How did Trump catch the Corona?

How did Trump catch the Corona?

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And what you said is a lie. What's so hard for you to understand? Trump caught Covid-19 because of his ego not letting him follow the virus experts' advice.
I FOLLOWED EXPERTS ADVISE... And still got it.

Yeah, that happens, nothing is absolutely fool proof... BUT I guarantee you don't have the same resources including instant result Covid-19 tests at your disposal like the White House does. I guarantee that you aren't able to have every single person you are going to come into contact with, tested and cleared before they meet you. You cannot compare yourself with the POTUS, that is a complete non sequitur.
I get it. You want to make everyone feel incompetent and careless for getting the virus. Good thing those that have died from it aren’t around to feel incompetent because they got it.
I don't know who you are addressing since your not competent enough to use the quote function. No one wants to make everyone who gets sick feel incompetent. But those who fail to protect themselves to the extent possible are certainly incompetent and careless-and stupid. It's like not wearing a seat belt to reduce your odds of not being seriously injured or killed in a crash. Oh, wait - I'll bet that you have a problem with seat belts too. My guess is that there is a high correlation between resistance to seat belt use and masks.
i don’t know but last time I checked this was still a free country. Might not be if some of you get your way.
Not everyone is as incompetent as those that called Trump xenophobic for trying to limit air travel. Some might even call those that put virus positive in with old folks. I could go on but why?
Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Seems to me that it is those on the right who believe QANON who believe bizarre bullshit
Funny how bizarre it is that the left thinks ANTFA is just a thought.
And what you said is a lie. What's so hard for you to understand? Trump caught Covid-19 because of his ego not letting him follow the virus experts' advice.

One thing about you leftists, it's you can never admit when you're wrong. I said three times already: We were not talking about that. You are either arrogant or have no comprehension skills period.

I'm not wrong, and you continue to try and make excuses for Trump. I'm also not a leftist, probably in the same way you aren't really a conservative. You're a Trump sycophant, which is more of a cult member than a political ideology.
I get it. You want to make everyone feel incompetent and careless for getting the virus. Good thing those that have died from it aren’t around to feel incompetent because they got it.

Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Not everybody is the most protected and insulated person in the world. Trump lives in a bubble and is setting an example to act so insanely wreckless that he caught this thing through that bubble that he lives in. That has nothing to do with the many American struggling with this virus. Many of which caught it because of and from others who prance around carelessly in the name of liberty instead of acting like a responsible citizen who cares about their neighbors
Yeah in a bubble. Meeting with people every day. Followed constantly by the secret service. Then place people that those people have contact with. That’s a bubble?
I guess your idea of a bubble is different then most people.

I can just see you prancing around from cover to cover screaming at people six feet six feet, mask mask you need a mask.
Yes a bubble. Surrounded by security. Everybody he comes into contacted with is screened... but you go ahead an act like he’s just another dude
Sure a bubble of what hundred or so people that have contact with another two or three hundred. Sure that’s a bubble
Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Seems to me that it is those on the right who believe QANON who believe bizarre bullshit
Funny how bizarre it is that the left thinks ANTFA is just a thought.

Is FBI Director Christopher Wray a leftist?
Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Seems to me that it is those on the right who believe QANON who believe bizarre bullshit
Funny how bizarre it is that the left thinks ANTFA is just a thought.

Is FBI Director Christopher Wray a leftist?
Funny you need to ask. I have never talked to the guy nor have I paid much attention to what his ideals are. But you seem to be interested why not contact him and find out
I'm not wrong, and you continue to try and make excuses for Trump. I'm also not a leftist, probably in the same way you aren't really a conservative. You're a Trump sycophant, which is more of a cult member than a political ideology.

Yes, you are wrong and you know it. You chimed in on my comment when you didn't even know why I made it. But you can't man-up to say when you are wrong, a very common trait of leftist. Instead, you try to change the subject. And don't say that's not what you are doing, or you will be a lying lewdog faced pony solder.
Are you really still posting this graphic?! I lost count how many times your point has been debunked. What’s wrong with you?!

That would be zero.

The fact cannot be debunked. Even a genuine, high-quality N95 mask, which is a much better mask than what most people are wearing under the delusion that doing so does anything to protect anyone from any virus, has gaps in it big enough to easily let through particles as big as 50 microns. The #CoronaHoax2020 virus ranges in size from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron.

You have to be stupid to believe that this mask will protect anyone from a virus. I'm not just talking normal levels of stupid. I'm talking about extreme levels of stupid. Beyond, that, even. I'm talking about the rare Slade3200 levels of stupid.

If you don't believe me, then get your hands on a microscope, learn to use it, put a mask under it, and see for yourself. Keep in mind that any virus is much too small to be seen with any light-based microscope, yet the gaps in any mask that you examine will be plenty big to be observed even on relatively low settings of any microscope that you're likely to get your hands on.
Oh it has been debunked many times as the virus loves in droplets that ar which larger than the particles that your talking about and the masks absolutely catch droplets reducing the concentration of virus a person expels. It’s been explained and your still pushing yourself BS so I’m not going to expect you to get it now. I just have zero respect for the garbage you expel considering you remain ignorant to the facts that don’t fit your narrative

Without reading the entire chain....droplets are to heavy to stay in the air though. And if your mask "stops" or captures an entire droplet from an infected person---the virus will get you.
Masks limit the amount expelled. That’s a fact. The lesser the concentration in the air the lower the chance of catching it and the less sever the infection would be

Yes, I get that...but if your mask captures a full droplet of an infected person---the virus won't stay on your mask-----it is still living and still looking for a host ................while it sits on your face
Are you really still posting this graphic?! I lost count how many times your point has been debunked. What’s wrong with you?!

That would be zero.

The fact cannot be debunked. Even a genuine, high-quality N95 mask, which is a much better mask than what most people are wearing under the delusion that doing so does anything to protect anyone from any virus, has gaps in it big enough to easily let through particles as big as 50 microns. The #CoronaHoax2020 virus ranges in size from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron.

You have to be stupid to believe that this mask will protect anyone from a virus. I'm not just talking normal levels of stupid. I'm talking about extreme levels of stupid. Beyond, that, even. I'm talking about the rare Slade3200 levels of stupid.

If you don't believe me, then get your hands on a microscope, learn to use it, put a mask under it, and see for yourself. Keep in mind that any virus is much too small to be seen with any light-based microscope, yet the gaps in any mask that you examine will be plenty big to be observed even on relatively low settings of any microscope that you're likely to get your hands on.
Oh it has been debunked many times as the virus loves in droplets that ar which larger than the particles that your talking about and the masks absolutely catch droplets reducing the concentration of virus a person expels. It’s been explained and your still pushing yourself BS so I’m not going to expect you to get it now. I just have zero respect for the garbage you expel considering you remain ignorant to the facts that don’t fit your narrative

Without reading the entire chain....droplets are to heavy to stay in the air though. And if your mask "stops" or captures an entire droplet from an infected person---the virus will get you.
Masks limit the amount expelled. That’s a fact. The lesser the concentration in the air the lower the chance of catching it and the less sever the infection would be

Yes, I get that...but if your mask captures a full droplet of an infected person---the virus won't stay on your mask-----it is still living and still looking for a host ................while it sits on your face
If you weren’t wearing a mask then it would be inhaleD anyway right?
Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Seems to me that it is those on the right who believe QANON who believe bizarre bullshit
Funny how bizarre it is that the left thinks ANTFA is just a thought.

Is FBI Director Christopher Wray a leftist?
Funny you need to ask. I have never talked to the guy nor have I paid much attention to what his ideals are. But you seem to be interested why not contact him and find out

I don't need to ask for myself, I'm asking for YOUR opinion. He's a life-time Republican appointed by Trump, who says he "only hires the best people." Director Wray is the one that said ANTIFA is not an organization, but instead an ideology.

Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Seems to me that it is those on the right who believe QANON who believe bizarre bullshit
Funny how bizarre it is that the left thinks ANTFA is just a thought.

Is FBI Director Christopher Wray a leftist?
Funny you need to ask. I have never talked to the guy nor have I paid much attention to what his ideals are. But you seem to be interested why not contact him and find out

I don't need to ask for myself, I'm asking for YOUR opinion. He's a life-time Republican appointed by Trump, who says he "only hires the best people." Director Wray is the one that said ANTIFA is not an organization, but instead an ideology.

So according to you because he is Republican, he what? Can’t be wrong? Are you saying only Democrats can be wrong? Or what is your point? There are people that believe the earth is flat, does that mean they must be a particular party, demographic or what?
Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Seems to me that it is those on the right who believe QANON who believe bizarre bullshit
Funny how bizarre it is that the left thinks ANTFA is just a thought.

Is FBI Director Christopher Wray a leftist?
Funny you need to ask. I have never talked to the guy nor have I paid much attention to what his ideals are. But you seem to be interested why not contact him and find out

I don't need to ask for myself, I'm asking for YOUR opinion. He's a life-time Republican appointed by Trump, who says he "only hires the best people." Director Wray is the one that said ANTIFA is not an organization, but instead an ideology.

So according to you because he is Republican, he what? Can’t be wrong? Are you saying only Democrats can be wrong? Or what is your point? There are people that believe the earth is flat, does that mean they must be a particular party, demographic or what?

Now that is a serious non sequitur. You are trying to compare the ridiculous idea of flat earthers to the Director of the FBI knowing whether a certain group is organized or just a shared ideology. Do you realize how ridiculous that is? Are you trying to say Trump is right? Trump, the POTUS that doesn't read his daily intel reports? Trump the liar that has been caught on tape? Compared to the Director of the FBI he appointed? You Trump supporters sure are a special kind of people.
And what you said is a lie. What's so hard for you to understand? Trump caught Covid-19 because of his ego not letting him follow the virus experts' advice.
I FOLLOWED EXPERTS ADVISE... And still got it.

Yeah, that happens, nothing is absolutely fool proof... BUT I guarantee you don't have the same resources including instant result Covid-19 tests at your disposal like the White House does. I guarantee that you aren't able to have every single person you are going to come into contact with, tested and cleared before they meet you. You cannot compare yourself with the POTUS, that is a complete non sequitur.
It's a cold. Meaning it transfers THAT EASILEY. Unless he's in a plastic bubble... Meh.
How did he catch it Slade?

Like millions of others he caught it from someone else that had it...

Could it have been prevented?

Maybe, but that is water under the bridge and now the question is what did Trump learn and will he make changes?
Learn? There has been one person that I'm aware of that has caught it more than once. He's not going to learn anything.

Edit: Not in the way I think you mean it anyway.

Edit2: As always.. If you know something I don't, please feel free to educate me.
Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Seems to me that it is those on the right who believe QANON who believe bizarre bullshit
Funny how bizarre it is that the left thinks ANTFA is just a thought.

Is FBI Director Christopher Wray a leftist?
Funny you need to ask. I have never talked to the guy nor have I paid much attention to what his ideals are. But you seem to be interested why not contact him and find out

I don't need to ask for myself, I'm asking for YOUR opinion. He's a life-time Republican appointed by Trump, who says he "only hires the best people." Director Wray is the one that said ANTIFA is not an organization, but instead an ideology.

So according to you because he is Republican, he what? Can’t be wrong? Are you saying only Democrats can be wrong? Or what is your point? There are people that believe the earth is flat, does that mean they must be a particular party, demographic or what?

Now that is a serious non sequitur. You are trying to compare the ridiculous idea of flat earthers to the Director of the FBI knowing whether a certain group is organized or just a shared ideology. Do you realize how ridiculous that is? Are you trying to say Trump is right? Trump, the POTUS that doesn't read his daily intel reports? Trump the liar that has been caught on tape? Compared to the Director of the FBI he appointed? You Trump supporters sure are a special kind of people.

Your the one that claimed he couldn’t be wrong because he was a Republican and was chosen by Trump.
Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Seems to me that it is those on the right who believe QANON who believe bizarre bullshit
Funny how bizarre it is that the left thinks ANTFA is just a thought.

Is FBI Director Christopher Wray a leftist?
Funny you need to ask. I have never talked to the guy nor have I paid much attention to what his ideals are. But you seem to be interested why not contact him and find out

I don't need to ask for myself, I'm asking for YOUR opinion. He's a life-time Republican appointed by Trump, who says he "only hires the best people." Director Wray is the one that said ANTIFA is not an organization, but instead an ideology.

So according to you because he is Republican, he what? Can’t be wrong? Are you saying only Democrats can be wrong? Or what is your point? There are people that believe the earth is flat, does that mean they must be a particular party, demographic or what?

Now that is a serious non sequitur. You are trying to compare the ridiculous idea of flat earthers to the Director of the FBI knowing whether a certain group is organized or just a shared ideology. Do you realize how ridiculous that is? Are you trying to say Trump is right? Trump, the POTUS that doesn't read his daily intel reports? Trump the liar that has been caught on tape? Compared to the Director of the FBI he appointed? You Trump supporters sure are a special kind of people.

Your the one that claimed he couldn’t be wrong because he was a Republican and was chosen by Trump.

I'm claiming he's not wrong because he knows all the important information needed to make the decision, and because he is indeed a Republican that was appointed by Trump, his thoughts on the matter are not political.
Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Seems to me that it is those on the right who believe QANON who believe bizarre bullshit
Funny how bizarre it is that the left thinks ANTFA is just a thought.

Is FBI Director Christopher Wray a leftist?
Funny you need to ask. I have never talked to the guy nor have I paid much attention to what his ideals are. But you seem to be interested why not contact him and find out

I don't need to ask for myself, I'm asking for YOUR opinion. He's a life-time Republican appointed by Trump, who says he "only hires the best people." Director Wray is the one that said ANTIFA is not an organization, but instead an ideology.

So according to you because he is Republican, he what? Can’t be wrong? Are you saying only Democrats can be wrong? Or what is your point? There are people that believe the earth is flat, does that mean they must be a particular party, demographic or what?

Now that is a serious non sequitur. You are trying to compare the ridiculous idea of flat earthers to the Director of the FBI knowing whether a certain group is organized or just a shared ideology. Do you realize how ridiculous that is? Are you trying to say Trump is right? Trump, the POTUS that doesn't read his daily intel reports? Trump the liar that has been caught on tape? Compared to the Director of the FBI he appointed? You Trump supporters sure are a special kind of people.

Your the one that claimed he couldn’t be wrong because he was a Republican and was chosen by Trump.

I'm claiming he's not wrong because he knows all the important information needed to make the decision, and because he is indeed a Republican that was appointed by Trump, his thoughts on the matter are not political.

So you are saying that because he is a Republican appointed by Trump he is more informed then a democrat. That Democrats are wrong because they are not as informed as Republicans and that being chosen or appointed by Trump means you are always infallible
got it. At least you are admitting that not only are Republicans better informed but obviously being part of Trumps team means you are completely infallible
I get it. You want to make everyone feel incompetent and careless for getting the virus. Good thing those that have died from it aren’t around to feel incompetent because they got it.
I don't know who you are addressing since your not competent enough to use the quote function. No one wants to make everyone who gets sick feel incompetent. But those who fail to protect themselves to the extent possible are certainly incompetent and careless-and stupid. It's like not wearing a seat belt to reduce your odds of not being seriously injured or killed in a crash. Oh, wait - I'll bet that you have a problem with seat belts too. My guess is that there is a high correlation between resistance to seat belt use and masks.
i don’t know but last time I checked this was still a free country. Might not be if some of you get your way.
Not everyone is as incompetent as those that called Trump xenophobic for trying to limit air travel. Some might even call those that put virus positive in with old folks. I could go on but why?
A free country? How trite of you. What is a "free country"? I can tell you what it is not. It is no a place where you can do anything that y0u want, whenever you want to, regardless of how it effects other individuals or society as a whole. Think about that. You might also want to think about working on your writing skills
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