how big is climate change 4 #2020 ?

I see Rowe.. On the horizon as a platform.. Certainly Russian ballot reform.. But what about global warming.. I'd like to hear some debate about the science. I have questions for al gore again. I heard on pbs that the levels in the north Atlantic are rising. I don't know. I don't think there is consensus. Groupthink. I think.
I don’t watch fake news
There are other climate change skeptics, but Joe Bastardi has been at it a long time. He makes valid scientific arguments about normal climate variations.

Joe Bastardi: Climate change agenda is being driven by hysteria, not facts

Climate misinformation by source: Joe Bastardi

If the dems push for the "Green New Deal" they will see how voters feel.
Bastsrdi s too stupid to understand AOC's comment about having 12 years to act. Bastardi is a TV weatherman. Not a climatologist.
She didn't say we have 12 years to act she said the world is going to end in 12 years

And AOC isn't a climatologist either and she's not smart enough to be a weather person

If we don;t act in 12 years, then we can no longer stop the worst effects of climate change.

AOC holds the same degree as Littledick Donnie.

what a crock of shit. Man is not changing the climate, never has, never will. Man is polluting the air and water but there is no proven link between pollution and climate.

I have asked this several times and not one lefty has given a cogent response: If your goal is to reduce man made pollution why isn't that cause enough? Why must you add the fake link to climate? I think that 98% of humanity would support a crusade against pollution, but when you couple it with the false prophet algore's lies and fake projections you lose more than 50% of them.

the ocean is not rising, florida is not under water, the poles are not ice free, we still have winter and summer, we still have cold and hot days. Oh, but we have banned the evil plastic straws because two turtles got them stuck in their noses, and having done that we still tolerate China and India putting tons of plastic in the oceans every day. WTF, people? Wake up.
Sorry but there is a proven link between increased levels of CO2 & heightened greenhouse effect.

Reducing the CO2/greenhouse gas emissions will lessen the amount of warming we will see by the end of the century.

This is science & this is the aspect that IS changing our climate.

The oceans are rising. Lousiana loses a football field size of dry land every HOUR.

During high tide, the major highway into our naval base at Newport News is now under water.

Apple orchard here in South Central PA are bulldozing their trees & moving tonupsate NY to get the climate they need.

Plastic is polluting our waterways. No none said this has to do with global warming. Plastic is killing shore birds, whales & yes turtles. But hey, what do you care. You get to use a plastic fucking bag?

China & India are working to deal with their pollution issues.

Both were smart enough to join the Paris Accord to fight Global warming while your buddy Littledick Donnie is as dumb as you & pulled us out.

I hope you don't have kids because the idea you would doom them to a more difficult future due to your ignorance would just be too sad.

I am much more concerned about our country's move to the Left than I am global warming. You folks will believe anything.
How climate change will affect my vote?

If it's raining, I will wait until it stops until I go out to vote.
Bastsrdi s too stupid to understand AOC's comment about having 12 years to act. Bastardi is a TV weatherman. Not a climatologist.
She didn't say we have 12 years to act she said the world is going to end in 12 years

And AOC isn't a climatologist either and she's not smart enough to be a weather person

If we don;t act in 12 years, then we can no longer stop the worst effects of climate change.

AOC holds the same degree as Littledick Donnie.

what a crock of shit. Man is not changing the climate, never has, never will. Man is polluting the air and water but there is no proven link between pollution and climate.

I have asked this several times and not one lefty has given a cogent response: If your goal is to reduce man made pollution why isn't that cause enough? Why must you add the fake link to climate? I think that 98% of humanity would support a crusade against pollution, but when you couple it with the false prophet algore's lies and fake projections you lose more than 50% of them.

the ocean is not rising, florida is not under water, the poles are not ice free, we still have winter and summer, we still have cold and hot days. Oh, but we have banned the evil plastic straws because two turtles got them stuck in their noses, and having done that we still tolerate China and India putting tons of plastic in the oceans every day. WTF, people? Wake up.
Sorry but there is a proven link between increased levels of CO2 & heightened greenhouse effect.

Reducing the CO2/greenhouse gas emissions will lessen the amount of warming we will see by the end of the century.

This is science & this is the aspect that IS changing our climate.

The oceans are rising. Lousiana loses a football field size of dry land every HOUR.

During high tide, the major highway into our naval base at Newport News is now under water.

Apple orchard here in South Central PA are bulldozing their trees & moving tonupsate NY to get the climate they need.

Plastic is polluting our waterways. No none said this has to do with global warming. Plastic is killing shore birds, whales & yes turtles. But hey, what do you care. You get to use a plastic fucking bag?

China & India are working to deal with their pollution issues.

Both were smart enough to join the Paris Accord to fight Global warming while your buddy Littledick Donnie is as dumb as you & pulled us out.

I hope you don't have kids because the idea you would doom them to a more difficult future due to your ignorance would just be too sad.

I am much more concerned about our country's move to the Left than I am global warming. You folks will believe anything.
You believe that Trump is a good man. You have no room to talk about whatever I believe. I have scientists on my side. You have Fox News & Rush Limbaugh.
I quit with the cooling crap. One scientists said we were cooling & he was debunked by his peers. The rainforest situation had zero to do with global warming. Thats three for three of your bullshit list.

Scientists agree that the average global temperatures are rising & that man is the major cause.

Anyone who denies this is a fucking idiot.

To list predictions without listing the premise of how much the temperature would need to increase to get that is just being stupid.

Future generations will look back at this like they do smoking. What kind of idiots would smoke two packs a day & think it is good for them?

What kind of idiots would diss the scientrsts & believe the fossil fuel industry that greenhouse emissions will do no harm?

you are correct that we are allowing pollution of our air and water

you are incorrect that that pollution is changing the climate of planet earth

the planet's climate has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions of years after the last human dies. We are a pimple on the ass of a flea on the ass of an elephant in the life and climate of the planet we live on. the naivete of you leftists is amazing.

There are many reassons that cause the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere to increase & increase average global temperatures.

No one said that only man can change it.

But when he increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, then he has changed our climate.

...The oceans are rising. Lousiana loses a football field size of dry land every HOUR....
Whoa neat! That means in just over 20 thousand years the entire state of Louisiana will be gone. Finally!

It's all because the oceans are rising at 1.7 mm per year. Of course, the Himalayas are rising at the rate of 610 mm per year above sea level so w/ acceleration like that mountain climbers will soon be able to walk to the moon!!!

Seriously, what all this talk means is that both you and I are talking silly, but my guess is that I'm the only one here aware of just how stupid it sounds.
First of all, oceans are rising. I posted that because one of your buddies claimed it was not. No one said that the oceans would cover the entire planet so your referring to the Himalayas is really stupid.
She didn't say we have 12 years to act she said the world is going to end in 12 years

And AOC isn't a climatologist either and she's not smart enough to be a weather person

If we don;t act in 12 years, then we can no longer stop the worst effects of climate change.

AOC holds the same degree as Littledick Donnie.

what a crock of shit. Man is not changing the climate, never has, never will. Man is polluting the air and water but there is no proven link between pollution and climate.

I have asked this several times and not one lefty has given a cogent response: If your goal is to reduce man made pollution why isn't that cause enough? Why must you add the fake link to climate? I think that 98% of humanity would support a crusade against pollution, but when you couple it with the false prophet algore's lies and fake projections you lose more than 50% of them.

the ocean is not rising, florida is not under water, the poles are not ice free, we still have winter and summer, we still have cold and hot days. Oh, but we have banned the evil plastic straws because two turtles got them stuck in their noses, and having done that we still tolerate China and India putting tons of plastic in the oceans every day. WTF, people? Wake up.
Sorry but there is a proven link between increased levels of CO2 & heightened greenhouse effect.

Reducing the CO2/greenhouse gas emissions will lessen the amount of warming we will see by the end of the century.

This is science & this is the aspect that IS changing our climate.

The oceans are rising. Lousiana loses a football field size of dry land every HOUR.

During high tide, the major highway into our naval base at Newport News is now under water.

Apple orchard here in South Central PA are bulldozing their trees & moving tonupsate NY to get the climate they need.

Plastic is polluting our waterways. No none said this has to do with global warming. Plastic is killing shore birds, whales & yes turtles. But hey, what do you care. You get to use a plastic fucking bag?

China & India are working to deal with their pollution issues.

Both were smart enough to join the Paris Accord to fight Global warming while your buddy Littledick Donnie is as dumb as you & pulled us out.

I hope you don't have kids because the idea you would doom them to a more difficult future due to your ignorance would just be too sad.

I am much more concerned about our country's move to the Left than I am global warming. You folks will believe anything.
You believe that Trump is a good man. You have no room to talk about whatever I believe. I have scientists on my side. You have Fox News & Rush Limbaugh.

scientists say that the climate is changing. They are right, it has always been changing. the question of whether it is affected by the acts of humans is not agreed to by all "scientists". In fact, there are more who say man is not causing it than say that it is. the AGW scientists are all being paid to reach those conclusions by left wing groups with an agenda to control the lives of all humans in the interest of saving mother earth. Follow the money dude, you might learn something.
...The oceans are rising. Lousiana loses a football field size of dry land every HOUR....
Whoa neat! That means in just over 20 thousand years the entire state of Louisiana will be gone. Finally!

It's all because the oceans are rising at 1.7 mm per year. Of course, the Himalayas are rising at the rate of 610 mm per year above sea level so w/ acceleration like that mountain climbers will soon be able to walk to the moon!!!

Seriously, what all this talk means is that both you and I are talking silly, but my guess is that I'm the only one here aware of just how stupid it sounds.
First of all, oceans are rising. I posted that because one of your buddies claimed it was not. No one said that the oceans would cover the entire planet so your referring to the Himalayas is really stupid.

yep, they rise on every high tide. the ocean rise at the bay of fundy is huge, but at the panama canal its hardly measurable.

the polar ice is growing, not shrinking as predicted by your prophet algore. do you understand the difference between erosion and ocean rise?

someone mentioned the land loss in Louisiana. that is not due to ocean rise, its due to mismanagement of wetlands and channeling of the Mississippi and other rivers. The amount of false "science" put out by you libs is amazing.
... oceans are rising....
--and you know that because that's what your side says, and they know that because their gauges are reading higher numbers, and they know it's true becuase that's what their side says.

What we're looking at is the gauges are set in the mud by the water's edge and they show higher numbers. That by itself does not show whether the "oceans are rising" or the mud is sinking. We also know the mountain tops look higher each year w/ regard to sea level. We don't know whether the mountains are rising or the seas are falling.

If we're serious we measure the distances from the mud gauges, sea levels, and mountain tops all the way down to the center of the earth.

So far nobody's serious, we're all just saying "oceans are rising" and "whoa neat!".
... oceans are rising....
--and you know that because that's what your side says, and they know that because their gauges are reading higher numbers, and they know it's true becuase that's what their side says.

What we're looking at is the gauges are set in the mud by the water's edge and they show higher numbers. That by itself does not show whether the "oceans are rising" or the mud is sinking. We also know the mountain tops look higher each year w/ regard to sea level. We don't know whether the mountains are rising or the seas are falling.

If we're serious we measure the distances from the mud gauges, sea levels, and mountain tops all the way down to the center of the earth.

So far nobody's serious, we're all just saying "oceans are rising" and "whoa neat!".

yes, and the only way the oceans would be rising would be if the polar ice was melting, but it isn't, in fact its growing. You are very perceptive to realize that gauges set in mud just might not be accurate, much like temperature gauges that 100 years ago were in a forest and now that same spot is a paved parking lot.
...gauges set in mud just might not be accurate, much like temperature gauges that 100 years ago were in a forest and now that same spot is a paved parking lot.
Exactly, and even that doesn't get us past the problem of how we can say what the readings will be tomorrow. Unless we pull an AOC and one day we say we only got 12 years, and the next day we say "JUST KIDDING!!!".
... oceans are rising....
--and you know that because that's what your side says, and they know that because their gauges are reading higher numbers, and they know it's true becuase that's what their side says.

What we're looking at is the gauges are set in the mud by the water's edge and they show higher numbers. That by itself does not show whether the "oceans are rising" or the mud is sinking. We also know the mountain tops look higher each year w/ regard to sea level. We don't know whether the mountains are rising or the seas are falling.

If we're serious we measure the distances from the mud gauges, sea levels, and mountain tops all the way down to the center of the earth.

So far nobody's serious, we're all just saying "oceans are rising" and "whoa neat!".

What? You know it's 2019, right?

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