How Do Colleges That Shut Down Conservative Speech Maintain their Accreditation?

I think Hillary was a racist corrupt piece of shit. And?
Hillary was racist. Really. Tell me more.

If you thought Hillary was corrupt based on some BS, whjat do you think of Trump? Has he used his position as POTUS to make personal profit? Did he barter "one Chiba" for Trademarks? Did Ivanka? Will Trump give his buddy Tillerson's company a way around the sanctions? How much money falls into Trump's pocket with every trip to Mar-a lago (loaded with foreign employees).

Tell me about Hillary's corruption. I can't wait.
Hillary took money from corporations and foreign governments for favors. Nuff said.

The Russians told you that?
Nope. read my sources. They are liberal BTW.

Faux news is 'liberal?'
Real Clear dumbass.
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

I think the era of the commie colleges and the marxist department of education is coming to a close.

Thank goodness.
I agree. Trumpettes hate education. They keep cutting education funding.
There is more indoctrination than education going on at college.

If you went to college you'd know that's not true.
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

I think the era of the commie colleges and the marxist department of education is coming to a close.

Thank goodness.
I agree. Trumpettes hate education. They keep cutting education funding.
There is more indoctrination than education going on at college.

If you went to college you'd know that's not true.
I have an AA, BA, and MA. Spent 7 years on campus. So I know bitch.
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

I think the era of the commie colleges and the marxist department of education is coming to a close.

Thank goodness.
I agree. Trumpettes hate education. They keep cutting education funding.
There is more indoctrination than education going on at college.

And you would know this HOW? Did you attend University in the last 10 years? Did you ever attend university? If you didn't, I can only assume you know this because the right-wing blogosphere tells you so.

Only in America is a lack of education celebrated as "anti-elitist". American became great because it had the BEST EDUCATED population in the world, brought to you by FREE PUBLIC SCHOOL. Republicans hate to give the poor a decent shot, so the first thing they did was destroy the public school system. But your universities remain so of the best (and most expensive), in the world, so at least the rich kids get a good education.

That of course assumes they were properly prepared for post secondary education by the religious schools and home schoolers who deny evolution, science, and climate change.

And you wonder why America isn't great anymore.
Hillary was racist. Really. Tell me more.

If you thought Hillary was corrupt based on some BS, whjat do you think of Trump? Has he used his position as POTUS to make personal profit? Did he barter "one Chiba" for Trademarks? Did Ivanka? Will Trump give his buddy Tillerson's company a way around the sanctions? How much money falls into Trump's pocket with every trip to Mar-a lago (loaded with foreign employees).

Tell me about Hillary's corruption. I can't wait.
Hillary took money from corporations and foreign governments for favors. Nuff said.

The Russians told you that?
Nope. read my sources. They are liberal BTW.

Faux news is 'liberal?'
Real Clear dumbass.

Real Clear is nothing but a re-poster. To be 'clear,' you have to look where the story originated.

The Clinton Foundation has been cleared by many non-profit/non-partisan charity watch dogs.

Here is the real truth:

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go? -
Yeah this is going to hit lefties HARD if it turns out this ANTIFA terrorist with the bike lock is legit professor of "ethics." Holy crap... I don't care what side of the aisle you're on, that is going to be rejected by the vast majority and might actually be the catalyst needed to start a movement like this, if not worse for the teachers unions...
Who knw bike locks are lethal weapons. You brave courageous Trumpettes attack women every freakin day.

Did you not hear the cracking noise when it was applied with force to the kid's head?

The kid was sitting down, incidentally, and chatting. The mentally ill professor creeped in between two crazy women and used them as human shields as he flung the lock at the unsuspecting kid's head, then he backed away while still using them as a shield, before running like the coward he is.

That's how your friends respect women. They use them as human shields while they do things like cracking people on the head.
Can you repost the link to where this coward with the lock is a professor?
None of the msm are picking up on it, so I don't know what's up with it. 4chan identified him.

I suspect they're right and law enforcement either isn't following it or they aren't ready to make an arrest....

/pol/ Claims To Have Identified A San Francisco Professor As Antifa’s Bike Lock Attacker – MILO NEWS
Hillary was racist. Really. Tell me more.

If you thought Hillary was corrupt based on some BS, whjat do you think of Trump? Has he used his position as POTUS to make personal profit? Did he barter "one Chiba" for Trademarks? Did Ivanka? Will Trump give his buddy Tillerson's company a way around the sanctions? How much money falls into Trump's pocket with every trip to Mar-a lago (loaded with foreign employees).

Tell me about Hillary's corruption. I can't wait.
Hillary took money from corporations and foreign governments for favors. Nuff said.

The Russians told you that?
Nope. read my sources. They are liberal BTW.

Faux news is 'liberal?'
Real Clear dumbass.

Why wasn't Hillary charged with taking money from corporations and foreign governments for favours? She was doing it right out in the open and everyone could see what was going on.

Oh wait. The investigations found THIS WASN'T TRUE. There were no favours given. The Clintons took no salary from the Clinton Foundation, and in fact, donated most of their SPEAKING FEES to the Foundation, in addition to the foreign money they raised - AND REPORTED TO THE IRS.

The Foundation has one of the lowest administration costs of any private charity and returns over 85% of the money raised to projects in the field. Governments and NGO's around the world praise the world of the Clinton Foundation and the charity has a 4 star rating from every charity watchdog in the world.

The Trump Family Foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising, in addition the Trump Charity was fined by the IRS for making illegal campaign contributions, and for using Foundation money to purchase sports memorabilia and a portrait of the Trumpenfuhrer for their office.

But keep talking about Trump is a really good guy and Clinton is a crook. It makes YOU look like a fool.
Modern conservatism for the most part isn't based on any advanced field, subjectivity or rational thought. Why should it be allowed in the college?

I'll admit that I say most as I would love to see male rights be allowed onto the campus and adopted as a liberal ideal.
Matthew, you wouldnt know what a conservative was if he bit you in the ass.
Yeah this is going to hit lefties HARD if it turns out this ANTIFA terrorist with the bike lock is legit professor of "ethics." Holy crap... I don't care what side of the aisle you're on, that is going to be rejected by the vast majority and might actually be the catalyst needed to start a movement like this, if not worse for the teachers unions...
Who knw bike locks are lethal weapons. You brave courageous Trumpettes attack women every freakin day.

Did you not hear the cracking noise when it was applied with force to the kid's head?

The kid was sitting down, incidentally, and chatting. The mentally ill professor creeped in between two crazy women and used them as human shields as he flung the lock at the unsuspecting kid's head, then he backed away while still using them as a shield, before running like the coward he is.

That's how your friends respect women. They use them as human shields while they do things like cracking people on the head.
Can you repost the link to where this coward with the lock is a professor?
None of the msm are picking up on it, so I don't know what's up with it. 4chan identified him.

I suspect they're right and law enforcement either isn't following it or they aren't ready to make an arrest....

/pol/ Claims To Have Identified A San Francisco Professor As Antifa’s Bike Lock Attacker – MILO NEWS

Yeah, he has been identified as an SFSU professor, Eric Clanton, and he has been charged.

Jack Posobiec on Twitter
Last edited:
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

not the best source, but I'm pretty sure this is true:

Late Thursday night, Young America’s Foundation put UC-Berkeley on notice that their attempts to deny the First Amendment rights of students will not be tolerated any longer.

In a letter to Berkeley’s Vice Chancellor Stephen Sutton, counsel representing Young America’s Foundation and the Berkeley College Republicans issued one final warning: Respect students’ rights by ensuring that Ann Coulter is allowed to speak on campus April 27 or relief will be sought in federal court, including claims for injunctive relief and damages.

Berkeley has until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 21 to confirm their cooperation with Coulter’s planned speech organized by Young America’s Foundation and hosted by the Berkeley College Republicans.

This story is developing.

segregation universities.....against non lefty

Do republicans need their own "movement" to be treated as equals?
I thought that 'Conservatism" was a movement.

Can't speak, can't go to school, get beaten up by liberals, refused service as places.........

water fountains and back doors next?

So, you are a hate spewing dumbass who couldn't get into a college.

Back when I went each group had a voice

I don't ever recall members of the Nazi Party being invited to speak on campuses in the past. Or white supremacists. Why should they be welcomed now?

It's such a travesty that the gay British white supremacist who likes having sex with blacks, wasn't allowed to speak. I'm sure he had a lot of valuable insights to share, on how to effectively seduce prepubescent boys.

When An Actual Nazi Spoke on an American College Campus – The ...
Nov 28, 2016 - 50 years ago in 1966, American Nazi Party co-founder George ... by Brandeis University but whose invitation to speak on thatcampus was ...
American Nazi Party in Arlington, Virginia 1958 - 1984
isbn:0615731376 - Google Search
Herman Obermayer - 2012 - ‎History
At the American Nazi Party barracks, an ever changing number of drifters ...Speaking appearances on US campus served as a morale booster for the ANP and ...
Texas A&M Preps For White Nationalist Visit To Campus With Diversity ...
Dec 5, 2016 - He said banning Spencer from speaking on the campus would play into the ... “There's a long history of the American Nazi party and right-wing ...
I thought that 'Conservatism" was a movement.

Can't speak, can't go to school, get beaten up by liberals, refused service as places.........

water fountains and back doors next?

So, you are a hate spewing dumbass who couldn't get into a college.

Back when I went each group had a voice

I don't ever recall members of the Nazi Party being invited to speak on campuses in the past. Or white supremacists. Why should they be welcomed now?

It's such a travesty that the gay British white supremacist who likes having sex with blacks, wasn't allowed to speak. I'm sure he had a lot of valuable insights to share, on how to effectively seduce prepubescent boys.
Milo was invited by the Republican group on campus. They like these types of people.

If students don't like Milo, don't attend. This is not a mandatory attendance unless a teacher want to get feed back on what they heard and it is right or wrong
Can't speak, can't go to school, get beaten up by liberals, refused service as places.........

water fountains and back doors next?

So, you are a hate spewing dumbass who couldn't get into a college.

Back when I went each group had a voice

I don't ever recall members of the Nazi Party being invited to speak on campuses in the past. Or white supremacists. Why should they be welcomed now?

It's such a travesty that the gay British white supremacist who likes having sex with blacks, wasn't allowed to speak. I'm sure he had a lot of valuable insights to share, on how to effectively seduce prepubescent boys.
Milo was invited by the Republican group on campus. They like these types of people.

If students don't like Milo, don't attend. This is not a mandatory attendance unless a teacher want to get feed back on what they heard and it is right or wrong

Milo is a fake, haste spewing POS. Republicans love him. Why is that?
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?

I think the era of the commie colleges and the marxist department of education is coming to a close.

Thank goodness.
I agree. Trumpettes hate education. They keep cutting education funding.
There is more indoctrination than education going on at college.

If you went to college you'd know that's not true.
I have an AA, BA, and MA. Spent 7 years on campus. So I know bitch.
Now, I believe you went to AA. There is no indoctrination in college.

You whiners think science is indoctrination as you keep electing people who don't believe in science.
So, you are a hate spewing dumbass who couldn't get into a college.

Back when I went each group had a voice

I don't ever recall members of the Nazi Party being invited to speak on campuses in the past. Or white supremacists. Why should they be welcomed now?

It's such a travesty that the gay British white supremacist who likes having sex with blacks, wasn't allowed to speak. I'm sure he had a lot of valuable insights to share, on how to effectively seduce prepubescent boys.
Milo was invited by the Republican group on campus. They like these types of people.

If students don't like Milo, don't attend. This is not a mandatory attendance unless a teacher want to get feed back on what they heard and it is right or wrong

Milo is a fake, haste spewing POS. Republicans love him. Why is that?

what hate, other then an excess of political correctness, limiting freedom of speech or allowing riots that harm the community

Hate is coming from the other side
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?
Ann Coulter and Milo are not students, though. If someone gets seriously hurt when provocative far right speakers insist on coming to their campus when they have been warned about security issues, maybe the Young Republicans will start rethinking their agenda to invite the most shit-stirring speakers they can find. I think security should handle it and I don't like that this is such an issue, but let's not pretend the Right isn't baiting the hook here.
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?
Ann Coulter and Milo are not students, though. If someone gets seriously hurt when provocative far right speakers insist on coming to their campus when they have been warned about security issues, maybe the Young Republicans will start rethinking their agenda to invite the most shit-stirring speakers they can find. I think security should handle it and I don't like that this is such an issue, but let's not pretend the Right isn't baiting the hook here.

People come to speak at all colleges and universities on a number of subject. Why is this any different?
Why much other student attack a speaker or those who go to listen? Why should riots and intimidation be allowed when it is racist terrorism? What is wrong with being conservative or republican? they are no less American and on the ballots of all elections. they serve in congress and even as president?

Half the country voted for republicans in this last election.

Why should students and professional protesters attack half the americans in this country over their opinions or right to vote for whom they want? Where is the free speech when student shut down with force a speaker?
There are standards for higher education passed into law that regulate how a school is accredited for consideration for federal student loans and grants, etc.

Among these are the Higher Education Opportunity Act and Section 104 says the following:
``(2) It is the sense of Congress that--
``(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions
is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
``(B) individual institutions of higher education have
different missions and each institution should design its
academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
``(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate
the free and open exchange of ideas;
``(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
``(E) students should be treated equally and fairly
; and
``(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected
religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.''; and​

UC Berkley is not meeting these requirements, so how are they accredited?
Ann Coulter and Milo are not students, though. If someone gets seriously hurt when provocative far right speakers insist on coming to their campus when they have been warned about security issues, maybe the Young Republicans will start rethinking their agenda to invite the most shit-stirring speakers they can find. I think security should handle it and I don't like that this is such an issue, but let's not pretend the Right isn't baiting the hook here.

People come to speak at all colleges and universities on a number of subject. Why is this any different?
Why much other student attack a speaker or those who go to listen? Why should riots and intimidation be allowed when it is racist terrorism? What is wrong with being conservative or republican? they are no less American and on the ballots of all elections. they serve in congress and even as president?

Half the country voted for republicans in this last election.

Why should students and professional protesters attack half the americans in this country over their opinions or right to vote for whom they want? Where is the free speech when student shut down with force a speaker?
No one should do that; I think I made that clear earlier in this thread. But let's not get carried away with how many people are involved in this. How many people are actually involved in these protests--a couple hundred? And how many universities are having this kind of problem with violence? It's not half the country getting up in arms. The media is milking it for every drop of drama and the Republicans are whining up a storm from one riot to the next. It's absurd no matter which way you look at it, imo.

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