How did Trump catch the Corona?

How did Trump catch the Corona?

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Also, when/where do you think he caught it?

Either the FBI/CIA/Secret Service, Chinese, or the Journalists that have tested positive but the media is refusing to give their names...still sounds like a food item or chinese perfume bottle attack.....since this group did not all attend the SC nomination. Weaponizing the virus in an aerosol like NC did to kill fat kims uncle makes sense especially if this group of infected walked in the same area around the same time.

Everyone around the president is tested daily for the virus and temperature. Don't see how both he and his wife along with everyone else would have been exposed accidently by anyone,
Wrong, and I know exactly what you said. Fauci NEVER said people didn't need to wear a mask.

Shucks. It looks like you got me.

Dated February at the outset of the pandemic. We have learned much since them . Fauci has learned a lot since then . The medical community has learned a lot since then. Most people with a functioning brain have learned a lot since then. Apparently you have not and most likely can't learn
Are you really still posting this graphic?! I lost count how many times your point has been debunked. What’s wrong with you?!

That would be zero.

The fact cannot be debunked. Even a genuine, high-quality N95 mask, which is a much better mask than what most people are wearing under the delusion that doing so does anything to protect anyone from any virus, has gaps in it big enough to easily let through particles as big as 50 microns. The #CoronaHoax2020 virus ranges in size from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron.

You have to be stupid to believe that this mask will protect anyone from a virus. I'm not just talking normal levels of stupid. I'm talking about extreme levels of stupid. Beyond, that, even. I'm talking about the rare Slade3200 levels of stupid.

If you don't believe me, then get your hands on a microscope, learn to use it, put a mask under it, and see for yourself. Keep in mind that any virus is much too small to be seen with any light-based microscope, yet the gaps in any mask that you examine will be plenty big to be observed even on relatively low settings of any microscope that you're likely to get your hands on.
Oh it has been debunked many times as the virus loves in droplets that ar which larger than the particles that your talking about and the masks absolutely catch droplets reducing the concentration of virus a person expels. It’s been explained and your still pushing yourself BS so I’m not going to expect you to get it now. I just have zero respect for the garbage you expel considering you remain ignorant to the facts that don’t fit your narrative
Also, when/where do you think he caught it?

Either the FBI/CIA/Secret Service, Chinese, or the Journalists that have tested positive but the media is refusing to give their names...still sounds like a food item or chinese perfume bottle attack.....since this group did not all attend the SC nomination. Weaponizing the virus in an aerosol like NC did to kill fat kims uncle makes sense especially if this group of infected walked in the same area around the same time.

Everyone around the president is tested daily for the virus and temperature. Don't see how both he and his wife along with everyone else would have been exposed accidently by anyone,
It's pretty obvious testing everyone at the white house was not enough when masks and other preventative measures pissed off the boss. Then there's the question of how often the inner circle actually got tested. Don't search for complex answers when the simplest one is most likely: They bought their own bullshit that Covid is a hoax.
Dated February at the outset of the pandemic. We have learned much since them . Fauci has learned a lot since then . The medical community has learned a lot since then. Most people with a functioning brain have learned a lot since then. Apparently you have not and most likely can't learn

My brain can follow a post. Apparently yours can't.
Wrong, and I know exactly what you said. Fauci NEVER said people didn't need to wear a mask.

Shucks. It looks like you got me.

Yeah I'm not going to stop ad blocker to read that. Post exactly what he said, and post the date of the article.

Feb. 17, 2020 | Updated 11:41 a.m. ET Feb. 19, 2020

If that testing shows the virus has slipped into the country in places federal officials don't know about, "we've got a problem," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told USA TODAY's Editorial Board Monday.

Short of that, Fauci says skip the masks unless you are contagious, don't worry about catching anything from Chinese products and certainly don't avoid Chinese people or restaurants.
Are you really still posting this graphic?! I lost count how many times your point has been debunked. What’s wrong with you?!

That would be zero.

The fact cannot be debunked. Even a genuine, high-quality N95 mask, which is a much better mask than what most people are wearing under the delusion that doing so does anything to protect anyone from any virus, has gaps in it big enough to easily let through particles as big as 50 microns. The #CoronaHoax2020 virus ranges in size from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron.

You have to be stupid to believe that this mask will protect anyone from a virus. I'm not just talking normal levels of stupid. I'm talking about extreme levels of stupid. Beyond, that, even. I'm talking about the rare Slade3200 levels of stupid.

If you don't believe me, then get your hands on a microscope, learn to use it, put a mask under it, and see for yourself. Keep in mind that any virus is much too small to be seen with any light-based microscope, yet the gaps in any mask that you examine will be plenty big to be observed even on relatively low settings of any microscope that you're likely to get your hands on.
Oh it has been debunked many times as the virus loves in droplets that ar which larger than the particles that your talking about and the masks absolutely catch droplets reducing the concentration of virus a person expels. It’s been explained and your still pushing yourself BS so I’m not going to expect you to get it now. I just have zero respect for the garbage you expel considering you remain ignorant to the facts that don’t fit your narrative

Without reading the entire chain....droplets are to heavy to stay in the air though. And if your mask "stops" or captures an entire droplet from an infected person---the virus will get you.
Also, when/where do you think he caught it?
So many possibilities. He created and maintained an environment that thumbed its nose at our best medical experts.

It was inevitable.
yeah, you're with Trump 24/7 and know every move he makes. Lying scum.
Funny that you would completely fabricate my position and then call me a liar. A classic straw man fallacy.

Funny, but not surprising.
Also, when/where do you think he caught it?

Either the FBI/CIA/Secret Service, Chinese, or the Journalists that have tested positive but the media is refusing to give their names...still sounds like a food item or chinese perfume bottle attack.....since this group did not all attend the SC nomination. Weaponizing the virus in an aerosol like NC did to kill fat kims uncle makes sense especially if this group of infected walked in the same area around the same time.

Everyone around the president is tested daily for the virus and temperature. Don't see how both he and his wife along with everyone else would have been exposed accidently by anyone,
It's pretty obvious testing everyone at the white house was not enough when masks and other preventative measures pissed off the boss. Then there's the question of how often the inner circle actually got tested. Don't search for complex answers when the simplest one is most likely: They bought their own bullshit that Covid is a hoax.
The inner circle is tested atleast once a day as well-----------there is no way that Trump was exposed accidently by someone around him. Not supposed to be contagious until you are also showing symptoms.........And again most people who are exposed don't come down with the virus--------but apparently most everyone or all that were exposed to the source that got Trump all are coming down with the virus and showing symptoms------something isn't right. This isn't how this virus moves and spreads. All of the people exposed got a high viral load exposure at the same time. We need the names of journalists who also got the virus--and the exact time that were around the president and his narrow down the exposure time. Then we need videos of the common areas both while they were present and before.

This wasn't surface touching------not sure about a food source either as the body's digestion tract would like damage the virus if eaten...........this leaves aerosol spread.

A weaponized aerosol with a high concentration of this virus would spread like this. My guess is that all infected were in the same area at the same time about 2 weeks ago.
Wrong, and I know exactly what you said. Fauci NEVER said people didn't need to wear a mask.

Shucks. It looks like you got me.

Yeah I'm not going to stop ad blocker to read that. Post exactly what he said, and post the date of the article.

Feb. 17, 2020 | Updated 11:41 a.m. ET Feb. 19, 2020

If that testing shows the virus has slipped into the country in places federal officials don't know about, "we've got a problem," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told USA TODAY's Editorial Board Monday.

Short of that, Fauci says skip the masks unless you are contagious, don't worry about catching anything from Chinese products and certainly don't avoid Chinese people or restaurants.

Thank you for proving my point. I was the middle of February before anyone knew how the virus spread and all they could do was mimic preventative measures used to fight the spread of the flu... which is EXACTLY what others have been telling you. Difference between Fauci and Trump? As we learned more about the virus Fauci admitted the ignorance health professionals had on COVID-19 and gave new recommendations. Anything else you want to post to prove our points?
Thank you for proving my point. I was the middle of February before anyone knew how the virus spread and all they could do was mimic preventative measures used to fight the spread of the flu... which is EXACTLY what others have been telling you. Difference between Fauci and Trump? As we learned more about the virus Fauci admitted the ignorance health professionals had on COVID-19 and gave new recommendations. Anything else you want to post to prove our points?

And as I have been telling you, that's not what me and Slade were talking about. Here is what was said:

Of course it would make sense to be tested Every day. But it also makes sense to wear masks and social distance and not hold events that crowd people in with eachother and then go inside to mingle. But despite common sense this is what Trump has been doing and it’s what he has been encouraging the rest of the country to do. Go figure

I don't recall him ever encouraging anybody what to do unless you are talking about early on when Dr. Fauci's statement was that masks were not necessary.
Thank you for proving my point. I was the middle of February before anyone knew how the virus spread and all they could do was mimic preventative measures used to fight the spread of the flu... which is EXACTLY what others have been telling you. Difference between Fauci and Trump? As we learned more about the virus Fauci admitted the ignorance health professionals had on COVID-19 and gave new recommendations. Anything else you want to post to prove our points?

And as I have been telling you, that's not what me and Slade were talking about. Here is what was said:

Of course it would make sense to be tested Every day. But it also makes sense to wear masks and social distance and not hold events that crowd people in with eachother and then go inside to mingle. But despite common sense this is what Trump has been doing and it’s what he has been encouraging the rest of the country to do. Go figure

I don't recall him ever encouraging anybody what to do unless you are talking about early on when Dr. Fauci's statement was that masks were not necessary.

And... you again prove my point! Fauci has made recommendations SEVERAL times since then. Of course Fox News won't show that. Hell he made some of the recommendations RIGHT IN FRONT of Trump at some of the briefings where Trump would downplay the virus. Your statement is a down right lie.

And... you again prove my point! Fauci has made recommendations SEVERAL times since then. Of course Fox News won't show that. Hell he made some of the recommendations RIGHT IN FRONT of Trump at some of the briefings where Trump would downplay the virus. Your statement is a down right lie.

Wow, you leftists sure have zero comprehension skills, that's for sure. Because you were too lazy to go back and see what we were talking about, I quoted it to you and you still don't understand. I never said that Fauci (until this day) said no masks were needed, I said Fauci made that recommendation early on. Do you know what early on means? I even bold texted it for you.
And... you again prove my point! Fauci has made recommendations SEVERAL times since then. Of course Fox News won't show that. Hell he made some of the recommendations RIGHT IN FRONT of Trump at some of the briefings where Trump would downplay the virus. Your statement is a down right lie.

Wow, you leftists sure have zero comprehension skills, that's for sure. Because you were too lazy to go back and see what we were talking about, I quoted it to you and you still don't understand. I never said that Fauci (until this day) said no masks were needed, I said Fauci made that recommendation early on. Do you know what early on means? I even bold texted it for you.

And what you said is a lie. What's so hard for you to understand? Trump caught Covid-19 because of his ego not letting him follow the virus experts' advice.

And what you said is a lie. What's so hard for you to understand? Trump caught Covid-19 because of his ego not letting him follow the virus experts' advice.
I FOLLOWED EXPERTS ADVISE... And still got it.
And what you said is a lie. What's so hard for you to understand? Trump caught Covid-19 because of his ego not letting him follow the virus experts' advice.

One thing about you leftists, it's you can never admit when you're wrong. I said three times already: We were not talking about that. You are either arrogant or have no comprehension skills period.
How Trump caught the corona.

trump golf 1.jpg
Are you really still posting this graphic?! I lost count how many times your point has been debunked. What’s wrong with you?!

That would be zero.

The fact cannot be debunked. Even a genuine, high-quality N95 mask, which is a much better mask than what most people are wearing under the delusion that doing so does anything to protect anyone from any virus, has gaps in it big enough to easily let through particles as big as 50 microns. The #CoronaHoax2020 virus ranges in size from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron.

You have to be stupid to believe that this mask will protect anyone from a virus. I'm not just talking normal levels of stupid. I'm talking about extreme levels of stupid. Beyond, that, even. I'm talking about the rare Slade3200 levels of stupid.

If you don't believe me, then get your hands on a microscope, learn to use it, put a mask under it, and see for yourself. Keep in mind that any virus is much too small to be seen with any light-based microscope, yet the gaps in any mask that you examine will be plenty big to be observed even on relatively low settings of any microscope that you're likely to get your hands on.
Oh it has been debunked many times as the virus loves in droplets that ar which larger than the particles that your talking about and the masks absolutely catch droplets reducing the concentration of virus a person expels. It’s been explained and your still pushing yourself BS so I’m not going to expect you to get it now. I just have zero respect for the garbage you expel considering you remain ignorant to the facts that don’t fit your narrative

Without reading the entire chain....droplets are to heavy to stay in the air though. And if your mask "stops" or captures an entire droplet from an infected person---the virus will get you.
Masks limit the amount expelled. That’s a fact. The lesser the concentration in the air the lower the chance of catching it and the less sever the infection would be

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