How American gun deaths and gun laws compare to Canada's

In the real world far more good guys are killed with guns than bad guys. That is a fact. The owner is the most likely person to be killed with his gun.
You area blithering idiot.

area? That's funny I've owned you several times now. Thanks for playing.
All you have owned is the sweat off my balls, retard.

You have not dealt with facts, you just keep spewing out all this idiot Marxist debunked blather.

You dont 'win' an argument because you sneak in posts while people are away living normal lives, cretin.
In the real world far more good guys are killed with guns than bad guys. That is a fact. The owner is the most likely person to be killed with his gun.
You area blithering idiot.

area? That's funny I've owned you several times now. Thanks for playing.
All you have owned is the sweat off my balls, retard.

You have not dealt with facts, you just keep spewing out all this idiot Marxist debunked blather.

You dont 'win' an argument because you sneak in posts while people are away living normal lives, cretin.

All you have shown is that you are not capable of intelligent conversation. You resort to name calling like a child.

The facts are clear. Good guys are killed far more with guns than bad guys. Sorry you don't like facts.
The facts are clear. Good guys are killed far more with guns than bad guys. Sorry you don't like facts.

Those are not facts. They are long ago debunked lies that you fascists love to repeat to convince people we need to let only criminals and the government have guns.

Aint gonna happen, skippy.
The facts are clear. Good guys are killed far more with guns than bad guys. Sorry you don't like facts.

Those are not facts. They are long ago debunked lies that you fascists love to repeat to convince people we need to let only criminals and the government have guns.

Aint gonna happen, skippy.

No they are numbers from the CDC. Sorry that facts don't work for you. But it is true. Good guys are killed with guns far more than bad guys. The numbers don't lie. Funny that you have to lie and ignore them though. Your arguments seem weak and dishonest.
We have thugs and criminals killing each other mostly in the liberal enclaves of the is country,using illegal, not legal weapons. People like you [JoeB131] would tell an an old women being terrorized in her own home in Detroit that she cant have a weapon to protect herself.:cuckoo:

Just another bit of proof as to whose side he's on.
No they are numbers from the CDC. Sorry that facts don't work for you. But it is true. Good guys are killed with guns far more than bad guys. The numbers don't lie. Funny that you have to lie and ignore them though. Your arguments seem weak and dishonest.

Has anyone explained to you how shooting a rapists stops the rape yet? Or are you still waiting for the study? roflmao

And no, it iis not a fact that a person who commits suicide is a 'good guy'. It is just as likely that the suicide is done by a bad guy, so the suicide numbers do not fall in either direction, numbnuts.

Absent the suicide counts, and the gang banger shootings, your bullshit is nothing more than that; total 100% bullshit, and nothing more.

And anyone can see it even if you cant, just like you cant understand how getting shot might make it difficult for a rapist to still rape a woman, lol.

Here we are in agreement. So you tell me...why do progressive DA's, judges, and city politicians constantly release criminals who have used guns to commit crimes? Overwhelmingly the most violent offenders are continuously released in progressive cities to continue their reigns of violence. Why is that?

“Progressives” are on the side of criminals, tyrants, drug abusers, illegal aliens, sexual perverts, and other scumbags, and they are against the side of honest Americans.

It really is exactly that simple.

That is why they are so quick to turn dangerous criminals loose to commit more crimes.

That is why they are so opposed to protecting this nation's borders against the invasion of foreign criminals.

That is why they now are seeking to import “refugees” from some of the most terrorist-infested parts of the world.

And above all, that is why they are so eager to deny us Americans the means to defend ourselves against all these dangerous, violent scumbags that they are setting against us.
Here we are in agreement. So you tell me...why do progressive DA's, judges, and city politicians constantly release criminals who have used guns to commit crimes? Overwhelmingly the most violent offenders are continuously released in progressive cities to continue their reigns of violence. Why is that?

“Progressives” are on the side of criminals, tyrants, drug abusers, illegal aliens, and other scumbags, and they are against the side of honest Americans.

It really is exactly that simple.

That is why they are so quick to turn dangerous criminals loose to commit more crimes.

That is why they are so opposed to protecting this nation's borders against the invasion of foreign criminals.

That is why they now are seeking to import “refugees” from some of the most terrorist-infested parts of the world.

And above all, that is why they are so eager to deny us Americans the means to defend ourselves against all these dangerous, violent scumbags that they are setting against us.
That is because criminals and their support system are a huge Dhimmicrat constituency.
No they are numbers from the CDC. Sorry that facts don't work for you. But it is true. Good guys are killed with guns far more than bad guys. The numbers don't lie. Funny that you have to lie and ignore them though. Your arguments seem weak and dishonest.

Has anyone explained to you how shooting a rapists stops the rape yet? Or are you still waiting for the study? roflmao

And no, it iis not a fact that a person who commits suicide is a 'good guy'. It is just as likely that the suicide is done by a bad guy, so the suicide numbers do not fall in either direction, numbnuts.

Absent the suicide counts, and the gang banger shootings, your bullshit is nothing more than that; total 100% bullshit, and nothing more.

And anyone can see it even if you cant, just like you cant understand how getting shot might make it difficult for a rapist to still rape a woman, lol.


Well criminals sure aren't being shot and killed. Just the gun owners or his family and friends. What a record.
As noted elsewhere: Your positions are based on emotion, ignorance and or dishonesty; each of these are logical fallacies.
Positions based on fallacies are unsound
Why do you choose to take unsound positions?

So the fact there have been no ad hoc mass shootings in Australia since the gun ban is being dishonest?

The fact that the US has a proliferation of guns and also the highest homicide/suicide rate via guns is not true?

Is that what you are saying?
No, you fucking clown. They made cheap guns so that POOR people could afford them. Criminals like the best they can get. Yes, most gun deaths are indeed suicides which means that even if you could ban all guns the suicide rate wouldn't drop one iota as we have seen with Japan, Korea, and the Scandinavian countries where guns are outlawed and the suicide rates are higher than the USA's.

other countries with out guns have LOWER suicide rates than we do, so that doesn't fly as an argument.

You also work on the assumption that most crooks can afford the good guns. They really can't.

Now, on to the Saturday Night Special... The Gun Industry knew EXACTLY who their market was when they started marketing these shitty guns.

Saturday night special - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nonetheless, three of the top ten types of guns involved in crime (as represented by police trace requests[27]) in the U.S. are widely considered to be Saturday night specials; as reported by the ATF in 1993, these included the Raven Arms .25 caliber, Davis P-380 .380 caliber, and Lorcin L 380 .380 caliber.[28]
Here we are in agreement. So you tell me...why do progressive DA's, judges, and city politicians constantly release criminals who have used guns to commit crimes? Overwhelmingly the most violent offenders are continuously released in progressive cities to continue their reigns of violence. Why is that?

We have 2 million people in prison, while most other industrialized countries lock up less than 100,000. Our crime problems have very little to do with a lack of locking people up.
Civilians shoot bad guys two times more often than cops do. So maybe you should ban cops from having guns too.

Did you mean that cops shoot bad guys more often than civilians?

Number of justifiable homicides by civilians - 232 in 2010

Expanded Homicide Data Table 15

Line of duty homicides by law enforcement. - 385

Expanded Homicide Data Table 14

So it strikes me that if out of 33,000 gun fatalities, you only have 232 cases where CIVILIANS with guns kill bad guys, the guns aren't providing the protection you guys claim they do.

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