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How Did YOU Suffer Under Obama?

I was able to get healthcare.

And then, my retirement account lost a third it's value. But then Obama became president and eventually it's full value came back.
You should be loving Trump then because stocks are skyrocketing.
The Dow went up 12,000 points under Obama and the GOP hated it. 150% growth in his 8 years was "too slow."
It should be noted that, while you're absolutely right about the Dow under Obama, many of those gains never reached the average worker. Although that blame lies with greedy execs, not any politician.
But can share examples of how the gov't growth, hurt individuality, or gun control impacted you directly? How was your day-to-day life affected?
His policies damage the military and police, by far my best customers.
Honestly, I am unaware of how this actually happened. What damage did he do the the police and military that cut into your business? I'm not saying you're incorrect! I'm just saying I'm ignorant on this and would like more explanation if you could.
There is a reason why the military, police and fire do not support people like him and the Hildabeast,
His disrespect of the Second Amendment is first and foremost, no one joins the military not to get deployed... it's a military thing he will never understand.
Like many conservatives in this thread, you don't seem able to list any specific way you suffered under Obama's presidency. All you have is broad, vague complaints against him. We're done here. Thanks!
Barry was a shit bag you're just too stupid to realize it.
He was a hypocrite, elitist and a control freak. Nice Trolling… LOL
Since you're so smart, how did he help those that he opposed?
I was able to get healthcare.

And then, my retirement account lost a third it's value. But then Obama became president and eventually it's full value came back.
You should be loving Trump then because stocks are skyrocketing.
The Dow went up 12,000 points under Obama and the GOP hated it. 150% growth in his 8 years was "too slow."
As I posted under Obama and will under Trump. Wallstreet =/= main street.
Then why bring it up?
I was able to get healthcare.

And then, my retirement account lost a third it's value. But then Obama became president and eventually it's full value came back.
You should be loving Trump then because stocks are skyrocketing.
The Dow went up 12,000 points under Obama and the GOP hated it. 150% growth in his 8 years was "too slow."
You do realize wall street and Main Street are two different things... dip shit
You rubes don't when you brag about stock prices. You are always the first ones to bring it up, and you lose your shit when it's pointed out that stocks rose 150% under Obama.
You didn't answer the question?
I was able to get healthcare.

And then, my retirement account lost a third it's value. But then Obama became president and eventually it's full value came back.
You should be loving Trump then because stocks are skyrocketing.
The Dow went up 12,000 points under Obama and the GOP hated it. 150% growth in his 8 years was "too slow."
You do realize wall street and Main Street are two different things... dip shit
You rubes don't when you brag about stock prices. You are always the first ones to bring it up, and you lose your shit when it's pointed out that stocks rose 150% under Obama.
I have never bragged about stocks and YOU quoted ME
My full time job became part time during the Obama years, and I was unable to land another full time job until Trump was elected. So there's that.
That sucks, but how was that due to Obama? Not saying it isn't, just saying there's no connected yet explained.
The GOP are led by incompetent idiots and have proven time and again they can't lead
So you CAN tell the truth every once in a while!
I wish you could....
Here's one... what did Trump inherit from Obama? 75 straight months of job growth :thup:

The Democrats controlled a near super-majority control of Congress Bush's last 2 years in office, when the Democrats even claim the economy started to go south. Duh - they were in controlling spending. Bush is credited for adding $4 trillion in debt over 8 years. In his 1st 6 years with GOP Congressional control - during 9/11/01 and the economic aftermath and 2 wars - he only added $2.5 trillion in debt. In his last 2 years, in which Democrats controlled spending, another $1.5 trillion was added - almost as much as Bush's 1st 6 years.

Barry called Bush 'un-patriotic' for adding that much in 8 years...and then went on to add $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years. His 1st bill was the nearly $1 trillion failed 'jobs' bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of pork and cost, according to the CBO, approx. $774,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created / saved.

Yes, snowflake, please tell me how much of a success Obama was and how it was all Bush's fault. LOL!
My suffering is different than most. I suffered watching our great country evolve in a way I disagreed with. Examples like gay marriage, and ACA. I suffered watching someone in the office of the Presidency use his position to incite riots and social discourse.

My 8 years of suffering ended last November

So ... it sounds like you cannot list any specific ways you suffered. You just didn't like him. For example, how did gay marriage negatively impact you besides not liking it?

It impacted by country.

I will leave this here for you. Suffering defined

experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant).

I was able to get healthcare.

And then, my retirement account lost a third it's value. But then Obama became president and eventually it's full value came back.
You should be loving Trump then because stocks are skyrocketing.
The Dow went up 12,000 points under Obama and the GOP hated it. 150% growth in his 8 years was "too slow."
As I posted under Obama and will under Trump. Wallstreet =/= main street.
Then why bring it up?
Dean did I didn't so ask him. Prove you're not a hack and ask him
Interestingly, the private school I worked for closed under GW's recession.

I was able to find another job under Obama, as the economy improved.

The ACA, clunky as it was, helped my whole family get coverage.
I was able to get healthcare.

And then, my retirement account lost a third it's value. But then Obama became president and eventually it's full value came back.
You should be loving Trump then because stocks are skyrocketing.
The Dow went up 12,000 points under Obama and the GOP hated it. 150% growth in his 8 years was "too slow."
It should be noted that, while you're absolutely right about the Dow under Obama, many of those gains never reached the average worker. Although that blame lies with greedy execs, not any politician.
Career politicians own the federal government, and the federal government fucks over the people of the country.
I was able to get healthcare.

And then, my retirement account lost a third it's value. But then Obama became president and eventually it's full value came back.
You should be loving Trump then because stocks are skyrocketing.
The Dow went up 12,000 points under Obama and the GOP hated it. 150% growth in his 8 years was "too slow."
It should be noted that, while you're absolutely right about the Dow under Obama, many of those gains never reached the average worker. Although that blame lies with greedy execs, not any politician.
That will continue to happen as technology advances. The people complaining about robots and illegals taking their jobs need to do everything they can to make sure their kids get an education.
My suffering is different than most. I suffered watching our great country evolve in a way I disagreed with. Examples like gay marriage, and ACA. I suffered watching someone in the office of the Presidency use his position to incite riots and social discourse.

My 8 years of suffering ended last November

So ... it sounds like you cannot list any specific ways you suffered. You just didn't like him. For example, how did gay marriage negatively impact you besides not liking it?

It impacted by country.

I will leave this here for you. Suffering defined

experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant).

And yet, you cannot detail anything in particular. You just suffer from ... malaise? General anxiety?
My full time job became part time during the Obama years, and I was unable to land another full time job until Trump was elected. So there's that.
That sucks, but how was that due to Obama? Not saying it isn't, just saying there's no connected yet explained.
I don't know if there is a connection, but I do know that Las Vegas (my home city) suffered greatly during the Obama years. Obama even told people not to come here, and the convention business suffered by millions of dollars because of it.
Whether I have insurance or not it's none of the federal government business. Like I've always said I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn my healthcare.
Obama pushed his way into peoples personal lives both in health and financial…
The ACA stripped existing health care insurance and forced replacement with mandated coverage plans under ACA...higher premiums...completely lack of trust for a President who sold the ACA based knowingly on lies.

Continued tax dollars going to politicians who Un-Constitutionally exempted themselves from the law they imposed on everyone else.

Tax dollars went to financing, supplying, arming, training, protecting, defending ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood....to arming Mexican Drug Cartels...to paying Iran a ransom for US hostages....to terrorists for the release of Bo Berghdal...to the UN's new World Initiative when we were told it was for Americans...to over 7,000 pieces of pork in the failed Stimulus bill....to pay for the illegal Sanctuary cities and to support illegals in the US while Barry refused to enforce existing law and protected violent criminals, human traffickers, and Sanctuary cities...

Forced to fight in 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars to help terrorists (Libya and Syria).

Illegally spied upon by the NSA / FBI, information illegally collected and stored by the same govt that illegally spied on the media, the Senate, and reportedly the USSC...

Part of a group illegally targeted by the IRS to improve Obama's chances at re-election
I won't argue any of the above. But how did these hurt *you*?
Seriously? You can't figure out how amassing massive debt and taking money out of my pocket (tax dollars) to arm illegals, terrorists, and pork projects hurt me? You can't figure out how having to go into combat to fight FOR terrorists, especially those who killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11, put me and other Americans in harm's way? You have to have it explained to you how being spied upon and having the IRS illegally used against Americans, my Constitutional Rights violated, hurts me / Americans?
Yes, actually. Because of all the things you said, you have yet to explain how it affected you.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not agreeing with what you said, nor am I saying violating Constitutional rights is just peachy. But take that example. You said *your* Constitutional rights were violated. How exactly? When were you spied on? Did the IRS go after you? How specifically are you in "harm's way"?

1. Losing health care coverage and having to buy mandated govt-defined minimum coverage health insurance with premiums that has risen to almost unaffordable levels:

That means thanks to the passage of the ACA I lost my existing health care insurance and was forced to buy the mandated minimum-coverage govt-defined ACA whose premiums have risen to almost unaffordable levels. Understand?

2. Tax dollars going to illegals, terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, Sanctuary cities, and massive pork that helped Democrats get re-elected.

That means Obama fleeced Americans like me of tax dollars that could have been going to help Americans, like me and my kids, could have created more jobs, could have protected Americans from terrorists instead of helping them kill Americans, like a friend of mine in the military. Adding massive debt puts burdens on my kids and my country that I fight for.

3. Un-Constitutional wars to help terrorists, wars in which I have fought.

What is there really to explain? Military personnel like myself have to fight the f*ed up Un-Constitutional wars that dumbasses like Obama un-Constitutionally start. We should not have been fighting over / in Libya or Syria. Fighting in these wars takes me away from my family, friends, and loved ones, puts ME in harm's way, puts my friend in harm's way, and I suffer along with them when one is killed and have to live with the fact we are helping terrorists in a country we should not even legally be in. Is that explanation enough?

4. Spied on, IRS illegal use

You do not consider your Constitutional Rights trampled on illegally as effecting you? I do. 'Nuff said.
Appreciate your service. And I mean it. It's not just a verbal tic with me. I see some of the facts differently than you though. Obama ended warrantless surveillance after Snowden. We weren't fighting for terrorists. Some of the actions we took created a vacuum into which terrorists stepped. Big difference. And on 2 above you are talking about programs in some cases that Obama expanded, but did not start.
My suffering is different than most. I suffered watching our great country evolve in a way I disagreed with. Examples like gay marriage, and ACA. I suffered watching someone in the office of the Presidency use his position to incite riots and social discourse.

My 8 years of suffering ended last November

So ... it sounds like you cannot list any specific ways you suffered. You just didn't like him. For example, how did gay marriage negatively impact you besides not liking it?

It impacted by country.

I will leave this here for you. Suffering defined

experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant).

And yet, you cannot detail anything in particular. You just suffer from ... malaise? General anxiety?

I gave you two examples of how I suffered as defined above

as I was subjected to ACA and Gay Marriage

The Democrats controlled a near super-majority control of Congress Bush's last 2 years in office, when the Democrats even claim the economy started to go south. Duh - they were in controlling spending.
You idiot rubes have been in charge of spending for 18 out of the last 22 years. Congrats on how things have worked out for you. LOL!
I cashed in, the rich got richer and the working class were thrown under the bus in favor of the liberal anti jobs anti business agenda. It must really suck to be in the working class under liberal rule.
The Democrats controlled a near super-majority control of Congress Bush's last 2 years in office, when the Democrats even claim the economy started to go south. Duh - they were in controlling spending.
You idiot rubes have been in charge of spending for 18 out of the last 22 years. Congrats on how things have worked out for you. LOL!

Your post is intentionally dishonest, typical of the left.

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