How did everything get so insane?

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Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
Um. Do you need a list of all the Impeach Obama topics?

How about Trump's birther tweets?

How about Trump's tweets about the debt and the debt ceiling?

How about all the pre-2017 posts about morality and honesty by the pseudocons?

How about all the pre-2017 posts about debt and deficits?

How about all the boasting about the unemployment rate and the stock market?

What you have been seeing for the past three years is the pseudo-Right and Trump getting bitch slapped by karma. Over and over and over.

The stink of Cult45 defeat is palpable these days. The OPs in here reek of desperation.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?

Tell BLKM and ANTIFA and the Left to stop burning, rioting and looting and things will callm down.
Tell the same folks to quit demanding crap that isn't their nusines and it will calm down.
Tell them to mind their own damned business and stop crying about things that happened 200 ears ago and things will calm down.

In other words tell them to start acting like responsible citizens.

I'm not in charge of what other people do.
The Division Pimps -- those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, tribal and divided -- are winning.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and the rest. Year after year after year, they keep pounding away.

Their sheep just swallow everything without questioning it, without exercising critical thinking, and then act accordingly.

This is the predictable result. And none of the combatants in either tribe see how similar they are to those of the other.

You may recall the right wing loons buying guns en masse under Obama. Now they are buying guns en masse still and they got their blob in office. How much are guns? From $50-$300 each?

You can pretend that there is no difference in the left and the right but there is. The dipshits stockpiling weapons are the the folks you see here hoping for and threatening war and violence. Anyone on the left doing that? No.

They aren't? Do you live under a rock or something? They are out there destroying public property, private property, attacking police officers and even killing some. So who wants to start a civil war again?

It's only evil when conservatives buy guns and say things that Cornball doesn't like, you see. It's good and noble and wonderful when leftists march around the streets threatening people with guns and actually seceding from the nation.

Cornball's posts make more sense if you remember that she's a vicious moron whose moral compass consists of, "What do I want and who do I like right now?"
The Division Pimps -- those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, tribal and divided -- are winning.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and the rest. Year after year after year, they keep pounding away.

Their sheep just swallow everything without questioning it, without exercising critical thinking, and then act accordingly.

This is the predictable result. And none of the combatants in either tribe see how similar they are to those of the other.

No mention of the 80 million beaners morphing American culture and the pieces of shit politicians forcing them down whitey's throat?
No, you can talk about that for us! Go!

It's just odd that you don't realize that nations have been planted within our nation against our will and without our consent and you don't see that as a problem...Hmmm, I wonder why? Are you a beneficiary of the great American Fucking?
I don't know how I'd be a beneficiary.

My only concern now is our beautiful daughters, and they're on board with where the country is going.


Your daughters support Communism????

They were raised by him, so why are you surprised by this?
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?

Tell BLKM and ANTIFA and the Left to stop burning, rioting and looting and things will callm down.
Tell the same folks to quit demanding crap that isn't their nusines and it will calm down.
Tell them to mind their own damned business and stop crying about things that happened 200 ears ago and things will calm down.

In other words tell them to start acting like responsible citizens.

I'm not in charge of what other people do.

You asked a question, I answered it.
We see what the pseudo-Right really cares about these days, and it has nothing to do what they say they care about.

They say they care about spending, but fucking loooooooove the biggest spender in the history of the Universe. And that was BEFORE the pandemic.

They say they care about deficits, but fucking looooooooove the man who doubled the deficit within his first two years in office.

They say they care about morality, but fucking loooooooove a pathological lying serial adulterer who bears false witness against others every single day. And they parrot that behavior gleefully.

They say they care about corruption, but fucking loooooooove the guy who has one of the most corrupt Administrations in history.

There really is nothing you can trust the pseudo-Right to be true and honest about. They chucked their principles out the window over a decade ago.

Which is why I finally left the party.
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
we were insane before this.

under obama we were:
spying on the press
spying on congress
spying on political opponents
using the IRS as a weapon
arguing over where people went to the restroom
demonizing police
pushing very "progressive" agendas with any force that could be mustered.
redefining words so they didn't come off as bad as it was and people just didn't understand

trump was the outcome of such hard and one sided pushing. but along the way the left has convinced themselves that ONLY their way is correct. i hear time and again people on the left say the right is "flawed" in their thinking and must be corrected.

yet the OTHER side is "fascist".

the democrats are not going anywhere. neither are the republicans. at least not alone. but if one side dies rest assured the other will be taken out with them.

i'm amazed at how many people are ok with this.
That's quite a conglomeration of lies and deceptive statements you've put together. Please make your case that Obama was "spying on the media" other than an anecdotal example.
please feel free to refute them with more than your bullshit and asking me to jump through hoops. but hey - i got a few minutes.

spying on the press

spying on congress

spying on political opponents

using the IRS as a weapon / Gov weaponization

and i'll stop here. my guess is you'll fluster about and cry the world is too stupid to understand and never once counter with an ounce of honesty.
The Division Pimps -- those who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, tribal and divided -- are winning.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and the rest. Year after year after year, they keep pounding away.

Their sheep just swallow everything without questioning it, without exercising critical thinking, and then act accordingly.

This is the predictable result. And none of the combatants in either tribe see how similar they are to those of the other.

You may recall the right wing loons buying guns en masse under Obama. Now they are buying guns en masse still and they got their blob in office. How much are guns? From $50-$300 each?

You can pretend that there is no difference in the left and the right but there is. The dipshits stockpiling weapons are the the folks you see here hoping for and threatening war and violence. Anyone on the left doing that? No.

They aren't? Do you live under a rock or something? They are out there destroying public property, private property, attacking police officers and even killing some. So who wants to start a civil war again?

It's only evil when conservatives buy guns and say things that Cornball doesn't like, you see. It's good and noble and wonderful when leftists march around the streets threatening people with guns and actually seceding from the nation.

Cornball's posts make more sense if you remember that she's a vicious moron whose moral compass consists of, "What do I want and who do I like right now?"

It reminds me of what Rush Limbaugh used to say all the time. If you ever want to know what the left is up to, just take note what they blame the Republicans of.

They're blaming us for talking about a civil war, and in the meantime, our police can't even go into a diner without the possibility of being poisoned simply because they have a uniform on.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?

Tell BLKM and ANTIFA and the Left to stop burning, rioting and looting and things will callm down.
Tell the same folks to quit demanding crap that isn't their nusines and it will calm down.
Tell them to mind their own damned business and stop crying about things that happened 200 ears ago and things will calm down.

In other words tell them to start acting like responsible citizens.

I'm not in charge of what other people do.

You asked a question, I answered it.

The question was if you guys fantasize about a new civil war.

Your mistaking me as a spokesman for millions of people is not an answer to that.
We see what the pseudo-Right really cares about these days, and it has nothing to do what they say they care about.

They say they care about spending, but fucking loooooooove the biggest spender in the history of the Universe. And that was BEFORE the pandemic.

They say they care about deficits, but fucking looooooooove the man who doubled the deficit within his first two years in office.

They say they care about morality, but fucking loooooooove a pathological lying serial adulterer who bears false witness against others every single day. And they parrot that behavior gleefully.

They say they care about corruption, but fucking loooooooove the guy who has one of the most corrupt Administrations in history.

There really is nothing you can trust the pseudo-Right to be true and honest about. They chucked their principles out the window over a decade ago.

Which is why I finally left the party.
oh yea and which party didn't have such atrocities and contradictions? i'd love to be in that one.
You can pretend that there is no difference in the left and the right but there is.
I have never said "there is no difference in the left and the right". Not once. Ever. Never.

I sure wish people would stop misrepresenting my positions here. But I'm not holding my breath.
i wish you'd stop changing them and it would make it much easier.
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
They went insane post COVID-19 lock downs. People are bored, angry and lashing out. The lock downs did more harm than good.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?

Tell BLKM and ANTIFA and the Left to stop burning, rioting and looting and things will callm down.
Tell the same folks to quit demanding crap that isn't their nusines and it will calm down.
Tell them to mind their own damned business and stop crying about things that happened 200 ears ago and things will calm down.

In other words tell them to start acting like responsible citizens.

I'm not in charge of what other people do.

You asked a question, I answered it.

The question was if you guys fantasize about a new civil war.

Your mistaking me as a spokesman for millions of people is not an answer to that.

I don't mistake you for anything but an anonymous poster on an obscure Political Board. Your question ws a 2 part query.
Nobody who has been to war fantasizes about it.
Trump won the election in 2016 and that's why things got so insane.

If Trump hadn't won, the whole Russia collusion thing wouldn't have happened and the impeachment wouldn't have happened.

The Corona virus would have been treated like the nuisance it is instead of the pandemic that will kill everyone it isn't.

The riots would not have happened.

The Democrats lost one damn election and they are determined to fuck up America and tear it down to pieces because of it.

This is not the first time, they did it in 1861, and 600,000 Americans died.

The Democrats need to be taught a lesson that complying with the results of an election is not optional. When you lose an election, you gear up to win the next one. You don't get to set everything on fire and murder people.

Fuck the Democrats. May they all go to hell.
Um. Do you need a list of all the Impeach Obama topics?

How about Trump's birther tweets?

How about Trump's tweets about the debt and the debt ceiling?

How about all the pre-2017 posts about morality and honesty by the pseudocons?

How about all the pre-2017 posts about debt and deficits?

How about all the boasting about the unemployment rate and the stock market?

What you have been seeing for the past three years is the pseudo-Right and Trump getting bitch slapped by karma. Over and over and over.

The stink of Cult45 defeat is palpable these days. The OPs in here reek of desperation.
And this is WITH their guy in office.

Pretty interesting that they just seem to get nastier and angrier and more hateful by the day.

Maybe that's just their leader giving them an excuse to be what they really are.
They've started a fucking civil war. The only problem is, our side is still hanging back, hoping the cops can do our fighting for us so we don't have to fight this war ourselves.

Why does it always come to this?

Do you all fantasize about another civil war or something?

Tell BLKM and ANTIFA and the Left to stop burning, rioting and looting and things will callm down.
Tell the same folks to quit demanding crap that isn't their nusines and it will calm down.
Tell them to mind their own damned business and stop crying about things that happened 200 ears ago and things will calm down.

In other words tell them to start acting like responsible citizens.

I'm not in charge of what other people do.

You asked a question, I answered it.

The question was if you guys fantasize about a new civil war.

Your mistaking me as a spokesman for millions of people is not an answer to that.

I don't mistake you for anything but an anonymous poster on an obscure Political Board. Your question ws a 2 part query.
Nobody who has been to war fantasizes about it.

Yet they keep bringing it up. Weird.
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