How did everything get so insane?

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He threatened it, but it's clearly just blustering on an anonymous message board.
Whatever you think he threatened you were taunting to do it

He's not going to do anything. I just called him on it.
I am confident he will not shoot anyone who is not attacking him first

so what he does in the future depends on what libs are doing to him at the time

Then I can assure you there will be no bloody shirt for you to wave at future riots

Meaning Morrison will not do anything beyond defending himself from violent leftists
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
we were insane before this.

under obama we were:
spying on the press
spying on congress
spying on political opponents
using the IRS as a weapon
arguing over where people went to the restroom
demonizing police
pushing very "progressive" agendas with any force that could be mustered.
redefining words so they didn't come off as bad as it was and people just didn't understand

trump was the outcome of such hard and one sided pushing. but along the way the left has convinced themselves that ONLY their way is correct. i hear time and again people on the left say the right is "flawed" in their thinking and must be corrected.

yet the OTHER side is "fascist".

the democrats are not going anywhere. neither are the republicans. at least not alone. but if one side dies rest assured the other will be taken out with them.

i'm amazed at how many people are ok with this.
He threatened it, but it's clearly just blustering on an anonymous message board.
Whatever you think he threatened you were taunting to do it

He's not going to do anything. I just called him on it.
I am confident he will not shoot anyone who is not attacking him first

so what he does in the future depends on what libs are doing to him at the time

Then I can assure you there will be no bloody shirt for you to wave at future riots

Meaning Morrison will not do anything beyond defending himself from violent leftists

I already agreed. He was just running his mouth but he wouldn't actually initiate anything.

He talks big but he's really just a sweet teddy bear.
If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened
Not sure what you mean. Are you saying Mueller would not have been assigned to investigate the collusion? That seems like a reasonable assumption. But I think the Trump campaign's contacts with Russians and Russia's involvement in the election would have been investigated. If for no other reason than to better understand how Russia did it so it could be prevented in the future. Something Trump is doing nothing about since he wants Russia to corrupt the 2020 election.
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
we were insane before this.

under obama we were:
spying on the press
spying on congress
spying on political opponents
using the IRS as a weapon
arguing over where people went to the restroom
demonizing police
pushing very "progressive" agendas with any force that could be mustered.
redefining words so they didn't come off as bad as it was and people just didn't understand

trump was the outcome of such hard and one sided pushing. but along the way the left has convinced themselves that ONLY their way is correct. i hear time and again people on the left say the right is "flawed" in their thinking and must be corrected.

yet the OTHER side is "fascist".

the democrats are not going anywhere. neither are the republicans. at least not alone. but if one side dies rest assured the other will be taken out with them.

i'm amazed at how many people are ok with this.

Perhaps they just don't know any better.
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
we were insane before this.

under obama we were:
spying on the press
spying on congress
spying on political opponents
using the IRS as a weapon
arguing over where people went to the restroom
demonizing police
pushing very "progressive" agendas with any force that could be mustered.
redefining words so they didn't come off as bad as it was and people just didn't understand

trump was the outcome of such hard and one sided pushing. but along the way the left has convinced themselves that ONLY their way is correct. i hear time and again people on the left say the right is "flawed" in their thinking and must be corrected.

yet the OTHER side is "fascist".

the democrats are not going anywhere. neither are the republicans. at least not alone. but if one side dies rest assured the other will be taken out with them.

i'm amazed at how many people are ok with this.
That's quite a conglomeration of lies and deceptive statements you've put together. Please make your case that Obama was "spying on the media" other than an anecdotal example.
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
Um. Do you need a list of all the Impeach Obama topics?

How about Trump's birther tweets?

How about Trump's tweets about the debt and the debt ceiling?

How about all the pre-2017 posts about morality and honesty by the pseudocons?

How about all the pre-2017 posts about debt and deficits?

How about all the boasting about the unemployment rate and the stock market?

What you have been seeing for the past three years is the pseudo-Right and Trump getting bitch slapped by karma. Over and over and over.
If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened
Not sure what you mean. Are you saying Mueller would not have been assigned to investigate the collusion? That seems like a reasonable assumption. But I think the Trump campaign's contacts with Russians and Russia's involvement in the election would have been investigated. If for no other reason than to better understand how Russia did it so it could be prevented in the future. Something Trump is doing nothing about since he wants Russia to corrupt the 2020 election.

Oh, you think they still would have investigated if Trump had lost? Why would they do that? You really think that Democrats are concerned about foreign influence in elections when it doesn't hurt them?
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?

Tell BLKM and ANTIFA and the Left to stop burning, rioting and looting and things will callm down.
Tell the same folks to quit demanding crap that isn't their nusines and it will calm down.
Tell them to mind their own damned business and stop crying about things that happened 200 ears ago and things will calm down.

In other words tell them to start acting like responsible citizens.
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
we were insane before this.

under obama we were:
spying on the press
spying on congress
spying on political opponents
using the IRS as a weapon
arguing over where people went to the restroom
demonizing police
pushing very "progressive" agendas with any force that could be mustered.
redefining words so they didn't come off as bad as it was and people just didn't understand

trump was the outcome of such hard and one sided pushing. but along the way the left has convinced themselves that ONLY their way is correct. i hear time and again people on the left say the right is "flawed" in their thinking and must be corrected.

yet the OTHER side is "fascist".

the democrats are not going anywhere. neither are the republicans. at least not alone. but if one side dies rest assured the other will be taken out with them.

i'm amazed at how many people are ok with this.
That's quite a conglomeration of lies and deceptive statements you've put together. Please make your case that Obama was "spying on the media" other than an anecdotal example.

How about all those "Lock her up!" chants?

How many Republican investigations into Benghazi? Which all turned up bupkis.

And you dare ask how things went insane as if it just happened three years ago?
Conservatives are to blame because we acted like good little citizens, obeying the law, paying our taxes, going to the PTA, going to Church, while the fucking liberals infiltrated absolutely everything and made them Communist.
I think it's time we started being assholes to preserve the country our forefathers left us.
It wasn't too bad when I was younger, but laws stacked up on laws and all kinds crazy stuff and now it's communists trying to overthrow the United States from within, I'm for a big dose of fuckitall and eradicating Communist traitors from our country.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.
Feel free to start shooting pee wee.

You know, Cornball, it occurs to me that you have a lot of derogatory things to say about conservatives owning and carrying guns, but you haven't directed any of those same remarks at the so-called people toting guns around the insurrection area. Did you suddenly, magically decide that it's okay when your barbaric brethren do it?
A president was impeached by the opposing party over a blowjob. That was after four futile years of investigations into every aspect of his life, including his business dealings in the years before he was President.

And you just now notice things have gotten insane? Really?
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
Essentially the children are being allowed to run the show because the adults are afraid of being called racist or bigot or nazi etc etc by using their upper hand and putting the shitheads in their place. THIS is what happens when the correct social order isn't followed. It will continue until we get a strong leader who will crush this shit.
If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened
Not sure what you mean. Are you saying Mueller would not have been assigned to investigate the collusion? That seems like a reasonable assumption. But I think the Trump campaign's contacts with Russians and Russia's involvement in the election would have been investigated. If for no other reason than to better understand how Russia did it so it could be prevented in the future. Something Trump is doing nothing about since he wants Russia to corrupt the 2020 election.

How is Russia going to do that, by putting ads on Facebook again? :laughing0301:
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
we were insane before this.

under obama we were:
spying on the press
spying on congress
spying on political opponents
using the IRS as a weapon
arguing over where people went to the restroom
demonizing police
pushing very "progressive" agendas with any force that could be mustered.
redefining words so they didn't come off as bad as it was and people just didn't understand

trump was the outcome of such hard and one sided pushing. but along the way the left has convinced themselves that ONLY their way is correct. i hear time and again people on the left say the right is "flawed" in their thinking and must be corrected.

yet the OTHER side is "fascist".

the democrats are not going anywhere. neither are the republicans. at least not alone. but if one side dies rest assured the other will be taken out with them.

i'm amazed at how many people are ok with this.
Trump hasn’t stopped any of Obama’s unconstitutional actions. He’s likely to have expanded them.
The Division Pimps -- those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, tribal and divided -- are winning.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and the rest. Year after year after year, they keep pounding away.

Their sheep just swallow everything without questioning it, without exercising critical thinking, and then act accordingly.

This is the predictable result. And none of the combatants in either tribe see how similar they are to those of the other.

You may recall the right wing loons buying guns en masse under Obama. Now they are buying guns en masse still and they got their blob in office. How much are guns? From $50-$300 each?

You can pretend that there is no difference in the left and the right but there is. The dipshits stockpiling weapons are the the folks you see here hoping for and threatening war and violence. Anyone on the left doing that? No.

You may recall that you were too stupid to understand the reasons behind gun ownership when your failure was President, and you're still too stupid to understand it now that your conqueror is President.

No one has ever pretended there's no difference in the left and the right, because we would never try to claim that we're just like evil, hypocritical ignoramuses like you.

Talk to me about the dipshits stockpiling weapons, threatening people with them, and staging an insurrection against the United States, or take your hypocrisy and piss off. No one is interested in being lectured about your "moral outrage" that's nothing more than your kneejerk hatred of the right.
All of America is fed up and ready to come down on these commie traitors. We've had enough. Any last words?

Yeah, how about you go
Conservatives are to blame because we acted like good little citizens, obeying the law, paying our taxes, going to the PTA, going to Church, while the fucking liberals infiltrated absolutely everything and made them Communist.
I think it's time we started being assholes to preserve the country our forefathers left us.
It wasn't too bad when I was younger, but laws stacked up on laws and all kinds crazy stuff and now it's communists trying to overthrow the United States from within, I'm for a big dose of fuckitall and eradicating Communist traitors from our country.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.
I say fuck the cops, they're just ticket-writing hindrances.
We need to nip these commies in the bud! What are the cops doing in Seattle? Not getting rid of POS traitors, that's for sure.
All Americans see what's going on and are chomping at the bit.
Unless we can reeducate these retarded communist drones within like 2 weeks with some program, they're going to have to be killed off to preserve America for future generations. There's no way around that, so please somebody come up with a way to get these retards right before we have to kill them all. Please? I can't do it. I hope somebody can before they got to go.
They either get with America, or GTFO on a slab. I for one am not playing that shit. Furthermore, the majority of America is just like me right now. We ain't got time for this bullshit, you commie indoctrinated punks.
You don't want my ass going over to suitcase city and stopping the rioting and looting, they'll be stacking black bodies like cordwood if I do. Bah, blacks over there aren't even a threat, Communists in America are. That's the bodies that need stacked like cordwood. Communists in America.
Communist professors, fucking kids' heads up. Yeah I'm talking to you. We'll take you and all you've touched out, bitches.

-sick and tired of the bullshit


You people need to get out there with your guns and start shooting.

Times a wasting, what are you waiting for?

Certainly not for you to become smart enough to understand what the fuck you're talking about. 'Cause that'll never happen.
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