How American gun deaths and gun laws compare to Canada's

Look.....criminals do not go through background checks ever......they get people with clean records to buy the they can send the person with a clean record over to your house to buy your gun even if you insist on doing a background check....

then you throw the people with the clean records in prison, and you throw the people who sold them the guns in prison. Or better yet, you only allow "Smart guns" with biometrics to be legal, so they can only be used by the rightful owner.

See.......we already have the Freaking laws on the books to lock up these violent sociopaths....we don't need anymore...the muslim assassin who shot the police officer should have been in jail on multiple, prior gun crimes...but he was out walking the streets shooting at police...with an illegal, stolen gun he did not get from a private sale...and he did not get a background was stolen from the police...

Again, we have 2 million people in prison and another 7 million on parole or probation, compared to all those nasty socialist countries who ban guns and only need to lock up less than 100,000 of their fellow citizens.

Why do you guys only shit yourselves when a Muslim nut shoots people. A Christian Racist nut is just as capable and far more likely to inflict fatal wounds.

I'm honestly more worried about the nerd who goes on a shooting spree because girls won't talk to him, like Mercer and Cho and Lanza.
Why do you guys always say if we have ever tried to make or defend that idea? have laws that say you can't use a gun to commit a when someone breaks the law, you arrest them and put them in jail....

What part of that dynamic do you not understand?

The part where we already throw two million people in jail, but the criminals can still get guns because thanks to the NRA, there are so many loopholes like private sales and gun shows and a weak background check system that these crazy people have no problem getting their hands on guns.
Bullshit, suicides are not due to availability of guns as people will do what ever works. And I dont think anyone missed you lack of link

actually, the gun homicide rate is closer to 11,000 a year.

And according to the National Gang Center, the agency tasked with tracking gang activity, only

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  • The total number of gang homicides reported by respondents in the NYGS sample averaged nearly 2,000 annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011), the FBI estimated, on average, more than 15,500 homicides across the United States ( These estimates suggest that gang-related homicides typically accounted for around 13 percent of all homicides annually.
again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy. keep using that lie...even the guy who said it admitted he was wrong.

There are over 30,000 gun deaths each year and only about 230 of them are a bad guy...

No....there are over 21,000 gun suicides (19,900 non gun suicides) ......8,124 gun murders, the majority of which are by criminals murdering other criminals.....and 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013........

And according to bill clinton, 1.5 million defensive gun uses

And most self defense with guns, as you just showed does not require killing the attacker since they don't want to die anymore than the good guy really wants to shoot them.

A win win all the way around.


21,000 suicides, owner of gun, family or friend are killed.
8,100 are victims of homicide
505 are accidental deaths mostly the owner
230 justifiable homicides mostly a bad guy being killed

So yes guns are killing good people way more than they are killing bad guys. The numbers are clear.

Bill Clinton again? How long ago was that? You are aware crime is way down since then right? The number is no longer valid and since it's been debunked was never valid.
Bullshit, suicides are not due to availability of guns as people will do what ever works. And I dont think anyone missed you lack of link

your little meme has no source.

no doubt that's good enough for you; but not for normal people.
There are over 30,000 gun deaths each year and only about 230 of them are a bad guy...

Civilians shoot bad guys two times more often than cops do. So maybe you should ban cops from having guns too.

WW, where are you getting that statistic?

From Jim Lopey the former undersheriff of Washoe County and the current head of the Homeland Security Fusion Center for Nevada. It's his job to know what's going on.

afraid i don't know anything about him.

and i haven't seen any links to the information but it is counter to everything else i have seen.

I tried to find some links but every search I used came up with the number of civilians killed by police. I'll see what I can find.

well, i'll be happy to look at it if you find it. is mostly mentally ill people ending their own lives, and the tool does not matter...since Japan, south Korea and China have zero access to guns and commit suicide at higher rates than we do...dittos many countries in Europe......

Asian cultures see suicide as honorable, American culture sees it as cowardly and a sin... so, no, not even comparable.

Would you eliminate all suicides by getting rid of the guns? Nope. Would you reduce a lot of them, yup.

But some people have more important priorities. Like compensating for Tiny Dicks.
A stark truth that gun grabbers refuse to face is that there are enough highly durable used guns already in this country that nobody who really wants one needs to go without even if ALL new gun sales stopped tomorrow. "Smart" guns? Nobody is going to throw away money making them if nobody is going to buy them.
The fact that guns make suicides easy and (if used correctly) painless is a very good thing.
A stark truth that gun grabbers refuse to face is that there are enough highly durable used guns already in this country that nobody who really wants one needs to go without even if ALL new gun sales stopped tomorrow. "Smart" guns? Nobody is going to throw away money making them if nobody is going to buy them.
The fact that guns make suicides easy and (if used correctly) painless is a very good thing.

That's why you outlaw possession of a dumb gun. Not all at once, mind you. State that all guns must be converted to smart technology within 10 years. The gun industry can even get a windfall producing the retrofitting kits for them.

A stark truth that gun grabbers refuse to face is that there are enough highly durable used guns already in this country that nobody who really wants one needs to go without even if ALL new gun sales stopped tomorrow. "Smart" guns? Nobody is going to throw away money making them if nobody is going to buy them.
The fact that guns make suicides easy and (if used correctly) painless is a very good thing.

That's why you outlaw possession of a dumb gun. Not all at once, mind you. State that all guns must be converted to smart technology within 10 years. The gun industry can even get a windfall producing the retrofitting kits for them.


Outlawing dumb guns would be a violation of the Constitution and you would never get enough support for amendment.
Even if you could pass such a law nobody (especially criminals) is going to pay any attention to it. Nobody is going to want a gun that can be hacked or otherwise disabled from a distance. And-as I said previously-nobody is going to make a gun that nobody is going to buy. All that stupidity would accomplish is to raise the cost of dumb guns. Trying to enforce such a federal law would be a violation of state law and get you jailed in some states.
Outlawing dumb guns would be a violation of the Constitution and you would never get enough support for amendment.

Again, only your bizarre interpretation of the constitution, not a practical one.

Hey, here's an idea. How about we only allow free access to the kinds of "arms" the Founding Slave Rapists actually knew about. So you are free to own a muzzle-loading Musket to your heart's content. That sounds reasonable.
I'm still waiting for the clintons and obamas to disarm their secret service bodyguards since they think that guns are so yucky and and unnecessary.

quiet, troll.

criminals and crazies shouldn't have guns. end of story.

Humm...criminals? although set up perfectly, ill pass this time....and it's already illegal for criminals to have guns

and then some gun lover can sell a gun to a criminal in a private sale.

not legally..if you supply a gun to a felon that makes you a felon now doesn't it?
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Outlawing dumb guns would be a violation of the Constitution and you would never get enough support for amendment.

Again, only your bizarre interpretation of the constitution, not a practical one.

Hey, here's an idea. How about we only allow free access to the kinds of "arms" the Founding Slave Rapists actually knew about. So you are free to own a muzzle-loading Musket to your heart's content. That sounds reasonable.

Maybe we should outlaw guns to Jew haters?:eusa_whistle:

You've been brainwashed by the Jewish media and are too stupid to realize it.

After the JEWS manipulated us into a war over a LIE.

You do get this, right? Those Americans would be alive today of the Jews hadn't lied about Iraq having WMD's to start with.

The Jews tell Bush to take out Saddam. He does. the result is the country collapses into chaos.

Obama pulls us out, because we were lied into this and no one saw a good reason for it.

And now you are complaining he isn't doing enough about the chaos your policies caused?

"Again, only your bizarre interpretation of the constitution, not a practical one".

Nope, that would be according to the legal (Supreme Court) interpretation. Your's would be a violation of civil rights.
"Again, only your bizarre interpretation of the constitution, not a practical one".

Nope, that would be according to the legal (Supreme Court) interpretation. Your's would be a violation of civil rights.
You do realize you're dealing with a deranged lunatic right?:dunno:
Smart gun owner to attacker: "I forgot to change the fucking battery! Could you wait for a minute? I'm sure I have a spare battery somewhere in one of these drawers".

21,000 suicides, owner of gun, family or friend are killed.
8,100 are victims of homicide
505 are accidental deaths mostly the owner
230 justifiable homicides mostly a bad guy being killed

So yes guns are killing good people way more than they are killing bad guys. The numbers are clear.

Bill Clinton again? How long ago was that? You are aware crime is way down since then right? The number is no longer valid and since it's been debunked was never valid.
Bullshit, suicides are not due to availability of guns as people will do what ever works. And I dont think anyone missed you lack of link

Link for what? I was mostly using 2Aguys numbers that I quoted. The numbers are clear, way more good people are getting killed by guns than bad guys. Your numbers look very old...

Wrong......21,000 gun suicides vs. 19,000 non gun suicides......take away the gun and those people will just use what the other 19,900 used.

So no, they do not count.

Of course they count. We are talking about who is killed by guns and those people are very dead and killed by a gun. Should we not count the gun defenses because maybe they could have defended themselves with pepper spray? Sorry but in the real world it is mostly good guys being killed by guns. is mostly mentally ill people ending their own lives, and the tool does not matter...since Japan, south Korea and China have zero access to guns and commit suicide at higher rates than we do...dittos many countries in Europe......

Chinese people have access to guns.

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