How Do We Eradicate Partisanship From American Politics?

It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?


You post answers your own Question.

Obviously, we have to muzzle Republicans...fine them, regulate them, throw them in jail, whatever will shut them up.

Obama and the rest of the Socialist Bastards have already figured that out too.
It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?

you are making it sound like only republicans are partisan Marc....
I'm referring to the most current and/or most glaring case of it.

We all know both sides do it too.

Your whole argument boils down to "Waaaah people who think like me aren't getting our way, waaaaah!!!"
Considering that Obama has been proverbially pistol-whipping Republicans all over the place in the political arena, that's pretty darn funny.

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So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?

Very simple.....

The result of the American Revolution was The People defeating the Government. The result of the War of Northern Aggression was The Government defeating The People.

There must be one more, winner take all battle. At the end the country will move to a more Conservative or more Socialist society. Either way, the opposing philosophy will be outlawed, under penalty of death.
I've been thinking about this a lot and I really think that it comes down to reducing the number of representatives we have. Partisan politics have largely formed due to the power of groups in Congress has gotten larger and larger the power of each individual has weakened while strength in groups has grown to the point where the individual has little to no say (esp in the House). Our first Congress was roughly 15% of the size our current Congress is. This allowed for each individual member to have a much stronger and more powerful voice. If you want to get rid of group think in Congress you have to increase the power of the individuals. However, that comes with obvious downsides if the wrong individuals are elected. It is a trade-off.

What you propose is about the dumbest fucking thing you could do. You want to concentrate all this power into the hands of LESS people?? You want to increase the size of their fiefdoms? The average member of the House represents approximately 700,000 people. How can one person effectively represent that many people? They can't. That's why Washington is so detached from the rest of the country. Have you ever tried getting a meeting with your Congressman? Good luck. It's hard to make time for 700,000 people, but it's easy to meet with lobbyists who are right over on K Street.

What we need is to double, if not triple the size of the House, one member of Congress representing 250,000 is going to be far more responsive to their constituents than one who is representing 700,000 and the power is spread out over many more people as opposed to being concentrated in the hands of an aristocratic few. It's also a lot harder for lobbyists to bribe 1300 members of the House than 435 and in fact, they don't even need to buy 435, just 50% of them plus one. Given the size of this country our Congress should look like the Republican Senate in Star Wars.

They should also spend more time at home and less time in Washington. With all the technology we have today why do they need to have a physical quorum in D.C. in order to hold a vote. Why can't we have a couple thousand representatives voting from their home districts? Wouldn't that make more sense?

New Hampshire is one of the smallest states in the country, yet it has over 400 members of its state legislature who get paid $200 a year and the state is run pretty damn well.
If your plan was adopted laws would take even longer to pass.
Would "the people" have 5 the patience to deal with a much slower system?
It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?


You post answers your own Question.

Obviously, we have to muzzle Republicans...fine them, regulate them, throw them in jail, whatever will shut them up.

Obama and the rest of the Socialist Bastards have already figured that out too.
Obama still has a few months to send right wing white Christians to FEMA camps!
It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?


Focus on the issues.
That's been the case already. Just that every single issue is seen through partisan lenses.
The modern political definition of partisanship is "anyone who disagrees with you on principal". No wonder the left wants to eradicate it.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<How Do We Eradicate Partisanship From American Politics?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

get the foreign form of government, socialism, out of our country
It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?


Focus on the issues.
That's been the case already. Just that every single issue is seen through partisan lenses.

I don't think that has happened so far. I really don't. The vast majority of arguments are on the fluff and entertainment.
The modern political definition of partisanship is "anyone who disagrees with you on principal". No wonder the left wants to eradicate it.
Would you also apply that to those who like to say "the other guy is being divisive?"
Unless your planning on installing a dictator and declaring one party rule you can't.
It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?


Focus on the issues.
That's been the case already. Just that every single issue is seen through partisan lenses.

I don't think that has happened so far. I really don't. The vast majority of arguments are on the fluff and entertainment.
Two of today's hotbed issues are guns and abortion.
They are instantly seen through partisan lenses.
Same for education, prison industry, police brutality, etc.
Name an issue that isn't INSTANTLY processed through political lenses.
It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?

Seriously, eradicate partisanship from politics?!

There's a head-scratchier.

He's a liberal, what did you expect? If Trump wins his tone will change immediately. Funny thing is a couple people fell for his bullshit bait.
I take it you're not one of those self-proclaimed conservative Republicans that like to go on and on about "[insert Democrat] is being divisive," correct?
If you paid any attention at all you would see if bitch about both parties.
Try harder next time
The modern political definition of partisanship is "anyone who disagrees with you on principal". No wonder the left wants to eradicate it.
Unless your planning on installing a dictator and declaring one party rule you can't.

He is. That's what the Democratic Party of today is all about. Its what Socialists do....they have to silence the productive people.
It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?

Seriously, eradicate partisanship from politics?!

There's a head-scratchier.

He's a liberal, what did you expect? If Trump wins his tone will change immediately. Funny thing is a couple people fell for his bullshit bait.
I take it you're not one of those self-proclaimed conservative Republicans that like to go on and on about "[insert Democrat] is being divisive," correct?
If you paid any attention at all you would see if bitch about both parties.
Try harder next time
You didn't answer my question.
It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?

Seriously, eradicate partisanship from politics?!

There's a head-scratchier.

He's a liberal, what did you expect? If Trump wins his tone will change immediately. Funny thing is a couple people fell for his bullshit bait.
I take it you're not one of those self-proclaimed conservative Republicans that like to go on and on about "[insert Democrat] is being divisive," correct?
If you paid any attention at all you would see if bitch about both parties.
Try harder next time
You didn't answer my question.
When you ask one worthy of my attention I'll let you know.
It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?

you are making it sound like only republicans are partisan Marc....
I'm referring to the most current and/or most glaring case of it.

We all know both sides do it too.
Obama's policies were a bridge to far for most Republicans ,not his color,was it good for the tax payer not at all.
Both parties are guilty,whos worse depends on the day.Obama wasn't the most humble winner didn't get things off on
a good note.
Trump is a result of Republicans cluster same with Sanders.
It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?


Focus on the issues.
That's been the case already. Just that every single issue is seen through partisan lenses.

I don't think that has happened so far. I really don't. The vast majority of arguments are on the fluff and entertainment.
Two of today's issues are guns and abortion.
They are instantly seen through partisan lenses.
Same for education, prison industry, police brutality, etc.
Name an issue that isn't INSTANTLY processed through political lenses.

Guns and abortions are not an issue. Those issues have already been resolved. It's something like $300 to file at the SC if they feel their rights have been violated. Same as everyone else. So.......why waste time? Because people like to bitch. If you know this in advance then......why get so riled up about it?

Process or react? You have to want to solve the issue. If someone does a splendid show of going on about the prison industry and it's alleged cookie cutter approach and refuses to acknowledge the assessments being used that are absolutely cookie cutter or the level of crime that is occurring in and the automatic release from jail then you are arguing a piece of information. You have to want to solve the issue.

Objective versus subjective.
It's a known fact that the country has been steadily getting more and more partisan as far as politics are concerned.

Republicans are forever bemoaning that fact w/the meme "such and such is dividing", whenever referring to a Democrat politician of course.

Nevermind that Republicans vowed to not do anything that would benefit President Elect Obama on the night of his swearing in. They obstructed him at every turn, to the point that this has been the most do-nothing Congress since they've been keeping track of their approval rate, with percentages as low as 9% approval.

It's gotten to the point that it doesn't matter what the issue is, everything is seen through purely partisan political lenses, where "your guy" is the devil incarnate, and "my guy" can simply do no wrong. Leaving the American People suffering as the result.

So how do you propose we get rid of partisan politics and get down to the business of The People?


Yep, it's a bad system, except for all the rest. What's the alternative, one party rule, the regressives are working on that through the DOE and teachers unions.

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