How Can You Be A Socialist….

The U.S.A killed more civilians in a few minutes in Hiroshima, and Nagasaki... than Mussolini did through out WW2.

Yeah you know there's something very, very wrong when the U.S.A makes out Mussolini as the mega-villain...




Notice how he went with Muss not Hitler or Stalin. Damn man, Socialism has killed more people than capitalism ever has.. Unless planned parenthood is considered capitalism when they sell baby body parts for profit...

The U.S.A has actually killed about as much as Hitler since WW2.
So you are saying that those who fought against the US in other wars, to propagate Communism were victims? Yeah, we know which side you are on you fucking traitor. By the way, those in Japan who were bombed by the nuke, were willing to fight to the last man, woman and child, to defend the emperor in WWII. There woulnt be a Japan today, if the bomb wasn't used. But then you would of loved that wouldn't you. God I hate your fucking kind.
You mean how people take from the labors of others to profit from?
Your understanding of capitalism is likely warped by Marxist college professors.

No, people exchange labor for money. The money paid for the type of labor depends on the availability of such labor, the skill required, and the competition for that labor.

Everyone still has a choice. Choose to mop floor and clean toilets or chose to gain skills to do labor that pays more.

Everybody is exploiting everyone else. It's not a one-way street. The worker is exploiting the business owner's risk taken to start the enterprise.
So you're telling me that capitalist do not make a profit from your labor? That their idea is to break even?
Do you make profit from the labor you perform for a company? Do you go home and at the end of the week get a paycheck that you can buy food, a house, and other nice thing? Or are you a welfare queen who sits on their ass, smoking dope, being a miserable wretch who votes for the very people who keep you poor?
I say you liberals are Number 2 and I mean #2.

You never cease to not amaze..
Are you mad?
I'd be interested to know what the conservatives, especially, on this forum, believe qualifies a person as being a socialist.
I would call myself a liberal, but in response, a socialist is someone who wants to use government to apply the threat of force or death in order to "legally" rob someone else.

You, for example.

You mean how people take from the labors of others to profit from?
Your understanding of capitalism is likely warped by Marxist college professors.

No, people exchange labor for money. The money paid for the type of labor depends on the availability of such labor, the skill required, and the competition for that labor.

Everyone still has a choice. Choose to mop floor and clean toilets or chose to gain skills to do labor that pays more.

Everybody is exploiting everyone else. It's not a one-way street. The worker is exploiting the business owner's risk taken to start the enterprise.
So you're telling me that capitalist do not make a profit from your labor? That their idea is to break even?
Do you make profit from the labor you perform for a company? Do you go home and at the end of the week get a paycheck that you can buy food, a house, and other nice thing? Or are you a welfare queen who sits on their ass, smoking dope, being a miserable wretch who votes for the very people who keep you poor?
I say you liberals are Number 2 and I mean #2.

You never cease to not amaze..
Are you mad?
No, just insane...
I'd be interested to know what the conservatives, especially, on this forum, believe qualifies a person as being a socialist.
I would call myself a liberal, but in response, a socialist is someone who wants to use government to apply the threat of force or death in order to "legally" rob someone else.

You, for example.


LOL, I was kind of hoping for mature responses. I guess I momentarily forgot who I was talking to.
I'd be interested to know what the conservatives, especially, on this forum, believe qualifies a person as being a socialist.
Just look in the mirror you fucking tard.

So a person like myself who believes in a nation where there's a blend of capitalism and socialism is defined as a socialist?

That's about 90% of the country. lol
LOL, I was kind of hoping for mature responses. I guess I momentarily forgot who I was talking to.
Well, what is the difference between robbery and taxation from one to give to another? I broke it down to it's basic elements.

Tukacuklul is a great hunter and trapper. Ikapucapoop is a lazy shit, or he is an idiot. Ikapucapoop is freezing in the winter, so Ikapucapoop gets a few friends and they go to Tukacuklul and demand that he share his hides with them. When Tukacuklul refuses, they appoint a chief to rule all in the land. That chief raises an army and with that army, the chief demands resources from all who have something to give. Chief takes Tukacuklul's hides and distributes to his subjects. Ikapucapoop gets a hide.

Taxation and redistribution.
Make no mistake people. The world globalists want this to be the way it is.

(The chicks ass on the left is click bait, just so you know. That is how they got me too.)

The leftists on this board are pathetic hypocritical deranged piece of shit losers. All of them are RICH and none of them know a thing about struggle.Other than what they read. A great example of that is the difference between WEB Dubois and Booker T Washington. The left love self professed commie WEB Dubois and really despise Booker T Washington. Of course, what they don't tell you is how Booker T Washington was AN ACTUAL SLAVE and knew all too well what it was all about. Where Dubois was born free and lived privileged and knew VERY LITTLE about the struggle other than what he read about it. Oh, I should point out Harvard has a building named after the black self proclaimed commie on their campus. None of Booker T though.

Especially, that piece of shit Fork It Up moron. A fucking pathetic British dandy tea sucking asshole. Don't listen to their shit.

Also, you should all know what socialism is. I have said it before, and I will say it again. It is merely another version of the old Feudal System. The left wing elites are mostly made up of pathetic pawns. All of the left wingers that post here for instance. No exceptions. They have no clue what it takes to make it, and how the free market is the best friend to the ambitious that is the SERF class.

That is the point. The old Feudal System makes sure there are NO OPPORTUNITIES for anyone in the peasant class to make it to their status. The OLD MONEY does not want that, and they are more offended by NEW MONEY than anything else. They are also greatly offended by anyone in the peasant or serf class having the THOUGHT of ever getting to their status. For them it is all about blood lines, entitlements, inheritance, etc. etc.

I AM NEW MONEY and I live in Palm Beach County and I can tell you this is the absolute truth. I came from nothing. My parents died when I was 5. Me and my brother had to actually work our way out, and yeah I grew up as a kid in a black neighborhood.

Not one fucking liberal (elite pieces of shit on the left that is) knows NOTHING about the reality there. Not one. Hence, the reason they were so shocked when the black neighborhoods in California overwhelmingly voted AGAINST GAY MARRIAGE when it came up for vote. Another thing they keep out of the media. They have no clue what they are about.

Just know what the left wing wants. Watch the reality of North Korea and see their reality. The left want to do away with ALL COMPETITION. They think ALL PROFIT is evil. Which means they want things to be rationed out to the poor. They want the world to live on bare essentials and that is it. Bread, water, and God forbid electricity.

All of their stances is an attack on the free market. All of their fake concerns are all about bringing down competition. Notice how none of them actually adhere to their own stances. None of them do a fucking thing for the planet for instance. Not one fucking thing, other than hating America. They all want higher taxes, yet none of them voluntarily pay more. They never call their heroes out on the carpet for their carbon footprints. Like Al Gore, or DiCaprio renting a $300 million dollar yacht from an oil tycoon from the ME to have orgy parties in Brazil AFTER HIS SPEECH about THE global warming to the UN.

This is a long rant. Just know what the left is all about. A NEW version of the OLD FEUDAL SYSTEM, and they call it SOCIALISM.
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I'd be interested to know what the conservatives, especially, on this forum, believe qualifies a person as being a socialist.
Just look in the mirror you fucking tard.

So a person like myself who believes in a nation where there's a blend of capitalism and socialism is defined as a socialist?

That's about 90% of the country. lol
Yeah as long as I work, so you don't have to, you are okay with that?
I'd be interested to know what the conservatives, especially, on this forum, believe qualifies a person as being a socialist.
Just look in the mirror you fucking tard.

So a person like myself who believes in a nation where there's a blend of capitalism and socialism is defined as a socialist?

That's about 90% of the country. lol
Yeah as long as I work, so you don't have to, you are okay with that?

I asked you to define a socialist. You said I was a socialist. I told you where I stand, which is where most Americans stand. We're all socialists then right?
...and have any self respect?
After all, if your worth is due to that which is taken from someone else, someone who earned it....your value is nothing more than the vote you offer up to your patron, big government.

In full disclosure, the title of the thread is just as cogent if other terms are substituted for 'socialist,' terms such as communist, fascist, Progressive, Nazi or modern Liberal.

1. "Socialism is the end of all invention; it is the happy face of slavery. Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest" - J.S. Mill

2. " Capitalism is the only moral system because it requires human beings to deal with one another as traders–that is, as free moral agents trading and selling goods and services on the basis of mutual consent.

Capitalism is the only just system because the sole criterion that determines the value of thing exchanged is the free, voluntary, universal judgement of the consumer. Coercion and fraud are anathema to the free-market system.

It is both moral and just because the degree to which man rises or falls in society is determined by the degree to which he uses his mind. Capitalism is the only social system that rewards merit, ability and achievement, regardless of one’s birth or station in life."

The requirements for success in a free society demand that ordinary citizens order their lives in accordance with certain virtues–namely, rationality, independence, industriousness, prudence, frugality, etc. In a free capitalist society individuals must choose for themselves how they will order their lives and the values they will pursue. Under socialism, most of life’s decisions are made for you.

3. Under socialism a ruling class of intellectuals, bureaucrats and social planners decide what people want or what is good for society and then use the coercive power of the State to regulate, tax, and redistribute the wealth of those who work for a living. In other words, socialism is a form of legalized theft.

The morality of socialism can be summed-up in two words: envy and self-sacrifice.
Envy is the desire to not only possess another’s wealth but also the desire to see another’s wealth lowered to the level of one’s own.

Socialism’s teaching on self-sacrifice was nicely summarized by two of its greatest defenders, Hermann Goering and Bennito Mussolini.

The highest principle of Nazism (National Socialism), said Goering, is: “Common good comes before private good.”

Fascism, said Mussolini, is ” a life in which the individual, through the sacrifice of his own private interests…realizes that completely spiritual existence in which his value as a man lies.

4. Sadly, America is no longer a capitalist nation. We live under what is more properly called a mixed economy–that is, an economic system that permits private property, but only at the discretion of government planners. A little bit of capitalism and a little bit of socialism.

When government redistributes wealth through taxation, when it attempts to control and regulate business production and trade, who are the winners and losers? Under this kind of economy the winners and losers are reversed: the winners are those who scream the loudest for a handout and the losers are those quiet citizens who work hard and pay their taxes." Socialism vs. Capitalism: Which is the Moral System | Ashbrook

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

You don't understand Socialism. You quote fascists (the opposite of socialists) to make your point. Try reading a political science book before puking forth your ignorance.
I'd be interested to know what the conservatives, especially, on this forum, believe qualifies a person as being a socialist.
Just look in the mirror you fucking tard.

So a person like myself who believes in a nation where there's a blend of capitalism and socialism is defined as a socialist?

That's about 90% of the country. lol
Yeah as long as I work, so you don't have to, you are okay with that?

I asked you to define a socialist. You said I was a socialist. I told you where I stand, which is where most Americans stand. We're all socialists then right?
If most of Americans stood with Socialism, then we would have the crooked vagina candidate Hitlery. But since most Americans (US citizens, not illegals) wanted to keep America from turning into a 3rd world cesspool of Socialism, they voted to "Make America Great Again". But you keep on thinking you are in the majority, and you will continue to lose elections over and over....
...and have any self respect?
After all, if your worth is due to that which is taken from someone else, someone who earned it....your value is nothing more than the vote you offer up to your patron, big government.

In full disclosure, the title of the thread is just as cogent if other terms are substituted for 'socialist,' terms such as communist, fascist, Progressive, Nazi or modern Liberal.

1. "Socialism is the end of all invention; it is the happy face of slavery. Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest" - J.S. Mill

2. " Capitalism is the only moral system because it requires human beings to deal with one another as traders–that is, as free moral agents trading and selling goods and services on the basis of mutual consent.

Capitalism is the only just system because the sole criterion that determines the value of thing exchanged is the free, voluntary, universal judgement of the consumer. Coercion and fraud are anathema to the free-market system.

It is both moral and just because the degree to which man rises or falls in society is determined by the degree to which he uses his mind. Capitalism is the only social system that rewards merit, ability and achievement, regardless of one’s birth or station in life."

The requirements for success in a free society demand that ordinary citizens order their lives in accordance with certain virtues–namely, rationality, independence, industriousness, prudence, frugality, etc. In a free capitalist society individuals must choose for themselves how they will order their lives and the values they will pursue. Under socialism, most of life’s decisions are made for you.

3. Under socialism a ruling class of intellectuals, bureaucrats and social planners decide what people want or what is good for society and then use the coercive power of the State to regulate, tax, and redistribute the wealth of those who work for a living. In other words, socialism is a form of legalized theft.

The morality of socialism can be summed-up in two words: envy and self-sacrifice.
Envy is the desire to not only possess another’s wealth but also the desire to see another’s wealth lowered to the level of one’s own.

Socialism’s teaching on self-sacrifice was nicely summarized by two of its greatest defenders, Hermann Goering and Bennito Mussolini.

The highest principle of Nazism (National Socialism), said Goering, is: “Common good comes before private good.”

Fascism, said Mussolini, is ” a life in which the individual, through the sacrifice of his own private interests…realizes that completely spiritual existence in which his value as a man lies.

4. Sadly, America is no longer a capitalist nation. We live under what is more properly called a mixed economy–that is, an economic system that permits private property, but only at the discretion of government planners. A little bit of capitalism and a little bit of socialism.

When government redistributes wealth through taxation, when it attempts to control and regulate business production and trade, who are the winners and losers? Under this kind of economy the winners and losers are reversed: the winners are those who scream the loudest for a handout and the losers are those quiet citizens who work hard and pay their taxes." Socialism vs. Capitalism: Which is the Moral System | Ashbrook

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

You don't understand Socialism. You quote fascists (the opposite of socialists) to make your point. Try reading a political science book before puking forth your ignorance.
The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
in which the author "[warns] of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[1] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Hayek challenged the general view among British academics that fascism (including National Socialism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
Now ignore once again that some of US actually know what happens when your freedoms are taken away , through socialist policies.

So a person like myself who believes in a nation where there's a blend of capitalism and socialism is defined as a socialist?
How does this "blend" work? I may agree with you.

There are things that work better in a monopoly. Military, money minting, roads (in most cases), courts, police and fire protection. Government does monopoly better than anyone else. For things that are improved by competition, the private sector works best.

If the private sector can do it, and have competition, the private sector should do it. The problems arise when government is used to create equality of outcome, rather than equality of opportunity.

An example is the attempt to make wages Equal. Equal wages cannot and should not exist. Employers will always pay as little as the market allows. Count on it. The best way for government to control wages is to control the number of available workers. Government should not control reproduction, but can and should control immigration (legal or otherwise) to keep the supply of workers in balance with job availability. An influx of low-skill workers. in even one part of the economy, has a ripple effect that can drive down wages all over the economy. If the complaint is that men make more than women, there are legitimate reasons for that, not based on sex/gender. Believe me. If the best employee is a woman, and different employers are competing for her services, she will get paid.
I'd be interested to know what the conservatives, especially, on this forum, believe qualifies a person as being a socialist.
Just look in the mirror you fucking tard.

So a person like myself who believes in a nation where there's a blend of capitalism and socialism is defined as a socialist?

That's about 90% of the country. lol
Yeah as long as I work, so you don't have to, you are okay with that?

I asked you to define a socialist. You said I was a socialist. I told you where I stand, which is where most Americans stand. We're all socialists then right?
If most of Americans stood with Socialism, then we would have the crooked vagina candidate Hitlery. But since most Americans (US citizens, not illegals) wanted to keep America from turning into a 3rd world cesspool of Socialism, they voted to "Make America Great Again". But you keep on thinking you are in the majority, and you will continue to lose elections over and over....

Senator-elect Roy Moore sends you a big fat Atta Boy!!! lol
So a person like myself who believes in a nation where there's a blend of capitalism and socialism is defined as a socialist?
How does this "blend" work? I may agree with you.

There are things that work better in a monopoly. Military, money minting, roads (in most cases), courts, police and fire protection. Government does monopoly better than anyone else. For things that are improved by competition, the private sector works best.

If the private sector can do it, and have competition, the private sector should do it. The problems arise when government is used to create equality of outcome, rather than equality of opportunity.

An example is the attempt to make wages Equal. Equal wages cannot and should not exist. Employers will always pay as little as the market allows. Count on it. The best way for government to control wages is to control the number of available workers. Government should not control reproduction, but can and should control immigration (legal or otherwise) to keep the supply of workers in balance with job availability. An influx of low-skill workers. in even one part of the economy, has a ripple effect that can drive down wages all over the economy. If the complaint is that men make more than women, there are legitimate reasons for that, not based on sex/gender. Believe me. If the best employee is a woman, and different employers are competing for her services, she will get paid.

There's no movement of consequence to make wages 'equal'.
I'd be interested to know what the conservatives, especially, on this forum, believe qualifies a person as being a socialist.
Just look in the mirror you fucking tard.

So a person like myself who believes in a nation where there's a blend of capitalism and socialism is defined as a socialist?

That's about 90% of the country. lol
Yeah as long as I work, so you don't have to, you are okay with that?

I asked you to define a socialist. You said I was a socialist. I told you where I stand, which is where most Americans stand. We're all socialists then right?
If most of Americans stood with Socialism, then we would have the crooked vagina candidate Hitlery. But since most Americans (US citizens, not illegals) wanted to keep America from turning into a 3rd world cesspool of Socialism, they voted to "Make America Great Again". But you keep on thinking you are in the majority, and you will continue to lose elections over and over....

Hillary is a socialist? What precisely makes her a socialist?

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