How Barr "boxed" himself in a corner....

It was Mueller's team's responsibility as prosecutors to either charge or not charge someone with a crime. They did not charge Trump, and the AG and his team agreed that there was no obstruction. "The End" of the Mueller investigation. As Emmet Flood's critique' states, the Mueller report is an epic fail. It reads like a law school exam, not a prosecutor's charging summary. The AG finished it by exonerating Trump, all done.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for morons like you to actually READ the fucking DOJ policy........You either can't read or you can't comprehend what the fuck you read. was NOT up to Mueller to indict the orange moron......He could NOT under current DOJ policy.....

Now, the idiot Barr head of the DOJ......has basically stated that Mueller is NOW allowed to break away from the DOJ policy.....and we'll see how THAT turns out..........LMAO

Mueller did not lay out a slam dunk case of obstruction. Barr said Mueller could have said "but for the DOJ policy we would indict Trump for obstruction". Mueller did not say that. Mueller laid out possible cases but did not make a call. AG Barr made all the calls, NO OBSTRUCTION. Read this article.
AG Barr’s new defense on not charging Trump with obstruction: Mueller never decided
"In addition to questioning Mueller’s reasoning for not charging Trump with obstruction, which included the citation of Justice Department policy that restricts the indictment of a sitting president, he suggested the special counsel’s actions raised the question of why he even opened up this aspect of the investigation in the first place."
Mueller did not lay out a slam dunk case of obstruction. Barr said Mueller could have said "but for the DOJ policy we would indict Trump for obstruction". Mueller did not say that. Mueller laid out possible cases but did not make a call

READ the fucking citation in my O/P.............Mueller CLEARLY STATES that he followed DOJ policy.......Moron, THIS is why I say that the stooge, Barr, has now placed himself in a "corner" in prompting Mueller to BREAK AWAY from the DOJ policy........READ, COMPREHEND....LEARN....
By now, all thinking Americans well know that Barr is not an AG, nut simply a stooge for Trump lying to protect the orange buffoon and spitting on the oath he took to the Constitution.....

As smart as Barr thinks he is, he has nonetheless placed himself into a corner where there is NO EXIT (as Sartre used to say.)

First, anyone with a brain SHOULD acknowledge that a straight shooter and ethical special counsel.....CLEARLY stated from the onset of his report on Trump's obstruction of justice that he (Mueller) COULD NOT INDICT a sitting president based on the existing DOJ policy......PERIOD..............Here is what Mueller stated in the second part of his report (READ it carefully to understand Mueller's rationale)

Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment , we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

After stating the above, Mueller NONETHELESS laid out at least TEN events that would have ANYONE other than a sitting president, be CLEARLY INDICTED and would be facing a trial.

Now.......Barr has neglected to emphasize that Mueller did NOT indict based on DOJ policy.......BUT, the idiot, Barr, is now stating that Mueller SHOULD HAVE BROKEN PROTOCOL of this policy and indict the president based on these TEN events where Trump DID obstruct justice.

What will then happen when Mueller testifies before a House committee???

Simple........the question will be asked of Mueller as what his judgment would have been about indicting a president IF the DOJ policy did not restrict him from doing so........and, of course, an honest prosecutor MUST state that indeed......were it not for the DOJ policy TRUMP WOULD BE INDICTED.......and since Barr is placing Mueller in that situation where Mueller must answer under oath........there is NO doubt that Mueller will respond with surety that Trump SHOULD BE INDICTED if the DOJ policy is voided.

But Willi.....didn't like this thread.....deletes it............Morons have to obliterate sanity.
Since the Mueller probe failed, the Democrats have now directed their attacks on AG Barr. That too will fail. Then what? Attacking the IRS for not turning over President Trump's tax returns? Maybe they'll hire Gloria Alred to fire up her rent-a-ho wagon again. Admit it Nat, you are backing the wrong team.
When Mueller states (see my citation in the O/P).......:Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, [THAT MEANS THE DOJ CURRENT POLICY]...we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

Mueller is stating that DOJ policy COULD NOT allow him to indict Trump..........NOW, Barr is saying that Mueller can VOID the restriction posed by the policy....and THAT is why I state that Barr has placed himself in a corner where he does NOT want to be,
Obviously the Dems still believe that the "Mueller Report" is somehow the "key" for an Impeachment. Regardless, to what it says. Always jumping the if it was the "Holy Grail" to be all and end all.
The Dems are far up each other's arses...nothing but shit unloads.
Regardless, to what it says.

Obviously a you.....has NOT read the fucking report.......since the report CLEARLY outlines Trump's obstructions of justice.......and Mueller does so TEN fucking times.........READ the damn report, dimwit........LOL
Mueller did not lay out a slam dunk case of obstruction. Barr said Mueller could have said "but for the DOJ policy we would indict Trump for obstruction". Mueller did not say that. Mueller laid out possible cases but did not make a call

READ the fucking citation in my O/P.............Mueller CLEARLY STATES that he followed DOJ policy.......Moron, THIS is why I say that the stooge, Barr, has now placed himself in a "corner" in prompting Mueller to BREAK AWAY from the DOJ policy........READ, COMPREHEND....LEARN....

The DOJ policy is that you can't indict a sitting president, but you can seal an indictment. You can say you "would charge" the president except for DOJ policy. Mueller could say that Congress might consider using this "clear case of obstruction" as the basis for impeachment. Mueller made no such calls because there was no obstruction. Can't you understand that? If Mueller had any case he would have said so.
Barr is not in any corner, its his report, and he made the calls, NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. Even after questioning by the Senate, he explained why each potential charge of obstruction outlined by Mueller wasn't obstruction.
You make it sound like Mueller wanted to charge Trump with obstruction, but wasn't allowed to. That was not the case at all. The fact is that there were no clear cases for obstruction as Barr and Mueller explained.
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how's about you do a bit of your job and "police" a bit your ilk about addressing the fucking topic or go somewhere else to spew their stupidity?
Your daily puerile lunacy is the topic...Grow the fuck up.

View attachment 259197

Yeah, one of the mods just deleted THE most relevant post in this thread --


Funny, huh?

Wonder who that was?

Funny 2.0

Used the same language, "Off topic"

This troll is nothing BUT Off-topic. It's like he's a paid shill for the DNC. Which wouldn't surprise me in the least.

They've got them, you know. They do exactly what this scumbag does.

Wonder if this 'off topic' post will survive.

Wonder if some of the mods aren't on the DNC payroll??????
I know one that's on the RNC payroll
Obviously a you.....has NOT read the fucking report.......since the report CLEARLY outlines Trump's obstructions of justice.......and Mueller does so TEN fucking times.........READ the damn report, dimwit........LOL

I am glad you are able to read the 400-page report. Bravo! Bravo!
You know damned well...that Mueller himself took 2 years to so-call "investigate", and that is all he could come up with?
As if the American people didn't know that already?
So you think Barr is an idiot? Well, watch the "idiot" send a few FBI agents to jail...just for starters.
LOL you think Barr has a death wish??
Are you suggesting the FBI are murderers?

Yes he is and, yes they are.

They're dimocrap scum, right??
I just wanted Eddie to admit the people he aligns himself with are murderers. I also think he was encouraging it.
Yes but some of us are good people
Mueller did not lay out a slam dunk case of obstruction. Barr said Mueller could have said "but for the DOJ policy we would indict Trump for obstruction". Mueller did not say that. Mueller laid out possible cases but did not make a call

READ the fucking citation in my O/P.............Mueller CLEARLY STATES that he followed DOJ policy.......Moron, THIS is why I say that the stooge, Barr, has now placed himself in a "corner" in prompting Mueller to BREAK AWAY from the DOJ policy........READ, COMPREHEND....LEARN....

No, he hasn't but you've placed yourself in a ward.
Mueller did not lay out a slam dunk case of obstruction. Barr said Mueller could have said "but for the DOJ policy we would indict Trump for obstruction". Mueller did not say that. Mueller laid out possible cases but did not make a call

READ the fucking citation in my O/P.............Mueller CLEARLY STATES that he followed DOJ policy.......Moron, THIS is why I say that the stooge, Barr, has now placed himself in a "corner" in prompting Mueller to BREAK AWAY from the DOJ policy........READ, COMPREHEND....LEARN....

No, he hasn't but you've placed yourself in a ward.
Brownie Are you one of Trumps good people?

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