How did the Universe get here?

Why was all that matter and energy concentrated into such a small space? I mean, how did that happen?

My own personal theory is that the universe in caught in a never ending cycle of expansion and contraction.

I believe that after the universe has reached it's maximum expansion black holes suck it into contraction until one massive black hole compresses all known matter into a state without distance between the particles of matter. As the super black hole runs out of particles/matter/smaller black holes to consume a big bang occurs and the universe expands only to collapse again over and over into infinity.
How did this cycle begin?

No too sure. What I can tell you is that some flyingspaghettimonster omnipresent being didn't go abracadabra and suddenly everything appeared. I mean, if you believe that, then I say "And where did this omnipresent God come from?" which most religious folk say "He/she/it was always there". Which in turn, I find kinda funny because they are asking non believers - who at least have some pretty solid theories behind their beliefs about how the universe appeared - to believe that a God created the universe out of thin air without any apparent evidence, to prove their theory is valid (the Big Bang or variations thereof). Preposterous to say the least...
LMAO... Tell us what the "C" stands for, ed?

It doesn't stand for time. In the equation d = r x t, the speed of light would be the "r" not the "t"
You have a lot to learn.

mass and energy are two forms of the same thing

According to the equation e=m times the quantity c squared. c2 is a quantity, not time. A very large quantity, which means a small amount of mass is equal to a very large amount of energy.
It doesn't stand for time. In the equation d = r x t, the speed of light would be the "r" not the "t"
You have a lot to learn.

mass and energy are two forms of the same thing

According to the equation e=m times the quantity c squared. c2 is a quantity, not time. A very large quantity, which means a small amount of mass is equal to a very large amount of energy.

e-energy m-is mass c - speed of light

speed is measured in time

e=mc2 tells us that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing

and the conversion from energy to mass or mass to energy occurs

around the speed of light
mass and energy are two forms of the same thing

According to the equation e=m times the quantity c squared. c2 is a quantity, not time. A very large quantity, which means a small amount of mass is equal to a very large amount of energy.

e-energy m-is mass c - speed of light

speed is measured in time

e=mc2 tells us that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing

and the conversion from energy to mass or mass to energy occurs

around the speed of light

speed is measured as a quantity over time, it is not time. Time is what we measure with clocks: with clocks we measure the numerical order of material change, i.e., motion in space.

I refer you back to Einstein.

"Time has no independent existence apart from the order of events by which we measure it"
- Albert Einstein
According to the equation e=m times the quantity c squared. c2 is a quantity, not time. A very large quantity, which means a small amount of mass is equal to a very large amount of energy.

e-energy m-is mass c - speed of light

speed is measured in time

e=mc2 tells us that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing

and the conversion from energy to mass or mass to energy occurs

around the speed of light

speed is measured as a quantity over time, it is not time. Time is what we measure with clocks: with clocks we measure the numerical order of material change, i.e., motion in space.

I refer you back to Einstein.

"Time has no independent existence apart from the order of events by which we measure it"
- Albert Einstein

time is relative
e-energy m-is mass c - speed of light

speed is measured in time

e=mc2 tells us that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing

and the conversion from energy to mass or mass to energy occurs

around the speed of light

speed is measured as a quantity over time, it is not time. Time is what we measure with clocks: with clocks we measure the numerical order of material change, i.e., motion in space.

I refer you back to Einstein.

"Time has no independent existence apart from the order of events by which we measure it"
- Albert Einstein

time is relative

We never really measure time. What we do measure is an object’s frequency, speed, etc. In other words, what experimentally exists are the motion of an object and the tick of a clock, and we compare the object’s motion to the tick of a clock to measure the object’s frequency, speed, etc.
speed is measured as a quantity over time, it is not time. Time is what we measure with clocks: with clocks we measure the numerical order of material change, i.e., motion in space.

I refer you back to Einstein.

"Time has no independent existence apart from the order of events by which we measure it"
- Albert Einstein

time is relative

We never really measure time. What we do measure is an object’s frequency, speed, etc. In other words, what experimentally exists are the motion of an object and the tick of a clock, and we compare the object’s motion to the tick of a clock to measure the object’s frequency, speed, etc.

no clocks measure time
Energy is equal to Mass times Speed of Light squared. e=mc2.

Without time or space, you have no speed of light and no mass can exist. Energy = 0.

Sorry eddy, you cannot talk your way around this.
My own personal theory is that the universe in caught in a never ending cycle of expansion and contraction.

I believe that after the universe has reached it's maximum expansion black holes suck it into contraction until one massive black hole compresses all known matter into a state without distance between the particles of matter. As the super black hole runs out of particles/matter/smaller black holes to consume a big bang occurs and the universe expands only to collapse again over and over into infinity.
How did this cycle begin?

No too sure. What I can tell you is that some flyingspaghettimonster omnipresent being didn't go abracadabra and suddenly everything appeared. I mean, if you believe that, then I say "And where did this omnipresent God come from?" which most religious folk say "He/she/it was always there". Which in turn, I find kinda funny because they are asking non believers - who at least have some pretty solid theories behind their beliefs about how the universe appeared - to believe that a God created the universe out of thin air without any apparent evidence, to prove their theory is valid (the Big Bang or variations thereof). Preposterous to say the least...

Whether you believe in flying spaghetti monsters or omnipresent beings, or just random chance... the universe of physical reality does exist and is in motion. It is the motion of the universe which creates a perception of time. Without time, nothing physical does or can exist, including energy and mass. Regardless of anything you believe, something set the universe in motion. It could not be something physical since physical things require time and space to exist physically in reality.

Now you can find all kinds of things funny. I find the Double Slit Experiment funny. If you're not familiar with it, look it up sometime, it's very fascinating. You see, matter behaves in relation to observation. Particles behave as waves unless we observe them, then they behave as particles. It's a really weird thing, but it's true and the Double Slit Experiment proves it.

Atheists often query, "What created God?" Well, we have to understand that "create" only relates to material existence, things are "created" in a physical manifestation within a spacetime continuum of our material universe. Something that is not physical or material in nature, does not require creation. The word has no meaning or significance outside of physical reality.

You said that science has "pretty solid theories behind their beliefs about how the universe appeared" and this is not true. Science has no clue whatsoever. Theories come and go in science, and it has been a popular theory for about 50-60 years that there was this Big Bang event which began the universe. However, there has never been an explanation of what caused this bang. Again, it could not have been something physical since physical did not yet exist.

Huggy continues to cling to a "flat earth" theory of a cycling universe which bangs and contracts or "crunches" and start all over again. The problem is, what we've discovered in the past 20 years contradicts this possibility in every way. For some reason, he believes being sucked into a gigantic black hole is a reasonable substitution for contraction. So the universe bangs, then expands, then gets sucked into a black hole, it doesn't contract. Still, there is no evidence of a massive gigantic black hole sucking the entire universe into it. There are numerous black holes, and they are absorbing the surrounding galaxies with a force that contradicts physics. This is problematic because physics is supposed to explain our universe. In these black holes, matter is travelling faster than the speed of light, which Newtonian and Einsteinian physics says isn't possible.

The new game in town is Quantum Physics. This opens the door to the concept of multiple universes and string theory. We could simply be one of MANY universes. What is even more mind-blowing is, each universe may have it's own "physics" and "reality" which could be totally and completely different than our own. Space and time may function differently, logic may be contradictory to what we understand as logic. Also, there may be as many as 11-26 other dimensions we don't know of. What is a dimension? Well, time is a dimension.

So what we are seeing is, these "flying spaghetti monsters" may be more real than you think. It's a good thing that you think they are funny.
Not quite! Science says the space/time we live in had a beginning,

and isn't the space/time we live in, our universe?.......if it is outside our space and time it would be outside of our universe.....

Space/time is the movement of our universe of energy/matter. Time exists only in terms of motion. Time equals Distance divided by Rate, t=d/r.

that's nice, but it doesn't speak to my can speculate about other bodies of energy and matter moving in different times and space they obviously are NOT our bodies of energy and matter in our time and space.....thus, they are not our universe.....and, even if "our" body of energy and matter used to be in a different time and space, they were not our universe, they were a different universe because they were in a different time and space......
compresses all known matter into a state without distance between the particles of matter.

I would like to know on what scientific basis can this argument be made? All matter is comprised of atoms, and all atoms have a nucleus and orbiting electrons, with space in between. How can an atom exist with no space for an orbiting electron to define it? There has to be distance between particles, how would you distinguish one particle from another? If everything is compressed into some super-compact blob, then time and space no longer exists. Without time and space, there is no physical reality.

This entire theory has some major problems.
Energy is equal to Mass times Speed of Light squared. e=mc2.

Without time or space, you have no speed of light and no mass can exist. Energy = 0.

Sorry eddy, you cannot talk your way around this.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed so the energy of the universe cannot = 0

The speed of light is a RATE of change "r", it is not time "t" which in physics is a mathematical device for the order of events.
You can use the speed of light to solve for time, as in the equation d = r x t if you know the distance "d" and "r" is the speed of light.

In physics terms have one specific meaning and one specific meaning only. In physics you can never have the statement "it all depends on what the meaning of is, is. In physics "is" means the equal sign and nothing but the equal sign, just like in physics "work" means a force through a distance and nothing but a force through a distance. Work never means a job at McDonalds flipping burgers in physics. You can't substitute dictionary definitions for the terms of physics. If you don't like the way physics defined its terms, tough shit, switch to politics, law or philosophy where word games are the norm, Word games have no place in physics. I have explained what the terms mean in physics over and over and in many different ways, if you don't like it, go fuck yourself!

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