How Bad Are the Vaccines? House Dems: They're Trump's Fault

It's in the Politico link in the OP.

That’s not indicated at all, as I’ve already explained to you.

The link in the OP of yours is showing that Trump was trying to push unproven methods before the scientific community was ready to approve them. It doesn’t say that vaccines are ineffective.

You would have figured this out by now if you weren’t so busy screeching at me.
You really need to read that sentence over a few times. That doesn't say that the vaccines were ineffective.

Trump wanted the vaccines out before the election and he didn't want to wait for the clinical trials to be done. One of the unproven treatments mentioned in the OP is hydroxy. Trump was pushing that.
youre an idiot. the jabs are killing people by the millions; btw the most jabbed countries have the highest death rates asshole. floow the money and depop agenda.
I've only just skimmed this a little

The "safe and effective" narrative is falling apart​

Here is my list of over 50 leading indicators that the momentum is moving in our favor. I'd be surprised if the narrative doesn't fall apart soon. It's now unravelling quickly in the UK.​

Steve Kirsch
Jul 7

Here is my list of nearly 100 indicators that the “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart.
It is a devastating list.
And for some reason, nobody wants to fact check me on it.
It will take you 42 minutes to read everything which is too long for most people, so feel free to pick and choose what you read to get a sense for the entire list.
This is a “kitchen sink” article listing some of the best examples showing that the narrative is falling apart.
Feel free to create derivative works of this list (e.g., pick your set of the most compelling arguments).

I've only just skimmed this a little

The "safe and effective" narrative is falling apart​

Here is my list of over 50 leading indicators that the momentum is moving in our favor. I'd be surprised if the narrative doesn't fall apart soon. It's now unravelling quickly in the UK.​

Steve Kirsch
Jul 7

Here is my list of nearly 100 indicators that the “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart.
It is a devastating list.
And for some reason, nobody wants to fact check me on it.
It will take you 42 minutes to read everything which is too long for most people, so feel free to pick and choose what you read to get a sense for the entire list.
This is a “kitchen sink” article listing some of the best examples showing that the narrative is falling apart.
Feel free to create derivative works of this list (e.g., pick your set of the most compelling arguments).

Tucker picked up on the "It's Trump's fault" last night and did a devastating monologue on it. It was about 18 minutes and ended with Alex Berenson. I plan on checking this out above and Berenson's substack as well.

The Dems will try desperately to blame all this on Trump. It won't work.

(btw how many liberals entered this thread to argue the great vaccines? Two? Three? huh)

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