how can someone be against school vouchers?

vouchers do this or lacking them does this? can you expand a bit

Vouchers. If property taxes are pulled out of general funds for vouchers, the public schools come up with the short stick.

You live in America, you have to pay rent. Property taxes are part of that rent.

It might not directly benefit you, but it benefits society.

I never hear anyone screaming about "road vouchers", I don't get why school vouchers are a big deal to people.

Either I am missing someting or you misread my posts. I don't want any public schools at all, privatize them all and let the government pay for the vouchers for kids who cannot afford the cost of schooling plus supplies/uniform/etc if necessary.

I am not surprised that you don't want public schools.

I do. I believe they serve a valuable function, and in this instance, the needs of the many (society) outweigh the needs of the few.

Pro bono publico.
Vouchers. If property taxes are pulled out of general funds for vouchers, the public schools come up with the short stick.

You live in America, you have to pay rent. Property taxes are part of that rent.

It might not directly benefit you, but it benefits society.

I never hear anyone screaming about "road vouchers", I don't get why school vouchers are a big deal to people.

Either I am missing someting or you misread my posts. I don't want any public schools at all, privatize them all and let the government pay for the vouchers for kids who cannot afford the cost of schooling plus supplies/uniform/etc if necessary.

I am not surprised that you don't want public schools.

I do. I believe they serve a valuable function, and in this instance, the needs of the many (society) outweigh the needs of the few.

Pro bono publico.

i want guarenteed school for all, i just wnat private business to do it for a couple reasons

1) public schools suck
2) it costs too much and could be done much less with private investors/schools
3) in my plan the governement only pays for the tutition of those who can't afford school isntead of entire school systems
Either I am missing someting or you misread my posts. I don't want any public schools at all, privatize them all and let the government pay for the vouchers for kids who cannot afford the cost of schooling plus supplies/uniform/etc if necessary.

I am not surprised that you don't want public schools.

I do. I believe they serve a valuable function, and in this instance, the needs of the many (society) outweigh the needs of the few.

Pro bono publico.

i want guarenteed school for all, i just wnat private business to do it for a couple reasons

1) public schools suck
2) it costs too much and could be done much less with private investors/schools
3) in my plan the governement only pays for the tutition of those who can't afford school isntead of entire school systems

Why would private businesses want to get into the education business? Those that are (private schools) don't appear eager to start enrolling the average public school student. At least that is my observation with living across the street from one of the most expensive private schools in the city.

It's a fairly homogeneous student body.

Plus, the students drive ridiculously expensive cars.
Non-confrontational does not have to mean vapidly platitudinous.

What's vapid about the constitution? I think it is more of you not caring what I had to say, or disagreeing with it, and trying to destroy my argument by calling it vapid. Thanks.

Platitude:a remark or statement, esp. one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful (makes sense on using the constitution)
I am for vouchers as long as the recepient gets back only the school taxes they paid in.
I want my 1,000 or so I paid last year to go to the public school system.

Can I have your library taxes to spend at barnes and noble?

Huh? What do you mean here?
I having been wondering about school vouchers for a bit and started to read up on it. I checked wikipedia first ( School voucher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and then went on to some other sites, but they weren't that helpful.

To me vouchers seems like the best solution from an education and government spending standard. its no secret that if everyone had to pay for their kids education that all kids wouldn't be getting an education because some people simply cannot afford it or they have so many children with little income meaning some of the kids will be left without.

With that said, I don't see why the government (even state govs) need to run grammar & high schools. With vouchers the government is simply funding the tuition (and possible books/uniforms/lunches) of students instead of entire school systems. The cost benefit seems fairly obvious. From a quality of education standpoint, except for some select areas (north east the biggest), public schools really suck and are mostly wasting kids time anyway. Why not give the boost to private schools and with the extra boost of income allow them take in the influx of children? The existing school sites (along wit the buildings/upplies etc) could be sold to private companies who will then come in and start a private school in its place. Not only would this raise some temporary money for the states/fed gov but it would save millions/billions in the long run and the quality of education for the average student would jump by quite a bit.

The only argument I see against it is funding of tuition for religious schools. While I see the issue here, sane religious schools don't sit and indoctrinate kids all day and instead give them a very good education. I went to catholci school for 12 years and the education was excellent espcially compared to public schools in the area. Similarly, my stepson goes to a lutheran school even though we aren't lutheran b/c of the quality of education.

I would have no problem with a voucher program so long as you get ALL the money for that child that the school district gets for that child. Anything less is simply a tax break for the wealthy who have already put their kids in private schools.

Considering that the 'voucher child' would cost much less than one that was not, why are you commenting?
Non-confrontational does not have to mean vapidly platitudinous.

What's vapid about the constitution? I think it is more of you not caring what I had to say, or disagreeing with it, and trying to destroy my argument by calling it vapid. Thanks.

Platitude:a remark or statement, esp. one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful (makes sense on using the constitution)
Quoting the preamble doesn't point to any Article 1 power of the feds to run education.

While trotting out an old shop-worn moralizing platitude may well give you a warm feeling, so does wetting your pants. Likewise, both are equally devoid of any intellectual heft.
Non-confrontational does not have to mean vapidly platitudinous.

What's vapid about the constitution? I think it is more of you not caring what I had to say, or disagreeing with it, and trying to destroy my argument by calling it vapid. Thanks.

Platitude:a remark or statement, esp. one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful (makes sense on using the constitution)
Quoting the preamble doesn't point to any Article 1 power of the feds to run education.

While trotting out an old shop-worn moralizing platitude may well give you a warm feeling, so does wetting your pants. Likewise, both are equally devoid of any intellectual heft.

All right throw out the constitution then. It's useless platitude. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Your disparage of my argument is senseless. Clever analogy but it doesn't make you any more correct. The constitution is the design for this country. It states in the intro the commonwealth of the people is a top priority. It doesn't matter if your an elitist who cares very little for the lower class, the country is not built for you, it is built for everyone. Sometimes people tend to focus on minor details too much and forget the big picture. This being one example.

Either way our opinions and our reasons are polar opposites and I don't see any kind of in between. No sense in arguing about something we aren't going to change our opinion about. We both win. Plus, you got the screen name "Dude." That is an epic win in itself.
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To clarify--Barack Obama is AGAINST school vouchers for smart kids that are born to poor parents--of getting them out of lousy schools to educate them.

Or didn't you know that?

A smart kid does fine in a public school. It is the less gifted individuals who need the discipline of a private school. Sorry I misunderstood your point lol
Let each parent actually pay for their childrens schooling.
If they can't afford the school them don't have them.
This should start in 12 years plus 9 months so parents will know to plan on how many kids to have.
Personal responsibilty.

Oh yes....I'd forgotten that "personal responsibility" was prerequisite on the Lizard Planet for procreation.


To clarify--Barack Obama is AGAINST school vouchers for smart kids that are born to poor parents--of getting them out of lousy schools to educate them.

Or didn't you know that?

A smart kid does fine in a public school. It is the less gifted individuals who need the discipline of a private school. Sorry I misunderstood your point lol

what does doing fine at a shit school matter? they are being taught stuf fin high school that private school kids learn in 5th grade. remember the new orleans girl who was valedictorian and got a 14 on her ACT. public school was a complete waste of her time, if she was in private school she would have a decent future.

To clarify--Barack Obama is AGAINST school vouchers for smart kids that are born to poor parents--of getting them out of lousy schools to educate them.

Or didn't you know that?

A smart kid does fine in a public school. It is the less gifted individuals who need the discipline of a private school. Sorry I misunderstood your point lol

Horseshit. There are many--many "Einstein" kids born in this country that live in poor violent urban areas--that are stuck in neighborhoods--that the teacher does more babysitting than they do educating.

Your hero Barack Obama keeps them there--:lol::lol: Because he is against School vouchers.
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To clarify--Barack Obama is AGAINST school vouchers for smart kids that are born to poor parents--of getting them out of lousy schools to educate them.

Or didn't you know that?

A smart kid does fine in a public school. It is the less gifted individuals who need the discipline of a private school. Sorry I misunderstood your point lol

Horseshit. There are many--many "Einstein" kids born in this country that live in poor violent urban areas--that are stuck in neighborhoods--that the teacher does more babysitting than they do educating.

Your hero Barack Obama keeps them there--:lol::lol: Because he is against School vouchers.

I did fine and am continuing to do fine in college, maybe because Washington isn't full of Mardi Gras professors.
You think that situation would improve without public school?

Please prove it, and maybe include his explanation for why he thinks that way instead of assuming it is for evil reason.
All right throw out the constitution then. It's useless platitude. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Your disparage of my argument is senseless. Clever analogy but it doesn't make you any more correct. The constitution is the design for this country. It states in the intro the commonwealth of the people is a top priority. It doesn't matter if your an elitist who cares very little for the lower class, the country is not built for you, it is built for everyone. Sometimes people tend to focus on minor details too much and forget the big picture. This being one example.

Either way our opinions and our reasons are polar opposites and I don't see any kind of in between. No sense in arguing about something we aren't going to change our opinion about. We both win. Plus, you got the screen name "Dude." That is an epic win in itself.

You invoke the preamble of the Constitution, fail to point to any Article 1 power therein which authorizes the feds to involve themselves in education, I call your bullshit, which subsequently makes me "an elitist who cares very little for the lower class".

I don't know how I missed the obvious connections. :rolleyes:
Vouchers and privatizing the school system is an excellent idea. I do doubt though that you would get it past the teacher unions and lobbies.

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