How Did Jesus Have Patience With People?

Not really.

Not really what? That you don't have an answer for me or that Jesus wasn't an angry person?
If you look at the can see I wasn't answering you....I was answering Indeependent.

I don't know where he got the idea Jesus was an angry person.

He was patient but had justified anger when it came to people sinning.

I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.
1. jesus was just another person
2. we don't know for sure if he did have patience
3. christians are no better than anyone else

1. He was also the Son of God

2. Yes we do it's called the Bible.

3. Debatable as we sin just like everybody else, but those who know Christ have salvation.
...there is no god--no proof at all...and please don't say ''you can't prove there is not a god''' --very silly/childish
Hello harmonica. Good to see another player here.
...there is no god--no proof at all...and please don't say ''you can't prove there is not a god''' --very silly/childish

Read my signature. Do you think I care about your opinions? I don't care anymore and if you don't believe in God,.. then what the heck are you doing here!?! :mad: (You see this is why I lose my patience to people like this.)
still not proof of god

The just shall live by faith.... not by knowledge or by what they are able to prove to doubters or unbelievers. The proof is in their heart.
and that is STLL is not proof


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Not really.

Not really what? That you don't have an answer for me or that Jesus wasn't an angry person?
If you look at the can see I wasn't answering you....I was answering Indeependent.

I don't know where he got the idea Jesus was an angry person.

He was patient but had justified anger when it came to people sinning.

I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.
1. jesus was just another person
2. we don't know for sure if he did have patience
3. christians are no better than anyone else

1. He was also the Son of God

2. Yes we do it's called the Bible.

3. Debatable as we sin just like everybody else, but those who know Christ have salvation.
...there is no god--no proof at all...and please don't say ''you can't prove there is not a god''' --very silly/childish
Hello harmonica. Good to see another player here.
...there is no god--no proof at all...and please don't say ''you can't prove there is not a god''' --very silly/childish

Read my signature. Do you think I care about your opinions? I don't care anymore and if you don't believe in God,.. then what the heck are you doing here!?! :mad: (You see this is why I lose my patience to people like this.)
still not proof of god

The just shall live by faith.... not by knowledge or by what they are able to prove to doubters or unbelievers. The proof is in their heart.
and that is STLL is not proof
To you not, but what God has written in my heart is proof for me. I know you cannot see it... but perhaps one day you will be interested. Someone will be around, me or someone else, if that should happen...
Stay on the harmonica!
Not really.

Not really what? That you don't have an answer for me or that Jesus wasn't an angry person?
If you look at the can see I wasn't answering you....I was answering Indeependent.

I don't know where he got the idea Jesus was an angry person.

He was patient but had justified anger when it came to people sinning.

I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.
1. jesus was just another person
2. we don't know for sure if he did have patience
3. christians are no better than anyone else

1. He was also the Son of God

2. Yes we do it's called the Bible.

3. Debatable as we sin just like everybody else, but those who know Christ have salvation.
...there is no god--no proof at all...and please don't say ''you can't prove there is not a god''' --very silly/childish
Hello harmonica. Good to see another player here.
...there is no god--no proof at all...and please don't say ''you can't prove there is not a god''' --very silly/childish

Read my signature. Do you think I care about your opinions? I don't care anymore and if you don't believe in God,.. then what the heck are you doing here!?! :mad: (You see this is why I lose my patience to people like this.)
still not proof of god

The just shall live by faith.... not by knowledge or by what they are able to prove to doubters or unbelievers. The proof is in their heart.
and that is STLL is not proof
Since you are determined to get proof of faith....
prove love. Define it.
Not really.

Not really what? That you don't have an answer for me or that Jesus wasn't an angry person?
If you look at the can see I wasn't answering you....I was answering Indeependent.

I don't know where he got the idea Jesus was an angry person.

He was patient but had justified anger when it came to people sinning.

I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.
1. jesus was just another person
2. we don't know for sure if he did have patience
3. christians are no better than anyone else

1. He was also the Son of God

2. Yes we do it's called the Bible.

3. Debatable as we sin just like everybody else, but those who know Christ have salvation.
...there is no god--no proof at all...and please don't say ''you can't prove there is not a god''' --very silly/childish
Hello harmonica. Good to see another player here.
...there is no god--no proof at all...and please don't say ''you can't prove there is not a god''' --very silly/childish

Read my signature. Do you think I care about your opinions? I don't care anymore and if you don't believe in God,.. then what the heck are you doing here!?! :mad: (You see this is why I lose my patience to people like this.)
still not proof of god

The just shall live by faith.... not by knowledge or by what they are able to prove to doubters or unbelievers. The proof is in their heart.
and that is STLL is not proof
To you not, but what God has written in my heart is proof for me. I know you cannot see it... but perhaps one day you will be interested. Someone will be around, me or someone else, if that should happen...
Stay on the harmonica!
wrong---no proof for anyone.....good thing you are not a lawyer
no one died for anyon's sins - does that even make sense ...
Let's say you drew a picture. Some kids came along and put scratches in it and threw mud on it, and it was unrecognizble.
You would possibly get angry enough to just throw the thing in the trash.
But then you knew of a way to maker the scratches and the mud go away so you could save the picture.

You would still be really angry at those kids and want to have revenge.
But instead, you put the blame on yourself, because those kids, were your kids.
But the anger had to go somewhere. And so he took the punishment he would have given those kids and put it on himself.

Does that help?
no one died for anyone's sins - does that even make sense ...

But then you knew of a way to maker the scratches and the mud go away so you could save the picture.
as it were art its vale is itself eternal whether concealed or not - those that deface what in particular is not theirs have only themselves to right their own ship or perish by their own actions and failures.

the course was set, the 1st century was an affirmation of the prescribed religion of antiquity and the reason for the itinerants chosen death for that reason and nothing more. for the validation and salvation of their own spirit.

Now you know how I feel. You're telling me he didn't swear because of what's in the Bible. Come on dude. We know the Bible doesn't say EVERYTHING.

You don't know he didn't swear, as much as you don't know when he took a shit.

Fine,.. believe what you want I don't care but now you're starting to get off topic.

Well, apparently this is about whether Jesus had patience with people, and it was YOU who brought up swearing.

The reality is I don't believe anything. You're the one telling me you BELIEVE he didn't swear and your "evidence" for that is so lacking.

I merely changed the word "swearing" to "shitting" and you think it's all of a sudden ridiculous.

The reality is the Bible is a political book, it was edited, changed, it's gone through 2000 years and many translations. It's not good evidence for much at all.
If to be real in the things of God the kind of evidence you apparently would require would indeed be lacking. God's truth is not impossible to find, but the pathway to it is definite and you are not on it... so your conclusion is understandable. You have your allotted time to do with as you will and as you can.

Problem is if you're born in a Christian country then "God's truth" is very different than if you're born in a Muslim country.

How weird's that?

Now you know how I feel. You're telling me he didn't swear because of what's in the Bible. Come on dude. We know the Bible doesn't say EVERYTHING.

You don't know he didn't swear, as much as you don't know when he took a shit.

Fine,.. believe what you want I don't care but now you're starting to get off topic.

Well, apparently this is about whether Jesus had patience with people, and it was YOU who brought up swearing.

The reality is I don't believe anything. You're the one telling me you BELIEVE he didn't swear and your "evidence" for that is so lacking.

I merely changed the word "swearing" to "shitting" and you think it's all of a sudden ridiculous.

The reality is the Bible is a political book, it was edited, changed, it's gone through 2000 years and many translations. It's not good evidence for much at all.
If to be real in the things of God the kind of evidence you apparently would require would indeed be lacking. God's truth is not impossible to find, but the pathway to it is definite and you are not on it... so your conclusion is understandable. You have your allotted time to do with as you will and as you can.

Problem is if you're born in a Christian country then "God's truth" is very different than if you're born in a Muslim country.

How weird's that?
God's Truth is as God is, unchangeable. People are changeable. God is looking at the hearts of people and working with those who are hungry and thirsty or sometimes using those to accomplish thing we may not want to hear about. What a person has access to where he dwell is weighed against what is available to that person and what he has done with it.

Mt 5:6Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Lu 12:48But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
That which is available in a Muslim country would be different than what is available in the United States or in Haiti. God knows the differences better than any man. "Much is given... much is required"

God can measure those thing which is why Jesus says ,

Mt 7:1Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Mt 7:2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
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Did you not see my question to you? Have you ever loved anyone? Spouse? Parent? Sibling? Pet? Of course you have. Now PROVE it is love.

Now you know how I feel. You're telling me he didn't swear because of what's in the Bible. Come on dude. We know the Bible doesn't say EVERYTHING.

You don't know he didn't swear, as much as you don't know when he took a shit.

Fine,.. believe what you want I don't care but now you're starting to get off topic.

Well, apparently this is about whether Jesus had patience with people, and it was YOU who brought up swearing.

The reality is I don't believe anything. You're the one telling me you BELIEVE he didn't swear and your "evidence" for that is so lacking.

I merely changed the word "swearing" to "shitting" and you think it's all of a sudden ridiculous.

The reality is the Bible is a political book, it was edited, changed, it's gone through 2000 years and many translations. It's not good evidence for much at all.
If to be real in the things of God the kind of evidence you apparently would require would indeed be lacking. God's truth is not impossible to find, but the pathway to it is definite and you are not on it... so your conclusion is understandable. You have your allotted time to do with as you will and as you can.

Problem is if you're born in a Christian country then "God's truth" is very different than if you're born in a Muslim country.

How weird's that?
God's Truth is as God is, unchangeable. People are changeable. God is looking at the hearts of people and working with those who are hungry and thirsty or sometimes using those to accomplish thing we may not want to hear about. What a person has access to where he dwell is weighed against what is available to that person and what he has done with it.

Mt 5:6Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Lu 12:48But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
That which is available in a Muslim country would be different than what is available in the United States or in Haiti. God knows the differences better than any man. "Much is given... much is required"

God can measure those thing which is why Jesus says ,

Mt 7:1Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Mt 7:2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

"God's Truth is as God is, unchangeable. "

Right, but then humans' interpretation of it is very changeable.
Moses 1:39
39 For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

It is the work and glory of the Father and Son to get as many people as possible to receive eternal life. Eternal Life is the same life that God himself has. It is only gained by repentance and being faithful unto the end. Immortality will be given to all mankind through the resurrection. All mankind will be resurrected. But not all will receive eternal life. It is due to free will and what we choose for ourselves. If we choose to follow Jesus and do his will, which is the will of the Father, we can obtain eternal life. This is what God wishes for all of us but we must want it in and of ourselves and become humble followers of God. Because this is what God's work and glory is, He has great patience with us and gives us ample opportunity to repent and come unto him. If he weren't patient with us, I doubt that many of us would ever make it. I love the Lord for his patience, for as a sinner, I surely need the time and patience he offers to get to where I need to be if I am to receive the greatest blessing one can obtain. We should all be thankful for his patience and understand that we all need it if we are to be saved into his kingdom.
I'm asking this question because I don't and Ziggy already knows this. People really tend to piss me off (mostly on here) and then I lose control of my language. Any suggestions? Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming because I'm actually trying to gain better control of this and be a better Christian.
jesus was crucified cause he lost his temper and beat the fuck out of the moneychangers in the temple
He did no such thing. He did NOT beat the CRAP out of the money changers?

In the temple courts he [Jesus] found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle;

he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, ‘Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market

John 2:14-16
so you were there????? ps fuck yu
I haven't seen anyone say anything to you to piss you off. Unless you are in the FZ. I can't see in there.

Anyway....Jesus was perfect. He had patience.

When you came here, you were told how this place is. You need thick skin. And use the ignore function. And be careful where you go here.

None of you know how your fictitious God thought or dealt with people. Not one. The same as when you suggest you speak on behalf of God. Its a lie.

It's not good enough just to believe so you crank it up a bit Reflecting you have unique access to gods knowledge.
What a load of crap .
That aside, tber e is very little evidence Jesus ever existed. That was a common name them. And he certainly was not the son of another God or born of a virgin.
Yet you probably believed in a fantasy called Russian Collusion.
I did, and even moreso, still do....with the Manafort info released on him funneling Trump campaign strategies and internal polling, to the Russian interference operatives.
Manafort wasn't in the Trump campaign long enough to accuse Trump of everything Manafort did before he joined the team. I think they said the only reason he was brought in was to establish probable cause for the FBI.
Oh so true, Manafort was head deep in to Russians long before the Trump campaign gig.... I'm uncertain if Trump knew all that manafort and Gates were doing with his campaign info.
I think Trump wasn't aware of Manafort's background. He got an education on it pretty quick and got rid of him. My impression is Trump was like a force of nature.....and he was into so many things at the same time that things got by him. He tended to rely on others to make recommendations on people he hired. Often times he hired people and then gave them enough rope to hang themselves. He believed in giving people a chance....but he was quick to pull the plug on them. It's kindof strange that his spokesperson (Kellyanne Conway) was married to a NeverTrumper who helped create the Lincoln Project dedicated to getting rid of Trump.

The only thing trump was responsible for was his sociopath tendencies. He fired those people be abuse they wouldn't lick his butt and worship him.
Fauci was the only one who stood up to him because he couldn't sack him.
Trump is a narcissistic fascist tyrant no different to Mussolini if the constitution allowed.
at least he didnt carry note cards to remind him where he was and who he was like Obiden

Now you know how I feel. You're telling me he didn't swear because of what's in the Bible. Come on dude. We know the Bible doesn't say EVERYTHING.

You don't know he didn't swear, as much as you don't know when he took a shit.

Fine,.. believe what you want I don't care but now you're starting to get off topic.

Well, apparently this is about whether Jesus had patience with people, and it was YOU who brought up swearing.

The reality is I don't believe anything. You're the one telling me you BELIEVE he didn't swear and your "evidence" for that is so lacking.

I merely changed the word "swearing" to "shitting" and you think it's all of a sudden ridiculous.

The reality is the Bible is a political book, it was edited, changed, it's gone through 2000 years and many translations. It's not good evidence for much at all.
the original king james bible ws written in old english meaning you could not read that version today...todays king james is totally an interpretation

Now you know how I feel. You're telling me he didn't swear because of what's in the Bible. Come on dude. We know the Bible doesn't say EVERYTHING.

You don't know he didn't swear, as much as you don't know when he took a shit.

Fine,.. believe what you want I don't care but now you're starting to get off topic.

Well, apparently this is about whether Jesus had patience with people, and it was YOU who brought up swearing.

The reality is I don't believe anything. You're the one telling me you BELIEVE he didn't swear and your "evidence" for that is so lacking.

I merely changed the word "swearing" to "shitting" and you think it's all of a sudden ridiculous.

The reality is the Bible is a political book, it was edited, changed, it's gone through 2000 years and many translations. It's not good evidence for much at all.
If to be real in the things of God the kind of evidence you apparently would require would indeed be lacking. God's truth is not impossible to find, but the pathway to it is definite and you are not on it... so your conclusion is understandable. You have your allotted time to do with as you will and as you can.

Problem is if you're born in a Christian country then "God's truth" is very different than if you're born in a Muslim country.

How weird's that?
God's Truth is as God is, unchangeable. People are changeable. God is looking at the hearts of people and working with those who are hungry and thirsty or sometimes using those to accomplish thing we may not want to hear about. What a person has access to where he dwell is weighed against what is available to that person and what he has done with it.

Mt 5:6Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Lu 12:48But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
That which is available in a Muslim country would be different than what is available in the United States or in Haiti. God knows the differences better than any man. "Much is given... much is required"

God can measure those thing which is why Jesus says ,

Mt 7:1Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Mt 7:2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
one bible but a thousand different churches...something smells
TPTB at the time are the ones that CHOSE which gospels would go in that bible. And back then, women were considered less than a horse. Hence, Mary's gospel was not included. Depending on which one was the author, that was the factor on who got in the "big book" and who didn't. Sorta like Twatter and Lame Stream Media on who chooses to report whatever story and silencing others.

Which is why I take the whole thing with a big grain of salt. I don't need a book to make me love God/Jesus. I do that on my own, while trudging along on my very alone path, which is exactly how I want it.

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