your knowledge of history is as faulty as your knowledge of pretty much everything.
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Nooooo, it's the Right of American CITIZENS to keep and bear arms. Silly boy, get your facts straight!

Except the word "citizen" never appears anywhere in the Second Amendment. Nor anywhere else in the Bill of Rights, for that matter.

So if you assume that the "bill of rights" applies to ALL the people, (At the time it was written, only white land-owning males were considered "citizens"), then the right of an illegal alien to protest deportation with a gun is just as valid as that of a Bundy Brother to protest... um, what are they protesting again? Well, never mind, they are protesting against an oppressive government, that's the important thing.
Ummmm, Stalingrad didn't begin until the end of August 1942, dumbass. Your knowledge of history is as faulty are your knowledge of pretty much everything.

Stalingrad wasn't the capital of Russia. The German advance on MOSCOW was halted in 1941, that was the point.

The point was, the Russians did most of the heavy lifting in WWII, we just reaped the benefits.

We should totally apply the same policy to Syria and Iraq.
Umm...illegals don't have second amendment rights,

Again, you guys ignore your own rhetoric. If you accept gun ownership is a human right, then it applies to illegals as much as the right to Freedom of Religion or Due Process... If you accept that the reason why you have a gun is to protect yourself against the government, then t hey have EVERY right to fight the government with their guns as the Bundy Brothers have.

and Christian theology had nothing to do with Hitler you moron, other than to be used as propaganda for idiots like yourself.

Quite the contrary. The country that produced a religious text entitled "On The Jews and their Lies" (written by Martin Luther, the founder of German Protestantism) isn't stepping all that far when it produces a Hitler.

On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, in our politically correct, Kumbaya singing modern world, this all sounds crazy, but back then, when preachers and priests repeatedly said from the pulpit the Jews murdered their imaginary God-man, a guy like Hitler coming along shouldn't be shocking.

Isn't this, after all, the whole argument of the Zionist? That you need your own country because you can't trust everyone else to not murder you? (Of course, it would have been nice if you hadn't stolen someone else's land to do that. Because now they want to totally murder you for some reason. Oh, yeah, because you stole their land! That was it.)

Umm...Gun ownership is not a human right. it is a right guaranteed to American citizens, under the Constitution. Also if you actually think that Hitler murdered Jews for religious reasons you're dumber than I thought :eusa_doh:
Ummmm, Stalingrad didn't begin until the end of August 1942, dumbass. Your knowledge of history is as faulty are your knowledge of pretty much everything.

Stalingrad wasn't the capital of Russia. The German advance on MOSCOW was halted in 1941, that was the point.

The point was, the Russians did most of the heavy lifting in WWII, we just reaped the benefits.

We should totally apply the same policy to Syria and Iraq.

Russia was shit. They would have easily been overran if we weren't supplying them, and fighting Germany from the west :slap:

Except the word "citizen" never appears anywhere in the Second Amendment. Nor anywhere else in the Bill of Rights, for that matter.

So if you assume that the "bill of rights" applies to ALL the people, (At the time it was written, only white land-owning males were considered "citizens"), then the right of an illegal alien to protest deportation with a gun is just as valid as that of a Bundy Brother to protest... um, what are they protesting again? Well, never mind, they are protesting against an oppressive government, that's the important thing.[/QUOTE]

Appeals to emotion are logical fallacies; rational, thinking people will not be swayed by fallacious arguments.
So, when you think you can introduce actual reason in your arguments, let us know.

We're not vulcans ya know. Humans are emotional beings and a lot of decisions are made via emotion AND logic. Whoever said appeals to emotion are fallacies didn't know what they were talking about. I think walking around minding your own business and not wanting to get shot is good enough of a reason to ban certain guns and increase background he

Who provides security for the e law abiding if they cannot effectively provide it for themselves?

I'm not saying that will be the outcome (to a degree), but if you think that is a reason why people want bans or restrictions then you don't have a clue. I am in the camp for bannings and restrictions and people needing a license. And not even ONCE has the thought crossed my mind that I want these things happening because I want the state to look after me.
And they don't have a gun lobby like the NRA pimping for the gun industry

“When looking at firearm-related homicide rates in comparable countries, Canada’s rate is about seven times lower than that of the United States (3.5 per 100,000 population)"

According to a StatsCan report from 2012 – the most recent year available – the U.S. suffered a total of 8,813 murders involving the use of firearms that year. Canada, in the same year, recorded just 172 firearms-related homicides.

How American gun deaths and gun laws compare to Canada's

Wow....Canada's gun deaths are about 7x lower? Hmmmm. Their % of population that is black is also over 7x lower.......

Their population is also 1/10th of ours. we all know...crime increases in warmer weather. Canada is colder. Much colder.

Good job Guno. You aren't even comparing apples to oranges. You're comparing a tree to a pickup truck.

Another epic fail thread by Guano.

Canada's black and Latino population is barely 4%.

I wonder if these idiot libs ever look at gun violence rates, or any other type of violence, in places like Idaho.

Funny when it comes to those statistics, they suddenly become color blind.
Throughout history tyrannical governments disarmed the people, so they could do as they wished. The consequences were horrific in most cases. One would think all Americans would know this and oppose any infringement of the 2A. Thanks to decades of liberalism brainwashing millions, some Americans gladly accept losing their rights to an ever increasingly powerful tyrannical central government.

Actually, the most horrific cases were people who had plenty of guns murdering their neighbors because civil decency had broken down. But you guys like to ignore that, you pretend some kind of monsters were killing their neighbors.

It wasn't. It was guys who just got pushed too far, and when it was over, all tried to pretend nothing bad had happened. That's why we are always shocked when we find some ex-Nazi living a life as a retired autoworker.
Yeah Neighbors with guns is more horrific than what Stalin and Mao did...yeah right.
...Do you think arguing one sentence at a time makes you sound smarter, or do you think you can distract the people who are dumber than you are...
The size and quality of my tiny little brain and the style in which I respond are irrelevant to the points being made; however, you DO amuse, by failing to address the particulars, and you look weasel-like by failing to acknowledge that you made multiple, erroneous assumptions about my own positions...

Still... it's great fun, watching Intellectual Cowardice take its toll.

...Yes, Nativism is racism. It was shit 100 years ago when the Klan did it, it's shit today when Trump does it...
Taking-up an Anti-Illegals posture is not... repeat... NOT... racism... no matter HOW many simple-minded kumbya-my-Lord singers come crawling out of the woodwork, trying to cram the world-without-borders, idiotic internationalist, Minority Opinion down the throats of Mainstream America.

We don't want what you're sellin', and, on January 20, 2017, you lose your last substantive foothold in the national government, for a long, long time to come.

Fun-time's over, kiddies...

...Imagine how silly you are going to look in 100 years.
Oh, hell, I look silly right now, insofar as I (and the rest of us) have...

1. allowed an invasion of 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens to accrue on our own soil

2. allowed the ghettos to continue to grow and fester rather than scattering your people to the Four Winds to prevent them from concentrating and rebelling collectively.

As to 100 years from now...

1. that will be 97 or 98 years after The Great Invasion was repelled - fabled in song and story in the history books - and you and your Lotus Eaters (pro-Illegals types) won't even be a footnote - forgotten entirely in the wake of an Anti-Illegals victory

2. most of your people will still be in ghettos and beating and raping and knifing and shooting each other - while the Canadians will still be un-armed, and more sheep-like than ever
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Umm...Gun ownership is not a human right. it is a right guaranteed to American citizens, under the Constitution. Also if you actually think that Hitler murdered Jews for religious reasons you're dumber than I thought

Guy, Hitler didn't personally kill a single Jew.

A bunch of guys named Hans and Gustav and Fritz did. And yes, they wore belt buckles that said "Gott Mit Uns" and said, "You are being killed for killing Christ!"

Now, as for the Militia Amendment, if you take the bizarre interpretation the NRA has of it, then you have to accept that it applies to ALL of the People, not just citizens.

If you accept that Illegal Aliens are allowed the right to go to the Church they want to and the right to a hearing before they are executed, then you have to accept they have a right to own guns and shoot government officials, just like the Bundy Family and the Weavers and the Whackos at Waco did.

Or you can accept that guns should only be held by a "Well-Regulated Militia" - i.e. those the government designates SHOULD have guns.
Taking-up an Anti-Illegals posture is not... repeat... NOT... racism... no matter HOW many simple-minded kumbya-my-Lord singers come crawling out of the woodwork, trying to cram the world-without-borders, idiotic internationalist, Minority Opinion down the throats of Mainstream America.

We don't want what you're sellin', and, on January 20, 2017, you lose your last substantive foothold in the national government, for a long, long time to come.

Guy, I haven't heard one person say to me yet, "I voted for Obama in 2012, but I'm totally voting for Trump in 2016". In fact, the only people I've heard tell me that they are voting for Trump are the same assholes who voted for Romney.

Oh, hell, I look silly right now, insofar as I (and the rest of us) have...

1. allowed an invasion of 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens to accrue on our own soil

2. allowed the ghettos to continue to grow and fester rather than scattering your people to the Four Winds to prevent them from concentrating and rebelling collectively.

You see, this is where you REpublicans are just fucking Stupid. NO, truly, you are fucking truly stupid. The problem is NOT that there's a brown person living next to you. The problem is that there's a rich person willing to hire him so he can pay you less. THAT'S why we have ghettos growing, and increasingly finding white people in them. In fact, guys like Trump get you fools upset by letting you think that the people in the ghetto are getting over on you.

Meanwhile he builds another huge building with his name in 20 foot letters, and laughs all the way to the bank.

As to 100 years from now...

1. that will be 97 or 98 years after The Great Invasion was repelled - fabled in song and story in the history books - and you and your Lotus Eaters (pro-Illegals types) won't even be a footnote - forgotten entirely in the wake of an Anti-Illegals victory

2. most of your people will still be in ghettos and beating and raping and knifing and shooting each other - while the Canadians will still be un-armed, and more sheep-like than ever

Guy, in 100 years, White People will be in the minority in this country. And they will be grumbling that they don't enjoy as much power as they used to, but never get the kind of abuse they inflicted on people of color.
Yeah Neighbors with guns is more horrific than what Stalin and Mao did...yeah right.

Mao and Stalin didn't kill anyone personally. It was their neighbors with guns. The neighbor with a gun who remembers during the Civil War, his neighbor raped his wife and stole his goat. Or maybe he raped his goat and stole his wife. Well, one of those.

Yes, Russia had a very nasty civil war from 1917 to 1922, preceded by a World War. So the reason why Russians killed a lot of each other was not because Stalin was a big meany-head, but because after being at war for nearly a decade, they were looking to take their anger out on someone.

The same could be said for Mao's China. Pretty much continuous war from 1910 to 1949. So who do you think got shot. People who supported the War Lords. People who collaborated with the Japanese and other foreign powers, and yes, people who enjoyed great wealth while their neighbors starved.

Guns didn't make those situations better, they made them worse.

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