How did Trump catch the Corona?

How did Trump catch the Corona?

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Ancient history, bubba.
The novel coronavirus is called NOVEL for a reason: the epidemiologists didn't know how/what/when/if/shit about it last winter.
They have learned much since then.
You should had, too.

So you're saying that Fauci didn't know WTF he was talking about?

I'm saying most of them didn't know exactly how it was transmitted until they had the data from diagnosed cases.
Initially they said wash your hands and don't touch your face.
Then they discovered it's an aerosol-born virus.

But sure as shit Fauci never advised injecting disinfectant into the body, like your fucking idiot POTUS, Captain Clorox, did.
No I’m talking about recently when he held events with chairs stacked shoulder to shoulder. When he gets up there and makes fun of Biden for wearing a mask and hiding in his basement. When staffers in the west wing feel like wearing a mask at work is taboo and few to none of upper management follow safety protocol. Trumps words and actions have influence. You can’t honestly sit there and make the claim that he has been promoting safety measures when he openly mocks them can you?!

He mocked Biden because he's been seen talking with interviewers 40 feet apart outside with a mask on. That is reason to make fun of him. Trump doesn't tell his rally attendees not to wear a mask. If they want to wear one, they wear one. If they don't then they don't. As for people he works with in the White House, they are tested before they get near him, so that's why they may not wear masks.

Doesn't seem like all that worked, now does it, Bimbo???
Not possible. None of those stagehands or anyone else that set up the debate site would have been allowed within a mile of him once he walked on to the grounds. Secondly, those people who were infected were barred from the debate grounds. There were 11 of them. This is why you don't pay attention to stories on alt-right media.

I don't know if the stage hands were tested since their work is done long before the President gets there. But watching the news today, it was said that everybody in the place while the President was there was tested.
No way on earth anyone shows symptoms hours after exposure. It takes a week or so no matter how you cut it.
Not possible. None of those stagehands or anyone else that set up the debate site would have been allowed within a mile of him once he walked on to the grounds. Secondly, those people who were infected were barred from the debate grounds. There were 11 of them. This is why you don't pay attention to stories on alt-right media.

I don't know if the stage hands were tested since their work is done long before the President gets there. But watching the news today, it was said that everybody in the place while the President was there was tested.
No way on earth anyone shows symptoms hours after exposure. It takes a week or so no matter how you cut it.

Well, it varies.

What is the incubation period of COVID-19?

Based on existing literature, the incubation period (the time from exposure to development of symptoms) of SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses (e.g., MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV) ranges from 2–14 days. Aug 4, 2020

Clinical Questions about COVID-19: Questions and Answers ... › coronavirus › 2019-ncov › hcp › faq
Ancient history, bubba.
The novel coronavirus is called NOVEL for a reason: the epidemiologists didn't know how/what/when/if/shit about it last winter.
They have learned much since then.
You should had, too.

So you're saying that Fauci didn't know WTF he was talking about?

No, but nice try. No one knew everything about the virus they needed to know in the beginning because China withheld information about it until it had already gotten a foot hold in the U.S. Like with any other BRAND NEW virus they had to learn on the fly. Quit trying to defend Trump's actions with excuses and placing blame on others.
Even if we assume that what we've been told about how contagious the #CoronaHoax2020 virus allegedly is, is as extravagantly hyperbolized as nearly everything else that we've been told about it, I think the reality is that there is no hiding from it, that nearly everyone is going to be exposed to it sooner or later. Given his position, President Trump could have chosen to cower and hide in some plastic bubble somewhere, and thus put off the inevitability that he would eventually be exposed to it, but he chose not to do so.
Yet Democrats will continue to push this hoax.
Where do these idiots come from?! Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was going to catch it eventually by the way he was acting and with the events he was throwing. It took effort to be that stupid, but he thinks being a tough guy helps him politically so the effort was there.
Not everybody is the most protected and insulated person in the world. Trump lives in a bubble and is setting an example to act so insanely wreckless that he caught this thing through that bubble that he lives in. That has nothing to do with the many American struggling with this virus. Many of which caught it because of and from others who prance around carelessly in the name of liberty instead of acting like a responsible citizen who cares about their neighbors

I guess the irony is lost on you, with one tip of your forked tongue, condemning Trump for choosing not to live in a bubble, and then, with the other tip of your forked tongue, condemning him for living in a bubble.

I guess your kind just cannot help yourselves. You cannot even keep your own lies straight.

If there was more thought and order to it, you'd be demonstrating a perfect example of what Orwell described as “Doublethink”, but I don't think you have the intellectual capacity to put that much thought and order into it. You just tell one lie,k when that suits your purpose, oblivious to how it may or may not play with another lie that you tell at a different time.
He caught it from Sleepy Joe. Zombies are merely carriers of it.
Trump was careless, irresponsible and didn’t follow safety protocol.

Trump has also been reckless and irresponsible with regard to addressing the pandemic as a whole.

Trump downplayed the severity of the pandemic for purely partisan reasons.

Trump endangered WH staff, other government officials, and the American people overall.

Trump deserves to be voted out of office next month.
Also, when/where do you think he caught it?

The bottom line is there is simply no way to know. There are plenty of people who followed all the recommended protocols and still got it. I have a friend from high school who wore the mask and did the social distancing and still contracted it and had to the go the hospital.

It's a virus and they spread. The idea that we can contain something like this with porous cloth masks and some arbitrary measurement of distancing is typical human hubris.
I get it. You want to make everyone feel incompetent and careless for getting the virus. Good thing those that have died from it aren’t around to feel incompetent because they got it.

Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Not everybody is the most protected and insulated person in the world. Trump lives in a bubble and is setting an example to act so insanely wreckless that he caught this thing through that bubble that he lives in. That has nothing to do with the many American struggling with this virus. Many of which caught it because of and from others who prance around carelessly in the name of liberty instead of acting like a responsible citizen who cares about their neighbors
Yeah in a bubble. Meeting with people every day. Followed constantly by the secret service. Then place people that those people have contact with. That’s a bubble?
I guess your idea of a bubble is different then most people.

I can just see you prancing around from cover to cover screaming at people six feet six feet, mask mask you need a mask.
No I’m talking about recently when he held events with chairs stacked shoulder to shoulder. When he gets up there and makes fun of Biden for wearing a mask and hiding in his basement. When staffers in the west wing feel like wearing a mask at work is taboo and few to none of upper management follow safety protocol. Trumps words and actions have influence. You can’t honestly sit there and make the claim that he has been promoting safety measures when he openly mocks them can you?!

He mocked Biden because he's been seen talking with interviewers 40 feet apart outside with a mask on. That is reason to make fun of him. Trump doesn't tell his rally attendees not to wear a mask. If they want to wear one, they wear one. If they don't then they don't. As for people he works with in the White House, they are tested before they get near him, so that's why they may not wear masks.
Biden is running for President, his actions are symbolic. Wearing a mask is the right example to set. Did you see Trumps doctors doing the pressers this weekend. They were all wearing masks as they stood outside the hospital. Necessary? No. Smart and symbolic, yes. So yeah, when hundreds of thousands are dying and we are in the middle of a pandemic making fun of Biden for setting the RESPONSIBLE example is completely out of line.

You tell me... what example has Trump set lately for safe practices? Cause I’ve pointed out several that encourage the exact opposite
Even if we assume that what we've been told about how contagious the #CoronaHoax2020 virus allegedly is, is as extravagantly hyperbolized as nearly everything else that we've been told about it, I think the reality is that there is no hiding from it, that nearly everyone is going to be exposed to it sooner or later. Given his position, President Trump could have chosen to cower and hide in some plastic bubble somewhere, and thus put off the inevitability that he would eventually be exposed to it, but he chose not to do so.
Yet Democrats will continue to push this hoax.
Is Trump pushing the hoax as well? He did in fact publicly say he has Coronaviris
The idea that we can contain something like this with porous cloth masks and some arbitrary measurement of distancing is typical human hubris.

I don't know that I would characterize this hubris as “typical”. There are plenty of us who know better. We get mocked for it by those most afflicted by the hubris.

“A former GOP congressional candidate in California has claimed that the Democrats deliberately infected President Donald Trump with COVID…” ibid

It should come as no surprise that the reprehensible right would contrive and propagate such an idiotic lie.

The fact is that Democrats want Trump alive and well to give a concession speech next month; Trump is the Democrats’ most valuable political asset.
Ancient history, bubba.
The novel coronavirus is called NOVEL for a reason: the epidemiologists didn't know how/what/when/if/shit about it last winter.
They have learned much since then.
You should had, too.

So you're saying that Fauci didn't know WTF he was talking about?

No, but nice try. No one knew everything about the virus they needed to know in the beginning because China withheld information about it until it had already gotten a foot hold in the U.S. Like with any other BRAND NEW virus they had to learn on the fly. Quit trying to defend Trump's actions with excuses and placing blame on others.

I didn't make the statement for that reason. You should learn to follow the conversation if you're going to chime in. He said to me that Trump told people not to wear a mask. I just pointed out if he did, he said it when Fauci said a mask was not necessary.
Where do these idiots come from?! Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was going to catch it eventually by the way he was acting and with the events he was throwing. It took effort to be that stupid, but he thinks being a tough guy helps him politically so the effort was there.
Not everybody is the most protected and insulated person in the world. Trump lives in a bubble and is setting an example to act so insanely wreckless that he caught this thing through that bubble that he lives in. That has nothing to do with the many American struggling with this virus. Many of which caught it because of and from others who prance around carelessly in the name of liberty instead of acting like a responsible citizen who cares about their neighbors

I guess the irony is lost on you, with one tip of your forked tongue, condemning Trump for choosing not to live in a bubble, and then, with the other tip of your forked tongue, condemning him for living in a bubble.

I guess your kind just cannot help yourselves. You cannot even keep your own lies straight.

If there was more thought and order to it, you'd be demonstrating a perfect example of what Orwell described as “Doublethink”, but I don't think you have the intellectual capacity to put that much thought and order into it. You just tell one lie,k when that suits your purpose, oblivious to how it may or may not play with another lie that you tell at a different time.
You’re not reading my statement correctly. I’m not judging him for living in a bubble, that’s just a fact. I am judging him for setting a completely reckless and dangerous example for how he acts and what he promotes. And look at the results. He is in the hospital. Those that follow his example are infected. How are you going to spin that as a hoax?!

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