How do the "poor" live so well in the US?

I knew a family who gave up their Christmas and dinner, except for 1 toy per child and a very small ham, to give to a family who had absolutely nothing. One of the young girls, when told about the family's bad situation, said, "I will give every toy I have to the family."
The gaps in after-tax income between the richest 1 percent of Americans and the middle and poorest fifths of the country more than tripled between 1979 and 2007 (the period for which these data are available), according to data the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued last week. Taken together with prior research, the new data suggest greater income concentration at the top of the income scale than at any time since 1928.

Income Gaps Between Very Rich and Everyone Else More Than Tripled In Last Three Decades, New Data Show — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

The Republican revolution...take from the middle class and the poor and give to the rich!

Waah, fucking Waah.

So rather than be happy that some people are successful, you want to focus on the ones that aren't.
You're a "glass-half-full" kinda guy ain't ya?

How much in taxes did you pay last year?

And, FTR, successful "give back" all the time.
In my county, there's a car dealer named Alan Jay. He owns a Ford lot, Chevy lot, Toyota, and Nissan.
Town short on funds for fireworks? Call Alan.
He gives a Mustang to a graduating snior in all 3 of our high schools every year.
Hospital Gala events.

Can't count how many scholarships are handed out by our local doctors and business owners.

Charity is always better when it's given freely.
Who are you to mandate it?


How can you compare the increasing income gap with "forced charity?" How about raising the minimum wage to a living wage and thereby decreasing that ever increasing gap. How much money does a person need anyway? Do you really believe CEOs "earn" 500 to 1000 times what their employees "earn?"

A living wage is not charity... it's a right. Every working person in the world should make enough to live on, especially in the richest country in the world. We shouldn't need charity, forced or otherwise, not if we're working.
Just so. However, American poor live better than Mexican poor, so anyone who think illegals who have birthright children drawing benefits are going to their birthland when they are "home" now, well, that's stupid thinking.,


The illegals are "home" now, particularly if they have a child who is a birthright citizen. They are not going anywhere. One of the great myths of nativists is that somehow the illegals can be forced to return en masse to their birth lands.
Just so. However, American poor live better than Mexican poor, so anyone who think illegals who have birthright children drawing benefits are going to their birthland when they are "home" now, well, that's stupid thinking.,


The illegals are "home" now, particularly if they have a child who is a birthright citizen. They are not going anywhere. One of the great myths of nativists is that somehow the illegals can be forced to return en masse to their birth lands.

Ever hear of "operation wetback?" It's been done before, it can be done again.

Why do you think just because someone snuck over the border and dropped a kid, they should get to stay? My brother tried for more than 20 years to get his mother in law here from Thailand just so she could visit her grandkids in their own home. It never happened. Why do you believe an illegal who broke our laws deserves more rights than my brother and his wife and kids?
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Because it's the law, it's Constitutional, it's never going to change.

If you are referring to the removal forced of almost 1/4 million Hispanics during the GD, nearly one half of them were citizens.

Never, ever going to happen again.

The illegals are "home" now, particularly if they have a child who is a birthright citizen. They are not going anywhere. One of the great myths of nativists is that somehow the illegals can be forced to return en masse to their birth lands.

Ever hear of "operation wetback?" It's been done before, it can be done again.

Why do you think just because someone snuck over the border and dropped a kid, they should get to stay? My brother tried for more than 20 years to get his mother in law here from Thailand just so she could visit her grandkids in their own home. It never happened. Why do you believe an illegal who broke our laws deserves more rights than my brother and his wife and kids?

There is no such thing as an 'anchor baby.' The parents can be deported. The child cannot. BUT the parents have a decision to make if they are deported. They can choose between leaving the child with relatives, taking the child with them, or putting the child in foster care. Giving birth here does not guarantee that you get to stay in this country.
Just so. However, American poor live better than Mexican poor, so anyone who think illegals who have birthright children drawing benefits are going to their birthland when they are "home" now, well, that's stupid thinking.,


The illegals are "home" now, particularly if they have a child who is a birthright citizen. They are not going anywhere. One of the great myths of nativists is that somehow the illegals can be forced to return en masse to their birth lands.

The recession has done more toward that end than anything I've seen in a while.
The recession has done more toward that end than anything I've seen in a while.

Not happening at all.

It is where I live.

Then they are moving elsewhere in the US. One example will suffice. Wherever agriculture needs labor, there you have found brand new communities this year. The Arkansas River all the way from the Mississippi to Pubelo, Colorado has witnessed dozens of new communities and thousands and thousands of immigrants making their way to the American dream.

They are "home" and they are staying.
The illegals are "home" now, particularly if they have a child who is a birthright citizen. They are not going anywhere. One of the great myths of nativists is that somehow the illegals can be forced to return en masse to their birth lands.

Ever hear of "operation wetback?" It's been done before, it can be done again.

Why do you think just because someone snuck over the border and dropped a kid, they should get to stay? My brother tried for more than 20 years to get his mother in law here from Thailand just so she could visit her grandkids in their own home. It never happened. Why do you believe an illegal who broke our laws deserves more rights than my brother and his wife and kids?

There is no such thing as an 'anchor baby.' The parents can be deported. The child cannot. BUT the parents have a decision to make if they are deported. They can choose between leaving the child with relatives, taking the child with them, or putting the child in foster care. Giving birth here does not guarantee that you get to stay in this country.

I agree. I was born in England and considered an English citizen, according to there laws. My father was career air force and stationed there. There was no thought whatsoever of leaving me behind, or staying in England just because I was a citizen.

My brother was born in Japan, they never once considered him a citizen or would even think of letting him visit Japan without a passport, let alone live there.

It's ludicrous to think that we must keep illegals here simply because they chose to have children here. IMO, we should take everyone of those babies away from their parents and give them up for adoption to loving American homes. I do not believe ANYONE should be rewarded for bringing children into an illegal situation.
Minority opinion, gang. You are not going to deport the immigrants en masse. For one thing, neither major party will permit it.
Not happening at all.

It is where I live.

Then they are moving elsewhere in the US. One example will suffice. Wherever agriculture needs labor, there you have found brand new communities this year. The Arkansas River all the way from the Mississippi to Pubelo, Colorado has witnessed dozens of new communities and thousands and thousands of immigrants making their way to the American dream.

They are "home" and they are staying.

Yeah, they think they are "home" and they want us to leave. Haven't you seen the signs "Europeans go home!"? They are talking about American citizens. The Mexicans have forgotten that their own government is run by people of European decent.

Have you heard of the "Plan de San Diego" which is growing again? They want us dead or gone. They want this country for Mexicans and their official representatives aren't making any secrets of their intent, just look at my sig.

Exactly when do you think it will be time to fight back?

Sorry Jake, this is my home. I'm an American citizen and I have the papers to prove it. I have many, many relatives and friends who have come here LEGALLY, allowing illegal scum regardless of what country they came from, to stay is a slap in the face to every legal immigrant in this nation not to mention the millions of people, including some of my friends and family who've been denied entry to this country and didn't break the law to come anyway.

Jake, the illegals don't even deserve our respect, only our disdain. They should be sent home immediately along with any children as soon as they are discovered. Anyone who harbors or employs them should be fined AND jailed. We owe at least that to the millions of people in this world who have come here legally or are trying to come legally and haven't broken our laws to get here.

This post in memory of our Hungarian friends who fled their country when the communists took over and lived with us when I was born and were never allowed to move into this country no matter how hard my parents tried. They lived out their lives in Canada. Clari and Jeno, you deserved more.
Ever hear of "operation wetback?" It's been done before, it can be done again.

Why do you think just because someone snuck over the border and dropped a kid, they should get to stay? My brother tried for more than 20 years to get his mother in law here from Thailand just so she could visit her grandkids in their own home. It never happened. Why do you believe an illegal who broke our laws deserves more rights than my brother and his wife and kids?

There is no such thing as an 'anchor baby.' The parents can be deported. The child cannot. BUT the parents have a decision to make if they are deported. They can choose between leaving the child with relatives, taking the child with them, or putting the child in foster care. Giving birth here does not guarantee that you get to stay in this country.

I agree. I was born in England and considered an English citizen, according to there laws. My father was career air force and stationed there. There was no thought whatsoever of leaving me behind, or staying in England just because I was a citizen.

My brother was born in Japan, they never once considered him a citizen or would even think of letting him visit Japan without a passport, let alone live there.

It's ludicrous to think that we must keep illegals here simply because they chose to have children here. IMO, we should take everyone of those babies away from their parents and give them up for adoption to loving American homes. I do not believe ANYONE should be rewarded for bringing children into an illegal situation.

The children themselves are perfectly legal citizens of the US. If the parent takes them back home, then when the child is 21, I believe, he/she can return and petition for the parents to return to the US to live.
Not happening at all.

It is where I live.

Then they are moving elsewhere in the US. One example will suffice. Wherever agriculture needs labor, there you have found brand new communities this year. The Arkansas River all the way from the Mississippi to Pubelo, Colorado has witnessed dozens of new communities and thousands and thousands of immigrants making their way to the American dream.

They are "home" and they are staying.

Now you are calling illegals "immigrants". Nice twisting of words there. No one has anything against LEGAL immigrants. I have many friends and family who are legal immigrants. It's the illegal aliens that need to be sent packing. By calling illegals, immigrants you are insulting a great number of legal immigrants in this country. Millions, in fact. If I ever see you, I will happily slap your face for them as you deserve that at the very least for equating them with illegals. I'm sure my sister in law from Thailand will back me up, as will my cousin from Germany and my brother in law from Canada. Guessing someone is going to have to hold our friend Sammy back as he will probably hurt you, he's from China.
The gaps in after-tax income between the richest 1 percent of Americans and the middle and poorest fifths of the country more than tripled between 1979 and 2007 (the period for which these data are available), according to data the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued last week. Taken together with prior research, the new data suggest greater income concentration at the top of the income scale than at any time since 1928.

Income Gaps Between Very Rich and Everyone Else More Than Tripled In Last Three Decades, New Data Show — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

The Republican revolution...take from the middle class and the poor and give to the rich!

Nothing of worth here, so

What's the graduation rate in your home town?

What's the crime rate in your home town?

What's the go to college rate among those who graduate in your home town?

How many children go to be hungry every night in your home town?

How many women get beat each night in your home town?

How well to you go to sleep each night in your home town?

1. You edited my quote which is a clear violation of the TOS

2. You didn't address a single thing in my post

and you have the balls to ask me questions???

Fuck off, pillow biter
Nothing of worth here, so

What's the graduation rate in your home town?

What's the crime rate in your home town?

What's the go to college rate among those who graduate in your home town?

How many children go to be hungry every night in your home town?

How many women get beat each night in your home town?

How well to you go to sleep each night in your home town?

1. You edited my quote which is a clear violation of the TOS

2. You didn't address a single thing in my post

and you have the balls to ask me questions???

Fuck off, pillow biter

The edit is pefectly fine because everybody knows what it is. Tuff. Answer the questions, little one, or don't play hard ball. Shut your yap.
What's the graduation rate in your home town?

What's the crime rate in your home town?

What's the go to college rate among those who graduate in your home town?

How many children go to be hungry every night in your home town?

How many women get beat each night in your home town?

How well to you go to sleep each night in your home town?

1. You edited my quote which is a clear violation of the TOS

2. You didn't address a single thing in my post

and you have the balls to ask me questions???

Fuck off, pillow biter

The edit is pefectly fine because everybody knows what it is. Tuff. Answer the questions, little one, or don't play hard ball. Shut your yap.

Why don't you answer my questions? How dare you compare illegals with immigrants as if they are the same? Why do you believe someone who broke our laws to come here deserves more rights than my friends and family?

Why should someone who snuck into our country get to stay just because they dropped a kid when my brother couldn't even get his mother in law from Thailand here for a VISIT legally??? When our Hungarian friends weren't allowed to come here to live???? They fled Hungary when the communists took over for goodness sake and you think an illegal deserves more rights than them? Why? Illegals don't deserve our respect or our sympathy, all they deserve is a one way ticket home perhaps after a jail sentence. Anything else is a slap in the face to all legal immigrants and even worse to those who were denied entry to this country and didn't break our laws to get here.

Why on earth don't you understand that? How can you have sympathy for someone who brings a child into an illegal situation? Do you have the same sympathy for a person who brings their kids with them when they shoplift?

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