How can a president who destroys a country win the Nobel Peace prize ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
We always give Bush and his daddy credit for obliterating Iraq, so what about Obama and his covert operations in Syria (for one example) ?

The pro-war propaganda of regime change is the exact same mentality that got us into the disastrous war on Iraq, Libya and now Syria, leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East, the deaths of thousands of American soldiers and costing American taxpayers well over $6 trillion dollars. ( and that's a conservative figure).

Too many times the U.S. has rushed into regime change war without an intelligent analysis of the potential effects.


The Nobel Peace Prize has pretty much been meaningless ever since they handed it out to Al Gore and Yassir Arafat
Awards are for idiots to give and idiots to receive..I should know I have plastered my terlit walls with mine...
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.
And now he is asking the same people to get Iran to agree to another nuclear plan he wants to implement.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.
The people of Iran don't deserve to be stuck in the middle of all this.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Where in the sam hill did I say any of THAT? This is not about liking or disliking Iran. I was speaking of Obama's accomplishment.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Syria and Yemen asked for their help.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Where in the sam hill did I say any of THAT? This is not about liking or disliking Iran. I was speaking of Obama's accomplishment.
The accomplishment that he was so proud of that he would not allow congress to touch before he signed off on it? The one that somehow was supposed to be followed by the U.S. even though it did not follow our law? Surely you don't mean that one.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:

So have the Saudi's but Trump is selling them nuclear technology. And here's the difference - the Saudis really did fund 9/11, and more than half of the terrorists were carrying Saudi passports. NONE of the 9/11 attackers, and none of the Al Qaeda attacks were funded by Iran.

Furthermore, when Trump tore up the Iran Accord, Iran was fully in compliance with all of the terms and provisions, as per the mandated inspections. Trump broke the treaty and imposed sanctions on Iran. What was Iran supposed to do? This isn't North Korea or Yemen. The Iranians are militarily, the strongest nation in the Middle East, with the exception of Isreal which has nukes, even though they've never publically admitted it.

Trump broke American's word, and the Irans will not deal with him. He is dishonourable and he lies. The Iranians distrust of American is not without good reason. (See Shah of Iran). Every time Iran trusts the USA, the USA screws them over. They trusted Obama, and Trump has screwed them over.

I realize that I am offering sanity and reason to a Trumpist, but I live in the real world, not the one where everything Trump does is wonderful, regardless of the outcome.
I am fairly sure Obama even WTF when they announced he was being awarded that thing.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.
And now he is asking the same people to get Iran to agree to another nuclear plan he wants to implement.
Moon, have you got a link to Trump's proposed plan? I tried to search one but the only hit that looked promising was a WaPo article, which has a paywall.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.
The people of Iran don't deserve to be stuck in the middle of all this.
Nice try, but even though I agree with you that NO people deserve to be caught in the middle between power hungry leaders, we cannot ignore the threat of Iran with nuclear weapons, either.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Where in the sam hill did I say any of THAT? This is not about liking or disliking Iran. I was speaking of Obama's accomplishment.
The accomplishment that he was so proud of that he would not allow congress to touch before he signed off on it? The one that somehow was supposed to be followed by the U.S. even though it did not follow our law? Surely you don't mean that one.
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?

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