How can Trump be charged federally in a state court?

He did not name it because there is no crime. The case is going to be dismissed.

You say crimes are not relevant to an indictment? Do you know how stupid you sound? You do now.
Speaking of sounding stupid.


There's no requirement for anyone to present evidence or testimony at an arraignment.

The indictment contains the required information that there was a crime, that a named person most probably committed the crime.

The arraignment on verifies that the person being charged is the person named in the indictment.

The attorneys will argue over bail /bond provisions.

No evidence is submitted on either side unless bond restrictions are unacceptable to either party or the judge.
It most certainly is a crime. And Cohen received a conviction for it
That's not how it works.
The FBI charged him with crimes and he plead guilty for a reduced sentence.
They also had him sign a statement that implicated Trump.
That is why he only spent a short time in jail...the rest under house arrest.
Because he took the deal.
That's not how it works.
The FBI charged him with crimes and he plead guilty for a reduced sentence.
They also had him sign a statement that implicated Trump.
That is why he only spent a short time in jail...the rest under house arrest.
Because he took the deal.
And pled guilty to a felony. Covering up that felony is the basis for the state charges Trump faces
Speaking of sounding stupid.

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There's no requirement for anyone to present evidence or testimony at an arraignment.

The indictment contains the required information that there was a crime, that a named person most probably committed the crime.

The arraignment on verifies that the person being charged is the person named in the indictment.

The attorneys will argue over bail /bond provisions.

No evidence is submitted on either side unless bond restrictions are unacceptable to either party or the judge.
What you are saying is anything they do is OK as long as they get Trump. Not even remotely American justice. Fascism supported by tiny little fascists like you.
It's funny, you don't seem to point out personal bias of FDOTUS supporters.



Of course they have personal bias. It comes in all the time. Yours comes in when you try to prop up this utter failure of a lawsuit just because you don't like Trump. As an American, this really bothers me. We are not a nation of "show me the man and I'll invent a crime"....but I guess we are now, huh?
Of course they have personal bias. It comes in all the time. Yours comes in when you try to prop up this utter failure of a lawsuit just because you don't like Trump. As an American, this really bothers me. We are not a nation of "show me the man and I'll invent a crime"....but I guess we are now, huh?
Nope. We’re a nation where no man is above the law. You hate that , I know
Now show me where he's trying to cover up a crime.
You know, I have posted the link to the indictment all over this forum, as have others. I strongly suggested you willfully blind monkeys read it rather than just endlessly parrot the lies your propagandists are feeding you.

But have you read it?

Obviously not, or you idiots would not keep repeating the same dumb ignorant shit and asking the same dumb ignorant questions.

If you actually have read the indictment, you clearly did not understand the big words. I suggest you find a fifth grade teacher to explain them to you.

Now here it is yet again:

When will you credulous rubes ever learn that Trump lies to you?

This should be your default position: Trump fucking lies. Always.

Trump has nothing but utter contempt for you. If he respected you, he would not lie to you. But he knows you are fucking dumbass morons who will believe anything he tells you.

And you keep proving him right. He spits in your face and you think it is holy water!

Read. The. Indictment.
When will you credulous rubes ever learn that Trump lies to you?

This should be your default position: Trump fucking lies. Always.

Trump has nothing but utter contempt for you. If he respected you, he would not lie to you. But he knows you are fucking dumbass morons who will believe anything he tells you.

And you keep proving him right. He spits in your face and you think it is holy water!

Read. The. Indictment.
When will you woke-ass rubes learn that Biden is lying to you.
He says you have no right to prevent kids from getting sex-changes and screwing up their lives.
Biden spits in white people's faces every single time he mentions MAGA Republicans.
Every time the press asks Biden a question he sneers and grins and refuses to answer.
He has utter contempt for anyone who doesn't kiss his ass.

I read the indictment.
It's the same paragraph repeated 34 times with only the dates changed.
When will you woke-ass rubes learn that Biden is lying to you.
He says you have no right to prevent kids from getting sex-changes and screwing up their lives.
Biden spits in white people's faces every single time he mentions MAGA Republicans.
Every time the press asks Biden a question he sneers and grins and refuses to answer.
He has utter contempt for anyone who doesn't kiss his ass.

I read the indictment.
It's the same paragraph repeated 34 times with only the dates changed.
A. None of that has anything to do with the lies Trump and Tucker tell you and that you sick up like mana from heaven.

B.Did you bother to read ANY of those 34 charges?

Apparently not
You know, I have posted the link to the indictment all over this forum, as have others. I strongly suggested you willfully blind monkeys read it rather than just endlessly parrot the lies your propagandists are feeding you.

But have you read it?

Obviously not, or you idiots would not keep repeating the same dumb ignorant shit and asking the same dumb ignorant questions.

If you actually have read the indictment, you clearly did not understand the big words. I suggest you find a fifth grade teacher to explain them to you.

Now here it is yet again:
OK, I have read it stem to stern. Nowhere does it define the crime which he attempted to conceal. Bragg is an idiot and that is not just my opinion.

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