How can Trump be charged federally in a state court?

OK, I have read it stem to stern. Nowhere does it define the crime which he attempted to conceal. Bragg is an idiot and that is not just my opinion.



Of course. Because they were holding over 60 years in prison over his head.
He told his lawyer he had nothing on Trump....but the FBI scared him into a suicidal state that made him willing to sign any bull shit statement they put in front of him.
The result was 2 years under house arrest instead of a 60 year incarceration.
The result is his testimony and full cooperation with the prosecution of DJT.
What you are saying is anything they do is OK as long as they get Trump. Not even remotely American justice. Fascism supported by tiny little fascists like you.
I'm saying the law is the law.
Even for a wannabe billionaire.

If only Trump had
kept his pecker in his pants;
paid his hooker like a good john;
Not used his lawyer to setup a fake corporation to
Transfer the cash to his other pecker
Tried to claim the payoff as a legal expense
Lied on NY and federal tax forms...

We wouldn't be here today.
Of course no one like Trump would be charged like this in Russia.
But there would be a crapload of bodies under windows and staircases.

Maybe you and your favorite whoremonger should move to Russia where uou'll be safe from American law.
I'm saying the law is the law.
Even for a wannabe billionaire.

If only Trump had
kept his pecker in his pants;
paid his hooker like a good john;
Not used his lawyer to setup a fake corporation to
Transfer the cash to his other pecker
Tried to claim the payoff as a legal expense
Lied on NY and federal tax forms...

We wouldn't be here today.
Of course no one like Trump would be charged like this in Russia.
But there would be a crapload of bodies under windows and staircases.

Maybe you and your favorite whoremonger should move to Russia where uou'll be safe from American law.
If the law were the law Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Clapper and Fauci would be in jail. Stop with that bullshit when you know it does not apply to everyone. Not even fucking close.
A. None of that has anything to do with the lies Trump and Tucker tell you and that you sick up like mana from heaven.

B.Did you bother to read ANY of those 34 charges?

Apparently not
Yes. Did you read them?
They're the same sentences and paragraphs with only the dates changed.
Because he committed similar crimes on various days. Your point?
It's horse shit.
It's clear the only crime here is Alvin Bragg's malicious intent.
Trump didn't break any law.
The FBI simply thinks they can get away with using Michael Cohen, a convicted liar and tax-cheat, to convict Trump of a crime that doesn't exist.
It's like those stupid impeachments all over, as well as that the ridiculous Russian Collusion investigation.

Meanwhile....Obama is leaving the country and moving to Kenya....and Leo DeCaprio is spilling the beans in court about how Obama got over $21 million in foreign campaign contributions. Biden isn't the only one on the take from our enemies.

Prakazrel Pras Michel, a member of the 1990s hip-hop group the Fugees arrives at federal court for his trial in an alleged campaign finance conspiracy, Monday, April 3, 2023, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
DiCaprio testifies in money-laundering case of Fugees rapper
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Prakazrel "Pras" Michel, a member of the 1990s hip-hop group the Fugees arrives at federal court for his trial in an alleged campaign finance conspiracy, Monday, April 3, 2023, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Movie star Leonardo DiCaprio testified in federal court Monday morning as part of a trial involving international money laundering, bribery and a prominent rap artist.
Prakazrel “Pras” Michel — a founding member of the iconic 1990s hip-hop group, The Fugees — is accused of funneling money from a fugitive Malaysian financer through straw donors to Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. Five years later, prosecutors say he tried to squelch an investigation into that same financer under former President Donald Trump’s administration.


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It's horse shit.
It's clear the only crime here is his malicious intent.
Trump didn't break any law.
The FBI simply thinks they can get away with using Michael Cohen, a convicted liar and tax-cheat, to convict Trump of a crime that doesn't exist.
It's like those stupid impeachments all over, as well that the ridiculous Russian Collusion investigation.
Thanks for your bullshit opinion
The FEC said he was not charged with that crime because it was NOT illegal. That is basing a felony charge on a non-criminal act. Paying hush money is perfectly legal. You can't seem to realize that Cohen pleaded guilty to something that was not a crime. There are many Democrats that think I am correct and Bragg is an idiot.

You are about to get an education in December, or even before that, when these charges die an agonizing death.

Why do you think the judge is not having the next court date until December and a possible trial starting in January? It is to keep the fake news alive until deep into the election cycle. Think about 8 months delay. Trump's lawyers should make a motion that his right to speedy trial is being violated.
You're FOS, as usual.
The Feds didn't prosecute because William Barr, (Trump's lawyer) either pressured them into NOT prosecuting or firing the ones who were.
The FEC said there was no crime dumbass. Prove Barr had ANYTHING to do with NOT indicting Trump for a non-crime.

Bragg released an indictment that was so vague on key elements that it is unclear what the grand jury thought it was voting on. He vaguely referenced state and federal election laws and later refused to add any details on how they relate to the prosecution. The result is an indictment with the substance of a legal Slurpee: it was immediately satisfying for many with virtually no legal substance.

The FEC said he was not charged with that crime because it was NOT illegal. That is basing a felony charge on a non-criminal act. Paying hush money is perfectly legal. You can't seem to realize that Cohen pleaded guilty to something that was not a crime. There are many Democrats that think I am correct and Bragg is an idiot.

No it didn't. The FEC deadlock on charging Trump 2 voting for charges, 2 voting against, and 2 not voting. It takes a majority of the 6 commissioners to issue a ruling.

Actually the Office of the FEC General Counsel reported and recommend filing charges against Trump.

But that is irrelevant anyway as New York isn't charging Trump based on Federal Campaign Finance laws. They charged Trump under Section 175.10 of the New York State Penal Code for Falsification of Business Records.

You are about to get an education in December, or even before that, when these charges die an agonizing death.

Possibly, we will have to wait and see.

Why do you think the judge is not having the next court date until December and a possible trial starting in January? It is to keep the fake news alive until deep into the election cycle. Think about 8 months delay. Trump's lawyers should make a motion that his right to speedy trial is being violated.

Because the defense requested later times, the Defense is reported as requesting a Trial in spring.

There is a lot that will occur in the coming months. First of all the evidence has to be turned over to the Defense, the Defense has to review all the evidence (and there is a lot that was presented to the Grand Jury), then the Defense has to file it's motions (Motions to Dismiss, Motions to Suppress Evidence, etc.).

Since the Prosecution is ready to go, they've already presented the evidence to the Grand Jury, the time is for the Defense to build their case.

The FEC said there was no crime dumbass. Prove Barr had ANYTHING to do with NOT indicting Trump for a non-crime.
WHY do you think they stated there wasn't a crime, moron?

“Several of our colleagues instead voted to dismiss the allegations,” Broussard and Weintraub added in their statement. “The Commission therefore did not have enough votes to pursue well-grounded charges that the former President of the United States knowingly and willfully accepted contributions nearly 5,000% over the legal limit to suppress a negative story mere days before Election Day.”

The six-member commission’s vote – which was taken last month, but the results of which were first made public Thursday – was 2-2. Broussard and Weintraub voted yes, Independent Steven Walther did not vote, and Republican Allen Dickerson recused himself.

The FEC never even investigated ANYTHING..........DUMBASS.
Teabaggers protecting their dear leader.........AGAIN.

Bragg released an indictment that was so vague on key elements that it is unclear what the grand jury thought it was voting on. He vaguely referenced state and federal election laws and later refused to add any details on how they relate to the prosecution. The result is an indictment with the substance of a legal Slurpee: it was immediately satisfying for many with virtually no legal substance.


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