How did Trump catch the Corona?

How did Trump catch the Corona?

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“A former GOP congressional candidate in California has claimed that the Democrats deliberately infected President Donald Trump with COVID…” ibid

It should come as no surprise that the reprehensible right would contrive and propagate such an idiotic lie.

The fact is that Democrats want Trump alive and well to give a concession speech next month; Trump is the Democrats’ most valuable political asset.

Oh, so ONE former candidate (not even a representative) said that? My, that must mean we all believe that. :auiqs.jpg:
I get it. You want to make everyone feel incompetent and careless for getting the virus. Good thing those that have died from it aren’t around to feel incompetent because they got it.
I don't know who you are addressing since your not competent enough to use the quote function. No one wants to make everyone who gets sick feel incompetent. But those who fail to protect themselves to the extent possible are certainly incompetent and careless-and stupid. It's like not wearing a seat belt to reduce your odds of not being seriously injured or killed in a crash. Oh, wait - I'll bet that you have a problem with seat belts too. My guess is that there is a high correlation between resistance to seat belt use and masks.
Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Seems to me that it is those on the right who believe QANON who believe bizarre bullshit
Also, when/where do you think he caught it?

The bottom line is there is simply no way to know. There are plenty of people who followed all the recommended protocols and still got it. I have a friend from high school who wore the mask and did the social distancing and still contracted it and had to the go the hospital.

It's a virus and they spread. The idea that we can contain something like this with porous cloth masks and some arbitrary measurement of distancing is typical human hubris.
There is a process for contact tracing that can be effective. Not 100% but it does work. And while nothing short of everybody locking in for 3 weeks is going to be 100% preventative there are careful/safe and careless/dangerous ways to act that does have an effect on the spread and impact of this virus.
Maybe one of Adam Schiff's moles did it?

Exposed: The Secret Identity Of Adam Schiff’s ...
Three moles in Trump’s White House are now working for Schiff (including the whistleblower): 26. From their bio and work history, it is easy to tell that all three were/are anti-Trumpers, working behind the scenes to undermine the Trump Administration, from within the National Security Council. Moles inside the Trump Administration.

Some suggested that Trump’s diagnosis is evidence of “spiritual warfare” being waged against him. Others wondered, like Infowars’ Deanna Lorraine, if “’they’ did something at the debate.” One declared that White House aide Hope Hicks was “infected by adversary knowing potus would get it.”

Others promoted the idea circulating among many QAnon-promoting social media accounts that the announcement is a sign the “The storm is upon us”—in QAnon-speak, “the storm” refers to the mass arrest of powerful satanic pedophiles that QAnon supporters have been waiting for.

Who cares what a lunatic idiot (who believes “global elites” are running a massive ring devoted to the abduction, trafficking, torture, sexual abuse and cannibalization of children, all with the purpose of fulfilling the rituals of their Satanic faith), thinks?
I care because people like that are dangerous. They poison the discourse and can be violent.
Biden is running for President, his actions are symbolic. … Necessary? No. Smart and symbolic, yes.

In other words, useless and meaningless.

That's one of the problems with his and your side—you put too much emphasis on stuff that serves no useful purpose other than to pay empty lip service to your agenda, and too little on what actually has an effect, for god or for ill, on people's lives. You'll make a big show of wearing a mask, even under conditions where even you admit it serves no actual purpose; and cheer as businesses and jobs and lives are destroyed because of the horrific hoax that you have perpetrated on this society; and somehow, in your delusional hubris, you imagine that you are holding the moral high ground; when in truth, you are so deep in a hole that you don't even have a line of sight to the high ground.

That's why your side got it's ass kicked in the 2016 election,and that is why your side is going to get its ass kicked even harder in this upcoming election. Most people who were ever fooled by your bullshit, no longer are. Most Americans have had quite enough of it.
The idea that we can contain something like this with porous cloth masks and some arbitrary measurement of distancing is typical human hubris.

I don't know that I would characterize this hubris as “typical”. There are plenty of us who know better. We get mocked for it by those most afflicted by the hubris.

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Are you really still posting this graphic?! I lost count how many times your point has been debunked. What’s wrong with you?!
Also, when/where do you think he caught it?
As I understand it Covid is more contagious than any other common cold. Who cares where he got it? It was inevitable.

Edit: Hell, for all we know Biden wasn't hiding in his basement... He had Covid. Again.. Who cares? We are all going to get it, I would bet pesos to dollars that most of us here have already had it. I know I have. First time in well over a decade a bug put me down for a couple days.
Are you really still posting this graphic?! I lost count how many times your point has been debunked. What’s wrong with you?!

That would be zero.

The fact cannot be debunked. Even a genuine, high-quality N95 mask, which is a much better mask than what most people are wearing under the delusion that doing so does anything to protect anyone from any virus, has gaps in it big enough to easily let through particles as big as 50 microns. The #CoronaHoax2020 virus ranges in size from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron.

You have to be stupid to believe that this mask will protect anyone from a virus. I'm not just talking normal levels of stupid. I'm talking about extreme levels of stupid. Beyond, that, even. I'm talking about the rare Slade3200 levels of stupid.

If you don't believe me, then get your hands on a microscope, learn to use it, put a mask under it, and see for yourself. Keep in mind that any virus is much too small to be seen with any light-based microscope, yet the gaps in any mask that you examine will be plenty big to be observed even on relatively low settings of any microscope that you're likely to get your hands on.
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Ancient history, bubba.
The novel coronavirus is called NOVEL for a reason: the epidemiologists didn't know how/what/when/if/shit about it last winter.
They have learned much since then.
You should had, too.

So you're saying that Fauci didn't know WTF he was talking about?

No, but nice try. No one knew everything about the virus they needed to know in the beginning because China withheld information about it until it had already gotten a foot hold in the U.S. Like with any other BRAND NEW virus they had to learn on the fly. Quit trying to defend Trump's actions with excuses and placing blame on others.

I didn't make the statement for that reason. You should learn to follow the conversation if you're going to chime in. He said to me that Trump told people not to wear a mask. I just pointed out if he did, he said it when Fauci said a mask was not necessary.

Wrong, and I know exactly what you said. Fauci NEVER said people didn't need to wear a mask. He questioned AT THE TIME how effective it would be, as they didn't know AT THE TIME exactly HOW Covid-19 spread. Trump however KNEW way back in the Woodward interview that it was an airborne spread virus, yet he continued to play down the importance of wearing masks, even making fun of those who did wear them, and encouraging others not to. There are several examples of this Trump behavior, get your head out of your ass and quit living in denial.
I get it. You want to make everyone feel incompetent and careless for getting the virus. Good thing those that have died from it aren’t around to feel incompetent because they got it.

Funny how some just jump on conspiracy theories. The crazies actually believe that everyone of the doctors, nurses and the pharmacists are all going to remain silent. Not one of them is going to break ranks or even talk to their spouses and friends.
Man I will sell a bridge to you folks
Not everybody is the most protected and insulated person in the world. Trump lives in a bubble and is setting an example to act so insanely wreckless that he caught this thing through that bubble that he lives in. That has nothing to do with the many American struggling with this virus. Many of which caught it because of and from others who prance around carelessly in the name of liberty instead of acting like a responsible citizen who cares about their neighbors
Yeah in a bubble. Meeting with people every day. Followed constantly by the secret service. Then place people that those people have contact with. That’s a bubble?
I guess your idea of a bubble is different then most people.

I can just see you prancing around from cover to cover screaming at people six feet six feet, mask mask you need a mask.
Yes a bubble. Surrounded by security. Everybody he comes into contacted with is screened... but you go ahead an act like he’s just another dude

A former GOP congressional candidate in California has claimed that the Democrats deliberately infected President Donald Trump with COVID when the microphone and podium were set up for the president at Tuesday’s presidential debate.

DeAnna Lorraine, who is also conservative commentator, tweeted her statement providing no evidence to support her claims on early Friday morning.
I like presidents who don't get infected.
Biden is running for President, his actions are symbolic. … Necessary? No. Smart and symbolic, yes.

In other words, useless and meaningless.

That's one of the problems with his and your side—you put too much emphasis on stuff that serves no useful purpose other than to pay empty lip service to your agenda, and too little on what actually has an effect, for god or for ill, on people's lives. You'll make a big show of wearing a mask, even under conditions where even you admit it serves no actual purpose; and cheer as businesses and jobs and lives are destroyed because of the horrific hoax that you have perpetrated on this society; and somehow, in your delusional hubris, you imagine that you are holding the moral high ground; when in truth, you are so deep in a hole that you don't even have a line of sight to the high ground.

That's why your side got it's ass kicked in the 2016 election,and that is why your side is going to get its ass kicked even harder in this upcoming election. Most people who were ever fooled by your bullshit, no longer are. Most Americans have had quite enough of it.
No, when you are a public figure with influence over a mass amount of people then nothing you do In public is useless and meaningless
Also, when/where do you think he caught it?
As I understand it Covid is more contagious than any other common cold. Who cares where he got it? It was inevitable.

Edit: Hell, for all we know Biden wasn't hiding in his basement... He had Covid. Again.. Who cares? We are all going to get it, I would bet pesos to dollars that most of us here have already had it. I know I have. First time in well over a decade a bug put me down for a couple days.
I’m not surprised
Wrong, and I know exactly what you said. Fauci NEVER said people didn't need to wear a mask.

Shucks. It looks like you got me.

Yeah I'm not going to stop ad blocker to read that. Post exactly what he said, and post the date of the article.

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