How did everything get so insane?

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Conservatives are to blame because we acted like good little citizens, obeying the law, paying our taxes, going to the PTA, going to Church, while the fucking liberals infiltrated absolutely everything and made them Communist.
I think it's time we started being assholes to preserve the country our forefathers left us.
It wasn't too bad when I was younger, but laws stacked up on laws and all kinds crazy stuff and now it's communists trying to overthrow the United States from within, I'm for a big dose of fuckitall and eradicating Communist traitors from our country.
Step aside police, you don't do anything but harass law-abiding citizens and let criminals run wild, GTFO here.
We pay the police's salary. They treat us like chattel. Fuck That.

Enjoy the hour that your anarchist fantasy lasts.
The Division Pimps -- those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, tribal and divided -- are winning.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and the rest. Year after year after year, they keep pounding away.

Their sheep just swallow everything without questioning it, without exercising critical thinking, and then act accordingly.

This is the predictable result. And none of the combatants in either tribe see how similar they are to those of the other.

No mention of the 80 million beaners morphing American culture and the pieces of shit politicians forcing them down whitey's throat?
No, you can talk about that for us! Go!

It's just odd that you don't realize that nations have been planted within our nation against our will and without our consent and you don't see that as a problem...Hmmm, I wonder why? Are you a beneficiary of the great American Fucking?
I don't know how I'd be a beneficiary.

My only concern now is our beautiful daughters, and they're on board with where the country is going.


Your daughters support Communism????
holy shit

Conservatives are to blame because we acted like good little citizens, obeying the law, paying our taxes, going to the PTA, going to Church, while the fucking liberals infiltrated absolutely everything and made them Communist.
I think it's time we started being assholes to preserve the country our forefathers left us.
It wasn't too bad when I was younger, but laws stacked up on laws and all kinds crazy stuff and now it's communists trying to overthrow the United States from within, I'm for a big dose of fuckitall and eradicating Communist traitors from our country.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.
I say fuck the cops, they're just ticket-writing hindrances.
We need to nip these commies in the bud! What are the cops doing in Seattle? Not getting rid of POS traitors, that's for sure.
All Americans see what's going on and are chomping at the bit.
Unless we can reeducate these retarded communist drones within like 2 weeks with some program, they're going to have to be killed off to preserve America for future generations. There's no way around that, so please somebody come up with a way to get these retards right before we have to kill them all. Please? I can't do it. I hope somebody can before they got to go.
They either get with America, or GTFO on a slab. I for one am not playing that shit. Furthermore, the majority of America is just like me right now. We ain't got time for this bullshit, you commie indoctrinated punks.
You don't want my ass going over to suitcase city and stopping the rioting and looting, they'll be stacking black bodies like cordwood if I do. Bah, blacks over there aren't even a threat, Communists in America are. That's the bodies that need stacked like cordwood. Communists in America.
Communist professors, fucking kids' heads up. Yeah I'm talking to you. We'll take you and all you've touched out, bitches.

-sick and tired of the bullshit

Because due process is for commies, amirite?
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?
Do you think I'm fucking making shit up?

Get your head out of your ass.

People are getting murdered out there.

Oh shit, really!? It's an actual civil war out there?!

How many people have you killed so far?
If you promote that type of a government, that government will kill a lot of people. Is that what you want?
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

You are afraid to fight BLM so they took away your country! Your 2A guns did not protect shit, because you ain't shit! You can't even plant a US flag in CHAZ, because You are 100% Chickenshit!!!

BLM has taken over the whole country? Now, that's an interesting take. They seem to be adept at taking up most of the media's time, and that's about it.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

You are afraid to fight BLM so they took away your country! Your 2A guns did not protect shit, because you ain't shit! You can't even plant a US flag in CHAZ, because You are 100% Chickenshit!!!
I betcha I can do it. I'll have them cucks running for their lives.

Godspeed, Mr. Wayne.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?
Do you think I'm fucking making shit up?

Get your head out of your ass.

People are getting murdered out there.

Oh shit, really!? It's an actual civil war out there?!

How many people have you killed so far?
If you promote that type of a government, that government will kill a lot of people. Is that what you want?

Indeed, conservatives failed conserving anything.

the new society that liberals created is a pretty crazy place

and conservatives did fail to stop it

This is nuts. Since when did Democrats hold all the power in this country? How did they do it with a Republican majority? This sounds like the ranting of snowflake political novice.
How did we get here?

Marxist/Communist infiltration of the education system that brainwashed entire generations into hating their own country. From there it slipped into everything else.
He threatened it, but it's clearly just blustering on an anonymous message board.
Whatever you think he threatened you were taunting to do it

He's not going to do anything. I just called him on it.
Can you assure us that BLM will not attack him in the future?

I am confident he will not shoot anyone who is not attacking him first

so what he does in the future depends on what libs are doing to him at the time
He threatened it, but it's clearly just blustering on an anonymous message board.
Whatever you think he threatened you were taunting to do it

He's not going to do anything. I just called him on it.
I am confident he will not shoot anyone who is not attacking him first

so what he does in the future depends on what libs are doing to him at the time

He threatened it, but it's clearly just blustering on an anonymous message board.
Whatever you think he threatened you were taunting to do it

He's not going to do anything. I just called him on it.
I am confident he will not shoot anyone who is not attacking him first

so what he does in the future depends on what libs are doing to him at the time

Then I can assure you there will be no bloody shirt for you to wave at future riots
He threatened it, but it's clearly just blustering on an anonymous message board.
Whatever you think he threatened you were taunting to do it

He's not going to do anything. I just called him on it.
I am confident he will not shoot anyone who is not attacking him first

so what he does in the future depends on what libs are doing to him at the time

Then I can assure you there will be no bloody shirt for you to wave at future riots

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