How can Trump be charged federally in a state court?

The FEC said no such thing. You keep repeating that. It didnā€™t happen.
They failed to prosecute because they used (in their words) prosecutorial discretion.
Here are links proving my point, no violation.
Show your links saying that the FEC said Stormy's payment was a campaign finance violation.

ā€œItā€™s not a campaign finance violation. Itā€™s not a reporting violation of any kind,ā€ Trainor

Tell that to the NYTimes....

"Tuesday was historic for the rule of law in America, but not in the way Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, would have imagined. The 34-count indictment ā€” which more accurately could be described as 34 half-indictments ā€” was a disaster. It was a setback for the rule of law and established a dangerous precedent for prosecutors.

This legal embarrassment reveals new layers of Trumpian damage to the legal foundations of the United States: Mr. Trumpā€™s opponents react to his provocations and norms violations by escalating and accelerating the erosion of legal norms.

The case appears so weak on its legal and jurisdictional basis that a state judge might dismiss the case and mitigate that damage. More likely, the case is headed to federal court for a year, where it could lose on the grounds of federal pre-emption ā€” only federal courts have jurisdiction over campaign finance and filing requirements. Even if it survives a challenge that could reach the Supreme Court, a trial would most likely not start until at least mid-2024, possibly even after the 2024 election.

Instead of the rule of law, it would be the rule of the circus."

By Jed Handelsman Shugerman

Mr. Shugerman is a law professor at Fordham and Boston University.
Shugarman is a right wing Federalist Society member.

Thatā€™s not The NY Times opinion. Heā€™s a gust opinion writer
There simply were no felonies committed. Embrace the concept, lest you appear to be an intentional dumbass!
Well Cohen certainly thinks he went to jail for several felonies. One of which was campaign finance violations .

How do you keep missing that?

Oh wait. Itā€™s intentional stupidity
Here are links proving my point, no violation.
Show your links saying that the FEC said Stormy's payment was a campaign finance violation.

ā€œItā€™s not a campaign finance violation. Itā€™s not a reporting violation of any kind,ā€ Trainor

Trainor (a Trump appointee) is claiming that there is no CURRENT federal case against Trump.

Problem is that heā€™s not been indicted on Federal charges.

Itā€™s TRAINOR and the FEC. That has no jurisdiction here
Yes it was. Violation of New York State Penal Code Section 175.10.

No.....that's Alvin Bragg's opinion.
That's not a fact.

Face facts. Alvin Bragg ran for office on bringing an indictment against Trump.
Now he's fulfilled his campaign promise.
He is abusing his authority by scouring the statutes to bring an indictment.
He's using a Marxist tactic that Russians and Chinese communists use to get rid of their political opponents.
"Find me the man and I'll find a crime".

There was no crime according to every legal authority that looked into the matter.
The Biden White House is paying this guy to bring this indictment.
That is where the law has been broken.
The feds have no right to interfere in this legal case, and they're refusing to comment on it because they know they're guilty.
He did not name it because there is no crime. The case is going to be dismissed.

You say crimes are not relevant to an indictment? Do you know how stupid you sound? You do now.
This from a know-nothing fuckstick, proudly displaying his ignorance
Pleading guilty is a conviction.

He went to prison and everything. We don't send people to prison for a felony without a conviction in this country.

He plead guilty to a reduced sentence. This is called a plea-bargain. They didn't reduce the charges....they simply sentenced him to 2 years under house arrest in exchange for his signed statement that Trump directed him to do this, which was a lie.
Never mind the fact that Cohen's lawyer already agreed to a statement the Trump had nothing to do with the transaction.
None of this ever saw a jury trial.
He plead guilty to a reduced sentence. This is called a plea-bargain. They didn't reduce the charges....they simply sentenced him to 2 years under house arrest in exchange for his signed statement that Trump directed him to do this, which was a lie.
Never mind the fact that Cohen's lawyer already agreed to a statement the Trump had nothing to do with the transaction.
None of this ever saw a jury trial.
Ok. And? He pled guilty. He was convicted of a FELONY. Covering up that felony is the basis for the STATE charges that Trump faces

All charges against Trump were presented, in the indictment.

As part of the indictment arraignment process? No.

Will at be addressed probably as part of the defenses Motion to Dismiss? Most assuredly. The prosecution will then be able to file a rebuttal and then it will be up to the Judge to rule.

It was, the connection to election law and campaign violations as the basis for First Degree (felony) Business Record Falsification instead of Second Degree (misdemeanor) were file with the court of the same time. So say that the defendant has not been informed of the basis of the first degree enhancement isn't true. He has been. The particulars of the DA's legal theory on how that justifies the enhancement is strategy that will be part of later proceedings.

The accused does know the charges against him 34 counts of Falsification of Business Records in the First Degree (Class E Felony).

Remember this is the indictment stage based on a Grand Jury of his peers voting to indict. This is not the trial stage were evidence all evidence has to be laid out by the DA.

Some people want trial level details, but that won't happen yet.

Falsification of business records are misdemeanors and the statute of limitations prevents prosecution. The felony is based on concealing another crime which Bragg never mentions in the indictment.
Falsification of business records are misdemeanors and the statute of limitations prevents prosecution. The felony is based on concealing another crime which Bragg never mentions in the indictment.
Nor is Bragg required by NY State law to mention that.

How many times do you need to be told that simpleton?
Ok. And? He pled guilty. He was convicted of a FELONY. Covering up that felony is the basis for the STATE charges that Trump faces

He plead guilty to something he did, but Trump didn't.
You cannot just automatically charge one person for the crimes of another. That's called guilt by association.
Trump has proof that was signed by Cohen's lawyer (and power of attorney) that he had nothing to do with the transaction.
The only reason Trump paid the guy back was because he didn't want him to lose his house.
He simply paid him retainer fees which he wrote off as a business expense.
Personally I think Trump got shafted.
And the bottom line is Stormy Daniels was extorting money from Trump.
She's already lost over $600K in fines and legal fees paid to Trump.
He plead guilty to something he did, but Trump didn't.
You cannot just automatically charge one person for the crimes of another. That's called guilt by association.
Trump has proof that was signed by Cohen's lawyer (and power of attorney) that he had nothing to do with the transaction.
The only reason Trump paid the guy back was because he didn't want him to lose his house.
He simply paid him retainer fees which he wrote off as a business expense.
He can not plead guilty as for Trump.

And Trump is not being charged with the same crime as Cohen. Heā€™s been charged with covering UP that crime

What are you talking about?

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