How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?

You cannot be white and be a Democrat. They are mutually exclusive. DNC is the largest racist organization in the United States.
Imbeciles like you keep gloating about the extinction of the white race, so why would we be nervous?
Sure, the Regressive Left is loving every minute of this, as saturated by White Guilt as they are.

What you folks clearly don't understand is that you're helping them, and they surely appreciate it.

Talk radio has trained you poorly. You simply don't have the capacity to deal with what's coming, because you haven't been trained on how to effectively stop it.

That's not my fault.
The only reason Duke supports Trump is because Trump wants to stop illegals from entering this country, and many of those are from south of here. It's the only issue he has.
Why did Trump lie about not knowing who David Duke is? How would you spin that?

And regarding Duke: Dr. David Duke “Trump Inauguration Speech Declares War on the Neocons & Promotes Our Slogan “America First!” - he praises Trump for far more than the border issue.

Do you have picture of them together?
No, but I have plenty of quotes.

Moving the goalposts to avoid honesty, are we?
Some conservative talk radio would educate you far more than any liberal university.
I listen pretty much every day.

And then I see the very same words, phrases and (worse) thought processes here.

Sometimes a new thread will appear not three minutes after Rush says it. Funny as hell.

I'd never want to be a obedient robot for either end. I prefer to think for myself. The first line of my sig addresses that.

It's quite funny that you can get a better social sciences education listening to social commentary on a fucking radio, than at an university. It's a joke...

(Now obviously for hard sciences, most universities are doing a fine job).
A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?


I think its a big picture thing. Money makes money and sometimes you have to help the racially oppressed minorities along. Maybe other places are some kind of crazy utopia. Here folks know what high schools and zip codes to look for on resumes to avoid hiring blacks. SO, the big stick of affirmative action comes down. The other choice is to jail racists I suppose.
Bullshit. Hard work pays dividends in your life. Your zip code has nothing to do with it other then looking around your community and seeing nothing but dead beat males who do nothing but breed. Then you also see nothing but whores who sponge welfare. Work hard and move forward. Government owes you nothing. I’ve never seen a birth certificate that says “free ride.”
It's quite funny that you can get a better social sciences education listening to social commentary on a fucking radio, than at an university. It's a joke...
Talk radio gives you one (1) side of a story only, and convinces you that it's the only side of merit.

That creates an intellectual myopia that is essentially impenetrable.

I don't give a shit, the story is still more truthful than the one presented at an university. That is quite funny given talk radio usually consists of social commentary rather than rigorous scientific inquiry.
It's quite funny that you can get a better social sciences education listening to social commentary on a fucking radio, than at an university. It's a joke...
Talk radio gives you one (1) side of a story only, and convinces you that it's the only side of merit.

That creates an intellectual myopia that is essentially impenetrable.

No, talk radio gives you (as Paul Harvey used to say) the other side of the story.
America has always been the land of immigrants. And while illegal immigration is a problem we must confront, equating it to a military invasion is chicken little chickenshit.

Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.

Invasion is going someplace where you are not permitted to go. So how is it not an invasion?

Pathetic chickenshit.

Oh please, obviously you speak from a position of solidarity and nothing more. If it were any other group outside of your own, you'd be on our side of this issue.

He’s Irish.
It wouldn't suck.

The left wing solutions have put us into this mess. And they won't put anyone out of a mess.

Let's see, rant about overpopulation, "the evil white people", and over-educate women so they won't have children.

And simultaneously, ramp up trillions in unfunded promises. Who is going to pay for it with no children?

Obviously, there is only one solution. Import the 3rd world here so they can replace those not yet genocided...

But I have an even better idea, let's replace these leftist IDIOT leaders, and never let them near helms of power ever again.

Buddy, if people are having less kids, it's because of your wonderful right wing policies. My parents had five kids because my dad had a good union job where he could raise five kids, and own a lake house in Wisconsin.

You guys dismantled the unions. YOu guys drove wages down for working folks. You guys came up with at-will employment, right to work and the other things that have screwed working folks.

So um, yeah, you guys own this.
That will change very quickly.

Japan will understand that their culture is no better at protecting itself than western cultures once they have barbarians inside their gates and they will kick them out.

Relax, chickenshit. Japan has Long had an immigrant population, they are just allowing somewhat more in the face of a demographic challenge.
Japan is 98.7% JAPANESE.

Their immigrant population is less than minuscule.

The average person in Japan is FAR RIGHT on immigration. Both the left and the right are far right on immigration in Japan.

You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. You just think you can apply any of your notions because it’s that far away place over there. You are completely ignorant about what you’re trying to talk about. Views on immigration are changing as the reality of demographics becomes more and more apparent and immediate. Just as it will be an all developed countries very soon.
No, I know what the average people in Japan believes because I watch videos that Japanese youtubers make ....


:lmao: holy shit, you’re stupid.

“I watch YouTube!” :lmao:

I saw a video on YouTube that Bush was behind 9/11 so it must be true!
It wouldn't suck.

The left wing solutions have put us into this mess. And they won't put anyone out of a mess.

Let's see, rant about overpopulation, "the evil white people", and over-educate women so they won't have children.

And simultaneously, ramp up trillions in unfunded promises. Who is going to pay for it with no children?

Obviously, there is only one solution. Import the 3rd world here so they can replace those not yet genocided...

But I have an even better idea, let's replace these leftist IDIOT leaders, and never let them near helms of power ever again.

Buddy, if people are having less kids, it's because of your wonderful right wing policies. My parents had five kids because my dad had a good union job where he could raise five kids, and own a lake house in Wisconsin.

You guys dismantled the unions. YOu guys drove wages down for working folks. You guys came up with at-will employment, right to work and the other things that have screwed working folks.

So um, yeah, you guys own this.

It's already been proven that the left wing policy of putting the women to the workforce and showering them with crazier and crazier rights is the major culprit. Rights such as the right to abort a living child. Your unions are completely irrelevant bullshit.
The problem is women working? I don't understand this one. We want people they work to not be leeches. Now this is bad?
You say that like it is bad thing. Why?

The same reason it is a growing crisis in most developed countries, dumbass.

OK, so how is it a crisis? You don't know do you? That is why you keep dodging the question.

Are you really this stupid?

I want to know why you keep dodging the question. That is not stupid, but it does indicate that you may not be able to answer and that is stupid!

Do you know why Social Security will inevitably fail?

Exactly. We need population growth to sustain SS, and the birth rate in this country isn’t high enough to sustain it.

There are a lot of old guys on SS scared of dark people commenting on this thread. Maybe their SS should be cut so that the system doesn’t collapse. These takers don’t care about anyone but themselves!
The problem is women working? I don't understand this one. We want people they work to not be leeches. Now this is bad?

You moron, women growing babies is not "leeching". It's a productive endeavor.

As far as you not understanding - given your IQ that doesn't surprise me. The statement was very simple "liberating" women has tanked the birth rates. True fact...
Women, even married women today understand in most cases it takes two working people to make ends meet. So they have to work with wages being where they are at and the prices of houses cars vacations insurance being what they are. It's simply adapting.
It wouldn't suck.

The left wing solutions have put us into this mess. And they won't put anyone out of a mess.

Let's see, rant about overpopulation, "the evil white people", and over-educate women so they won't have children.

And simultaneously, ramp up trillions in unfunded promises. Who is going to pay for it with no children?

Obviously, there is only one solution. Import the 3rd world here so they can replace those not yet genocided...

But I have an even better idea, let's replace these leftist IDIOT leaders, and never let them near helms of power ever again.

Buddy, if people are having less kids, it's because of your wonderful right wing policies. My parents had five kids because my dad had a good union job where he could raise five kids, and own a lake house in Wisconsin.

You guys dismantled the unions. YOu guys drove wages down for working folks. You guys came up with at-will employment, right to work and the other things that have screwed working folks.

So um, yeah, you guys own this.

And your side is totally not at fault?

What party promoted that women should get out of the house and work? What party promoted that women should get an education and make better money? What party promoted that women only need men as sperm donors?

Well guess what, they listened. Today nearly every "mother" works. More women than men graduate college and pursue careers. You can't have five children and work full-time, at least successfully. The only people that do that are welfare queens. The left has promoted the single-parent family for many years.
It wouldn't suck.

The left wing solutions have put us into this mess. And they won't put anyone out of a mess.

Let's see, rant about overpopulation, "the evil white people", and over-educate women so they won't have children.

And simultaneously, ramp up trillions in unfunded promises. Who is going to pay for it with no children?

Obviously, there is only one solution. Import the 3rd world here so they can replace those not yet genocided...

But I have an even better idea, let's replace these leftist IDIOT leaders, and never let them near helms of power ever again.

Buddy, if people are having less kids, it's because of your wonderful right wing policies. My parents had five kids because my dad had a good union job where he could raise five kids, and own a lake house in Wisconsin.

You guys dismantled the unions. YOu guys drove wages down for working folks. You guys came up with at-will employment, right to work and the other things that have screwed working folks.

So um, yeah, you guys own this.

And your side is totally not at fault?

What party promoted that women should get out of the house and work? What party promoted that women should get an education and make better money? What party promoted that women only need men as sperm donors?

Well guess what, they listened. Today nearly every "mother" works. More women than men graduate college and pursue careers. You can't have five children and work full-time, at least successfully. The only people that do that are welfare queens. The left has promoted the single-parent family for many years.

Let's not even go into what that single parent family has done to the black community.
Women, even married women today understand in most cases it takes two working people to make ends meet. So they have to work with wages being where they are at and the prices of houses cars vacations insurance being what they are. It's simply adapting.

Before the left wing took control of America, it only took one parent to provide for the family. A other glorious success!
I see your point . But if it comes down to women having to work so they can survive they are working. I can't fault them for that. Times have changed. Wages haven't kept up. Things cost more. So it's either work or struggle. Having to work full time leads to less women having kids I guess.

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